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Q.1 Give reason- Fireflies are luminous objects.
A.1. Fireflies are able to produce light. Production of light in
fireflies is due to a type of chemical reaction called bioluminescence.
This process occurs in specialized light-emitting organs, usually on a
firefly's lower abdomen.
Q2. Why do eyes of the tiger glow in the dark?
A.2. This phenomenon is known as ‘Eyeshine’ or ‘Retroreflection’.
The eyes of animals consist of an extra reflective layer of tissue. It is
called the Tapetum Lucidum. It is just a simple mirror like tissue . The
function of the Tapetum Lucidum is to reflect back the visible lights
entering the eyes of the animal, through the retina. It implies that the light
rays which enter into the eye get reflected back at the object from which it
was first emitted. Therefore, the eyes of animals such as dogs, cats, bats,
tigers, etc. seem to be shining in the dark. On the contrary, the human eye
does not possess this special layer of tissue called the Tapetum Lucidum.
Q.3 Define:: Shadow; Reflection of light.
A.3. Shadow – When some objects come in between the path of light
and block it, a black coloured patch is formed on the surface known as
Reflection of light bouncing back of a light ray after hitting any surface is
known as reflection. When a light ray is obstructed by any solid surface it
will reflect back from the surface, as it cannot pass through the surface.
Q.4.What will happen if you stand behind a glass playing hide and seek?
A.4. Glass is a transparent object allowing light to pass through it. So
hiding behind a glass becomes futile as the hidden object can be easily
Q.5. How will you show with the help of an experiment the phenomenon
of refraction of light? Draw a diagram of the experiment as well.
A.5. Aim-To prove that light suffers refraction when it passes from one
medium to the other.
Things required-A transparent glass half filled with water, a
pencil/straw and a source of light.
Procedure- A pencil/straw is dipped in a glass half filled with water.
The set-up is placed against a source of light and we place our eye on the
other side.
Observation-The pencil/straw appears bent.
Conclusion-Refraction of light takes place when light rays pass from
one medium to the other-the light ray from pencil/straw bends when it
passes from water to glass and then to air to reach our eyes.
[Draw the diagram in Page 120(with straw) or that on Page 129(with
Q.6. Make table with headings-Transparent, translucent and opaque
objects. Insert the following items under the correct headings.
Tissue paper, mirror, windows of your school bus, clouds, metal, frosted
glass, brick, the glass on a clock, cardboard, diamond, tinted car
windows, cellophane, oily paper, your hand.
A. 6. Transparent-windows on a school bus, the glass on clock, diamond,
Translucent-Tissue paper, clouds, frosted glass, tinted car windows, oily
Opaque-mirror, metal, brick, cardboard, hand.


1. List the six properties of light. [Clue-Pg-122]

2. Give reason-Our shadow is smallest in the noon.
[Clue-Length of the shadow depends on the distance between source
of light and the object. During Noon, Sun is just above our head-
distance between the Sun and us is shortest. So…]

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