Seleccion de Materiales

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Materials Selection

High Performance Materials
Fábio Simões
Master in Product Design Engineering
1) Review of Materials in Product Design
2) Material Selection Basics

Summary a) Function, Objectives and

b) Performance Index
c) The material charts
3) Case studies

Review of Materials in
Product Design

● Design may have several meanings, according to who pronounces it;
● In an engineering context, design means mechanical driven design, as
opposed to industrial design
● “Design is the process of translating a new idea or a market need into the
detailed information from which a product can be manufactured.” Ashby, Materials
Selection in Mechanical Design, 2005​

● In this scope, the process of materials selection for fulfilling the

application requirements has been the main influencing factor

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Factors influencing design and their relationships
Example functions: By accomplishing:
To bear a load, or Minimum mass
pressure; Minimum cost
To insulate or Minimum
conduct heat; environmental
Energy storage;​ impact, etc...​
material shape
Material attributes :
manufacturing Shape factors
Physical, mechanical, Typical values for
electrical, thermal, Manufacturing process attributes: bending, torsion and
environmental Material;​ elastic instability
properties, cost Size, shape, mass;
Tolerance and surface roughness;
Batch size Cost​;
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Materials Selection Basics

Materials selection​

● The number of materials available is huge, and always

● It then becomes necessary to adopt systematic
procedures to select a material for a given application

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Materials selection​- Systematic procedure

1. Consider all materials available

2. Eliminate those who do not satisfy basic requirements
3. From the remaining, evaluate their properties as a
function of the requirements, until a solution is achieved
4. Acknowledge the solution may not be unique, and
optimize, if possible

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Functions, objectives and restrictions

The selection problem

Materials have attributes

● Strength;​
● Density;
● Corrosion resistance;
● Toughness;
● Hardness;
● Cost
● …​
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The selection problem
During the design stage of a component, one defines certain functions,
objectives and restrictions that it must accomplish:

● the function: what the component must do: support a load, insulate heat,
conduct electricity, contain pressure…
● the objective: the thing that should be maximized, or minimized:
minimizing cost, minimizing mass, maximizing stored energy (springs)
● the restriction(s): limits that must be met: the component must not yield,
the component has maximum dimensions...

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The selection problem

● the part needs to be cheap, while also being strong

● the part needs to be light, while also being able to insulate heat efficiently

The function, objective and the restrictions will correspond, lead

to, a material profile.
● combination of attributes (Elastic modulus, Hardness, Electrical

Determining this combination will enable Material Selection

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The performance index

The performance index

This combination of attributes, aiming to define the

performance of a given material when applied to a function,
with an objective and restriction(s), will yield one or more
material indexes:

combinations of material attributes that translate its

performance on a function (within an objective and with

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The performance index - Example
Example: Material index -“Delta” 3D Printer Arm

This component will be subjected to

tension/compression during its service. The
manufacturer wants the lowest possible mass, to
optimize the machine speed.

Function: to support tension / compression loads

Objective: minimize mass

Restrictions: Length predefined; maximum diameter

predefined; must not yield under the expected loads
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The performance index - Example
Material index for a cylindrical rod subjected to tension /
compression, having minimum mass:
The objective-function (mass) is:​

Where m is the mass of the rod, L its length, ρ the material
density and A the cross section area

The only free variable is A (besides ρ, the variable related to

the material ), since L is specified (fixed)
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The performance index - Example
The other restriction is the ability to support the load F without failure. That
condition is translated by:

Where σyield is the yield stress of the material. From this equation, we express me
minimum value of A:

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The performance index - Example
Replacing A, derived from the restriction expression, on the objective function:

The only variables related to the material are ρ and σyield. Hence, we find, for this

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The performance index - Example
Following a convention, we define the Performance Index as the factor that,
when maximized, will minimize the objective function. In this case:

(inverse of the Material Index)

Other indexes identifiable within the objective function:

● Functional Index - in the case, F - comes from the functional requirements

● Geometric Index - in the case, L - comes from the geometric constraints

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The performance index - summary of procedure
1. Define the design requirements:
a. Function: what does the component do?
b. Constraints: essential requirements that must be met: stiffness, strength, corrosion
resistance, forming characteristics, . . .
c. Objective: what is to be maximized or minimized?
d. Free variables: what are the unconstrained variables of the problem?
2. List the constraints (no yield; no fracture; no buckling, etc.) and develop an
equation for them if necessary
3. Develop an equation for the objective in terms of the functional
requirements, the geometry and the material properties (the objective
4. Identify the free (unspecified) variables

MPDE - High Performance Materials | MEFDD - Materias de Elevado Desempenho| Fábio Simões 20
The performance index - summary of procedure
5. Substitute for the free variables from the constraint equations into the
objective function (P)
6. Group the variables into three groups: functional requirements, F, geometry,
G, and material properties, M, thus
a. Performance metric P ≤ f1(F) . f2(G) . f3(M) or
b. Performance metric P ≥ f1(F) . f2(G) . f3(M)
7. Read off the material index, expressed as a quantity M, that optimizes the
performance metric P. M is the criterion of excellence.

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The material charts

Maximization of performance – to select a material
● Performance indexes can be
calculated for all materials.
● But there are already charts
available that aggregate the most
common indexes. These are
called Material Property Charts
○ relate two or more material properties
into one chart
○ allow to make a guided choice and
produce a short list of candidates for
a given index

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Maximization of performance – to select a material

Chart features:

● logarithmic scale
● M values correspond to
parallel lines on the chart
● Materials crossed by the
same line have the same M
value - and hence, the same

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Case studies

Case studies - Materials for oars
● Oars are designed on stiffness,
measured in the way shown in
the lower figure, and they must
be light.

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Case studies - Materials for oars
● Function: Oar — meaning light,
stiff beam
● Constraints:
○ Length L specified
○ Bending stiffness S specified
○ Toughness K1C > 1 kJ/m2
● Objective: Minimize the mass
● Free variables
○ Shaft diameter
○ Choice of material

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Case studies - Materials for oars
● the performance index
for a light, stiff beam can
be found to be

where E is Young’s modulus

and ρ is the density.

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Case studies - Materials for oars
Summary table

Material Index M (GPa) 1/2/(Mg/ Comment


Woods 3.4 –6.3 Cheap, traditional, but with natural


CFRP 5.3 –7.9 As good as wood, more control of


Ceramics 4 –8.9 Good M but toughness low and cost


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Case studies - Materials for table legs
Luigi Tavolino, furniture designer,
conceives of a light-weight table of
daring simplicity: a flat sheet of
toughened glass supported on
slender, un-braced, cylindrical legs

● The legs must be solid (to make

them thin) and as light as
possible (to make the table
easier to move).
● They must support the table top
and whatever is placed upon it
without buckling. MPDE - High Performance Materials | MEFDD - Materias de Elevado Desempenho| Fábio Simões 30
Case studies - Materials for table legs
● Function: Column (supporting
compressive loads)
● Constraints:
○ Length L specified
○ Must not buckle under design loads
○ Must not fracture if accidentally
● Objectives:
○ Minimize the mass, m
○ Maximize slenderness, i.e. the
diameter of the legs
● Free variables
○ Diameter of legs
○ Choice of material
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Case studies - Materials for table legs
the performance index for a
light, stiff beam can be found
to be

where E is Young’s modulus

and ρ is the density.

Additionally, for slenderness, a

2nd index is

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Case studies - Materials for oars
Summary table
Material Index M1 (GPa) Index M2 (GPa) Comment

Woods 4.5 10 Outstanding M1; poor M2

GFRP 2.5 20 Cheaper than CFRP, but lower M1 and


CFRP 6.6 100 Outstanding M1 and M2, but expensive

Ceramics 6.3 300 Outstanding M1 and M2. Eliminated by

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Case studies - Materials for springs
The primary function of a spring is to store
elastic energy and - when required - release
it again. The elastic energy stored per unit
volume in a block of material stressed
uniformly to a stress σ is:

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Case studies - Materials for springs
● Function: Elastic spring
● Constraints:
○ No failure, meaning σ < σf throughout the
● Objectives:
○ Maximum stored elastic energy per unit
volume, or
○ Maximum stored elastic energy per unit weight
● Free variables
○ Choice of material

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Case studies - Materials for springs
The performance index for a
spring is:

where E is Young’s modulus and

σf is the failure (yield) stress.

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Case studies - Materials for springs
If weight is the main objective,
dividing this by the material
density, ρ, gives a new index:

MPDE - High Performance Materials | MEFDD - Materias de Elevado Desempenho| Fábio Simões 37
Case studies - Materials for springs
Summary table - index M1
Material Index M1= σf2/E Comment

Ti alloys 4 –12 Expensive, corrosion-resistant

CFRP 6–10 Comparable in performance with steel; expensive

Spring steel 3–7 The traditional choice: easily formed and heat treated

Nylon 1.5–2.5 Cheap and easily shaped, but high loss factor

Rubber 20–50 Better than spring steel; but high loss factor

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Case studies - Materials for springs
Summary table - index M2
Material Index M1= σf2/ρE Comment

Ti alloys 0.9 - 2.6 Better than steel; corrosion-resistant; expensive

CFRP 3.9–6.5 Better than steel; expensive

GFRP 1.0–1.8 Better than spring steel; less expensive than CFRP

Spring steel 0.4 –0.9 Poor, because of high density

Wood 0.3–0.7 On a weight basis, wood makes good springs

Nylon 1.3–2.1 As good as steel, but with a high loss factor

Rubber 18–45 As good as steel, but with a high loss factor

Outstanding; 20 times better than spring steel; but with high loss factor
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D. Jones and M. Ashby, Engineering materials 1: an introduction to properties,
applications and design. Butterworth-Heinemann, 2011.

Ashby, Michael F. , Materials selection in mechanical design, Butterworth

Heinemann, Oxford​, 2005.

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