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Conde, Hans Joshua C.

Essay 3 – UNSDG 3

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 3 aims to ensure healthy lives and
promote the well-being of all people of all ages. As an individual, I can contribute to this goal by
boosting my own immune system and living a healthy lifestyle. This can be achieved by
constantly and actively practicing ways that ensure that my health and body would contribute
from such as eating balanced diets, exercising on a regular basis, and avoiding any habits that
may have negative effects to my well-being. The health and well-being of a person in this current
time are left at a vulnerable state now that the COVID-19 pandemic is still not yet resolved. It is
thus then a challenge to the UNSDG 3. To help prevent the disease from further spreading and
claiming lives, it is best that each individual do their best to observe the necessary precautions
such as social distancing, frequent disinfecting of your environment, wearing masks, and
avoiding crowded locales. While a vaccine is yet to be found for the virus, it is thus then
necessary that we remain vigilant and do our part and responsibility in the battle against the

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