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Nama : Adinia Selsa Setiawan

Nim : 200550001

Definition of constipation

Constipation is a digestive disorder in which a person has bowel movements less than three times a
week. This condition is very common, although some people can experience chronic constipation that
lasts for several weeks or even longer. When it reaches a chronic level, constipation makes a person
need a lot of effort to expel feces during defecation (BAB).

Symptoms of constipation

After knowing what constipation is and its causes, then you need to understand what symptoms appear.
The main symptom of constipation is difficulty defecating even after pushing hard and for a long time.
This is because the feces have hardened and settled in the intestines so they can't all come out.

The other symptoms that usually appear are:

1. hard stool
2. Stomach ache
3. Stomach cramps
4. Stomach feels bloated and nauseous
5. Decreased appetite
6. There is a sensation that the anus is blocked, making it difficult to pass stool
7. There is a sensation as if you cannot completely empty the stool from the rectum

Constipation or constipation is considered chronic when you have experienced two or more of these
symptoms in the past three months.

Constipation Prevention

Constipation is a health condition that we can avoid. Some simple steps to prevent this condition are:

• Increase fiber consumption, for example by eating vegetables, fruit, brown rice, cereals, seeds, and

• Increase fluid consumption, at least 1.5-2 liters per day.

• Avoid consuming too much milk and caffeine. Consuming too much milk can increase the chances of
constipation, while caffeine can cause dehydration which can trigger constipation.

• Regularly exercise at least 30 minutes a day.

• Don't ignore the urge to have a bowel movement. The habit of holding back the urge to defecate will
increase the risk of constipation.
• Regulate bowel habits so that they can be done freely and comfortably.

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