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Life in the 80s

The 1980s were a time of great pop culture including some of the best movies,
music, TV shows, and toys of all time. It is the decade most often associated with
nostalgia and the style, and memories of the decade, continue to live on.
At that time I was still a teenager and I have to admit it, that decade was the best.
Actually, high school years were the time when I got to make myself remarkable,
witch back then was hard. We didn’t have an uniform at school, so everyone
dressed how they wanted. Even that the 80s are known as a nostalgia period, the
fashion back then was very mocked…I think the most mocked. Fluorescent pinks
and greens, velvet scrunchies, crimped hair, I’ve used to see this every day at
school. All the girls, especially the popular ones, used to wear all this crazy colors
and different types of hairstyles. For me, the acid wash jeans were my favorite item
to wear.
The ‘remarkable moment’ I was talking about has to do with fashion. In my
freshman year, I got the auditioned to open the prom with a dance, of course with
my friends. I still remember how we used to spent hours in an empty class
practicing with loud music from my mini boom-box, witch back then that was our
Youtube. One friend of mine had the greatest idea, to make our own costumes for
‘the show’, witch back than I didn’t realize how bad it would be. All I have to say
it’s that we managed to make ourselves known throughout the school, in an
unpleasant way.
Enough with bad memories, let’s get to how I would spend my free time back in
the 80s. I used to spend so many times outside with my friends doing teenager
stuff, like talking about that popular senior year guy that every girl has a crush on,
gossip, make plans about how we should spend the summer, playing Super Mario,
going to sleepovers to my bestfriend house and watching TV, talking on the
telephone, more exactly ‘the kitchen phone’ how me and my brother called it
because it was usually placed there, being the single phone in the house, and the
list goes on.
When it comes to TV and movies I’ll leave you speechless. There was no
Netflix, HBO or Amazon. Yeah that’t right, it was just a small TV, of course not at
every house. If you didn’t have cable tv, you could only watch movies on
broadcast TV. Broadcast TV means that you could watch, for a limitated period of
time, a few movies. And the worst part it’s that if you missed it, you missed it, no
going back.
In conclusion, my teenager years were amazing and I’m glad that I had the chance
to grow up in that period. It’s seems to be very different by these times, when
teenagers are more focus on social media and not on the ‘real life’.

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