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Performance Task in Mathematics 10 First Quarter

You are a member of the graphic designers‫ ׳‬department of an advertisement company that
specializes in creating designs. Your task is to create a graphic designed for your client that is
used for advertisement. The president asked you to come up with a designed product image
perfect for advertisement. He wants a graphic design with the mathematical concepts of
sequences and patterns. You have to present your finished product suitable to the current
situation through video advertising. Your presentation will be evaluated by the president of the
company in according to mathematical knowledge, skill, and understanding.

Goal Create a graphic designed for your client that is used for advertisement.
You are a member of the graphic designers‫ ׳‬department of an advertisement
company that specializes in creating designs
Audience President of the company
The president asked you to come up with a designed product image perfect
Situation for advertisement. He wants a graphic design with the mathematical concepts
of sequences and patterns.
You have to present your finished product suitable to the current situation
through video advertising
Your presentation will be evaluated by the president of the company in
according to mathematical knowledge, skill, and understanding.

1. Introduce yourself first before presenting your advertisement
2. Your presentation must not exceed to 3 minutes.
3. Submit your output on your subject teacher's Messenger Account (Warren Geraldo De Real)
With a short message with the following details: 1st Quarter Performance Task [Complete
Name: Last Name, First Name, and Grade & Section] on Sept 17, 2021

Criteria Proficient (5) Developing (3) Attempted(2) Total

Both sequences and Both sequences and Both sequences and
function are accurate function have some function are inaccurate and
and mostly proper flaws in accuracy and in in improper notation and
notation, relate to the notation that take from do not relate to the sketch.
sketch, and may have the meaning of the Sequence or function is
minor errorss not to function. Sequence and missing.
take from meaning of function mostly relates
the function. to the sketch.
Accure sketch. Uses Partially accurate No color. Mostly
technology or by sketch. May or may inaccurate sketch. Sketch.
hand. Color pictures suitable color. Pictures One description of
Skill have accurate with no or minimal examples provided.
description. Picture discription. Pictures Without a pictures or
accurate corresponds partially corresponds to picture does not
to sketch sketch. corresponds to sketch.
Understanding Clear and effective Reasoning contains Reasoning contains many
reasoning of how the some flaws but mostly major flaws flaws and does

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math works in the effective. Flaws in the not connect to the scketch.
sketch. Accurate accuracy of discription. Major flaws in the
discription. accuracy of discription.

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