IOM Practical 2 (Anjali Auti - 197003, Eshmeet Kohli - 197014)

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Name : Anjali Mahesh Auti (Enrollment No:197003)

Name : Eshmeet Kaur Kohli(Enrollment No:197014)

Practical2 (IOM)
Industry: TATA Chemicals Industry

TATA Chemicals limited is an Indian global company
with interests in chemicals, crop protection and specialty
chemistryproducts headquartered in Mumbai, India. The company is one
of thelargest chemical companies in India with operations in India,
Europe,North America and Africa. Tata Chemicals is a subsidiary of


• Basic Chemistry Products-Soda ash,Sodium


• EnergySciencesProducts-Li-

• NutritionalSciencesProducts-TataNQoffersnature-inspiredand
science-backed ingredient and formulation

• MaterialSciencesProducts-NanoZincOxideandSpecialtysilica.

• AgroSciencesProducts-Cropprotectionandhybridseeds.
Safety majors for Chemical Industry..

Chemical industries are process industries, primarily engaged

inconverting raw material into intermediates or end products by
in size and complexity, there have been increases in hazards towhich the
laboratory personnel, industrial workers, nearby residents andthe
surrounding environment are exposed directly or indirectly. The riskis
sometimes further compounded by unsafe handling of plantoperations at
the chemical units, as these units are generally not readyto handle
extreme conditions. There might be typical adverse effects inthe form of
chemical explosions or industrial fires which can


Don't risk devastating effects from a

chemicalaccident. Proper planning could
savecountlesslivesand lostwork hours.
Checkoutthese10 safety tipsforthechemica
1. OfferTrainingandResources.Don'tassumeemployeesknowwhattodotoprevent
or respond to chemical spills. Train all incoming
tyofchemicals. Post information in any area with chemicals to supplement
theSOPs.Thishelpsin instanceswhenthechemicalsrequire

2. LabelEverythingClearly.Potentiallysavealifebyproperlylabelingallchemical
containers. Chemicalsoften lookalike,even toan expert.Checkcontainer
labeling—everyone should easily see chemical hazards on theexterior ofthe
container. Correctly labeledcontainerswill
te material safetydatasheets(MSDS)in aneasily
shouldconsulttheappropriate MSDS.These sheetsgiveinformation on hazards
and safety procedures for the safe handling of thematerial.

3. Location,Location,Location.Regularly assessthelocation
ofallchemicals.Verifythatcontainersof chemicalsdo
notsitnearotherchemicalstheycould adversely react with. Also, allow for
appropriate ventilation anddrainage in the event of a container breach. Good
ventilation in both thestoreroom and workspace can ensure the air quality in
both places. Exhaustvents inaworkareamightbe requireddepending

4. SafetyCheckEmergencyEquipment.TheOccupationalSafetyandHealthAdminis
tration (OSHA)guidelinesrequireemergency equipmenttobeonhand and
functioning in buildings that store orhandle chemicals.
couldpreventblindnessinemployeeswhogetchemicals in their eyes. A
working and recently inspected fire extinguisherstops small fires from
becoming larger. On-site firefighters may requirefirefighting

5. CleanlinessisNexttoSafety.Keep workstationsclean and organized

topreventaccidents.Wetfloorspromotefalls. Cluttered
workareasencourageinadvertent spills or mixing. To reduce clutter, keep
excess chemicals in theiroriginal containers until needed. Give workers a
disposal area near theirworkstationstosafelygetrid ofused chemicals .
Workers must also have access to a place to leave work clothes at
thefacility. Washing machines at work prevent workers from taking
homepotentially contaminatedclothesforcleaning.
6. KeepSafetyGearinSight.Tokeepemployeesawayfromchemicalexposure,safetyg
earneedstobeworn when in thearea. Teachallemployees about the location of
goggles, respirators, and gloves. Encourageworkerstouse
theequipmenteverytimethey enter aworkspace.Exposureto chemicals can
occur when safety gear is neglected. Making it easier

7. DesignateaLocationforFoodand Drink.Forbideatinganddrinkingaroundthe
work area to prevent workers from accidentally ingesting chemicals.Createa
specificlocationfarfromthechemicalstorageandworksiteforeating, drinking,
and breaks. Near this spot, give employees ready access tosinks and soap for
handwashing before eating or drinking. This washes offany possible chemical
residue from the hands and can prevent accidentalingestion. Prohibiting any
food or drinks near the work area is the easiestwaytopreventcontamination of
eitherthechemicalsorthe food.

8. CreateaChainofResponsibility.Haveaclearlyoutlinedchainofcommandtorespond
in theeventofan emergency. Employeesateachlevelofresponsibility should
work each shift. Teach each worker whom they shouldreport to if an accident
occurs. This requires planning to avoid a situation inwhich the appropriate
supervisors don't show up to work. Have a list
ofalternatesassubstitutesshould someonefallsick.

9. GiveNewEmployeesaLanguageCourse.Toooften,thejargonusedbyemployees
around chemicals may seem like a foreign language to new hiresor transfers.
Confusion and mistakeshappen when workerscannotunderstand each other.A
quick course in the words used in the work area canprevent disasters with a
simple language lesson. For example, an employeewho never heard the term
"black Betsy" for a boiler may become
confusedandmisinterpretadirection.Learnallthejargon usedby
employeesandpassthisinformation to new hirestoavoid communicationerrors.

10. Practice,Practice,Practice.Practicesafetyproceduresforemergencies.Fire
drills and chemical spill drills will keep the skills employees learnedduring
training finely honed. When an emergency does arise, the employeeswill
know their roles and functions to mitigate harm to themselves and


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