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Principles of Management

1) Management is a science of possessing managing skill by an individual?

2) Management is the science of getting things done by a group of people with the effective
utilization of available resources

Q 1. It is in the sense of possessing managing skill by an individual

1. Management as Art
2. Management as Science.
3. Management as Profession
4. Management as Business

Q 2. According to Ralph C. Davis, Management is the function of

1. Executive Leader
2. Executive Manager
3. Executive Director
4. Executive Chairman

Q 3. Application of Principles of Management into action in your life as well as on your workplace
every day is called as?

1. Externalization
2. Internalization
3. Coordination
4. Team Building

Q 4. The importance of Management is:

1. Effective utilization of resources

2. Management directs the organization
3. It stabilizes the fluctuations
4. All of the above
Q 5. Any Endeavour starts with end purpose called as ’

1. Mission
2. Vision
3. Strategy
4. Goal

Management is the art of getting things done by a group of people with the effective utilization of
available resources
1) Likely - True
2) Unlikely - False
3) Mostly Unlikely - Mostly False
4) None of the above

S-Scalar Chain
U-Unity of Command
S-Subordination of Individual Interest to Group Interest
E- Espirit de Corps
D-Division of Work
U-Unity of Direction
S-Stability of Tenure
C-Centralization or Decentralization
A-Authority & Responsibility

1 Henry Fayol- SO I USED USED CAR

2 FW Taylor-Father of Scientific Management
3 Peter F Drucker- 1.Knowledge Worker /2. Creativity and Innovation /3. Management by
4 Frank Gilbreth-1.Time Study /2.Motion Study / 3.THERBLIGS
5 Mrs. Lillian- Psychologist of Management
6 Max Weber- Strict Rules of Management (Bureaucratic Management)
7 Mary Parker Follett- Conflict Manage and Leader should be encourage
8 Henry L Gantt- New Incentive Wage Plan
9 George Elton Mayo- Hawthorne Experiments

2.1 Henri Fayol is well known for:

1. His classification of business activities

2. Work on ‘Qualities of a Manager’
3. Role as an industrialist
4. 14 Principles of Scientific Management

2.2 The breakthrough of F W Taylor’s work lies in:

1. The distinction between ‘just working’ and systematic working

2. Systematization and standardization of methods
3. Overall scientific approach in utilization of resources
4. None of the above

2.3 Peter Drucker’s noteworthy contribution to the Management Thought is:

1. The MBO process

2. Criticism of Taylor’s Scientific Principles
3. Management is a not an exact science
4. None of the above

2.4 Which of the following are correctly matched?

1. Frank Gilbreth – Gantt chart

2. Max Weber – Human Relations
3. Elton Mayo - Hawthorne Experiments
4. Mary Parker Follett – Bureaucracy

2.5 This chapter does not deal with:

1. the various contributors to the Management thoughts and practices since the advent of F W
Taylor’s Principles of Scientific Management
2. The milestones in the history and growth of Management thoughts and practices since F W
Taylor’s work
3. The advent of the second industrial revolution
4. The how each management principles work.
Mission needs Techniques and tools such as affinity diagram, brainstorming, fishbone diagram, and
surveys should be used.

3. 1. The Vision Statement is based on what the organization should strive for and achieve in
another five to ten years

1. Likely
2. Unlikely
3. Mostly Unlikely
4. None of The Above

3. 2. It creates commitment, motivation and the drive for initiating the objectives, projects and

1. Vision
2. Mission
3. Goals
4. Strategies

3. 3. Between the dream and the vision, the organization has to climb a ladder of action plans

1. Expertise
2. Creativity
3. Empowerment
4. All of the Above

3. 4. Mission focuses on the values and principles upon which being and doing are based.

1. Likely
2. Unlikely
3. Mostly Unlikely
4. None of The Above

4. 1. Organization doesn’t acts as arranging the work, processes, authority, resources and
employees in right order

1. Likely
2. Mostly likely
3. Unlikely
4. None of The Above

4. 2. Staffing involves training and development of the people so that organizational objectives and
goals can be achieved successfully

1. Likely
2. Unlikely
3. Mostly Unlikely
4. None of The Above

4. 3. Motivation excludes increasing the speed of performance of a work and developing a

willingness on the part of workers

1. Likely
2. Mostly Likely
3. Unlikely
4. None of The Above

4. 4. Planning refers to deciding in advance what will be done in near future.

1. Likely
2. Unlikely
3. Mostly Unlikely
4. None of The Above


FORMULA: Weighted Average = Total Sales*Weight/Total Weight

FORMULA: Simple Average = (Average) = Total Sales/Number of Years

5. 1. Planning is not time table of events and activities for deployment of resources

1. Likely
2. Mostly Likely
3. Unlikely
4. None of The Above

5.2. Political/Legal Factors relate to a country's inflation or deflation rates, interest rates, tariffs,
balance of trade issues, growth of national economies, exchange rates, unemployment rates, labor
availability etc.

1. Likely
2. Mostly Likely
3. Unlikely
4. None of The Above

5. 3. In Delphi Technique, A pool of experts from inside and outside the organization who know one
aspect of the problem are brought together

1. Likely
2. Unlikely
3. Mostly Unlikely
4. None of The Above

5. 4. Forecasts are statements about the present, specifying the volume of sales to be achieved and
the equipment, materials and other inputs needed to realize the sales

1. Likely
2. Mostly Likely
3. Unlikely
4. None of The Above


6. 1. Formal Organization classification of activities within the enterprise, indicates who reports to
whom, and explains the vertical journal of communication which connects the chief executive to
the workers.

1. Likely
2. Unlikely
3. Mostly Unlikely
4. None of The Above

6.2. The production of a commodity is divided into the maximum number of different divisions in
which Theory

1. Classical Theory
2. Neo – Classical
3. Modern Organization Theory
4. Motivation Theory

6. 3. It include the systems approach, the socio-technical approach and the contingency or
situational approach

1. Classical Theory
2. Neo – Classical
3. Modern Organization Theory
4. Motivation Theory

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