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International Journal of Technology v(i) pp-pp (YYYY)

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International Journal of Technology

Effect of Angle of Attack Variation of Stern Foil on High Speed Craft on

Various Speed with Computational Fluid Dynamics Method

Haekal Dwiputera1, Naufal Yudha Prawira1, Mohamad Arif Andira2, Muhammad Arif
1Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Universitas
Indonesia, Kampus Baru UI Depok, 16424, Indonesia
2PT. CCIT Group Indonesia, Jl. HM Usman No. 22 A Depok, 16425, Indonesia

Abstract. Indonesia has the potential to become the World Maritime Center. Indonesia has a large
area of sea, coast, and small islands that are strategically significant as pillars of national economic
development. Nowadays, the international maritime world has begun to shift to a greener shipping
and maritime world with lower carbon emissions and higher fuel efficiency. Innovation in creating
or optimizing new technologies is one step towards realizing a green maritime world. One aspect
that affects efficiency is the hydrodynamics of the ship by the addition of stern foil. Stern foil is an
underwater hydrofoil that is mounted on the back of the ship to produce lift and additional thrust
when the ship is moving, thereby affecting the ship's trim and the wet surface area causing a
reduction in drag. This study aims to determine the simulation software settings and determine the
optimal stern-foil’s angle of attack using a 1-meter ship model with a stern foil varying angle of
attack; 0 degrees, 1 degree, 2 degrees, and 5 degrees; with simulation method using CFDSOF. The
results of this study indicate that the use of this stern foil configuration is effective in reducing ship’s
drag 9% - 26% on Froude number 0.5 -0.75.
Keywords: Angle of attack; Efficiency; Resistance; Simulation; Stern Foil

1. Introduction
Innovation in creating or optimizing a new technology is one step towards to achieve a
"green" maritime world. One aspect that affects efficiency is the hydrodynamics of the ship.
To achieve an economical-fuel ship, analysis is carried out to improve hull efficiency by
modifying the front or aft of the hull. One of them is the application of hydrofoil. Hydrofoil
has been widely used in the maritime world such as stabilizers on commercial ships and
submarines, manoeuvres, and others. Stern foil is an underwater hydrofoil that is installed
at the aft of the ship to generate lift and additional thrust force when the ship is moving,
thus affecting the ship's trim and wet surface area. At relatively high speeds stern foil can
reduce the total drag on the ship. This technology was invented by van Oossanen in 1992
and patented in 2002 (Uithof, Bouckaert, et al., 2016). Hull vane can reduce drag more than
other appendixes up to 32.4% and effectively reduce pitch motion and wave resistance
(Uithof, Hagemeister, et al., 2016).

*Corresponding author’s email:, Tel.: +62-82-113942255

doi: 10.14716/ijtech.v0i0.0000
Budiyanto (et al.) 47

Several researchers have researched on the effect of variations in the number and
position of the foil on the hull vane on ship resistance, and the 50% T position variation
reduces resistance by 20.135%, heaving is reduced by 33%, and pitching is reduced by 33%
(Nugroho et al., 2017). There is another study that shows the single-foil-hull vane ship
model with a foil position of 2% LWL behind the ship and 60% T is the most optimal model
to reduce total drag to 27.278%. Whereas for ship motion, the best heaving and pitching
values in the single-foil-hull vane ship model are 4% LWL behind the ship and 60% T with
a reduction in the heaving value of 8.86% and the pitching value of 6.44% (Assidiq et al.,
2017). On a hydrofoil ship with a trimaran hull with a service speed of 20 knots and 30
knots, the optimal angle of attack is 30 degrees and 20 degrees each. At a service speed of
40 knots, the ship has reached a stall condition where it has lost its lift (Suryadi & Arief,
2016). Another study shows that crew ships using stern foil have better RAO heave and
RAO pitch motion characteristics than ships without stern foil (Prasetyo & Suastika, 2016).
At optimal load (half full load condition) and Fr 1.1 in experiments and simulations, get a
reduction of resistance by 22.3% and 23.3% with the application of stern foil. Besides, with
variations in the stern foil configuration (0° to the x-axis) in the simulation, the reduction
in resistance was found to be 26.7% which occurred at Fr 0.9 (Budiyanto et al., 2020). The
most effective hull vane depth with an angle of attack of 2 degrees is at a depth of 100% T
(Afriansyah et al., 2019). Hull vane effectively reduces fuel consumption by up to 12.5% in
the LOA = L + LHv alternative (with hull vane) and has been shown to reduce annual fuel
requirements (Hagemeister et al., 2017). Hull vane also effective to damp the ship motions
(Bouckaert et al., 2016). The use of surface piercing hydrofoil reduces the total resistance
to 38,53% and save 61,5% of the ship's effective horsepower compared to the bare hull
(Azis et al., 2017). Another study shows that aspect ratio, Froude number, and CL/CD affect
the stall phenomenon on hydrofoil application (Dewi, 2017). The comparison between
hydrofoil position and ship’s center of gravity also affects the reduction of the ship's
resistance because the moment occurs when the ship is flying (Slamet & Suastika, 2012).
The usage of swept fully submerged foil is also effective to reduce the ship's resistance
(Agustian et al., 2017).
The addition of grothues spoilers with NACA 6412 foil variations is the most optimal
result in reducing the total resistance at Fn 0.18 by 13.728%, viscosity resistance can be
reduced by 5.712%, and wave resistance is reduced by 34.29%. And from the results of the
wake friction analysis, the model with the NACA 6412 foil variation is also the most optimal
in reducing the wake value, where at its service speed, the wake value has decreased by
1.0402% (Lubis et al., 2018). The addition of four grothues spoilers with NACA 64098 foil
variations are optimal in reducing resistance to 11.7 %, viscosity resistance can be reduced
by 5.31%, and wave resistance is reduced by 27.17%. And from the results of the wake
friction analysis, the model with the NACA 64098 foil variation is also the most optimal in
reducing the wake value, where at its service speed, the wake value has decreased by 1.75%
(Siagian et al., 2018).
Based on the above research bases, the focus of this research is knowing the effect of
changes in the angle of attack of stern foil on high speed craft by comparing Froude Number
and ship resistance. The purpose of this study is to simulate using the computational fluid
dynamics method with CFDSOF software (PT CCIT Group Indonesia, n.d.) on a high speed
craft with stern foil application; knowing the proper set up in the CFDSOF software to find
the total ship resistance in each stern foil configuration; determine the optimal condition of
stern foil through variations in the angle of attack and speed of the ship represented by
Froude Number. By knowing the results of this study, it can be useful to determine the effect
of the stern foil angle of attack on ship resistance and as a consideration in the simulation
stage in similar cases.
48 Effect of Angle of Attack Variation of Stern Foil on High Speed Craft on Various Speed with
Computational Fluid Dynamics Method

2. Methods
2.1. Ship Dimension and Stern Foil Design
The model ship that will be used in this research is the Mark VI Patrol Vessel which is
included in the high speed craft category with a slender body hull model. This ship will be
scaled with a ratio of 1: 25.8, so that the model has dimensions of the length of 1 m, a width
of 0.2403 m, draught 0.0465 m, and displacement of 3.25 kg. This simulation is carried out
at a speed of 1.57 m/s, 1.76 m/s, 1.93 m/s, 2.1 m/s, and 2.3 m/s so that this ship is included
in the high speed craft category according to with regulations from IMO. The stern foil
profile used was NACA 4412 with span dimensions following the transom width of the ship,
0.2 m, and chord 0.04 m as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Zero degree of stern foil

The stern foil is installed at a depth of 100% T, so the strut dimensions are 0.06 m. 3D
designs made with Autodesk Inventor as shown in Figure 2. Zero degree of attack angle of
the stern foil is parallel to the fluid flow that passes through the transom area of the ship at
a depth of 100%T, which is 5.01 degrees. Four variables will be tested using this simulation
method, namely the angle of attack of zero degrees, one degree, two degrees, and five

Figure 2 Ship and stern foil 3D design

2.2. Boundary Condition

The first thing to do is to make geometry preparations by importing the ship design
and foil stern separately. Make sure that the vessel is pointing towards the negative x-axis
so that fluid flows from the negative x-axis to the positive x-axis. After that, to capture the
transition area between the air and water, and to obtain higher accuracy on the part that is
exposed to water, a box called a refinement box is needed. With the draw geometry feature,
we can make it with dimensions of 12 m x 6 m x 0.5 m. In CFDSOF, we need a box to
represent a pool of water. This box dimension is 13 m x 7 m x 6.5 as shown in Figure 4. Pay
attention that this water box must overlap the refinement box. In this geometry
preparation, there are four geometries, which are the ship, stern foil, refinement box, and
also a water box.
The next step is meshing. Meshing is the process of forming a model into cells that are
taken into account when the computation run. In ship geometry, the refinement level
parameter given to the surface of the ship is level 5 surface refinement. As for the stern foil
geometry, the given surface refinement is level 7 because the stern foil has a complex shape
Budiyanto (et al.) 49

that the water fluid passes through it all over its surface. Therefore, a higher level is needed
compared to the ship geometry so that the stern foil shape can be captured properly. In the
refinement box, meshing won't be enabled. However, it will be activated for refinement. The
refinement region given in this box is level 2 with inside mode. As for the water box, it will
not be activated for meshing or refinement.
The next step is to create a closure box using the base mesh feature with dimensions of
12 m x 6 m x 9 m. This closure box will be activated for meshing with mesh distributions in
the x, y, and z directions of 50, 25, and 38 each. In this base mesh feature, it is required to
set the boundaries of each face on the box. In this case, X- will be arranged as an inlet, X +
as an outlet, Y-, Y +, and Z- as symmetry because at these faces, it is predicted that the
characteristics of the fluid are the same as the characteristics of the fluid outside the wall,
and Z + as the boundary to represent air fluid. To successfully generate the mesh, the mesh
location needs to be considered so that the location points are outside the geometry of the
ship and the foil stern. You need to check the mesh to make sure that the resulting mesh is
"OK". By using the parameters above, the number of cells produced is 357646.

(a) (b)

Figure 3 Mesh results: (a) Ship; (b) Stern foil

Next is to define each boundary. The inlet uses the inlet velocity type. The entered
speed is following the test speed of the ship. The outlet uses the outflow type. The outflow
speed is following the ship's test speed. For faces with symmetry type, the boundary
condition is symmetry. The faces of the boundary type use a far-field. It is suitable for
compressible fluids (air). For the fluid flow in the simulation to be constant, it is necessary
to adjust the initial conditions where the initial velocity is entered according to the speed
of the ship in the x-direction. In this setting, the water box is targeted to be patched, so it is
defined as water fluid and the value is set to 1
50 Effect of Angle of Attack Variation of Stern Foil on High Speed Craft on Various Speed with
Computational Fluid Dynamics Method

Figure 4 View of boxes

The simulation is carried out with a physical time of 5 seconds, with a time-step (delta
t) of 1e-4, and a maximum courant number of 1. The calculation will be saved every 0.1
seconds of computation time. Within 5 seconds, it is expected that the resistance value
graph will approach a steady phase. This research is conducted with a transient model
where the value of the resistance will change depending on the time. The turbulence model
used is RANS (Reynolds-averaged-Navier-Strokes) with the k-ω SST model.

𝜕𝑢 𝜕𝑣
+ 𝜕𝑦 = 0
𝐷 𝜕𝑃
𝜌 𝐷𝑡 (𝑢) = 𝜌𝑔𝑥 − 𝜕𝑥 + 𝜇𝛻 (𝑢)2

𝐷 𝜕𝑃
𝜌 𝐷𝑡 (𝑣) = 𝜌𝑔𝑦 − 𝜕𝑦 + 𝜇𝛻 2 (𝑣)
𝐷 𝜕𝑃 2
𝜌 𝐷𝑡 (𝑤) = 𝜌𝑔𝑧 − 𝜕𝑧 + 𝜇𝛻 (𝑤)
This model is used because the RANS focuses on the mean flow and the effects of the
flow properties. This model does not focus on details on turbulent fluctuations, so it is
sufficient only with time-averaged flow properties such as average velocity, pressure, etc.
(Taha, 2005). Because the simulation will be carried out in two phases (namely water and
air), the multiphase volume of fluid (VOF) option is used. Phase 1 is defined as water fluid
with a density of 997.13 kg/m3 and a dynamic viscosity of 8.91e-4 Pa.s. Phase 2 is defined
as water fluid with a density of 1,225 kg/m3 and a dynamic viscosity of 1.79e-5 Pa.s.
Paraview is used to visualize the simulation results and calculate the value of ship
resistance. After the simulation completes, the ship and foil stern can be visualized with
various options such as pressure, alpha phase, and others. To calculate the resistance, it is
necessary to calculate the normal force in the x-direction by generating "Generate Surfaces
Normal". Then the pressure results that have been obtained from the simulation are
multiplied by the magnitude of the normal force in the x-direction, then integrate it.

2.3. Grid Independency Test

The independence test is a test to see the sensitivity of the mesh model system to the
simulation results on various numbers of mesh so that we get the right amount of meshes
for efficient computation time and quality results. The design used for the independence
test on CFDSOF and experimental data is found from previous research using a towing test
where the ship is driven by external propulsion that will be connected to the ship's data
capture device (Syahrudin, 2019). It can be concluded that the most appropriate mesh
count is ± 350,000 with a computation time of 24 to 25 hours.x
Table 1 Grid independency test results
Simulation Experiment Error
of Mesh
±150.000 8N 4.6 N 73,91%
±250.000 6,84 N 4.6 N 48,69%
±350.000 5N 4.6 N 8,69%
±450.000 10,6 N 4.6 N 130, 43%
Budiyanto (et al.) 51

Figure 5 shows the comparison of experiments and simulations. These were conducted to
ensure that the setup owns right and can be used in vessels with stern foil. The data used
to validate the software setup is the ship resistance data. This comparison is carried out on
ships with working conditions in Froude number 0.58 - 0.76 with the ship model without
stern foil.

Resistance (N)

0,55 0,6 0,65 0,7 0,75 0,8
Froude Number

Experiment Simulation

Figure 5 Validation of Ship Resistance Using Experiment and Simulation Methods

There is an error value to validate the software setup assessed by the trendline
obtained in the trendline in Figure 7. Error at each point of the axis-x Froude Number 0.52,
0.58, 0.6, 0.63, 0.69, and 0.76 are respectively by 29%, 23%, 22%, 20%, 16% and 12%. The
value of error is going to be a consideration when doing simulation ship with a stern foil in
Froude Number the same.
Error in setup occurs because of the quality of the mesh are less good. Mesh should
capture all the boundary layers on the vessel so that the value of ship resistance in along
the boat can be caught by both. Speed also affects the value of the error in velocity are
different because there are factors courant number that is a function of speed.

3. Results and Discussion

Figure 6 shows the use of stern foil is effective in reducing ship resistance by up to 26%.
The smallest reduction in drag occurred at an average speed of 2.3 m/s with the smallest at
an angle of attack of 5 degrees, which 9%. Meanwhile, the biggest reduction in drag
occurred at an average speed of 1.57 m/s with an angle of 2 degrees as the largest, namely
26%. It happens because of the submergence factor. As the speed increases, the lifting force
increases, so that as the speed increases, the foil stern will be closer to the surface of the
water. The closer to the water surface, the smaller the lift force produced because the mass
of fluid passing through the hydrofoil will be smaller. It can be seen that for each
configuration of the angle of attack, from a speed of 1.57 m/s to 2.3 m/s, the drag reduction
trend is getting smaller. The 2-degree angle of attack configuration is the most optimal
configuration based on these data, where the resistance reduction that occurs ranges from
18% - 26%. This happens because the lift coefficient is higher in the NACA 4412 profile so
that the resulting thrust force will be greater and can reduce drag optimally. Even though
in the 5-degree angle of attack configuration the lift coefficient is higher than 2 degrees, but
the drag coefficient at 5 degrees is greater than 2 degrees. This can be seen from the L/D
which is the ratio of lift to resistance. The higher the ratio, the smaller the drag occurs.
52 Effect of Angle of Attack Variation of Stern Foil on High Speed Craft on Various Speed with
Computational Fluid Dynamics Method

From the Figure 7, the L/D ratio has a downward trend in each configuration of the
angle of attack against the Froude number. This can happen because of the higher the speed
of the ship, the greater the resistance. The resistance on the ship (friction or wave
resistance) will dominate the total resistance because basically, the resistance generated by
the stern foil tends to be small. Although the lift will increase with increasing speed, because
of the dominance of the resistance of the ship, the comparison in L/D is getting bigger.
Without Stern Foil 0degree

Resistance (N)

0,5 0,55 0,6 0,65 0,7 0,75
Froude Number

Figure 6 Effectiveness angle of attack of stern foil application

0degree 1degree 2degree 5degree




0,5 0,55 0,6 0,65 0,7 0,75
Froude Number

Figure 7 Lift to drag ratio of stern foil application

Figure 8 shows the velocity contours comparison of the Stern Foil AOA 2 with a speed
of 1.57 m/s and without the stern foil. The occurrence of turbulence is related to the
Reynolds number theory. The higher the speed, the greater the Reynolds number (Vellinga,
2009). The higher the angle of attack, the greater the Reynolds number will be. So the speed
of the ship and the stern foil attack angle is crucial for turbulence. Figure 9 shows the
velocity contour of the stern foil.
Budiyanto (et al.) 53

(a) (b)

Figure 8 Speed contour at 1.57 m/s: (a) 2-degree stern foil; (b) without stern foil

(a) (b)
Figure 9 Speed contour at 2.3 m/s: (a) 1-degree stern foil; (b) 5-degree stern foil

Figure 10 shows the decrease in resistance caused of using stern foil in each stern foil
configuration at each speed represented by Froude Number compared to ships without
stern foil. The greater the percentage, the greater the reduction in resistance. From the
graph above, 2-degree stern foil configuration and operating at a speed of 1.57 m/s is the
most effective configuration to reduce ship resistance, which is 26%. Meanwhile, 5-degree
stern foil configuration and operating at a speed of 2.3 m/s got the least resistance
reduction of 9%. However, the use of stern foil is effective in reducing resistance on ships
by 9% - 26%.

0degree 1degree 2degree 5degree



% Reduction




0,517 0,58 0,63 0,69 0,757
Froude Number

Figure 10 Comparison of ship resistance reduction by stern foil application

54 Effect of Angle of Attack Variation of Stern Foil on High Speed Craft on Various Speed with
Computational Fluid Dynamics Method

Figure 11 shows the verification of this simulation. CFD Model verification and validation is
an important part of the post-process. CFD verification looks for errors that occur in the
implementation of the model by checking the convergence of iterations (monitoring the
residue results), check consistency, check grid convergence, and compare computational
results with analytical solutions. CFD Validation checks the model to match the real
conditions by comparing the computation results with the results experiment. The main
purpose of verification and validation is to get the best and acceptable results.

Figure 11 Resistance vs time graph on ParaView on 2-degrees stern foil ship at speed of 1.93 m/s

4. Conclusions
Simulations with the CFD method using CFDSOF have been carried out on patrol
boats using stern foil with various angles of attack at several speeds. Based on research
data and analysis, it can be concluded that simulations using the CFD method can be
performed using CFDSOF software to calculate the amount of resistance on the ship and
predict other results such as lift, velocity contours, or wave patterns at higher speeds or
a more varied angle of attack with the same setup. The setup starts with a grid
independence test that determines the number of meshes ± 350,000. To achieve that
amount of mesh, with ship geometry, stern foil, refinement box, and water box, the
refinement parameter is used on the ship of 5 and for the stern foil of 7. Then the
simulation is set to multiphase, with SST k-ω as the turbulence model. The boundary
condition on x negative is an inlet, x positive is an outlet; y positive, y negative, z negative
are symmetry; z positive is the far-field boundary. In this research, a ship with a 2-degree
stern foil configuration and operating at a speed of 1.57 m / s is the most effective way
to reduce drag on the ship, which is 26%. Meanwhile, ship with a 5-degree stern foil
configuration and operating at a speed of 2.3 m / s experienced the least resistance
reduction of 9%. However, the use of foil sterns is effective in reducing resistance on
ships by 9% - 26%.

The author is very grateful to PT. CCIT Group Indonesia has provided CFDSOF software
( for this research. The author also thanks and gives recognition to the Research
Assignment for the 2020 Fiscal Year, Ministry of Research and Technology Republic of
Indonesia/National Research and Innovation Agency (KEMENRISTEK/BRIN) and the
Directorate Research and Development (DRPM) Universitas Indonesia, Main contract
Number: 8/E1/KP.PTNBH/2020 and Number:255/PKS/R/UI/2020, UI Contract Number:
Budiyanto (et al.) 55

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