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1. What is the skeletal system?

A. All the bones in the body C. All the muscles and tendons
B. All the body's organs, both soft and hard tissue D. All the bones in the body and the tissues
that connect them
2. How many bones are there in the average person's body?
A. 33 B. 206 C. 639 D. It varies by the individual.
3. Which of the following statement is INCORRECT?
A. Bone is where most blood cells are made. C. Bone serves as a storehouse for various minerals.
B. Bone is a dry and non-living supporting structure. D. Bone protects and supports the body and its organs.
4. Which bone protects the brain?
A. Calcium B. The cranium C. The cerebrum D. The cerebellum
5. Besides the brain, the skull also protects ...
A. the lungs B. the diaphragm C. the body's cells D. the sense organs
6. The purpose of the rib cage is to...
A. protect the stomach C. protect the spinal cord
B. protect the heart and lungs D. provide an object to which the lungs can attach
7. What makes bones so strong?
A. Silica B. Cartilage C. Blood and marrow D. Calcium and phosphorous
8. What is the difference between cartilage and bone?
A. Bone is rubbery, and cartilage is firm. C. Bone is a more primitive tissue than cartilage.
B. Cartilage is rubbery, and bone is firm. D. Bone is inside the body, and cartilage is outside.
9. The hollow space in the middle of bones is filled with ...
A. Air B. blood C. bone cells D. bone marrow
10. What is the difference between compact bone and spongy bone?
A. They have different bone marrow. C. They are made of different materials.
B. They have different sizes of bone cells. D. They have different arrangement of bone cells.
11. What is a joint?
A. A hinge C. The place where two bones are joined
B. A ball and socket D. The place where tendons are fastened together
12. How do muscles attached to the bones move the body?
A. Automatically B. pull movement only C. push movement only D. push and pull
13 What is the function of a tendon?
A. To link bones to bones C. To link muscles to bones
B. To link muscles to ligaments D. To bind the cells in compact bone closer together
14. A group of similar cells that perform a single function is called a(an)
A. nerve. B. organ. C. tissue. D. organ system.
15. Which of the following is NOT part of the axial skeleton?
A. skull B. vertebral column C. pelvis D. rib cage
16. Which of the following contains nerves and blood vessels and runs through the compact bone?
a. osteocytes b. Haversian canals c. bone marrow d. periosteum
17. Which of the following is true about red marrow?
a. It makes blood cells. b. It produces new bone. c. It stores fat. d. It is found in compact bones of adults
18. The periosteum is a
a. place for storing fat cells. c. location for red blood cell production.
b. tough layer of connective tissue surrounding a bone. d. lattice work structure that adds strength to the bone.
19. Ligaments connect
a. cartilage to bone. b. bone to muscle. c. muscle to muscle. d. bone to bone.
20. The type of joint in your knee is a _____________ joint.
a. hinge b. ball & socket c. gliding d. fixed
21. The type of joint found in your shoulder is a _____________ joint.
a. gliding b. ball & socket c. hinge d. fixed
22. One important function of bones is to produce _____________.
a. tendons b. blood cells c. ligaments d. cartilage
23. A condition in which bones become weak and break easily is called ____________.
a. osteoporosis b. rickets c. arthritis d. acne
24. A bone break that pierces or ruptures through the skin is a ____.
a. depressed fracture b. simple fracture c. greenstick fracture d. compound fracture
25. The neck and hip contain this type of joint.
a. Immovable b. Gliding c. Movable d. Hinge
26. This joint consists of a bone with a rounded end that fits into a cup-like cavity on another bone.
a. Pivot b. Ball and socket c. Hinge d. Gliding
27. At birth, your skeleton was made up of _____________ bones
a. a greater number of b. the same number of c. a smaller number of d. no
28. This joint has a back and forth movement like a door.
a. Ball and socket b. Gliding c. Hinge d. Pivot
29. This joint can give more range of motion than other joints
a. Hinge b. Gliding c. Ball and socket d. Pivot
30. Bone-forming cells are called _______.
a. Osteocasts b. Osteoclasts c. Osteobasts d. Osteoblasts
31. Which of these muscles aids in the digestive process?
a. cardiac b. skeletal c. smooth d. homeostasis
32. Which of the following muscles is located in your heart and never tire?
a. cardiac b. homeostasis c. skeletal d. smooth
33. The skeletal system and muscular system work together to do what job?
a. maintain temperature b. protect your vital organs c. maintain posture d. enable you to move
34. What is the difference between a voluntary and involuntary muscle?
a. A voluntary muscle you can't control and involuntary you can control.
b. A voluntary and involuntary muscle are muscles you can control.
c. A voluntary and involuntary muscle are muscles you can't control.
d. A voluntary muscle you can control and an involuntary muscle you can't control.
35. Which of the following is the correct description of a tendon?
a. all the above c. A tissue that connects your organs together.
b. A tissue that connects bone to other bones. d. A tissue that connects muscle to bone.
36. Which of the following statements about muscles and the muscular system is true?
a. .All muscle action is voluntary, or able to be consciously controlled.
b.The three types of muscle tissue are skeletal muscle, smooth muscle, and involuntary muscle.
c..Muscles always work independently to move parts of the body.
d. Smooth muscle moves food through the digestive system.
37. Which of the following correctly lists parts of the reproductive systems of males and females?
a. Male: penis, fallopian tubes, prostate gland Female: ovaries, uterus, vagina
b. Male: testes, epididymis, penis Female: vas deferens, vagina, fallopian tubes
c. Male: prostate gland, penis, testes Female: uterus, vagina, fallopian tubes
d. Male: vas deferens, cervix, penis Female: vagina, epididymis, ovaries
38. What is the relationship between tissues and organs?
a. Organs are made up of tissues. c. Organs are enclosed by tissues.
b. Tissues contain one or more organs. d. Organs develop into tissues.
39. Which of the following statements describe how tissues, organs, and organ systems are related?
a. Organs form tissues, which form organ systems.
b. Organ systems form organs, which form tissues.
c. Tissues form organs, which form organ systems.
d. None of the above
40. Muscle tissue that has involuntary regulation of contraction is:
a. cardiac muscle only b. smooth muscle only c. skeletal muscle only d. cardiac muscle and smooth muscle
41. The muscle tissue type that consists of single, very long, cylindrical, multinucleate cells with very obvious striations
a. cardiac muscle only b. smooth muscle only c. skeletal muscle only d. cardiac and smooth muscle
42. The plasma membrane of a muscle cell is called the:
a. sarcolemma b. sarcomere c. myofilament d. sarcoplasm
43. Which of the following does not describe cardiac muscle tissue:
a. uninucleate b. striations c. involuntary
D) rhythmic contractions
E) attached to bones

The striations that give skeletal muscle its characteristic striped appearance are produced, for the most part, by:

A) a difference in the thickness of the sarcolemma B) the arrangement of myofilaments

C) the sarcoplasmic reticulum
D) the T tubules

32) Which one of the following does NOT compress the abdomen:
A) internal oblique
B) external oblique
C) transversus abdominis
D) latissimus dorsi
E) rectus abdominis

The movement opposite to abduction is:

A) flexion
B) rotation
C) circumduction
D) adduction

The pituitary gland is controlled by the:

A) Anterior Lobe
B) Hypothalamus
C) Posterior Lobe
D) Frontal Cortex

The Pancreas produces which 2 hormones:

A) Epinephrine and Insulin

B) Melatonin and Glucagon
C) Insulin and Glucagon
D) Glucagon and Norepinephrine

Which hormone is produced in the Beta cells of the islets of Langerhans:

A) Melatonin
B) Glucagon
C) Insulin
D) Calcitonin

In the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is controlled by hormones made where?

A) In the Hypothalamus
B) In the Adrenal Gland
C) In the Pancreas
D) In the Parathyroid

he hormone Progesterone causes what to occur in women?

A) Follicle Development
B) Development of the Uterine Lining
C) Spermatogenesis
D) Female Secondary Sex Characteristics

Which of the following substances are produced by the pituitary gland?

Adrenocorticotropic hormone
Luteinizing hormone
Growth hormone
Follicle-stimulating hormone
All of these

End of Question 4
Question 5.
What is the purpose of the thyroid gland?

It releases insulin, glucagon and somatostatin to regulate sugar levels

It releases dopamine and promotes homeostasis of noradrenaline
It releases aldosterone and cortisol to convert proteins into sugars
It releases thyroxin and calcitonin to regulate the rate of growth, metabolism and calcium levels in the blood
It releases thyroxin and insulin to stimulate growth
None of these

End of Question 5

Question 6.
What are the female gonads?

Exocrine glands
Mammillary bodies
Pituitary glands

The endocrine system can be controlled or influenced by which of the following?

The peripheral nervous system

The central nervous system
Topical hormones
All of these

Pituitary growth hormone can affect cells in various parts of the human body because the hormone is secreted directly into

the bloodstream

the digestive tract

glandular ducts

muscle tissue
Question 3 of 10
Gland A releases a hormone that makes gland B release estrogen. Gland A is most likely the




The body normally responds to low concentrations of sugar in the body by secreting




Question 6 of 10
This endocrine gland would most be affected by a diet deficient in iodine.




Question 7 of 10
This gland secretes numerous hormones that directly regulate the activities of several other endocrine glands and tissues.



Question 8 of 10
This region of the brain functions as an endocrine gland by producing hormones that influence the activities of the pituitary


medulla oblongotta


Question 9 of 10
This hormone is responsible for fight or flight.




Question 10 of 10
This gland secretes melatonin for sleeping.




____ 1. Once sperm are produced by the testes they move into and mature in the
a. seminiferous tubes c. vas deferens
b. penis d. epididymis

____ 2. The purpose of the urethra is to

a. carry only urine
b. carry only semen
c. carry a mixture of semen and urine
d. carry both semen and urine but not at the same time

____ 3. The menstrual cycle is triggered each month by

a. the release of blood from the uterus
b. the buildup of the lining of the uterus
c. hormones
d. sexual intercourse

____ 4. Female infertility can be caused by hormonal problems, blocked fallopian tubes, and
a. a cold c. irregular menstrual cycles
b. lack of appetite d. STDs

____ 5. Sexual feelings are normal and necessary

a. for reproduction to occur
b. for the heart and lungs to function properly
c. for an ovum to be released from a female’s ovary each month
d. for teens to become adults.

____ 6. When sexual feelings occur, it is important to

a. consciously choose to act responsibly
b. go to a quiet place and talk about what you are feeling with your partner
c. explore the feelings and do what feels best
d. see a doctor

____ 7. The external male reproductive organs consist of the penis, testes, and
a. urethra c. scrotum
b. prostated. seminal visicle

____ 8. The external female reproductive organs include

a. the vagina, the clitoris, and the mons pubis c. the vaginal opening, the labia majora, and the clitoris
b. the hymen, the vaginal opening, and the uterus d. the hymen, the ovaries, and the clitoris

____ 9. Semen leaves the male body when the penis is erect and
a. urination occurs c. excitement occurs
b. evacuation occurs d. ejaculation occurs

____ 10. The menstrual cycle is a result of

a. the female body preparing to give birth c. the female body preparing for pregnancy
b. the female body preparing to produce milk d. the female body preparing for old age
Match each item with the correct statement below. .

a. scrotume. cervix
b. sterility f. erection
c. vulva g. menstruation
d. uterus h. penis

____ 23. inability to produce offspring

____ 24. a loose sac of skin that holds the testes

____ 25. a hollow muscular organ that receives and holds

a fertilized ovum

____ 26. the opening to the uterus

____ 27. a male organ that is used by males both for

sexual reproduction and the elimination of body wastes

____ 28. the external female reproductive organs

____ 29. the process of shedding the lining of the uterus

____ 30. when the sponge-like tissues of the penis fill with
blood and the penis becomes enlarged and hard

Label the illustration

For each item below, use the pull-down menu to select the letter that labels the correct part of the image.
1.1 flexor carpi radialis
1.2 flexor carpi ulnaris
1.3 deltoid
1.4 tensor fasciae latae
1.5 vastus medialis
1.6 sternocleidomastoid

For each item below, use the pull-down menu to select the letter that labels the correct part of the image.
2.1 biceps femoris
2.2 soleus
2.3 trapezius
2.4 gracilis
2.5 latissimus dorsi
2.6 teres major

or each item below, use the pull-down menu to select the letter that labels the correct part of the image.
4.1 fimbriae
4.2 uterine (fallopian) tube
4.3 cervix
4.4 body of uterus
4.5 vagina
4.6 ovary
For each item below, use the pull-down menu to select the letter that labels the
correct part of the image.
5.1 labia majora
5.2 labia minora
5.3 vestibule
5.4 vaginal orifice
5.5 mons pubis
5.6 clitoris

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