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Energy Management and Operational Control

Methods for Grid Battery Energy Storage Systems
Xiangjun Li, Senior Member, IEEE, and Shangxing Wang

Abstract—Energy storage is one of the key means for improv- With the rapid development in recent years of the electric
ing the flexibility, economy and security of power system. It is vehicle (EV) industry, battery manufacturing and application-
also important in promoting new energy consumption and the related technologies have made great progress. Battery life
energy Internet. Therefore, energy storage is expected to support
distributed power and the micro-grid, promote open sharing and cost issues have further improved, making battery storage
and flexible trading of energy production and consumption, and the most popular and fastest-growing type of energy storage
realize multi-functional coordination. In recent years, with the technology [6], [7].
rapid development of the battery energy storage industry, its Currently, the application scale and scenarios of a BESS is
technology has shown the characteristics and trends for large- larger, and more diverse. The emergence of a 100-megawatt
scale integration and distributed applications with multi-objective
collaboration. As a grid-level application, energy management BESS contributes a positive role in the large-scale integration
systems (EMS) of a battery energy storage system (BESS) were of this new energy along with the safe and stable operation of
deployed in real time at utility control centers as an important the power grid. Distributed and mobile energy storage is also
component of power grid management. Based on the analysis a rapidly developing technology in the field of distribution
of the development status of a BESS, this paper introduced network smart management of a renewable energy power
application scenarios, such as reduction of power output fluc-
tuations, agreement to the output plan at the renewable energy resource, and intelligent transportation. With their rapid devel-
generation side, power grid frequency adjustment, power flow opment and improvement, energy storage systems with large-
optimization at the power transmission side, and a distributed scale integration and distributed applications are expected to
and mobile energy storage system at the power distribution side. have multiple application modes and diverse applications.
The studies and application status of a BESS in recent years were Ensuring the positive role of a centralized or distributed BESS
reviewed. The energy management, operation control methods,
and application scenes of large-scale BESSs were also examined in the new energy integration support and grid safety control,
in the study. achieving multiple objectives, multi-level collaborative opti-
mization control and efficient operation is an important goal
Index Terms—Battery energy storage system (BESS), energy for the future development of a BESS.
management systems (EMS), multi-objective collaborative This paper reviews the research results and developmental
control, new energy integration, power grid ancillary service.
status of a BESS at the power supply side, grid side and
power distribution side. A forecast of the key technologies,
application prospects, and operation modes of a BESS is
included in this study. This paper is organized as follows.
I. I NTRODUCTION Section II presents an overview of BESS monitoring and

B ATTERY energy storage systems (BESSs) are an impor-

tant method to store energy with their flexible config-
urations for different application requirements without geo-
applications. Section III presents a BESS in the power supply
side. Section IV describes a BESS in the power grid side.
Applications of a BESS in the power distribution side are
graphical conditions. Their fast responses can simultaneously discussed in Section V. Section VI presents the conclusions
input or output active and/or reactive power. Compared with and future directions for grid BESSs.
other energy systems, BESS has a relatively higher energy
efficiency. The said advantages make BESS an irreplaceable
option in centralized and distributed new energy integration,
and ancillary grid operations [1]–[5]. Lithium-ion, lead-carbon, sodium-sulfur, and redox-flow
batteries are the main battery technologies that are used for
Manuscript received January 22, 2019; revised March 26, 2019; accepted
May 22, 2020. Date of online publication June 13, 2019; date of current energy storage. With the continuous release of support policies
version May 25, 2021. This work was supported by the Science and Technol- and improvements of the manufacturing processes, the energy
ogy Project of State Grid Corporation of China (DG71-18-009): Intelligent storage battery technology has developed rapidly. Its key
coordination control and energy optimization management of super-large scale
battery energy storage power station based on information physics fusion. technical indicators, such as battery safety, cycle life, and
X. J. Li (corresponding author, e-mail:, and energy density, have greatly improved. On the other hand, the
S. X. Wang are with the State Key Laboratory of Control and Operation application costs have dropped significantly. On this basis, the
of Renewable Energy and Storage Systems, Energy Storage and Electrical
Engineering Department, China Electric Power Research Institute, Beijing scale of global energy storage applications has maintained its
100192, China. rapid growth (see Fig. 1) creating an optimistic prospect for
DOI: 10.17775/CSEEJPES.2019.00160 the technology.
2096-0042 © 2019 CSEE

Date of
Project name Configuration Main Function
1) Instruction tracking; 2) smoothen output
Qinghai Luneng Gelmud multi-energy
Dec. 2018 Lithium-ion battery: 50 MW/100 MWh fluctuations; and 3) frequency and voltage
complementary national project (China)
Henan grid-side distributed BESS project 1) Peak regulation; 2) frequency and voltage
Dec. 2018 Lithium-ion battery: 100.8 MW/125.8 MWh
(China) regulation; and 3) Emergency response.
Jiangsu Zhenjiang grid-side distributed BESS 1) Peak regulation; 2) frequency and voltage
Jul. 2018 Lithium-ion battery: 101 MW/202 MWh
project (China) regulation; and 3) emergency response.
SDG& E Escondido BESS project (USA) Feb. 2017 Lithium-ion battery, 30 MW/120 MWh Participate in electricity market transactions
1) Instruction tracking; 2) reduction of the
Golmud New era energy 50-MWp
Jul. 2016 Lithium-ion battery: 15 MW/18 MWh abandonment of PV power generation; and 3)
photovoltaic power station (China)
Smoothen output fluctuations.
Virginia Beech Ridge BESS project (USA) May 2015 Lithium-ion Battery: 31.5 MW/12.06 MWh Participate in the frequency regulation market
West Sendai substation frequency regulation
Feb. 2015 Lithium-ion battery: 40 MW/20 MWh Frequency regulation
BESS (Japan)
Primus, California Irrigation community 1) Smoothen output fluctuations; 2) stability
Oct. 2012 Redox-flow battery: 25 MW/100 MWh
project (USA) support; and 3) improve power quality.
Lithium-ion battery: 14 MW/63 MWh;
Zhangbei 1) Instruction tracking; 2) smoothen output
Redox flow battery: 2 MW/8 MWh;
wind-photovoltaic-storage-transmission Dec. 2011 fluctuations; and 3) frequency and voltage
Lead-acid batteries: 2 MW/12 MWh;
demonstration Project (China) regulation.
Lithium titanate battery: 2 MW/1 MWh
1) Smoothen output fluctuation; and 2) solve
Aomori, Rokkasho-Futamata wind farm
Aug. 2008 Sodium-sulfur battery: 34 MW/245 MWh the problem of low-voltage ride through
(LVRT) and reactive power compensation.

3500 70.0% TABLE II

3000 60.0%
Sodium-sulfur All Vanadium Lithium-ion Lead-acid
2500 50.0% battery redox-flow battery battery battery
Battery cell
2000 40.0% energy
150 25 70–250 50
1500 30.0% density
1000 20.0% Battery cell
500 10.0% 100 100 1000 500
0 0.0%
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 Energy
efficiency 80 70 95 75
Installed capacity of BESS (MW) Annual growth rate (%)
> 2500 > 10 000 > 5000 > 500
Fig. 1. Global BESS application scale in recent years (Data source: CNESA). life/cycle
285 570 430 110

BESSs have been widely used in all aspects of power

systems and have become a new focus in the development vehicles and intelligent transportation technology also allows
of the power industry. According to the experience of global for a promising application in mobile energy storage. For such
energy storage applications, the energy storage application applications, different integration and application modes, such
scenarios can be divided into three categories and 16 types as centralized, distributed, and mobile mode, will be used. A
according to the power supply side, the power grid side, and large number of researchers conducted in-depth studies in the
the power distribution side (see Fig. 2). multi-objective, multi-level operational control, and intelligent
Various engineering projects that utilized BESS technology management. The design of the monitoring system is vital to
of different application scenarios and using different battery ensure that the BESS meets the multi-time scale and multi-
types are listed in Table I. target operational control requirements of the power grid. A
As seen in Table I, the presented practical engineering typical three-layer BESS monitoring architecture is shown in
used Lithium-ion, sodium-sulfur, and redox-flow batteries as Fig. 3. With this architecture, the BESS can establish commu-
components of BESSs. All have different application scenarios nication with a remote regulation system, receive scheduling
due to their different security, energy density, life cycle, and commands, and perform energy management according to the
cost (as shown in Table II). ESS unit information collected by the local monitoring system
The positive role of BESS in new energy integration and widely used in a practical project [2].
grid operational control has drawn great attention from the
worldwide power industry. According to reports, several 100- III. BESS S AT THE P OWER S UPPLY S IDE
MW BESSs in China are planned to be put into production The application of BESSs in the power supply side is pri-
in the near future. The continuous development of electric marily divided into two categories: the combined operation of

Application scenarios

Power supply side Power grid side Power distribution side

Peak regulation and Peak load

Smooth output frequency Optimize power
flow distribution shifting+UPS
fluctuation modulation
Improve power Delay transmission
Frequency quality
modulation ancillary equipment upgrade Community energy
service storage
Relieve congestion
in transmission Load
equipment tracking/renewable Power supply
Standby power energy ramping reliability
supply control
System backup Demand electricity
charge management
Virtual power plant
Microgrid Power supply in
remote areas

Fig. 2. BESS application scenarios.

Remote CMS layer

Master station layer




Supplier Ă Supplier
local local
monitoring monitoring
system system

#1 #2 #L #1 #2 #L
unit of unit of Ă unit of unit of unit of Ă unit of


Sub-BESS based on a transformer unit Sub-BESS based on a transformer unit

Fig. 3. A typical three-layer BESS monitoring architecture.

a BESS and new energy to smoothen the output fluctuation and which helps to meet various technical requirements of the grid
tracking planned output, etc., and the combined operation of a connection.
BESS and traditional thermal power unit to improve frequency Many theoretical methods, along with research and analy-
and voltage regulation capability of traditional thermal power ses, focused on the applications of a BESS for smoothing new
units. energy generation. Establishing a new energy power source
and a BESS combined model is the first problem that should
A. Smooth Power Output Fluctuation be addressed. References [8], [9] modeled a grid connected
New energy sources, such as wind power and photovoltaic to a wind turbine PMSG integrated with a BESS to analyze
power, are characterized by randomness, and intermittence in the performance in a real system. Reference [10] presented a
their output. Direct integration of new large-capacity energy model for the analysis and evaluation of the performance of a
power generation equipment will have a great impact on the NaS-based BESS. A BESS capacity decision is among one of
grid dispatching operations and control, and can even lead the main research directions of this technology considering its
to safety or instability accidents. The combination of a BESS high cost. Reference [11] estimated the capacity of a BESS for
and renewable energy power generation device can convert the the mitigation of wind power fluctuation with smoothing effect
random varying output power into a relatively stable output, in the Jeju Island. Reference [12] developed a control method

using wind velocity and long period power variation of the BESS unit i, SODi is the SOD of the BESS unit i, and L is
power grid to reduce the BESS capacity needed to suppress the total number of the PCS.
fluctuations. Reference [13] established a 4-step coordinated A typical EMS architecture of a BESS is shown in Fig. 4.
control technique based on ADALINE (Adaptive linear neu- First, the main-EMS calculated the power commands in real-
ron) using a small BESS capacity. Reference [14] proposed time based on the total power demand of the BESS according
an intelligent wind power smoothing control using a recurrent to the current collection status information of each transformer
fuzzy neural network (RFNN). Fluctuation suppression is a unit. The sub-EMS then allocated the transformer unit demand
process in need of frequent actions. References [15]–[18] power to each PCS unit according to its status. The status
proposed a smoothing control method for reducing the output parameters include the allowable maximum charge/discharge
power fluctuations and regulating the battery SOC under typ- power of the PCS unit, and the SOC among others. The real-
ical conditions. Reference [19] established a control strategy time demand power was guaranteed to prevent overcharge
for a BESS to mitigate the fluctuation of the PV station based or discharge of the battery, thereby ensuring the safety and
on the fuzzy control theory to avoid the over-discharge of reliability of the transformer unit [2].
the BESS, thereby decreasing the potential damage to the
system. Without a scientific and reasonable state of charge Master station layer
(SOC) management method, the operating life and operational PBESS_all QBESS_all
effectiveness of the battery will be affected.
Main-EMS layer
Reference [15] defined and proposed a smoothing problem
based on the power fluctuation rate as shown in (1) to (3). The PTU 1 QTU 1 PTU s QTU s
power fluctuation rates over the investigated time period were #1 Sub-EMS layer Ă #s Sub-EMS layer
used to evaluate the control effects of the wind and PV power P1 Q1 P2 Q2 PL QL P1 Q1 P2 Q2 PL QL
in smoothing both with and without a BESS.
 max min

rWPPV = f rated
max min
Phybrid − Phybrid #1 #2 #L #1 #2 #L
rhybrid = f rated
(2) unit of unit of Ă unit of unit of unit of Ă unit of
X Sub-BESS based on a Sub-BESS based on a
rated transformer unit transformer unit
PWPPV = uWP rated
k PWP k + uPV rated
k PPV k (3)
k=1 k=1
Fig. 4. A typical EMS architecture of a BESS.
where rWPPV is the original PV and WP generation power
fluctuation rate during the investigated time period T , rhybrid From the research results, a BESS has a significant effect
is the hybrid wind/PV/BESS power fluctuation rate, PWPPV max on smoothing the output fluctuations of new energy power
and PWPPV are the maximum and minimum power values for generation. The evaluation index of the power grid output
the original PV and WP generation, respectively, Phybridmax
and fluctuation is the core issue of the reasonable control strategy
Phybrid are the maximum and minimum power values for the when new energy power generation is connected to the grid.
hybrid wind/PV/BESS, respectively, and PWPPV rated
is the total On this basis, the closed-loop control is an effective way to
rated power of the PVGS and WPGS. The smoothing control solve the optimal control problems with the output fluctuation
power of a BESS was then calculated based on the real- as an input variable. Presently, the assessment index of the
time feedback control of the SOC and power fluctuation rate. output fluctuation of new energy power generation is relatively
Meanwhile, the rate of power change at time t, and charge and loose. Future studies in this field should consider the output
discharge power for each power conversion systems (PCS), i, fluctuation as one of the constraints, combined with other
was calculated using (4) to (7), respectively. grid constraints of the new energy generation process such
as tracking the output deviation of the power generation plan,
PWPPV (t) − PWPPV (t − 1) studying the optimization control method of the energy storage
κWPPV (t) = (4)
∆t system, and developing economic and reliable operational
ui SOCi ini controls and energy management methods.
Pi = L PBESS (5)
(ui SOCi ) B. Output Tracking and Economic Dispatch
The output of the new energy power generation systems
ui SODi ini is generally intermittent and extremely difficult to accurately
Pi = L
(ui SODi ) predict. This problem is rooted on the scientific and rational
i=1 day-ahead, within-the-day, and ultra-short time (real-time)
SODi = 1 − SOCi (7) output plans that ensure efficient export of new energy under
the premise of meeting the schedule and storage constraints.
where PBESS (t) is the initial power of the BESS at time t, In the field of output tracking, current research can be
ui is the start-stop status of PCS i, SOCi is the SOC of the divided into three aspects: day-ahead, within-the-day and ultra-

short time (real-time) output tracking. Literatures, using the 1) Frequency-based Inertial Control (FBIC)
day-ahead output plan, proposed compensating control meth- FBIC is a commonly used inertial control method in com-
ods of energy storage devices for new energy power generation mercial DGs, including BESSs and wind turbines. Fig. 6
to address active and reactive power plans, respectively. Good presents the block diagram of the FBIC method [27]–[30].
results in the peak load shifting and power flow improvements FBIC has two control branches: the upper branch based on the
were achieved. The within-the-day output plan focused on rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), and the lower branch
introducing the optimal performance index function based on designed as a droop-control-based on frequency deviation. The
the real-time electricity price, load demand, and new energy “If” block represents the threshold that determines whether
output to achieve the additional goal of extending the battery the FBIC should be enabled based on the measured system
life while tracking the output plan [19], [20]. For real-time frequency deviation. The ROCOF-based term is dominant at
output, it is necessary to reduce the day-ahead short-term the beginning of the frequency event whereas, the droop-based
forecast error of the new energy as its control objectives [21], term becomes more dominant when the system frequency
[22]. is closer to its nadir. Intuitively, FBIC is more feasible for
A BESS performs an important role in improving the power networks with relatively smooth frequency profiles,
schedule tracking ability and utilization of new energy power transmission networks or bulk power systems. For power
generation [23]. Effective coordination and integration of systems with relatively high penetration levels of renewable
different time scales in the output planning and tracking energy or islanded micro-grids, the enabling threshold of FBIC
control strategies and improvement of the instruction tracking could be difficult to determine.
performance of the BESS is a research direction for further
exploration in this field. df ωl
fsys − Kf
dt s+ωl
C. Frequency Regulation with Power Sources If ∆Pref

s +
The growing installed capacity of a utility-scale BESS fn
+ fsys
provides more viable solutions in revising frequency regulation
strategies and improving the stability of power systems. The
Fig. 6. Frequency-based inertial control (FBIC).
abnormalities of the system frequency profile can be regulated
and restored with the integration of a BESS as it can act as an
energy buffer. As shown in Fig. 5, inertial response is crucial 2) Swing-equation-based Inertial Control (SEBIC)
for maintaining the frequency stability of power systems. It Contrary to FBIC which is widely adopted by different
stores kinetic energy in a rotating mass of a conventional types of DGs, most SEBIC applications depend on a BESS.
synchronous generator (SG) which can be released to arrest the Different SEBIC methods, including virtual inertia control,
rate of change of the frequency (ROCOF) during sudden power virtual synchronous generator (VSG) [31], virtual synchronous
supply-demand imbalances [24]–[26]. Many virtual inertia machine (VSM) [32], [33], synchro-inverter [34], and inertia
algorithms and virtual synchronous generator control schemes emulator [35], incorporate the swing equation of a conven-
were proposed by researchers for power electronics conversion tional SG to imitate its electromechanical transient behavior by
systems to achieve a smoother transition to a renewable- controlling the power conversion system of the BESS. Fig. 7
energy-dominant system. In many cases, droop control was illustrates the control diagram of a SEBIC.
incorporated in the virtual inertia control diagram. Generally,
various virtual inertial control methods for a BESS can be Dp
divided into two categories: frequency-based inertial control
(FBIC), and swing-equation-based inertial control (SEBIC). −
ΔPm + + 1 Δω +
ωn Js
Tm − +
Generation loss or load change occurs 2πfn
Initial slope of frequency decline
Grid frequency (Hz)

depends on system inertia Fig. 7. The diagram of a swing-equation-based inertial control.

According to Fig. 7, Eqs. (8) to (9), and References [31]

and [36], SEBIC can be considered as an extension of a droop
controller due to its similar steady-state responses in terms
of active power. Reference [36] demonstrated the equivalence
0s 5-10 s 20-30 s 5-10 min Time (s) between SEBIC and the frequency-droop control in a Laplace
Inertial domain, whereas Reference [37] performed a detailed theoret-
Primary Secondary Tertiary ical simulation, and experimental comparisons. In sum, better
frequency frequency frequency frequency stability can be achieved using the SEBIC method
control control (AGC) control
(Droop) even with heavier power oscillations. In Fig. 7, Pm and P are
considered as emulated mechanical power and electromagnetic
Fig. 5. System frequency profile during a frequency event [24]. power of an SG, respectively. Tm and Te are the emulated

mechanical and electromagnetic torques, respectively. ω is the Similar with [35] and [39], a majority of the energy used
output frequency of SEBIC and ωn is the system nominal for inertial response was extracted from a BESS even with
frequency, both in angular speed. Control parameters J and Dp the system employed for the implementation of a virtual
represent the virtual inertia constant and damping coefficient, inertial control. Reference [43] proposed a VSG control for
respectively, which can be tuned without limitations. a type 4 wind turbine. A dispatchable wind power generation
system was achieved using only a minute-level BESS as an

Tm − Te = J + Dp (ω − ωn ) (8) energy buffer. The wind turbine contributed to the inertial
 dt response during certain modes. A BESS sizing design was also
 ∆ω = ω − ωg
 introduced in the paper. A novel inertial control method based
Pm = ωTm ≈ ωn Tm (9) on the torque limit control (TLC) for a permanent magnet

P = ωTe ≈ ωn Te synchronous generator-wind turbine generator (PMSG-WTG)
under variable wind speed conditions was proposed in [44]. A
The implementation of SEBIC requires the reconstruction coordinated control strategy between a small-scale BESS and
of the inverter control system instead of being an add-on PMSG-WTG was developed. The TLC inertial control can
controller. Similar to the operation of an SG, the “power be enhanced and the frequency oscillations after the system
angle” of a BESS with SEBIC is passively increased during frequency event can be eliminated by adopting a BESS. In
a frequency event to release energy within a BESS in a con- general, a wind turbine with inherently more kinetic energy
trolled manner and realize an inertial response. The validity of stored within its rotor and blades can achieve virtual inertial
SEBIC using a BESS was proven in many research papers and response by decelerating the rotor speed. In this case, a small-
demonstration projects. However, there are still many areas scale BESS can be used to improve the performance of the
that are promising for future research. A self-tuning VSM overall inertial control. However, inertial control applications
was proposed and implemented in [38] using BESS for the in PV systems are more reliant on a BESS to export the instant
dynamic frequency support of an autonomous power system. power demand.
Thus, the frequency nadir and ROCOF were minimized while For other implementations of virtual inertia using a BESS,
maintaining the optimal inertial and droop constants. Reference [45] proposed a VSG architecture using the joint
The introduction of the swing equation enlarges the time application of a battery/ultra-capacitor. The ultra-capacitor was
constant of the active power loop (APL) of inverter systems. used to mimic the fast-varying power fluctuations introduced
As a result, slower dynamics and larger oscillations are ob- by the virtual inertia while the battery provided the relatively
served in the application of SEBIC with satisfactory frequency sustained power. Battery life can be extended by employing
support. Reference [39] proposed a bang-bang control strategy a hybrid BESS (HESS) to reduce the power fluctuations of
to design the variable inertia for a PV-BESS-based VSG. The the battery. Reference [46] expanded the usage of VSM into
authors demonstrated the ability of the variable inertia control vehicle-to-grid (V2G) services. An EV charger based on VSM
strategy to maintain the stability of power systems after faults. technology contributed to the spinning reserve and frequency
In [40], the virtual inertia and droop coefficient were unified regulation of yhe power systems. The methodology of the
and jointly designed using fuzzy logic. A simpler control optimal placement of virtual inertia in power systems was
structure for BESS inertia control that maintained the inertia proposed in [47] and [48]. The robust and optimal virtual
response was introduced. Reference [41] proposed a virtual inertia allocation problem was solved thus providing strategy
inertia design scheme based on the model predictive control for building a BESS service station in the future to improve
(MPC) for micro-grid control. The energy used to accomplish modern power system frequency responses.
the virtual inertia block was obtained from energy storage Aside from imitating inertial response and providing pri-
systems. The simulation results illustrated the advantages in mary frequency control, a BESS is also widely applied as
terms of robustness and frequency stabilization of the proposed an AGC unit and system reserve. Under different BESS
MPC-based virtual inertia in comparison to variable inertia penetration levels, references [49] and [50] proposed a siz-
achieved by fuzzy logic approaches. The employment of ing method for an aggregated BESS according to system
variable inertia and droop can greatly improve the dynamic level performance tests. Reference [51] developed an opti-
response and tracking performance of SEBIC. However, in mization model considering the regional integrated energy
the perspective of frequency regulation of power systems, system with a BESS. The pay-for-performance was proposed
it can cause vulnerability of the inertial controller in some in the regulation market and a balance between the power
system frequency dips. In this case, SEBIC may operate in trading and regulation market revenue was provided to achieve
low-inertia or low-droop mode during its recovery stage or the maximum profit. Reference [52] proposed a cooperative
the BESS ramping stage as it cannot react to frequency dips, frequency regulation scheme using a BESS in improving the
especially second frequency dip, due to the uncertainty of performance of AGC units. A successful demonstration project
power system frequency events. This contradicts the original with a 2-MW BESS was presented. A specific type of BESS,
goal of developing inertia controllers. LiFePO4, was used in [53]. The methodology for the economic
Currently, most SEBIC applications require a BESS as optimization of the parameters was proposed to achieve the
the DC power supply of the inverter systems or a part lowest tender price in the UK FFR market. Distinct from the
thereof. Reference [42] described a single-phase synchro- design of a virtual inertia using BESS, the implementations of
inverter architecture for a grid-connected roof top PV-BESS. secondary and tertiary frequency control using BESS involves

more economic and planning research. Extensive stability and BESS fully realizes its functions. Through an independent
dynamic response analysis needs to be investigated to obtain communication loop, the response time of a BESS can be
a satisfying performance of a BESS at the beginning of power improved to 100 ms level. Many safety-related devices, such
system frequency regulation. as relay protection, and safety-control devices, are added to
In conclusion, a summary table which highlights the key the BESS for power grid side application to improve its
features of various applications of a BESS in power system reliability. Based on this architecture, a power grid side BESS
frequency regulation is presented in Table III. can perform functions, such as frequency regulation, power
flow optimization, emergency response, etc.
In 2018, a number of power grid side BESS projects
The application of a BESS in the power grid side has higher in China were completed and put into operation. On June
requirements for equipment and network architecture. It is 16th, the first phase of the 9.6 MW/9.6 MWh project of
necessary to establish an independent communication loop the Henan 100 MW grid-side distributed BESS was success-
to directly communicate with the PCS as a BESS needs to fully integrated into the grid. This was the first grid-side
perform various functions such as emergency power support. BESS in China. On December 28th, the second phase of the
A typical network architecture of a BESS at the power grid 91.2 MW/116.2 MWh (distributed in 14 substations) was com-
side is shown in Fig. 8. Different equipment information is pleted. At the end of 2018, the Henan 100.8 MW/125.8 MWh
delivered to the dispatching automation system safety zones I distributed BESS was completed and it operated a total of
or II according to the real-time and non-real-time requirements 84 battery storage containers. On July 18th, the Jiangsu
of its control progress. The device information used for 101 MW/202 MWh distributed power grid side BESS project
assisting decision making and information presentation is sent was officially put into operation and became the largest grid-
to an information area III via the horizontal isolation device. side BESS in China. This project meets the regional peak
This type of control architecture satisfies the requirements demand along with functions to provide a strong guarantee for
of the grid for information security while ensuring that the safe and stable operation of the grid during the summer pe-

Description Key features Reference
Add-on controller; Maintaining original control structure of
FBIC BESS; More suitable for transmission networks; Potential [24], [31]
instability due to the derivative component
Imitating swing equation of an SG; Maintaining a frequency Adaptive virtual inertia and droop: [37]–[41]
response model; Potential severe oscillation problem; Single-phase VSG using BESS: [42]
Difficulty in direct application in PV and WTGs; Multiple Virtual inertia achieved by renewable DGs
derivatives, including VSG, VSM, synchro-inverter, etc. assisted by BESS: [35], [36], [39], [42]–[44]
Frequency regulation using BESS/HESS sizing; V2G; Secondary frequency control;
BESS at steady state Tertiary frequency control; Optimal virtual inertia placement

Dispatching Dispatching
automation automation Information
Safety- syslem zone-I syslem zone-II zone-III
Safety Safety
stabilization zone-I zone-II
control main
stalion Telecontrol Telecontrol Assistant
equipment equipment decision-
making and
Protocol Station level display
conversion monitoring interface
computer Firewall Insulation
Relay Electricity
protection Fault Relay quality
BMS and safety recorder information supervisor
control RTU
control device sub-system device
PCS device

Electricity Auxiliary Video

data access systme monitoring
device system

Fig. 8. Typical network architecture of a Jiangsu grid-side BESS.


50.25 10
riod. These functions include emergency response, frequency Frequency BESS output
regulation, and voltage regulation among others.
50.15 8
A. Frequency Regulation 50.10

Frequency (Hz)

Output (MW)
50.05 6
With the rapid development of a large-scale centralized and
distributed BESS along with the continuous expansion of its
49.95 4
capacity, the BESS directly takes part in frequency regulation
thereby gradually becoming an effective means of grid fre-
quency stability control in developed regions. Compared with 49.85 2
the power supply side BESS, the grid side BESS participates in 49.80
the frequency modulation without relying on the conventional 49.75 0
01:56 01:58 02:00 02:02 02:04
power source or the new energy power source, and it can Time
participate in the grid frequency control as an independent
Fig. 10. System frequency and the BESS power output.
Presently, through centralized integration into the power
grid, a BESS already possessed a strong research foundation
and application demonstration by participating in the power the energy storage systems continues to expand, the role
grid frequency regulation. In the relevant standard specifica- of the future energy storage systems in the field of system
tions introduced in China, it is stipulated that a BESS must frequency support also increases. Frequency control strategy
have a frequency regulation capability when connected to the for large-scale battery energy storage power plants is among
power grid. Primary frequency regulation is often directly the important future developments in the field to fully use
involved by the PCS to ensure the response speed of the pro- widely distributed energy storage devices, and eventually to
cess. Therefore, PCS must have the grid frequency acquisition propose corresponding aggregation control methods.
capability and a primary frequency regulation function.
B. Optimize Network Power Flow Distribution
Mainstream PCS primary frequency regulation currently
adopts the droop control, and sets the performance parame- With the large-scale integration of random and intermittent
ters of the primary frequency regulation according to actual renewable energy, scheduling and optimization of active and
operating conditions. A typical frequency regulation control reactive power flow for the whole network is more difficult.
curve of the 500-kW converter of the Jiangsu power grid side Moreover, this greatly affects the transmission capacity of new
BESS is shown in Fig. 9. energy delivery lines. Coordination of the output distribution
of the traditional power source, new energy source and energy
P (kW) storage systems, along with the realization of the optimal
distribution of active and reactive power in the whole network,
400 is of great significance for improving the network security
level and line transmission capacity.
Construction of a network power flow optimization model
with a battery energy storage system is the research focus
in this field. Many literatures took the network transmission
49.916 49.966 50.033 50.083 f (Hz) economy as the goal, and modeled and solved different energy
storage integration systems. In [55], dynamic active-reactive
optimal power flow (DAROPF) was adopted to cover multiple
−400 time periods. Reference [56] proposed an online optimal
active power flow installed at feeder nodes for a local BESS.
Reference [57] presented a novel multi-period optimal power
flow (OPF) algorithm for the micro-grid considering the states
of charge of BESSs and reactive power flows. Reference [58]
Fig. 9. Typical primary frequency regulation control curve. used the optimal power flows to develop an advanced energy
management system that achieved good economic benefits.
The South Australian 100 MW/129 MWh Tesla lithium Reference [59] presented a BESS control method applied
battery energy storage project, which was put into operation on in a wind energy conversion system (WECS) with a diesel
December 1, 2017, is equipped with a frequency adjustment generator (DG), regulating the loading of the DG to achieve
function. Fig. 10 shows the system frequency and output of a low specific fuel consumption.
the BESS in response to a grid frequency anomaly event. The The application of large-scale energy storage systems can
energy output of the blue curve (corresponding to the right significantly improve the economics of grid operations. The
ordinate) reacted immediately after the red curve frequency combination of stability and scheduling information to achieve
(corresponding to the left ordinate) fell and produced the multi-target network power flow optimization and improve the
active power to 02:03. This demonstrated the excellent ability stability limit of transmission lines, and system security levels
of the Tesla to adjust quickly [54]. As the access scale of may be considered for future research.

C. Improve the System Angle Stability Level fuel cost of the system, the optimal scheduling model of a
The integration of energy storage systems into the grid will BESS for load stabilization was established, and the capacity
result in a series of effects on the power angle stability of allocation problem was discussed. Reference [66] took into
the grid. A BESS changes the distribution of system power account both total costs and peak-load regulation benefits of a
flow through its charging and discharging process. Moreover, it BESS, and proposed a benefit-evaluation model for the optimal
uses virtual synchronous machine technology to mechanically configuration of a BESS.
couple the virtual inertia generated by the energy storage From the existing research, the current research on energy
system with other generators in the system. Studies have storage participating in power grid peak regulation is still in
been conducted on the stability of systems containing energy its infancy, and how to coordinate with conventional power
storage systems in the functions of BESSs. supply in capacity allocation and coordinated control is still a
Battery energy storage systems quickly absorb or send problem in this field.
active and reactive power according to the current state of the
system. Active and reactive powers are independent from each V. A PPLICATIONS OF A BESS IN THE P OWER
other and can be carried out simultaneously without disrupting D ISTRIBUTION S IDE
each other. Therefore, a BESS can affect the power flow
A. Energy Management for Cost-saving
distribution to a certain extent. References [60], [61] applied
STATCOM/BESS stabilizers in a real large-scale Chinese The ability to save electricity costs and reduce energy
power system to alleviate inter-area power oscillations. As consumption is the direct reason for energy storage on the
STATCOM/BESS can exchange both active and reactive power user side. Many documents proposed various BESS energy
with the power grid, stabilizers attached to it suppressed power management methods to save electricity costs for users. Ref-
system oscillations via the regulation of active and/or reactive erence [67] presented the estimation method for the optimal
power. Reference [62] presented the small signal stability of a capacity of a BESS to reduce the electric charges of common
BESS used in a low-voltage islanded micro-grid for an ohmic consumers. The daily optimal charge and discharge plan of
load case using eigenvalue sensitivity analysis. However, the a BESS which satisfied the given constraints was established
relationship between the power flow and system stability was using linear programming through the change of rated out-
closely related to different operating conditions of the system. put/capacity for a certain time. The electric charges in the
Adaptively adjusting the control strategy of the energy storage highest-reduced rates were selected. Reference [68] proposed
systems are among the areas in need of future research. an energy management system to coordinate the use of PV
Energy storage systems also affect the system stability generation and a BESS in an existing university campus.
after the introduction of virtual synchronous machine tech- Reference [69] proposed a novel optimization technique using
nology. The virtual synchronous machine technology refers to a Linear Programming (LP) method to solve the optimal
the technology of simulating the electromechanical transient scheduling problem of a BESS and obtain the dual objec-
characteristics of a synchronous machine. This allows the tive function of economics and peak-shaving. Reference [70]
power source to adopt the current transformer and obtain analyzed the customer daily load patterns to determine the
the operational external characteristics of the synchronous optimal charging and discharging schedule that can minimize
machine, such as inertia, damping, frequency and voltage the electrical charges through the installed BESS.
adjustment. Reference [63] proposed using a storage integrated The application of energy storage in cost-saving is relatively
on the DC link to synthesize extra inertia by programming the mature. Future research in this field will deepen and expand the
storage power electronics controller to achieve an emulated combinations of various application scenarios such as electric
capacitance. Reference [64] emphasized the importance of a vehicle charging.
BESS for frequency stability in low-inertia power systems.
B. Power Supply in Remote Areas
The impact of the new energy integration process on system
power angle stability is more evident with the increasing pro- In remote areas, power supply cannot be obtained from the
portion of new energy installed capacity. Large-scale battery backbone network. Instead, it can only be acquired through the
energy storage devices are significant in reducing the impact micro-grid from power sources such as DG, wind power, and
thereby improving grid capacity of new energy. solar power. Fully utilizing the energy storage function of a
BESS maintains the stability of the micro-grid system [71],
D. Peak Regulation [72]. Reference [73] presented a PI controller used as a
The energy storage can flexibly perform two-way regulation BESS in the charge and discharge process in a micro-grid
of charge and discharge according to the load characteristics for islanded operations to achieve frequency and voltage
of the power grid, and has the peak-shaving capability twice stability. Reference [74] advocated an effective way of energy
that of its own installed capacity. The BESS participation in management in a micro-grid through a synchronous reluctance
peak shaving is often carried out by directly receiving the grid generator (SynRG) based on a wind energy conversion system
AGC command. (WECS) connected to a DC bus that maintained voltage
In recent years, the research of large-scale electrochemical through a BESS. Reference [75] proposed a new DC output
energy storage in power system peak shaving focused on the voltage control for a BESS based on the battery SOC. The
optimization of energy storage configuration for power grid proposed control scheme was verified through computer simu-
peaking demand. In [65], aiming at saving the maximum lations for a typical stand-alone DC micro-grid. Reference [76]

analyzed the factors that affect the power sharing when the optimization, ADMM was employed to develop a fully dis-
energy storage system is connected in parallel to the micro- tributed optimization algorithm for the ESSs. The optimal
grid. A method of proportionally distributing the power of the placement and sizing problems of ESSs was discussed in [80].
energy storage system was also designed. To minimize the cost of electricity purchased from the external
There are many operational control theories of energy grid and realize the congestion management by considering the
storage in the micro-grid, however, there are fewer large-scale voltage support and network losses minimization, ADMM was
projects for demonstration of the operations. Nonetheless, used to develop a distributed algorithm to achieve the optimal
the micro-grid is still important for future energy storage solution for the entire power system. In [81], a versatile
applications. decentralized energy management system (d-EMS) for ESS
was developed on the basis of ADMM. The d-EMS provided
C. Application of Distributed Energy Storage Systems the decentralized solution to the economic dispatch problem
As the price of a battery dropped in recent years, a large (EDP) to minimize the cost of the power system operations.
number of BESSs were connected to the grid from different Reference [82] proposed a distributed model predictive control
locations. These formed a big decentralized energy network in (MPC) approach based on the ADMM to obtain a better
the power system making the traditional power system more control performance in the power system with ESSs. Similarly,
distributed. Managing and controlling these distributed BESSs in [83], ADMM was also integrated with MPC to achieve
to ensure the safety and efficiency of the power system is a the optimal management of ESSs with consideration on the
challenging task. Along with it, new operational strategies are stochastic nature of renewable energy. Reference [84] also
needed to exploit the potential benefits of a distributed ESS. used ADMM in stochastic programming problems to obtain
The decentralized nature of the ESS network makes its the distributed optimal solution. However, both the intermit-
distributed control and optimization techniques very useful for tence of renewable energy and randomness of the energy
the operation of ESSs. One of the most popular distributed market were considered in the optimization. In addition, the
methods for ESS is ADMM (alternating direction method of ADMM was adopted to control and manage the shipboard
multipliers) [77], [78]. ADMM is a distributed optimization power system with ESSs in [85].
method that divides the global optimization problem into a set Another important method for the control and operation of
of sub-problems to obtain an optimal solution for the entire the distributed ESS is the consensus-based method based on
system by solving local problems by the distributed facilities. the consensus protocol [86]. The consensus protocol is solved
This method can be explained as follows: Suppose that the in the following form:
global optimization problem is solved in (10) and (11): X
xi (k + 1) = xi (k) + τ wij [xj (k) − xi (k)] (17)
min f (x) + g(y) (10) j∈Ni
where xi is the state of the ith node, τ is the time step, wij
s.t. Ax + By = c (11)
is a weight parameter between the ith node and the jth node,
where f (x) and g(x) are the decomposed (local) problems and Ni denotes the set of neighboring nodes. The state xi
of the global optimization problem, x and y are variables R n vertices in a graph will converge to limk→∞ X(k) =
of all
of the local problem, and A, B and c are the parameters ( n1 i=1 xi )·1 as the time approaches infinity when the network
of the constraints. In the ADMM, the augmented Lagrangian is connected, and ρ(Lω ) < τ2 , where ρ(Lω ) is the maximum
Lρ (x, y, λ) of this problem is: eigenvalue of Lω ; Lω is the weighted Laplacian of this graph
and n is the total number of vertices in the graph.
Lρ (x, y, λ) = f (x) + g(y) + λT (Ax + By − c)+ The consensus-based method is a good tool to solve the
ρ 2 control problems in distributed systems as opposed to ADMM
∥Ax + By − c∥2 (12)
2 which is more suitable for the distributed optimization prob-
where λ is the Lagrangian multiplier, and ρ is the penalty lems. Several papers addressed distributed control problems
parameter. The global optimization problem can then be solved using the consensus-based method. For example, in [87],
locally by the following ADMM algorithm: the distributed P -f /Q-V droop control was realized by the
consensus-based method with ESSs. The voltage and fre-
xk+1 = arg min Lρ x, y k , λk

(13) quency control by the consensus-based method in distributed
y k+1 = arg min Lρ xk+1 , y, λk

(14) power systems with ESS were discussed in [88]–[90]. The
y energy dispatch problems were solved by the consensus-
λk+1 = λk + ρ Axk+1 + By k+1 − c

(15) based method as well. Reference [91] proposed a distributed
algorithm for coordination of a flywheel energy storage matrix
The stopping criterion of the algorithm is: system (FESMS) incorporated with a wind farm. The average
Ax + By k+1 − c ⩽ ϵpri

(16) consensus was employed to build a distributed ratio consensus
algorithm for a FESMS dispatch problem. It is worth noting
Many papers were published with proposed solutions for that in many papers, the consensus-based method was selected
different problems of ESSs in power systems with ADMM since it has less information exchange. This provides the ad-
techniques. In [79], dynamic optimization of the active power vantage of using the method in systems with limited communi-
dispatch with ESSs was discussed. To achieve the dynamic cation resources. In [92], for example, consensus integral con-

trol was proposed for ESSs in micro-grids to synchronize the application of EVs, promote its interconnection and data
SOC and power levels of batteries with limited transmission interaction, charging pile, charging service platform, power
of information. Adaptive/approximate dynamic programming battery traceability system, online monitoring platform, etc. to
(ADP) has solved various control problems [93]–[96] in recent realize the safety management of the whole life cycle of EVs
years. In [97], for example, control-limited ADP was proposed and improve its safety level; and 3) establish standards for
to solve the optimal charging/discharging actions for a multi- connectivity and data interaction among EVs, charging piles
type BESS. and platforms, and promote the research and development of
In addition, distributed energy storage is primarily applied relevant standards for wireless communication safety, platform
to the user side in China. By 2018, the user-side energy storage and application safety, data safety and user personal informa-
capacity of China was 319.1 MW, accounting for 47% of tion protection of the Internet of vehicles.
the total energy storage capacity of the country. In countries,
such as Germany, Australia, the United States, and Japan, E. UPS + Arbitrage Mode
residential electricity prices and peak-valley differences are The use of lithium battery energy storage in data center
higher than that of industry and commerce. Policies encourage power supply systems will become a trend. For the data center
photovoltaic-ESS combination usage to increase the propor- industry, it is especially important to maximize the use of
tion of PV self-use. Therefore, this combination is the main existing space and minimize operating expenses, especially
application form. In China, electricity prices are relatively low, UPS power cooling energy consumption, battery maintenance
and energy storage configuration is primarily used to provide and battery replacement service costs. Lithium batteries are
peak load shifting and demand management for industrial and the key to solving these problems because of their excellent
commercial users to reduce the cost of electricity consumption. performance. In addition to performing the role of an emer-
Battery enterprise investment plus integrated energy service gency power supply, UPS can also perform the function of
company operations are the main development model. an energy storage system. It can be charged when the price
is lower than the peak price, and it can discharge at the peak
D. Application of V2G (Vehicle-to-Grid) Technology high price, so as to achieve a win-win benefit for the data
With the rapid development of the electric vehicle industry, center.
the charging and discharging capacity of electric vehicles
in the distribution network and the influence of the charg-
ing and discharging process on the safe operation of the
distribution network cannot be underestimated. How to help This paper introduced the development of BESS applica-
with the management of the charging and discharging process tions and monitoring technology. The application of energy
of electric vehicles in a scientific and orderly way, through storage technology in the power system was also analyzed in
intelligent distribution network and intelligent transportation detail from the power supply side, power grid side and power
technology, and participating as an energy storage carrier of distribution side.
electric vehicles to optimize the energy management of the With the planning and construction of large-scale/ultra-
distribution network, is one of the most important research large-scale BESSs [104], [105], continuous development of
directions of future distribution networks [98]–[100]. different sizes and distributed capacities, and mobile plug-and-
The large-scale access of electric vehicles (EVs) in the play BESSs, battery storage systems can potentially achieve
future will affect the planning and operation of the power multi-target synergies in smart grids and energy Internet sys-
system. The interaction between EVs and the power grid tems. Aside from its application for the new energy generation
can achieve peak load cutting, valley filling, and frequency and distribution side, the BESS also provides a positive effect
regulation in addition to also providing backup. This is im- for the power grid security, stability and economic operation
portant for the safe and economic operation of the power under various corresponding constraints. Hence, future devel-
grid and the improvement of the absorption capacity of new opments and applications of grid BESSs need to focus on some
energy resources. Grid constraints, battery constraints and of the following aspects:
user demands should be considered in proposing a control 1) Consider the safety boundary, fault early warning and
strategy of distributed energy storage for EVs to realize two- fire protection issues of different types of energy storage
way exchange of information with the grid and double-phase systems to effectively avoid the occurrence and spread of
exchange with energy resources [101]–[103]. accidents for the entire process of production, integration,
V2G technology will cover a broader application prospect design, installation, operation and monitoring of multi-type
with the development of the EV industry. However, research and multi-specification energy storage batteries.
studies in this field are still in their theoretical framework 2) Effectively utilize methods such as big data, cloud
construction and application mode exploration, thereby lacking computing, Ubiquitous Internet/Internet of Things, artificial
mature technical routes and implementation methods. It is intelligence, cyber physical systems, Edge computing, Parallel
urgent to carry out continuous and in-depth research from the System Theory, etc. to ensure safe, stable, reliable operation,
following aspects: 1) develop a real-time online monitoring and modeling and simulation accuracy of large-scale central-
system and big data analysis ability of EVs to achieve the goals ized/distributed BESSs.
of charging early warning, optimizing charging scheduling, 3) Innovatively develop system integration, energy man-
and improving charging efficiency; 2) expand the Internet agement, and control and operational methods for large-scale

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[97] Y. H. Zhu, D. B. Zhao, X. J. Li, and D. Wang, “Control-limited adaptive versity of Technology, China, in July 2001, and his
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respectively. From May 2006 to March 2010, he
“Power balance control and circulation current suppression for MMC-
worked as a postdoctoral research fellow at the Ko-
based EV integration system considering users’ requirements,” in rea Institute of Energy Research (KIER), Daejeon,
Proceedings of 2016 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition Korea, and Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,
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heterogeneous EVs for cyber-physical-social systems,” in Proceedings Institute (CEPRI), Beijing, China, where he has been engaged in the topic
of the 2018 2nd IEEE Conference on Energy Internet and Energy of integration/control/SCADA/application technologies for large-scale multi-
System Integration (EI2), 2018, pp. 1–5. type battery energy storage systems/stations, distributed generation systems,
[100] E. Alghsoon, A. Harb, and M. Hamdan, “Power quality and stability electric vehicles, and micro-grids. His research interests include renewable
impacts of Vehicle to grid (V2G) connection,” in Proceedings of the energy power generation, electric energy saving/storage technology, and power
2017 8th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), 2017, pp. system engineering. He has served as the Executive Vice Secretary-General
1–6. of IEEE Power and Energy Society China Council, and the Chair of the IEEE
[101] M. S. Wang, P. L. Zeng, Y. F. Mu, H. J. Jia, W. Liang, and Y. Qi, CIS Task Force on ADP and RL in Power and Energy Internets. He has also
served as the editor of the IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, editor
“An efficient power plant model of electric vehicles considering the
of Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems (Springer journal), and
travel behaviors of EV users,” in Proceedings of 2014 International guest editor of Engineering (Elsevier journal). He has been awarded two U.S.
Conference on Power System Technology, 2014, pp. 3322–3327. Patents of Invention and 43 Chinese Patents of Invention. Prof. Li is a Fellow
[102] L. Cheng, Y. Chang, Q. Wu, W. X. Lin, and C. Singh, “Evaluating of IET, chartered engineer, and is one of the senior members of IEEE, CSEE,
charging service reliability for plug-in EVs from the distribution CAS, and CES, etc.
network aspect,” IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, vol. 5, no.
4, pp. 1287–1296, Oct. 2014.
[103] Y. Li, P. Han, J. K. Wang, and X. Song, “Modeling and optimization
oriented to the micro-grid-EV joint system,” in Proceedings of the 2016
12th International Conference on Natural Computation, Fuzzy Systems Shangxing Wang received the B.S. degree in Elec-
and Knowledge Discovery (ICNC-FSKD), 2016, pp. 336–341. trical Engineering from South China University of
[104] Y. H. Zuo and X. J. Li, “Game theory applied in system of renewable Technology in 2011 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
in Power System and Automation from North China
power generation with HVDC out-sending facilitated by hundred
Electrical Power University in 2013 and 2017, re-
megawatts Battery Energy Storage Station,” in Proceedings of 2016 spectively. Currently, he is working as an engineer
IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence (SSCI), 2016: at the China Electrical Power Research Institute.
1–5. Mr. Wang’s research interests include energy storage
[105] X. J. Li and D. Zhang, “Coordinated control and energy management control and application, power grid security and
strategies for hundred megawatt-level battery energy storage stations stability analysis.
based on multi-agent theory,” in Proceedings of 2018 International
Conference on Advanced Mechatronic Systems (ICAMechS), 2018: 1–

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