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I have not received permission to

1. Authorisation – Do I have written permission to film from the owner of the property/location or a person who is film here and no one is aware that
authorised to give me permission to film? I am filming a project.

Are they fully aware of what I am intending to film? Have I informed them of how many crew and cast members will be I will put up signs saying ‘filming
on set and how much equipment will be used? in progress’ and ensure the
location isn’t recognisable on the
Will I need to use any of their equipment as part of the shoot e.g. The espresso machine or food counter inside a footage so I don’t need legal
coffee shop? This also needs to be confirmed in writing. approval.

Have you swapped contact details with the owner, so you can contact them or they can contact you asap if there is a
change of circumstances?

Extra rooms are not required as I

2. Extra rooms – Has the location got extra rooms available for storing equipment securely, for costume changes or to will be the only member of the
act as a green room for cast members to go when not needed on set? crew. Characters in the film will be
unaware of the filming prior to the
shoot. I will just be taking a
camera and mic.
Nearest toilets are in the station,
3. Toilets – Where are the nearest toilets? right by the vending machine.

I will not be plugging anything in

4. Power supply - Does the location have power supply and mains to plug in equipment? Where are the sockets? Will and will be using batteries instead
extension cables be needed? to look as invisible as possible.

There is a good network for

5. Telephone - Is there a telephone on site? Is there a good network signal for mobiles? mobiles however there are no
telephones on site.
Trains, vending machine buzzing,
6. Noise – Are there any noises that may interfere with the shoot e.g., air conditioning or fridges, background music or crowds. However, this is all part of
PA systems, planes, or traffic noises. the ‘reality’ I am trying to capture
in my film. I just have to ensure
dialogue can be heard clearly.
The busiest times seem to be
7. Timing – Have I visited the location at a similar time of day to when I am likely to be filming? early afternoon/ weekends so this
Am I fully aware of what happens at different times of the day? Do I know the best times to film? E.g., Avoiding the will be the best time to film for
school run. optimum chances of engagement
with the vending machines.
Not that I am aware of, however
8. Special events – Is there a special event happening on the day of the shoot that could be disruptive to filming? the framing will be tight, and the
background won’t really be seen.
If it is too loud to pick up the
dialogue, I will just change
There are shops nearby however
9. Catering – Is there somewhere nearby for cast/crew to grab some lunch or will this be provided, and if so how? I will bring a packed lunch as I
don’t want to leave equipment
Not required.
10. Access/Parking - Is there access by vehicle and parking available? Will there be a key holder present on the day?
Which entrance do cast/crew members use? Are security passes required? Are people expected to sign in on arrival?

Not required.
11. Transport links – Where are the nearest transport links for those not travelling by car? Are there any issues in
finding the locating that will need to be pointed out? Do I need to provide maps to direct people?

Yes. Photographs of the vending

12. Photographs – Have I taken photos detailing all the areas suitable for the shoot and any problematic features? machines are located on the
I don’t have specific
13. Measurements – Do I have a good idea of the size of the space available? measurements, but I have
approximately 5mx5m of filming
space (I have more but I don’t
want to be too far away from the
I will not be adding any lighting as
14. Lighting – What is the existing light in the room, are there large windows which will need covering, does the sun I want to remain discreet, there is
come through a skylight? natural daylight and some
overhead lighting fixtures. If the
lighting isn’t good, I will alter the
iso/colour grade.
Because I am not plugging
15. Issues – Have I noted down any potential issues for concern e.g., uneven flooring, air conditioning, not enough anything into sockets, I only have
electrical sockets, mirrored walls, members of the public coming into the area etc? batteries. Therefore, I will not
have a lot of filming time at each
location, perhaps only a few
hours. I may also be removed
from the premises if my filming
comes across as suspicious.
The only thing in focus will be the
16. Copyright Issues – Are there any works of art e.g., paintings, sculptures, or background music likely to be in machine and the characters.
shot? You may need to first get clearance to have them appear in your film – otherwise avoid having them in shot.

I will only be using footage of the

17. Additional shots - Are there some good areas within the location for cut-away shots? Establishing shots etc? vending machine as establishing
Yes, in terms of health and safety
18. Risk Assessment – Have I carried out a risk assessment and tried to minimise any potential dangers? risk is very minimal.
If filming on the street and don’t know how safe the area is, it’s advisable to contact the local council/police to find out if
its going to be a safe place to take cast, crew, and equipment?
Not required.
19. Neighbours – Have I notified neighbours of any disturbances they may witness as part of the shoot – the last thing
you want is to have the police calling round because the neighbours thought a real fight was taking place when it was
actually part of the scene.
Do be mindful to consider any additional measures or restrictions due to Covid-19.

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