Zubinthinus, Murr) From North Sumatera: Characterization of Durian Rinds Fiber (Durio

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Characterization of durian rinds fiber (Durio

zubinthinus, murr) from North Sumatera

Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2049, 020069 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082474
Published Online: 14 December 2018

Rosliana Lubis, Sri Wahyuna Saragih, Basuki Wirjosentono, and Eddyanto Eddyanto


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AIP Conference Proceedings 2049, 020058 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082463

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AIP Conference Proceedings 2049, 020069 (2018); https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082474 2049, 020069

© 2018 Author(s).
Characterization of Durian Rinds Fiber (Durio
zubinthinus, Murr) from North Sumatera
Rosliana Lubis1,2a), Sri Wahyuna Saragih1), Basuki Wirjosentono1), Eddyanto
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Sumatera Utara, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Department of Biology, Universitas Medan Area, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Department of Chemistry, Universitas Negeri Medan, Sumatera Utara, Indonesia
Corresponding author: roslianalubis@staff.uma.ac.id

Abstract. Today, the application of natural fiber as raw material for textile become wider, such as fiber from pineapple, bamboo,
hemp, jute, flax, kenaf, and banana. The natural fiber is abundance and can be cultured, it will be a big potential for textile. The
aim of this research is to analyze the characteristic of durian fiber from North Sumatera as an alternative textile fiber. The durian
fiber was analyzed using FT-IR, SEM, DSC also the chemical can physical characteristic were characterized. The chemical
analysis showed durian fiber contained cellulose (57-64%), hemicellulose (30.7%), lignin (13.6%), and absorbed water (0.08%).
The durian fiber has good mechanical properties with teQVLO HVWUHQJWKRI0 3DDQG<RXQJ¶VPRGXOXVRI5987 MPa. The FT-
IR analysis showed the functional group that common be found in cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The microphotograph of
the surface of durian fiber showed the fiber has a macro size. The DSC analysis revealed the durian fiber has a good thermal
stability up to 367 oC and this result is suitable if this natural fiber will be used as raw material to develop rayon as a regenerated
cellulose fiber.
Keywords : durian rinds fiber, cellulose, chemical analysis, mechanical properties, FT-IR

Durian (Durio zibenthinus) is one kind of tropical fruit that called as king of fruits. Morphology of durian is
armed with sharp thorns on the surface. Durian is a species that classified into dicotyledon and it is a member of the
family Bombacaceae and genus Durio. This tropical fruit is very popular in south east asia, e.g: Thailand, Malaysia,
Indonesia, and Philippine [1,2,3,4,5,6]
Potency of durian for the world market can be seen from its growth in market. The market growth of durian
for world market is around 1,4 MT. This market is dominated by several countries, such as: Thailand (781 kt),
Malaysia (376 kt), Indonesia (265 kt) and followed by Phillipine (Davao), Kamboja, Laos, Vietnam, Myamnar,
India, Sri Langka, Florida, Hawai, Papua New Guinea, Madagascar, and Australia. The other side, China (65 kt),
Singapore (40 kt), and Taiwan (5 kt) are categorized as importer countrywith 65% of ratio to thetotal number of
durian export [3].
Based on data from BPS-Statistic Indonesia, the production of durian in Indonesia from 2012 until 2016 are
888.127, 759.000, 859.177, 995.735, and 735.423. North Sumatera is a province in Indonesia withhighest number of
GXULDQ¶VSURGXFWLRQ. The production of durian in North Sumatra from 2012-2016 are 102.767, 79.993, 80.442,
65.529, and 74.811 ton.[7]. Those data showed the countries located in south east Asia has a capability to produce
durian up to 900.000 ton/ year in the next 20 years.
increment of this waste is an implication of the composition of durian. The content of durian can be classified into
20-25% of durian weight total is a part of durian seed and 75-80% is a part of durian rinds. Durian rinds are a by
product from the consumption of durian. [2,3,8,9,10] The data from Indonesia Statistic Institute, at 2016 Indonesia
produced durian up to 735.423 ton and it will have a by product up to 514.796 ton. It can be a negative impact to the
environment. The environmental problem that caused by durian rinds can be converted to be materials that has high-
value commodity.

The 3rd International Seminar on Chemistry

AIP Conf. Proc. 2049, 020069-1–020069-8; https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5082474
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1775-5/$30.00

Several research proved that the waste of durian rinds can be transformed into any kind of material, such as
Charoenvai et al.(2011), R.M Manshor, H. Anuar, W.B. Wan Nazri, and M.I. Ahmad Fitrie (2012), Penjumras et al.
(2015) ; dan Charoenvai S, (2014) has able to transform those waste into bio composite materials. In the work of
Khedari et al., 2004, the waste of durian rinds was combined with coconut husk to be a new low-cost insulation
particleboards. The obtained particleboard, 90:10 of coconut husk to durian rinds,has the following characteristic,
such as thickness 10 mm, density 856 kg/m3. Jintakosol and Kumfu, (2012), showed the insulation particle-board
from durian rinds can be used as the alternative of insulation based on synthetic fiber. Nuriana and Anisa, 2014,
developed bio briquettes based on durian rinds, which has some characteristics, such as 77.87% of carbon content,
0.99 g/mL of density and 6,27429 cal/g of heat value. Rachtanapun et al. (2012) and Dewi and Putri (2016)
synthesized carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) from durian rinds, it can be used as food additive, especially stabilizer,
thickener, and emulsifier. CMC has been used in other industries,such as detergent, ceramic, textile, and paper. The
other products that have been developed based on durian rinds are adsorbent and paper. The work of Foo and
Hameed, (2012) successfully showed durian rinds has high potency as the precursor of active carbon, with
characteristic of surface area 1475.48 m2/g (BET) and pore volume 0,841 m3/g. In an article of Rizal et al. (2015)
“Chemical-Mechanical Pulping of Durian Rinds´H[SODLQHGWKHbig potential of durian rinds as a new material for
pulp industry and paper based non-wood material.
The durian fibers abundance material and can be cultured, this big potency can cause durian rinds to be an
alternative of textile material and biocomposite. Literature review indicated the durian fiber has been successful
developed as polymer material. The objective of this research is to evaluate the capability of durian fiber from North
Sumatera as textile raw material based on chemical and physical characteristic (FT-IR, SEM, and DSC).


Durian rinds was obtained from Jl. Sudirman – Sutomo, Binjai, North Sumatera. Aquadest, NaOH, H2SO4
p.a., CH3COOH p.a. were obtained from E.Merck. In this research, some equipmentswere used, such as glassware,
analytical balance, thermometer, hot plate, oven, water bath, universal indicator, desiccator, mechanical testing
machine (Servo Pulser), SEM (Scanning Elektron Microscope) Quorum Model Q150R ES, FT-IR (Fourier
Transform Infrared) Bruker Opus Alpha 7.5., dan DSC (Differential Scanning Calorimetry) DSC-60. The extraction
process was performed using microbial degradation technique. [16]

Extraction of durian fiber

Durian rinds were cleaned with water to remove any particle from its surface. Durian rinds were processed
by mechanical processing until the separated fiber were obtained. The separated fiber of durian rinds were soaked in
water for 1 x 24 h and washed until the surface of the separated fiber was free from gum. The obtained fiber was
separated manually and dried for 3 days to remove water content. The dried fiber was used for further analysis
(Fig. 1).

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Figure 1. Extraction process of durian rinds (a) durian rinds, (b) the washing process of durian rinds, (c) the
soaking process of durian rinds and (d) the dried fiber of durian rinds

Chemical analysis
The content of cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin of durian rinds was determined using Chesson method
(Datta, 1981). Ash content was analysed using ASTM E1755-61. [16]. Water content was calculated by measured the

weight before and after drying process. The obtained chemical composition of durian rinds wascompared with the
other natural fiber that obtained from several reviewed article (Table 1).

Tensile test
Specimen of tensile test was performed using dried durian rinds fiber (water content: 0.08%). The tensile test was
conducted using Servo Pulser and UTM Software testing. The variant of specimen is based on gauge length, such as
10, 20, 30, 40, 50 mm. The tensile testing was performed according to ASTM E8M-04.

FT-IR analysis
FT-IR analysis was performed using FT-IR spectrophotometer Bruker Opus Alpha 7.5. The analysis was
performed under following condition: resolution 4 cm-1and range of wavenumber 4000-600 cm-1. The FT-IR
analysis was conducted to identify the functional group that present in durian rinds fiber.

SEM analysis
The surface morphology of durian rinds was analysed using scanning elektron microscope, Quorum Model
Q150R ES.The specimen was placed in the chamber that flowed by nitrogen.

DSC analysis
The stability thermal analysis of durian rinds fiber was performed using DSC-60. The weighed sample was
placed in the hermetic pans. The thermal analysis was performed in the range 30-500oC of temperature, with air flow
rate 30 ml/min.


Extraction of durian rinds fiber

About 10 kg of durian rinds was used in the extraction process. The washing process of durian rinds is
conducted to remove any particle from its surface, i.e. soil or dry leave that attached on its surface. The separation
process of durian rinds fiber were performed using a mechanical process. The separated fiber was soaked with water
for 1x24 h, this process was performed to remove the gum and allow the biodegradation process. The fiber then
dried until weight constant was obtained. The weight of the obtained fiber is 20% of weight total.

Chemical analysis of durian rinds

The chemical composition of natural fiberhas a big influence to the fiber characteristic, such as mechanical
property, water absorption behaviour, fire resistant, resilience, and biodegradability. [2,16] . Durian rinds has high
content of cellulose, around 57% (Table 1). The high content of cellulose gave a significance influence to the
mechanical properties of fiber. Cellulose is a structural component that can give a strength and stability to the wall
cell of plant and fiber. Cellulose has some properties, such as stiffness, high crystallinity, not dissolved in organic
solvent. Natural fiber with high content of cellulose can be used as textile raw material. [17]. Table 1 showed the
cellulose content of durian rinds has a similar cellulose content to the jute, flax, hemp, kenaf and banana fiber.
Referred to the cellulose content of durian rinds, it clearly showed durian rinds has a big potency to develop as
textile raw material.
Hemicellulose content on the durian rinds can decrease the strength of fiber and make it easy to degrade.
The hemicellulose content in durian rinds is about 30%. Lignin content in the fiber, influence the structure, property,
morphology, flexibility, and hydrolysis.Fiber with high content of lignin will be more flexible than others. In
common, fiber with low content of cellulose will have a high content of lignin. [17]

Table 1. The properties of durian rinds fiber
Chemical Properties Physical Properties
Tensile <RXQJ¶V
Fiber Hemicellulo Lignin Moisture Elongation
Cellulose Strength Modulus
se (%) (%) (%) (%)
(%) (MPa) (Gpa)
Durian rinds
57,4 22 13,6 3,3% -
(present work)
CQRF* 77,17 11,02 10,45 7,3 3,57-8,37 68-203
Cotton 82,7 5,7 - 10 7,8 400 5-12
Coir* 32-43 0,15-0,25 40-45 - 30 593 4-6
Jute* 64,4 12 11,8 1,1 1,5-1,8 393-773 26
Flax* 64,1 16,7 2,0 3,9 2,7-3,2 500-1500 27
Hemp* 68 15 10 - 2-4 690 70
Kenaf* 31-72 20,3-21,5 8-19 - 1,6 930 53
Ramie* 68,6-85 13-16,7 0,5-0,7 7,5-17 2-3 220-938 44-128
Sisal* 60-78 10,0-14,2 8,0-14 10-22 2-2,5 511-635 9-22
Hibiscus* 28 25 22,7 - 12,4 - -
Pineapple Leaf* 70-83 - 5-12,7 11,8 0,8 413-1627 34-82
Banana * 56-63 20,25 7-9 - 1-3,5 529-759 8
Banana Fiber* 31,27 14,98 15,07 9,74 - -
Paimyrah* 40-52 42-43 - - 7-15 180-215 7-604
Bamboo* 73,83 12,49 10,15 - 1,4 503 35,91
79,7 10,13 3,8 6,08 12,3-13,7 666-706 6-8
45 15 21 8,2 - - -
Curau 70,7 9,9 7,5-11,1 - 3,7-4,3 500-1150 11
* properties of other fiber. [16,18,19]

Physical properties of durian rinds

The mechanical properties of durian fiber is influenced by the cell wall structure and the chemical
compositions, especially the content of cellulose, hemicellulose and lignin. The mechanical property of durian rinds
fiber was determined through tensile strength <RXQJ¶VPRGXO XVDQGelongation at break by analysis of 5 variants of
linear value to the GL. That result indicated durian rinds fibers rigid and not elastic (Fig. 1) as an impact of the high
content of cellulose. From Table 2 WKHWHQVLO
mechanical properties of hemp and cotton fiber. Those natural fibers have been utilized in textile industry, based on
that result durian rinds fiber has a big potency to utilized in the textile industry.
Table 1. The mechanical properties of durian rinds fiber
Gauge Length Tensile Strength Strain <RXQJ¶V
(mm) (MPa) (mm/mm) (MPa)
Durian fiber 10 60.495 0.0106 5707.075
20 112.924 0.0202 5590.297
30 169.431 0.0302 5610.301
40 226.488 0.0400 5662.222
50 298.791 0.0499 5987.797

FT-IR analysis
The FT-IR spectra of durian rinds fiber showed several signals around 3316 cm-1, 2901cm-1, 1722 cm-1,
1616 cm , 1241 cm-1, and 1025 cm-1. Signal at 3316 cm-1indicated -OH stretching from carboxylic acid that has

intra and intermolecular of hydrogen bonding. [9].This peak identifies the present of cellulose in the durian rinds
fiber. Signal at 2901 cm-1showed the present of CH stretching. A band at 1722 cm-1is identified as C-O stretching
from acetyl and ester group from lignin and hemicellulose. The present of lignin also showed by the present of a
signal from aromatic ring (C=C) around 1616 cm-1. The present of alkoxy group also confirmed by a signal around
1025 cm-1 [16].






4000 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000
Wavelength (cm )

FIGURE 2 : FT-IR spectra of durian rinds fiber

SEM analysis of durian rinds fiber

Morphology of durian rinds fiber is determined using scanning electron microscopy with magnification
500x, 1000x and 2000x. The micrograph of durian rinds fiber showed elongated fiber line. Those lines indicated the
present of cellulose, lignin, and hemicellulose. From the Fig 3 showed the obtained fiber has small pores

(a) (b)


FIGURE 3 : SEM images of durian rinds fiber; (a) 500 x, (b) 1000 x, dan (c) 2000x

Thermal analysis of durian rinds fiber

Figure 3 showed the DSC graph of durian rinds fiber. The graph showed 2 peaks, the first peak present at
99oC and the second peak at 379oC. The first and second peak have different property, the first peak is occurred in
exothermic condition and the second peak is in exothermic condition. The heat changes for the first and second peak
are -273 and 55 J/g, respectively. Indran and Raj, (2015), in their work with root of Cissus Quadrangularisindicated
the peak that showed at 89 oC and 328oC related to the decomposition of water from the fiber and decomposition of

FIGURE 4 : DSC thermal analysis

Characterization of durian rinds fiber from North Sumatera, Indonesia showed durian rinds fiber has a big
potency to develop be an alternative material based on chemical composition, physical properties, and thermal
stability. Cellulose content in durian rinds fiberis quite high similar to the other natural fiber such as, jute, hemp,
flax, kenaf and banana. Those all of natural fiber has been utilized as raw material in textile industry. The
mechanical properties of durian rinds approached the value of hemp and cotton fiber. Thermal analysis showed,
durian rinds fiber has a high number of stability thermal (367 oC). This indicated durian rinds can be process through
polymerization in the high temperature.

Author thanks to Doctoral Department of Chemistry, University of Sumatera Utara for the facilities that
used in this research. Also author thanks to the Promotor and Co-promotor that always give support and motivation
in this research., and Author are also thanks to LPDP for its financial support.

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