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Trisha Faye Y.


Assignment # 2

1. Post a picture related to the health effects of Protein - Energy Malnutrition and define each and
write down at least 3 nursing management (nutrition) with rationale in alleviating these conditions.

a. Marasmus

Marasmus is a form of severe PEM that occur as a result from a negative energy balance that
may occur at any age, particularly in early infancy and characterized by severe wasting, loss of
subcutaneous fat, gross muscle wasting and absence of edema.

Nursing intervention Rationale

Give high quality protein and adequate To provide sufficient and enough amount of
carbohydrates in form of milk formula (first nutrients the body needs
skimmed milk then later whole milk). Give the
infant breast feeding if still on breast.
Start with liquid food, then semi-solid other Food must be introduced slowly to limit
chewable food as eggs, beans, and meat. potential problems associated with the change
in cellular and organ function due
to inadequate diet
Feed the infant orally, either by breast, bottle, To allow for food and fluid to be delivered
or spoon. If it is impossible feed him through quickly and directly to the body
nasogastric tube (gavage feeding).
b. Kwashiorkor

Kwashiorkor is an acute form of childhood protein-energy malnutrition characterized by

inadequate protein intake with reasonable caloric (energy) intake; it tends to occur after weaning,
when children change from breast milk to a diet consisting mainly of carbohydrates.

Nursing intervention Rationale

Gradual increase in dietary proteins and Since the patient has not taken in adequate
calories from carbohydrates, sugars, and fats. food for a long period of time, eating can cause
problems, especially if high caloric foods are
given simultaneously. Food must be
reintroduced slowly. Carbohydrates are given
first to supply energy, followed by protein
Rehydration by oral fluids and solution to To maintain proper hydration and to correct
maintain electrolytes the fluid retention
Vitamin and mineral supplements are given as Many malnourished children will develop
part of the diet. lactose intolerance. They need to be given
supplements with the enzyme lactase, so that
they can tolerate milk products.
2. Search any article related to these conditions. Just choose one. Screen shot the article (first
page only). Make your conclusion in 2 sentences with a maximum of 20 words.


Malnutrition calls for immediate action. Ensuring proper nutrition and a balanced diet is the key to

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