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Name : Darma Eltin Gracia Manurung

Npm : 20120018
Meeting : Essay Writing

Paragraph (Daihatsu Ayla and Toyota Agya)

Contoh Compare and Contrast Paragraph

Daihatsu Ayla and Toyota Agya
Daihatsu Ayla and Toyota Agya are the cheapest cars brainchild Astra Motor. Both
cars are equally presented the theme LCGC (Low-Cost Green Car), which at this
time is in the interest of society because, in addition to thin, compact body, the price
is affordable for all.

Very often between Toyota with Daihatsu issuing a rival product, such as the

previous Avanza with Xenia, Rush, and Terios, then Ayla with Agya. This shows that
they have a good market in Indonesia. For the material which is used almost entirely
similar, perhaps only the machine that has a difference in default character.

At the time of this review, I will give you a comparison

between Daihatsu Ayla with Toyota Agya. You can make a reference when you
want to make a choice between them. Knowing each specification and price between
these cars, please read the following description.

Daihatsu Ayla and Toyota Agya have the similar engine. It is FI DOHC 12V engine,

with the cylinder capacity of 1000 cc with two modes. Namely manual and automatic
transmission. 4-speed for the automatic transmission and 5-speed for the manual
transmission. The maximum power that can be generated by the engine is 65 PS at
6,000 rpm, with maximum torque of 8.8 km at 3,600 rpm, the same two cars. So also
with the dimensions presented by Agya and Ayla same which 3.6 m long, 1.6 m wide
and 1.52 m high, for the cabins may be little to no difference between type one and
the other. The last contrasting is only among the features of the different types of
cars itself.

Do you want to buy Agya or Ayla? It is in your hand. There are some opinions

regarding the contrasting of the words. This differences including logo, front
bumpers, body kit,  and price. The first difference is a logo, Ayla logo such as
triangles, and logos Agya like an eagle. Daihatsu Ayla name is taken from Sanskrit
which means “light”. As Ayla logo is designed in such a way that in accordance with
his initials. Toyota Agya itself has a meaning “fast”. As for the logo, Agya uses the
emblem of an eagle as a form of expression of nationalism.
Another difference is front bumpers, many differences in the bumpers
between Ayla and Agla, Ayla bumper looks at greater unity or “gaping” then
on Agya bumper looks like a split in two. And for fog lights on Ayla look round, and
on Agya looks like a triangle.

The next difference is body kit or aero kit, in my opinion, aero kit Ayla cooler or
elegant than the bumper Agya, we can see from the picture below.

The final distinction is a price, in the same model or type Ayla is cheaper

than Agya in fact only a problem on the brand, Toyota is more famous than
the Daihatsu. For Example, the price for Ayla type X and Agya type G, in this case,
they both have similar type or model, for Ayla is Rp. 101.000.000,- and for Agya is
Rp. 112.000.000,-

To conclude, the main differences between Ayla and Agya are the logo, front

bumpers, body kit, and price. Ayla is “cooler” than Agya in style. Ayla is more
beautiful than Agya. Ayla is cheaper than Agya. In my opinion, I
prefer Ayla than Agya because the price is an essential aspect. How about you? 

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