BC Sample Paper-3

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WK 4

NOVEMBER 2014 60530/BYB2B

Time : Three hours Maximum : 75 marks

PART A — (10 × 2 = 20 marks)

Answer any TEN questions each in 30 words.

1. What is complimentary close?

ÁnUP •iÄ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

2. Write a brief note on ‘‘Enclosures’’.

‘‘Cøn¨¦’’ £ØÔ ]ÖSÔ¨¦ ÁøμP.

3. Why is a circular letter written?

_ØÓÔUøP Piu® Hß GÊu¨£kQÓx?

4. Write short note on ‘unsolicited enquiry’.

‘uõÚõP Á¢u Â\õμøn’ SÔzx ]Ö SÔ¨¦ GÊxP.

5. What do you mean by an offer?

•øÚÄ £ØÔ }º AÔÁx ¯õx?

6. What is trade reference?

¯õ£õμ B÷»õ\øÚ GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

7. What do you mean by cancellation of an order?

Bøn μzx ö\´uÀ SÔzx }º AÔÁx ¯õx?
WK 4

8. Define minutes.
|hÁiUøP SÔ¨¦ Áøμ¯Ö.

9. What is a statutory report?

\mh§ºÁ©õÚ AÔUøP GßÓõÀ GßÚ?

10. Define meeting.

Tmh® Áøμ¯Ö.

11. Define a report.

AÔUøP Áøμ¯Ö.

12. What do you mean by complaint letter?

¦Põº Piu® £ØÔ }º AÔÁx ¯õx?
PART B — (5 × 5 = 25 marks)

Answer any FIVE questions each in 200 words.

13. State the different functions of a business letter.

ÁoP Piuzvß £À÷ÁÖ £oPøÍ SÔ¨¤kP.

14. What are the causes for complaints?

¦Põ¸UPõÚ Põμn[PÒ ¯õøÁ?

15. Write a circular letter to your customers to inform

the retirement of a partner.
E[PÒ ÁõiUøP¯õͺPÐUS TmhõÎ J¸Á›ß
£o K´Ä SÔzx J¸ _ØÓÔUøP Piu® ÁøμP.

2 60530/BYB2B
WK 4

16. Draft an application for the post of a chief

accountant in an export organisation.
J¸ HØÖ©v {ÖÁÚzvß uø»ø© PnUPõͺ
£uÂUS Âsn¨£® ÁøμP.

17. Describe the importance of reports.

AÔUøP°ß •UQ¯zxÁzøu SÔ¨¤kP.

18. List out the various forms of letter styles.

Piuzvß £À÷ÁÖ ©õv›PøÍ Á›ø\¨£kzxP.

19. What are the various classification of report by

uÛ|£º AÔUøP°ß £À÷ÁÖ ÁøPPÒ ¯õøÁ?

PART C — (3 × 10 = 30 marks)

Answer any THREE questions each in 500 words.

20. Discuss the qualities of a good business letter.

J¸ |À» ÁoP Piuzvß uSvPøÍ ÂÁõv

21. Write a letter to your supplier for cancelling the

order as the goods were not delivered in time.
E[PÐUS \›¯õÚ ÷|μzvÀ ö£õ¸øÍ ÁÇ[Põu
ÂØ£øÚ¯õ͸US, E[PÒ Bøn Piuzøu μzx
ö\´x Piu® ÁøμP.

3 60530/BYB2B
WK 4

22. Explain the various contents of letter of situation.

÷Áø» Âsn¨£ PiuzvÀ EÒÍ £À÷ÁÖ

23. Discuss the role of computers in business

ÁoP Piuz öuõhº¤À Po¨ö£õÔ°ß £[QøÚ

24. Discuss the various steps involved in preparing a

AÔUøP u¯õ›¨£vÀ EÒÍ £À÷ÁÖ £i{ø»PøÍ


4 60530/BYB2B

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