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Age of Fantasy – Chivalrous Kingdoms v2.

by Gaetano Ferrara (

Background About OPR

The Chivalrous Kingdoms are ruled by religious fanatics that OPR (onepagerules) is the home of many free games which
consider technology to be heresy and prefer to stick to the are designed to be fast to learn and easy to play. This project
old fashioned ways. The majority of their forces consist of was made by gamers for games and it can only exist thanks to
valiant Knights, backed by dirty peasants that usually act as the generous support of our awesome community!
mere cannon fodder.
If you’d like to support the continued development of our
Since their strength relies on high mobility and aggressive games you can donate on
charges, their armies are usually split into two. The peasant
infantry moves to strategic positions and holds them with Find more of our games at
spearmen and archers, whilst the cavalry protects them by
Join the community by following us here:
actively harassing the enemy.
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Even though now religious fanaticism defines these kingdoms,
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the religious prophetesses used to be derided when they
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preached of a great evil that was to darken the land. It was
only when the great rift opened and daemons started to If you want to give us your feedback or have any questions
spread across the lands that all kings started to listen to them feel free to contact us:
and fear the wrath of god.
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Now the prophetesses are the true rulers of the Chivalrous  E-Mail:
Kingdoms, inspiring them in the fight to protect their lands.
Thank you for playing and happy wargaming!

Gaetano Ferrara (onepageanon)

Age of Fantasy – Chivalrous Kingdoms v2.0
by Gaetano Ferrara (

Name [size] Qua Def Equipment Special Rules Upgrades Cost

Lord [1] 3+ 3+ Hand Weapon (A3) Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) A 60pts
Paladin [1] 4+ 3+ Hand Weapon (A3) Fearless, Hero, Tough(3) B 55pts
Prophetess [1] 5+ 6+ Hand Weapon (A1) Hero, Tough(3), Wizard(1) C 30pts
Men-at-Arms [10] 6+ 5+ Hand Weapons (A1) - D, E 55pts
Pilgrims [6] 6+ 5+ Hand Weapons (A1) Grail Relic - 70pts
Bowmen [5] 6+ 6+ Longbows (30”, A1), Hand Weapons (A1) - D, F 20pts
Light Cavalry [5] 5+ 5+ Spears (A1, Impact(1)) Fast D 95pts
Heavy Cavalry [6] 5+ 4+ Lances (A1, Impact(2)) Fast, Fearless, Lance Formation D 200pts
Realm Knights [6] 4+ 4+ Lances (A1, Impact(2)) Fast, Fearless, Lance Formation D 235pts
Quest Knights [6] 3+ 4+ Great Weapons (A1, AP(2)) Fast, Fearless, Lance Formation D 215pts
Grail Knights [6] 3+ 4+ Lances (A2, Impact(2)) Fast, Fearless, Lance Formation D 290pts
Pegasus Knights [3] 4+ 3+ Lances (A1, Impact(2)), Hooves (A2) Fast, Fearless, Flying, Tough(3) D 230pts
Trebuchet [1] 5+ 5+ Trebuchet (48", A1, AP(2), Blast(6), Indirect), Artillery, Immobile, Tough(3) - 130pts
Crew (A3)

A Replace Hand Weapon: Special Rules

Great Weapon (A3, AP(2)) +5pts Grail Relic: The Grail Relic is a special model that
Lance (A3, Impact(2)) – mounted only +10pts is part of the Pilgrims unit. The model counts as
Upgrade with: having a Hand Weapon (A6) and Tough(6).
Lord’s Virtue +75pts Lady’s Blessing: The hero and her unit get the
Mount on: Regeneration special rule.
Horse – Hooves (A1), Fast +10pts Lance Formation: This model takes one Quality
test when Charging, if successful it deals 2 hits.
Pegasus – +75pts
Lord’s Virtue: Units of Men-at-Arms that are
Hooves (A2), Fast, Flying, Tough(+3)
joined by the hero count as having Quality 4+.
Hippogryph – Defense +1, +205pts
Claws (A5, AP(1)), Fast, Fear(10), Wizard Spells
Flying, Impact(3), Tough(+6) Wild Form (4+): Target friendly unit within 12”
gets AP(+1) in melee until the end of the round.
B Replace Hand Weapon: Leech (4+): Target enemy model within 24” must
Lance (A3, Impact(2)) – mounted only +5pts take a morale test. If failed it takes D3 wounds.
Great Weapon (A3, AP(2)) +10pts Fireball (5+): Target enemy unit within 24” takes
Mount on: D6+2 automatic hits.
Horse – Hooves (A1), Fast +10pts Protection (5+): Target friendly unit within 36”
Pegasus – +65pts gets Stealth until the end of the round.
Hooves (A2), Fast, Flying, Tough(+3) Magic Blood (6+): Target friendly unit within 6”
gets Regeneration until the end of the round.
C Upgrade Wizard(1):
Rusty Weapons (6+): Target enemy unit within
Wizard(2) +10pts
24” gets -1 in melee until the end of the round.
Wizard(3) +20pts
Upgrade with:
Lady’s Blessing +90pts
Mount on:
Horse – Hooves (A1), Fast +5pts
Pegasus – +25pts
Hooves (A2), Fast, Flying, Tough(+3)

D Upgrade with:
Command Group +20pts

E Replace all Hand Weapons:

Halberds (A1, AP(1)) +5pts
Spears (A1, Phalanx) +15pts

F Upgrade all models with one:

Scout +10pts
Defensive Stakes (Phalanx) +10pts
Upgrade all models with:
Fire Braziers (AP(1) when shooting) +5pts

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