Music 10: Activity Title: African and Latin American Music Activity No.: 2.1 Learning Competencies

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Activity Title: African and Latin American Music

Activity No.: 2.1
Learning Competencies:
1. Describes historical and cultural background of Afro Latin American and popular music
2. Analyzes musical characteristics of Afro-Latin American and popular music;
Before we will start our lesson, let us pray the Lord’s Prayer.

This quarter is an overview on Afro-Latin and Popular Music. Through the lessons, you will
discover how the people from Africa and Latin America express their feelings towards each other
and the environment, their history, and their supernatural beliefs through the medium of voice and/ or
musical instruments. To start the day, answer the activity no.1 of your activity sheet 2.1.

This time, to know more about the topic kindly read the concept notes below.

African Music is hard as it is a continent.

Some of the African instruments are quite complex
and intricate and sound similar to Chinese
instruments. African music uses a variety of
percussion, string and wind instruments that are
African in origin. African Music is characterized by
drums and other percussion instruments which are
heavily used in Latin American Music.

African music, the musical sounds and practices of all indigenous peoples of Africa,

including the Berber in the Sahara and the San (Bushmen) and Khoikhoin (Hottentot) in Southern
Africa. The music of European settler communities and that of Arab North Africa are not included in
the present discussion. For the music of Islamic Africa, see Islamic arts: Music.

Latin American Music is a fusion of African music and the music of European slave owners
from countries such as Spain and Portugal. Latin Music can be quick in tempo, but so can African
Music. It depends what particular style are pertaining to.

Are you satisfied with those words and phrases you’ve answered above? _____ If your
answer is yes, much better because you will learn more as we go along with this topic. If your
answer is no, you must energize yourself so that you take this module better.

Now, to further understand the two music kindly listen to the music in the link provided.

References: Tangco, Rodelia Natividad V., Mojica, Angelina A. 2015 Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 8, JO-ES Publishing House Inc.


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Name: Grade & Section:

Activity Title: African and Latin American Music Date:
Activity No.: 2.1
Learning Target:
Identify different features and characteristics of African and Latin American Music
DIRECTIONS: Give word or phrase that you can associate upon hearing the following words.

DIRECTIONS: Draw a specific representation of the different features and characteristics of
African and Latin American Music.

DIRECTIONS: Briefly answer the following question.

How those representations affect their specific music?


References: Tangco, Rodelia Natividad V., Mojica, Angelina A. 2015 Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 8, JO-ES Publishing House Inc Page 2 of 8

Activity Title: Technology Based-Arts

Activity No.: 2.1
Learning Competencies:
1. Identify art elements in the technology-based production arts
2. Identify distinct characteristics of arts during in the 21st century in terms of
production, functionality and range of audience reach.

This quarter will show you how to understand and appreciate technology-based art; In
understanding and appreciating this quarter, you will see marked advances in technology. These
advances led to the computerization of intensity that in turn has affected the social, economic, and
political structure of society.

To start our day, let’s have first a simple activity. Our activity will be entitled “Cut and
Describe Me”. Refer it to your activity No. 1 in your activity sheet 2.1.

To know more about this topic kindly read the given concept noted below.

In this quarter we will be focusing more in the technologies. We will use technologies as tool
or medium to create an artwork. Nowadays, we are in the era of technologies. Most of our work can
be done in technologies like for example during our online class we are using our computer and
phone to submit and join class online. Thus, we need to study this one since it is relevant to our
situation today.
Technology-Based Art is one of the virtual and digital arts. Digital art is a creative and
artistic work that uses digital technology as essential part of the creative process of presentation. Like
all genre of arts, digital art placed itself under the larger umbrella term new media art.
Technology–Based Arts (TBA) is computer-generated or manipulated visual arts. Modern
digital artists employ the ever-expanding powers of image manipulation programs and applications to
create their masterpieces which can appear in an entire range of media – whether as physical output
or virtual experience.
Computer/Digital Arts Computer/Digital Arts make use of technological, electronic and
mechanical devices rather than just the artist’s own hands.
What devices can now be used to create digital art? There are drawing tablets, or apps that
can be downloaded.
Examples of Computer Programs and Applications:
1. Gimp (GNU Image Manipulation Program) 8. Picasa14
2. 9. Paint Star
3. Inkscape 10. Smooth Draw
4. Xara Extreme 11. Spray
5. Artweaver 12. Karbon
6. Draw Plus 13. Adobe Photoshop
7. Pencil 14. Corel Paintshop Pro X5

References: Tangco, Rodelia Natividad V., Mojica, Angelina A. 2015 Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 8, JO-ES Publishing House Inc Page 3 of 8

Name: Grade & Section:

Activity Title: Technology Based-Arts Date:
Activity No.: 2.1
Learning Target: Identify the different art elements and characteristics of the product of the
DIRECTIONS: Cut a picture of any technology then describe the usage of it paste it on the first box
and write your description in the second box.

DIRECTIONS: I have here artworks that are generated in a computer all you need to do is to observe
the pictures then later on identify and describe the elements present in the specific
artwork. For the clear picture, I will be sending it to out Group chat.

Computer Generated Artworks

Computer Generated Artworks

References: Tangco, Rodelia Natividad V., Mojica, Angelina A. 2015 Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 8, JO-ES Publishing House Inc Page 4 of 8

Activity Title: Lifestyle and Weight Management (Phy. Act. and Eating Habits)
Activity No.: 2.1
Learning Competency: Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habit
This quarter will make you demonstrate your understanding of lifestyle and weight
management to promote societal fitness.
Knowledge gained help you maintain correct eating habits needed, to manage your weight.
Information derived from here will help you carry on a personal fitness plan of activities that will
make you, your community, and society sustain that desired level of Fitness and wellness.
You can maintain and support an active lifestyle if you will practice good eating habits,
watch your weight, and engage in physical activity.
To start our day, kindly answer the activity No. 1 of your activity sheet 2.1. It will help you
in assessing yourself if you are still on the healthy track.
To know more about the topic, kindly read the concept notes below.
When you’re not at your healthiest, you can probably tell. You may simply feel “off.” You
may find that you feel tired, your digestive system isn’t functioning as well as it normally does, and
you seem to catch colds. Mentally, you may find you can’t concentrate and feel anxious or depressed.

The good news: a healthy lifestyle can help you feel better. Even better, you don’t have to
overhaul your entire life overnight. It’s pretty easy to make a couple of small changes that can steer
you in the direction of improved well-being. And once you make one change, that success can
motivate you to continue to make more positive shifts.

What is a “healthy lifestyle”?

A healthy lifestyle simply means doing things that make you happy and feel good. For one
person, that may mean walking a mile five times a week, eating fast food once a week, and spending
virtual or in-person time with loved ones every other day. For someone else, a healthy lifestyle may
be training and running two marathons a year, following a keto diet, and never having a sip of

Benefits of Healthy Lifestyle  specific

1.Prevents disease  measurable
2. Saves money  attainable
3. Lengthens lifespan  relevant
4. It can be good for the environment  time-bound (met by a deadline and done
in a certain amount of time)
What is the easiest way to start one? Your
journey toward a healthier lifestyle starts with When you focus on SMART goals, you could
small changes that you feel confident you can find more success. And one initial “win” will
achieve. Consider making “SMART” goals. propel you to set new, bigger goals.
SMART stands for:

References: Tangco, Rodelia Natividad V., Mojica, Angelina A. 2015 Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 8, JO-ES Publishing House Inc Page 5 of 8
Name: Grade & Section:
Activity Title: Physical Fitness Test Date:
Activity No.: 2.1
Learning Target: Assesses physical activity, exercise and eating habit
DIRECTIONS: Execute the different physical activities below and color green with your
corresponding answer. Provide a documentation and submit it on oi

NAME: AGE: Citizenship:

HEIGHT: WEIGHT: BMI: Classification:

Can I walk for 10 minutes? YES
Can I dance for 10 minutes? YES
Can I jog for 10 minutes? YES
Can I run for 50 meters sprint just for 30 secs.? YES
Can I climb a stairs for 5 times repetition? YES


Can I do jumping jacks for 10 times in each wall? YES NO

Can I do 15 squat thrust exercise? YES NO

Can I do one leg balance for both right and left foot for 1 minute? YES NO


Did I ate healthy foods this week? YES NO

Can I do “NO SOFTDRINKS” in a week? YES NO

DIRECTIONS: Briefly answer the following question.

How did the assessment above help you understand the status of your health?

References: Tangco, Rodelia Natividad V., Mojica, Angelina A. 2015 Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 8, JO-ES Publishing House Inc Page 6 of 8

Activity Title: Health Trends, Issues and Concerns Global Level (SEX EDUCATION)
Activity No.: 2.1
Learning Competencies:
1. Discusses the existing health related laws
2. Explains the significance of the existing health related laws in safeguarding
people’s health
This quarter discusses several laws that will help protect people’s health. The Philippine laws
aim to safeguard not only the health of the people but also to protect their rights. In the course of
exploring this quarter, you will know more about our existing laws related to health trends, issues
and concerns.


The general purpose of sex education is to inform youth on topics including sex, sexuality
and bodily development. Quality sex education can lead to better prevention in STDs and unwanted
pregnancy. Furthermore, it decreases the risks of having unsafe sex and increases responsible family
planning. To help address issues, like overpopulation, high rates of teen pregnancy and the rise of
HIV, the Philippines is gradually implementing sex education and accessibility to contraceptives .

Reproductive Health Act

The Philippines passed the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health Act of 2012
(RH Act) after a 14-year wait. Through the act, the government integrated sex education into the
public school curriculum for students ages 10 to 19. The Philippines also gave funding for free or
subsidized contraceptives at health centers and public schools.

The government passed the RH Act in response to the many health issues impacting the
country, such as infant mortality, pregnancy-related deaths and a rise in HIV/AIDS cases. Moreover,
teen pregnancies in the Philippines are common, where 9% of women between the ages of 15 and 19
start child bearing.

Opposition from the Catholic Church

Around 80% of the Philippine population identifies as Roman Catholic. Accordingly, the
Catholic Church largely influences the state of sex education in the country. The Catholic Church
opposes sex outside of marriage and fears sex education will increase sexual relations. The Catholic
Church consequently remains critical of the RH Act, increasing difficulties in putting the RH Act
into concrete action.

Additionally, the Catholic Church opposes implementing sex education in schools as well as
the distribution of contraceptives. The Church prefers to rely on parents to teach their kids about
reproductive health. However, many families are either unequipped to do so or will not address the
subject directly with their children.

References: Tangco, Rodelia Natividad V., Mojica, Angelina A. 2015 Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 8, JO-ES Publishing House Inc Page 7 of 8

Name: Grade & Section:

Activity Title: Health Trends Issues and Concerns Global Level Date:
Activity No.: 2.1
Learning Target: Create an essay about Sex Education in the Philippines
DIRECTIONS: Using the information given in your concept notes create essay about Sex
Education in the Philippines. Give your argument about the topic and cite some
sources to support your argument. You will be rated to the given rubrics below.
You can write it at the back or print it.

References: Tangco, Rodelia Natividad V., Mojica, Angelina A. 2015 Honing Your Skills Through MAPEH 8, JO-ES Publishing House Inc Page 8 of 8

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