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Application/Learning Activities
Situation: Teacher Cristy aims that her students in Mathematics will have-mastery
of the four fundamental operations.
- The students learning outcomes must be establish are firstly: the students were able to
master the four fundamental operations; Secondly, Students were also valued the
importance of four fundamental operations in mathematics. Lastly, the students we're
able to solve different equation using these four fundamental operation. The
assessment that will be done to ensure that the students will meet this learning outcome
will be summative assessment that will assure that the learning outcome will be achieve.
Assessment/ Deliverables
Answer the following questions:
1. How would you describe 21st Century Assessment?
21st century assessment requires comprehensive planning and designing of the
curriculum as well as well-organized instructions for students to construct meaning
about the subject-content areas and maximize the application of knowledge
accumulated. It has diverse methods that allow students to evaluate their own process
of thinking, what they can do and how much they can do. It stimulates the student’s
higher order thinking skills that makes them competent enough in the 21st century
society. Hence, learning process should be esteemed with complex tasks that enables
students to use their metacognitive skills, in which they can develop meaningful and
coherent representations of knowledge over time with instructional guidance. It entails
on how learner able to build new information into prior knowledge in meaningful ways
and effectively construct and apply repertoire of critical and logical thinking skills. More
so, it involves authentic and performance-based assessment that are relevant to the
learners, in which they can reflect into their own experiences and how they could apply
it into real-world concerns, issues and problems.

2. Choose 3 among given characteristics of 21st Century Assessment and

Responsive in the sense that school teachers and leaders should consider additional
educational opportunities, modify instructions and resources that will cater the present
needs of the school community, especially for the students to apply knowledge into real-
life situations; Flexible because student’s settings demand flexibility, as such, we
should provide learning environment that are suitable in the present learning situation,
additionally flexibility dealt with how we could adopt changes and acquire necessary
resources and materials that need to employ in different learning environment;
Integrated in which students can construct meaning in the day-to-day practice and build
knowledge from prior learning into new knowledge accumulated, in which they can use
into different means. It is the use of sequential learning method wherein students can
build a depth understanding because they can look connections between the things
they learn.

3. Discuss Decision-making at Different Phases of Teaching-Learning

process, before teaching, during teaching, and after teaching segment.
Before starting teaching, teacher should prepare well-established content to be
delivered to the following day, week, month, grading period so that the topic will be
delivered effectively and to avoid confusion in the instructional processes. An
assessment procedure should determine the entry levels of students, their prerequisite
skills, interest, and cultural background so that teacher can design a relevant learning
activity as well as teaching strategies. Designing learning activities that encourage
interactive teaching and learning process that both teachers and students can learn
from each other and where teachers can provide clear learning objectives so that
students can monitor their progress while achieving their own learning targets. Hence,
teacher should use observational techniques, prepared aptitude tests and make survey
from student’s previous experience. On the other hand, during teaching teacher should
ensure that the lesson is delivered as what the outcomes expected to be achieve. In the
learning process, teacher should make sure that there is always room for improvement
to make the lesson work better in terms of activity as intended in the learning sequence
and make sure that he/she provide necessary feedback on how well students learning
to increase their satisfactions. Teacher should observe how well students’ response to
the questions posed to monitor if the learners are ready to move to the next lesson so
that if there some errors happen in the learning process teacher can diagnose such
error. Teacher should also gauge learning by using alternative modes of learning for
those who are not participating or acting properly. In different manner, after a teaching
segment, teachers can acquire necessary knowledge if the students mastered all the
concept given during instructional process and able to identify the students’ strengths
and weaknesses to inform to students’ parents. Also, teachers should provide a
transparent grading report based on the results of students’ performance wherein she
can review if she teaches effectively and how well the curriculum and other learning
materials utilized. Finally, teacher can look over each student’s homework results,
student’s standardized achievement and scholastic aptitude test where he/she can
review all the details and factors concerning on how it affects students learning.
4. What is outcome-based Assessment?
Outcome-based assessment is a type of assessment wherein the teacher focuses at
the end of particular lesson which aims is to meet his/her desired outcomes that
students should possess. Here we are talking about the intended targets that will be
able to demonstrate of the learners at the end of the instruction. For instance, it requires
authentic application of knowledge that are useful for students and relevant to their
future needs. All of the assessment and evaluation activities must be aligned with the
ILOs or the learning objectives that provide at the beginning of the instructions so that
the teaching-learning process are more likely successful and avoid some errors in the
implementation of the instructional processes.

5. Choose 3 characteristics of good learning outcome and discuss.

 Very specific, and use verbs (that makes expectations clear). By
being very specific, it informs students of the standards by which
they will be assessed and ensures that students and instructor goals
in the course are aligned. Hence, the instructions as well as the
objectives should be clear and specific so that the students can
internalized how they are expected to response along the of teaching and
learning process. For instance, if the teacher plans for his/her classroom
instruction, the learning target should be clearly stated and must be
focused on student learning objects. Therefore, the instructions should be
clearly presented so that students should understand how the final product
or task should be done (use verbs to make objectives clear).
 Focus on the application and integration of acquired knowledge and
skills; good learning outcomes reflect and indicate the ways in which
the described knowledge and skills may be used by the learner now
and in the future. Of course, good learning outcomes should be authentic
so that learners can demonstrate it into different means. It should be
relevant to the demands of evolving society so that they can cope with the
changes and be able to applied the knowledge they acquire into real-world
issues, problems, and concerns. It should be reliable in the sense that
students can construct meaning prior to their learning experiences to build
a valuable judgements and applications.
 Are realistic; all passing students should be able to demonstrate the
knowledge or skill described by the learning outcome at the
conclusion of the course. Of course, good learning outcomes should be
real and valid so that students can demonstrate knowledge effectively, if
the learning outcomes is more likely self-imposed which is directed to the
teachers’ perceptions, students will not be able to learn in purposeful
manner. Hence, learning outcomes should be measurable wherein it
measures the progress of students and be able to achieve by the students
at the end of instruction. It deals with how the resources, curriculum,
instructional materials are reachable for students.
LESSON 2: Application/ Learning Activities
Complete the matrix of the different types of assessment.
Types of Assessment Brief Advantages/Disadvantages Classroom
Description Application
1. Traditional It is an It is standardized. A one- Pencil-and-
Assessment indirect and shot, speed based and paper test. The
inauthentic norm-referenced. nature of
that Memorization and recall activity is
measures which has a lower level of contrived and
learning cognitive skills. The prepared
outcomes. It objectivity is easily activity.
is a teacher- achieved and the evidence
structured. of mastery is indirect.
2. Authentic It measures It focuses on the students With the use of
Assessment student’s analytical, creative thinking three broad
performances skills, to work cooperatively categories such
or products and collaboratively. It is as, the context
which have also focuses on the of the
realistic performance skills that assessment,
meaning that reflect student learning, the role of the
can be achievement and attitudes student and the
attributed to of relevant activities. The role of scoring.
the success nature of the activity Performance-
in school. emulates real life. The based
evidence mastery is activities, for
indirect. example,
and projects
are the most
suitable in this
3. Formative An It provides feedback on the Observational
Evaluation assessment effectiveness of teaching techniques in
for learning. It and learning process, in which the
provides which both teachers and teachers are
information to students benefit. It observing and
be used as promotes a reflective using
feedback to teaching process that questions,
modify results in better teaching giving feedback
teaching and and better evaluations from in informal
learning students. It can make the ways. Based
activities and students learned on teacher-
correct dependence. It can made tests,
errors. The encourage student custom-made
instruction is involvement. It is intrinsic, tests from
during, mastery-oriented, flexible, textbook
between adaptable, informal, strong publishers, self-
lessons, and and positive. assessment
between activity which
units. are given which
are at the end
of these time
4. Summative An One of the basis for Traditional
Evaluation assessment determining the final grade paper-and-
procedure as demonstrated from the pencil test that
used to achievement of the measures such
determine the students. Summary of as unit of tests,
end-course evidences which can used exams, essays,
achievement, for certification or giving teacher-made
for assigning honors. It is extrinsic, survey tests
grades or performance-oriented, and projects.
certifying rigid, highly structured,
mastery of formal, weak and fleeting.
objectives. It
entails how
learned at the
end of the
term, unit or
5. Norm-Referenced It gives us The teachers can actually Survey testing
Assessment information rank the achievement of is the primary
on what the their students; as a result, used method in
students can there is a limited this
perform bypercentage of competition assessment.
comparing to for those who are high The nature of
another scorers. The content test plan uses
students. coverage is typically covers Table of
a broad area of Specification.
achievement. Easy items
are eliminated from the
6. Criterion- It describes It describes the students’ It uses preset
Referenced the mastery of the course criteria or
Assessment performance content whereas, there is predefined and
of the no competition for a limited absolute
students percentage for a high standard or
without score. The content outcomes.
reference to coverage is typically Mastery testing
the focuses on a limited is the principal
performance learning task. Difficult and use.
of others. easy items are not This
eliminated. The nature of assessment
test plan uses of specified uses
domain of detailed learning observational
task. techniques,
tests, custom-
made tests
from textbook
7. Contextualized It measures The focus is on the It uses
Assessment skills and students’ construction of performance-
knowledge in functioning knowledge and based tasks
dealing with focus on students’ which are
specific performance in application authentic in
situations or of knowledge in the real nature. For
performing work context of the example, oral
specific discipline area. The presentation
tasks. assessment task is and other
reflective to the goal of hands-on
learning. activity like
creating things
from the
learning tools.
8. Decontextualized Does notIt focuses on declarative It uses written
Assessment have a direct knowledge and/or exams and
connection to procedural knowledge in term papers.
a real-life
artificial situation detached
context. from the real work context.
9. Analytic A specificAssessment is made Oral
Assessment approach in specific based on the communication,
the importance of essay and
assessment performance. It must learning task
of learning address the whole that require
outcomes performance. Students are higher order
given feedback on how thinking skills.
well they are doing on each
important aspect of specific
task expected from them.
10. Holistic A global The students are Reflection
Assessment approach in competent to handle papers,
the assessment tasks journals, peer
assessment accurately. The students assessment,
of a student- are able to develop self-
learning decisive and investigative assessment,
outcome. The skills that permit them to group
assessor handle assessment tasks presentation
provides a effectively. The students and portfolio.
grade and are capable of knowing
supports it how to construct concrete
with valid responses to questions.
for assigning
the grade.

1. What is your definition of assessment?
For me, assessment is a method use by the teacher to determine where the learning
takes place. It is the powerful tool use by the teacher to gather information in the
classroom which will guide them to understand students, monitor classroom instruction
and to find out if the learners are actually learning. It is the process by which teachers
can collect and interpret information about students learning. More so, it is the process
by which teachers can provide specific measurement of how does students perform and
make appropriate feedback towards the performance of students.
2. Which assessment do you think is more effective, Traditional or
Authentic? Why?
I think that the more effective type of assessment is authentic because it esteemed by
the higher level of bloom’s taxonomy cognitive domain wherein students more likely to
acquire higher order thinking skills such as analytical, critical and creative thinking skills
in which they can make reflect on themselves as what they can do and how much they
can do, so that their learnings are relevant and valid. Additionally, since this assessment
promotes interactive learning atmosphere, students can also develop alternative
learning strategies, and increase their retention as it deals with the practicality of
learning activities and wherein students are not only remembering the knowledge
accumulated by also able to apply it in the future situations. Contrary to traditional
assessment that focus on merely memorizing the concepts rather than applying it into
different learning context.
3. Discuss how norm-referenced assessment differ from criterion-
referenced assessment? What do you think is more affective? Why?
Norm-referenced assessment gives us information on what the student can perform by
comparing to another student. It is used to describe student performance according to
the relative position in some known group. In this method of assessment, it is assumed
that the level of performance of students will determine by comparing one student to the
other students of the class. It enables teacher to rank them based on students’
achievement from that particular group against another group. Thus, there is a limited
percentage of competition for those who are high scorers. Meanwhile, criterion-
referenced assessment describes the performance of the students without comparing
their performance to others but rather using a specified domain of clearly defined
learning tasks that are esteemed with preset criteria. This method of assessment will
help teachers determine how well the students have mastered specific knowledge or
skills in a certain course or subject matter, as such there is no competition for a limited
percentage for a high score.
Both methods are very useful in assessing learning outcomes but I think the criterion-
referenced assessment because it measures the performance of students based from
the criteria covered in the curriculum. It measures how much the students has acquire
knowledge before and after the instructional processes which provide adequate
feedback in the teaching-learning process. However, norm-referenced assessment can
be applicable into different way of assessing the performance of learners. For instance,
if we want to determine high against low achievers, then we can use this method of
assessment. Therefore, both are essential in assessing learning outcomes because
each has distinct attributes in assessing learning outcomes.

4. Differentiate analytic assessment from holistic assessment. Give

example of a specific task where analytic assessment would best
applied and explain why?

Analytic assessment refers to specific approach in the assessment of learning

outcomes. In this procedure, students are given feedback on how well they are doing on
each important aspect of specific task expected to them. Assessment then is made
specific based on the importance in the performance. In such case, assessment
shouldn’t be undertaken in part but must address the whole performance. Meanwhile,
holistic assessment, as the name suggests, it refers to the global approach in the
assessment of the student-learning outcome. The teacher has to develop complex
mental responses to a student’s work and in evaluating the student’s work, the assessor
provides a grade that is transparent which entails valid justification for assigning grade.
I think analytic assessment would be best apply to essay-type of test because it
assessed individual learners’ ability to analyze and respond to a text, or if the student
demonstrates cohesion of the sentence, structured in correct grammar, or posed a
logical sequence of sentences that demonstrate how will student understand the lesson.
LESSON 3: Application/ Learning Activities
Activities Competencies Assessment Procedure/s
1. Position The students will be The teacher will give a dilemma
Paper required to make decision and he let the student to defined
or clarify their position. their position and justify their
stand. To assess the activity, the
teacher will use pre-specified
quality standards
2. Simple The students will be able to The teacher will ask the students
Gallery shows the culture and to show what they learned and the
tradition of a particular era teacher will use Multiple evaluation
through the use of pictures. criteria.
3. Role The students will be able to The teacher will ask the students
Playing demonstrate the creation of to show what they learned through
myth in the Greek and acting, the teacher will must use
Roman mythology through multiple-media criteria to assess
acting. the activity.
4. Case study The students are expected The teacher will prepare a study
to think critically, solve the wherein the students should create
problem and filter and a feasible solution to address the
interpret what is most problem. To assess the activity,
important by illustrating the the teacher will use pre-specified
interrelatedness between quality standards.
events, trends, institutions
and norms.
5. Action The students should be The teacher will ask the students
Research able to collect, interpret to work collaboratively among their
and reflect on the data peers, searching for solutions to
accumulated by using everyday, real problems and
different methodologies. encouraged to examine and
assess their own work and
consider ways of working
To assess the activity, the teacher
will use multiple evaluation criteria.

Assessment/ Deliverable
Choose 5 types of Performance-based Assessment and discuss
1. Solving a problem. Critical thinking and problem solving are important skills that
need to be sharpened and developed by the learners. Teachers may include
activities and make sense of complex authentic problems of issues to be solved
by the students. This refers to how students be able to utilized their cognitive
skills, in which tasks requires higher mental activity. After students are being
exposed to more complex task, they will be able to create their own solutions into
complex authentic problems and they will be able to think and learn
independently that is necessary in to meet the demands of 21st century.
2. Determining a position. This task requires students to make decision or clarify
a position. Case analysis and issue related activities are some examples of this
task. This task let students synthesize, in which they can make valuable
judgement and critique that give will enable them to decide where to stand and
clearly supported the argument. In this manner, student will be able to utilized
their logical and rational thinking skills that will guide them in decision-making to
avoid over dependence.
3. Presentation Task. This is a work or task performed in front of an audience.
Storytelling, singing, and dancing, musical play or theatrical acting some
presentations which demonstrate presentation task. This kind of task is one of
the great methods in assessing the students. Given the fact that student have
multiple intelligence, some might learn effectively through physical activities, as
such, we can adapt this learning alternatives that will aid the need of those
bodily-kinesthetic learners and also this kind of assessment would be suitable in
majority of learners since it doesn’t require a critical mental activity. Additionally,
it is authentic because the students will be able to measure their knowledge of
how much they can do while the teachers can make adequate feedback after the
task are performed.
4. Capstone performances. These are tasks that occur at the end of program of
study and enables students to show knowledge and skills in the context that
matches the world of practicing professionals such as research paper, practice
teaching, internship or on-the-job training. This type of assessment is vital to
prepared the students in the challenged they would face in their life’ chosen
career. It measures if the students gain the expected learning outcomes at that
provided at the very beginning of instructors. This will assess how far they gain
knowledge and if they could demonstrate that knowledge or skills after the
teaching and learning process.
5. Developing exhibits. Exhibits are visual presentations or displays that need little
or no explanation from the creator. An exhibit is offered to explain, demonstrate,
or show something. Classroom applications include exhibit of best works,
pictures or paintings, projects or even portfolio. This assessment is also vital in
the 21st century since we are dealing with technology learners. With the use
multimedia, we can no longer need to exert more effort on describing a particular
subject, students able to produce sounds, text, and objects in the presence of
this various media or applications which is transmittable. For instance, students
will develop their creative skills to produce best works such as portfolio or
projects. It can also increase retention since some claim that learners can recall
more the topic via visual presentations than plain text.
LESSON 4: Application/ Learning Activities
A. In your field of specialization, identify 5 Most Essential Learning Competencies
(MELCs) and design meaningful performance task related to MELCs.
Most Essential Learning Competencies Performance Tasks
1. Compose clear and coherent Supply-type of test, cursive writing
sentences using appropriate
grammatical structures: Adverbs
of Intensity and Adverbs of
2. Express permission, obligation, Speech, Reflection paper
and prohibition using modals.
3. Write an exposition or discussion Making exposition paper
on a familiar issue to include key
structural elements and language
4. Create a poem and employ some Making poem, oral presentations
idiomatic expressions and present
it in the class.
5. Evaluate and make judgements Case study, Reaction paper
about the issues in Language
planning and policy in the 1950’s-
1960’s Era

Assessment/ Deliverable
Give 1 example of Holistic Rubric and Analytic Rubric which can used in rating
performance task.
Criteria (4) Excellent (3) Good (2) Poor (1)
CONTENT Very sufficient Sufficient Insufficient Irrelevant
ideas/concepts ideas/concepts ideas/concepts content.
including legal including legal including legal
basis and basis and basis and
jurisprudence. jurisprudence. jurisprudence.

RELEVANCE Very clear Clear evidence unclear Irrelevant

evidence of of logical evidence of content.
logical thinking thinking – logical thinking
-application, of application, of – application, of
law/jurispruden law/jurispruden law/jurispruden
ce. ce. ce.

PRESENTATI Arguments are Arguments are Arguments are Irrelevant

ON/ very well well presented, poorly argument
ORGANIZATIO presented, sufficient of presented, s.
N depth of insight insight into the partial of insight
into the issues issues and into the issues
and originality originality of and no
of treatment. treatment. originality of

Score Description
5 Demonstrate complete understanding of the content-area topics. All
the requirements of task are included in response.
4 Demonstrate considerable understanding of the content-area topics.
All the requirements of task are included.
3 Demonstrate partial understanding of the content-area topics. Most
requirements of task are included.
2 Demonstrate little understanding of the content-area topics. Many
requirements of task are missing.
1 Demonstrate no understanding of the content-area topics.
0 No response/ task not attempted.

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