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Herat University

Education Faculty

Chemistry department

Recommendation letter

Dear Turkish scholarship committee

I am writing for you in support of Mr. Zaher Howida's applicants for Chemistry master program

of the Turkish Scholarship in 2018.

I have known Mr. Zaher Howida from the first semester when he was suceed to Chemistry

Department of Eiducation Faculty at Herat University. During 8 semesters I was his lecturer and

thought him with his classmates different subjects and dene with them various practical

experiments. Mr. Howida has dedicated his life and best period of time r focusing science

issues, especially on Chemistry field. His enthusiastic and hardwarkin was the catuse who

known as one of the top five elite stndents amony all Fdur ation Facult stu. lents durine fouer

educational years, Mr.Howida has a great method of exchanging the informatin between

groups; this skill make him outstand to be a great lecturer and team metis aor amorng all of his


Beside his excellence in his fields of study, he is a nonr:ofit servant, and wants to dedicate his

life for solving the problem of people. While he was in 6* semester, one school manager wanted

from our students to teach Chemistry in th: hool. We introduced Mr Howida because of his

lalent and ability. So he was busy in teaching part time about two years proudly without any fees,

and recently I have heard that he also had taught Chemistry at Bamyan University nonprofit. It

shows his honesty and high desire to serve for the community. Though many students ask me to

make this request on their behaif, I only recommend students whom I feel are well-suited for the

program of their choice. Mr.Howida is one of those students and therefore. I highly hope that he

will be given the opportunity to pursue his passion and continue his studies further

To the extend I knuw him outside academic arca, he is also a social active. He had accepted

different responsibilities for the development and expedient of society. His behavior with all

members of the society is so merciful and kindly. This character makes him to be a capable team

leader and smart manager.

I believe Mr.Howida is an idcal candidate to your worldwide and international Scholarship

Program. As the lecturer of him, I respectfully recommend you to include him to your Master

Program in f.cid of Chemistry. I'm sure you will find him to be a student whose talents will only

shine further through your program. It is my hope that you will accept his appiication to your

program. If you would like further information, please feel free to contact me via bellow phone

and email.


Kahdistani Lecturer of Chemistry Department| Education Faculty Heratliniversity Afghanistan

E-mail: W.Kahdistani r

Phone: 0700419141

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