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There is talk of certain schools removing PE lessons from the curriculum so

students can concentrate more on academic subjects. Write a letter to the Secretary
of Education expressing your views on this proposal.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to express my views on the practice of removing PE lessons from the

curriculum. It is thought that such a policy can let students concentrate more on
academic subjects. Nevertheless, I think removing PE lessons will do students more
harm than good.

To start with, removing PE lessons means students lose a chance to ease their stress

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each week. Hong Kong students, especially senior secondary students, are under

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immense pressure gearing up for the public exams. PE lessons provide students with
opportunities to relax and have fun as doing sports does not require much brain

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power. In this way, they can feel rejuvenated and thus they are able to maintain their
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drive and energy to focus on their studies and lessons. In addition, Hong Kong is a
stress-prone city. Researchers show that playing sports is an effective way to relieve

stress. Having PE lessons can surely give students some nice little breaks in their
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hectic lives.
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Then, schools are responsible for promoting a healthy lifestyle among students.
Schools should lay emphasis on the all-round development of students, not just
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academic performance. Having PE lessons can help students cultivate a healthy habit
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of exercising and turn it to a life-long habit. Moreover, a healthy body is a

prerequisite for studying well. If you are constantly bothered by diseases, how can
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you still have the energy to revise and pay attention in the lessons? It is crystal clear
that the academic performances of students hinge on their health conditions.

Nowadays, many students lead a sedentary lifestyle. If PE lessons are removed,

students won’t have the time and incentive to exercise on their own. Health
problems such as teenage obesity will be aggravated.

Last but not least. PE lesson allow people who are good at sports to explore their
potential. Students can try different types of sports during PE lessons including the
ones that are not really common, such as golf, tennis and bowling etc. they may
discover their sporting prowess and a sport they are particularly talented in. Students
may find a sport they are fond of. They can pick up a healthy hobby. It is much better

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than being a mouse potato or couch potato in their homes. They can further develop
their interest in sports. Maybe they will even turn into professional players or
coaches on the future! Apart from discovering one’s gift or talent, they can learn
some social etiquette by learning social dance in PE lessons. Besides, they can learn
to appreciate the Olympic Games more after PE lessons about gymnastics too.

Someone would say that removing PE lessons allows teachers to finish the lengthy
syllabus of the HKDSE in time. Actually, I doubt of the extra time from the PE lessons
will have a significant effect on students’ academic performance. The PE lessons only
count for two periods in a cycle. Students may still need to have plenty of
supplementary lessons after school. Moreover, having too many lessons in a row will
make students exhausted and they will doze off during lessons. If students can’t stay

focused during lesson, it will defeat the purpose of using the extra time to teach. Not

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to mention that students’ stress will also be increased tremendously.

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To sum up, since having PE lessons will reduce students’ pressure, promote a

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wholesome lifestyle and let the talented athletes shine, why can we ignore all these
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advantages? I sincerely hope that schools can keep PE lessons in students’ timetable
and the Education Department will disapprove of the proposal. Not only will students

be happy, but schools will also benefit from offering PE lessons.

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Yours faithfully,
Chris Wong
Chris Wong
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