OAI Installation Tutorial

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for Open Air Interface

Table of Contents
Introduction 0
Chapter 1 - Environment setup 1
Chapter 2 - Installation 2
Chapter 3 - EPC Installation 3
Chapter 4 - HSS Installation 4
Chapter 5 - ENB Installation 5
Chapter 6 - Configure OAI 6
Chapter 7 - Run OAI 7
Chapter 8 - Trouble shooting 8
Appendix A - Performance 9

Tutorial for Open Air Interface


This tutorial is focusing on setup the OAI Core Network (OAI-CN: EPC+HSS) and OAI ENB
based on latest git version.

Introduction 3
Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 1 - Requirement

At least 2 physical machines
At least 4 CPU cores running at least at 2.7GHz ( for ENB )
Intel Architecture
Huawei Dongle E3372 (E3276)
Blank USIM cards
Ettus USRP B210 and Antenna

Ubuntu 14.04 ( 64-bit recommended )
ubuntu low-latency kernel > 3.19 or Preemptive_rt kernel > 3.19

ENB BIOS setting

For ENB only, it is not necessary to set on EPC machine. Remove all power management
features in the BIOS or GRUB

turned off C-States

Enhanced Intel Speedstep

ENB CPU Setting : Maximize CPU frequency

1. Install cpufrequtils sudo apt-get install cpufrequtils
2. Then edit the following file (if it doesn't exist, create it) sudo vim
/etc/default/cpufrequtils or sudo vim /etc/init.d/cpufrequtils

3. Add the following line into it GOVERNOR="performance"

4. Disable ondemand daemon, otherwise after you reboot the settings will be overwriten
sudo update-rc.d ondemand disable

5. You can check your settings with cpufreq-info It will show a block of information for
every core your processor has. Just check if all of them are in performance mode, and
at the maximum speed of your processor.

Chapter 1 - Environment setup 4

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Wireshark setup (optional)

Wireshark is a useful tool to capture the packets for debugging. Go to Ubuntu Software
Center or use apt-get

sudo apt-get install wireshark

sudo groupadd wireshark

sudo usermod -a -G wireshark your_user_name

sudo chgrp wireshark /usr/bin/dumpcap

sudo chmod 777 /usr/bin/dumpcap

sudo setcap cap_net_raw,cap_net_admin=eip /usr/bin/dumpcap

sudo getcap /usr/bin/dumpcap

Chapter 1 - Environment setup 5

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 2 - Installation

Get stable OAI

mkdir openair5G
cd openair5G
git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openairinterface5g.git .
mkdir openair-cn
cd openair-cn
git clone https://gitlab.eurecom.fr/oai/openair-cn.git .

Chapter 2 - Installation 6
Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 3 - EPC Installation

EPC installation
Following section shows how to build EPC and HSS on same host. If you are using your
own MNC configuration, please check your MNC and MCC are listed in the
{openair_dir}/openair-cn/UTILS/mcc_mnc_itu.c. (See trouble shooting)

Environment (FQDN)
You need to configure the FQDN value in /etc/host for S6A Authentication by adding the
following entries EX. EPC.HOSTNAME.realm EPC.HOSTNAME

Example localhost cran.oai.nmsl cran

In this case, our realm is “oai.nmsl “ and hostname is “cran”

Fixed bug in OAI

Notice: Although different version of OAI may modify the codes. Thus, the below line number
may be different.

Issue: MNC not matched: configuration for commercial UE

(Using Our own SIM)
You need to add mnc manually in the list : Edit /openair-cn/UTILS/mcc_mnc_itu.c

const mcc_mnc_list_t mcc_mnc_list[]={

{466,”68”} ###<- add this entry

Issue : UE did not send “attach complete” message

Modify ./NAS/MME/EMM/SAP/emm_send.c:186:

Chapter 3 - EPC Installation 7

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

In emm_send_attach_accept() function, replace this line

emm_msg->epsattachresult = EPS_ATTACH_RESULT_EPS;
emm_msg->epsattachresult = EPS_ATTACH_RESULT_EPS_IMSI;

Go to your OAI directory

1. Install Additional packages with old script

cd {openair_dir}/cmake_targets/
sudo ./build_oai -I --install-system-files --install-optional-packages

2. Install kernel module for

cd {openair_dir}/openair-cn/SCRIPTS
sudo ./build_epc -j

3. Install EPC

cd {openair_dir}/openair-cn/SCRIPTS
sudo ./build_epc -c -l

(Add -c while rebuilding)

Chapter 3 - EPC Installation 8

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 4 - HSS Installation

cd {openair_dir}/openair-cn/SCRIPTS
sudo ./build_hss -c -l

Set up phpmyadmin on Ubuntu

You can make shortcut under /var/www/html/ and link to phpmyadmin folder for
convenience. (/var/www/html may be different due to the different versions of Apache)

sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html/

Chapter 4 - HSS Installation 9

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 5 - ENB Installation

Build ENB
Before you build the ENB components, you have to turn off the power saving features and
maximize the CPU performance. (See Reqirement)


cd {openair_dir}/cmake_targets/
sudo ./build_oai -I --install-system-files --install-optional-packages

Remove -x while build without GUI interface; -c for rebuilding

Chapter 5 - ENB Installation 10

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 6 - Configure OAI

In the following section, we are going to show you how to configure the ENB, EPC, and
HSS. We are using the below network topology to demonstrate how to configure OAI. Notice
that the HSS in the below figure is outside the core network. In this tutorial, we build HSS
along with EPC and you do not have to setup the interface between HSS and EPC.

Chapter 6 - Configure OAI 11

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Configure ENB
The available configurations are under {oai_dir}/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-

Chapter 6 - Configure OAI 12

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

We use “enb.band7.tm1.usrpb210.conf” as example. (FDD Band 7)

1. Modified the MNC configuration

tracking_area_code = "1";
mobile_country_code = "466";
mobile_network_code = "68";

466 for Taiwan and 68 for our service (example)

2. Modfied your network configuration

////////// MME parameters:

mme_ip_address = ( { ipv4 = "";
ipv6 = "192:168:30::17"; ## leave default for no ipv6

ENB_PORT_FOR_S1U = 2152; # Spec 2152

Configure EPC
The EPC configured file is under /usr/local/etc/oai/epc.conf Make sure the interfaces of MME
and S-GW are connected with ENB.

1. Modified MNC value in GUMMEI

{MCC="466" ; MNC="68"; TAC = "1"; } # YOUR PLMN CONFIG HERE

2. Add network configuration in MME (MME is responsible for connecting ENB via S1)


3. Add network configuration in S-GW (SGW is responsible for data transmission with

Chapter 6 - Configure OAI 13

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

ENB) In this case we use the same interface

SGW_IPV4_PORT_FOR_S1U_S12_S4_UP = 2152;

4. Add public IP in P-GW

PGW_IPV4_ADDRESS_FOR_SGI = "140.114.XX.XX/24"; #Your Public IP

5. Specify the DNS server in P-GW

DEFAULT_DNS_IPV4_ADDRESS = ""; # your DNS address


Configure HSS
You need to add user date and MME information in the MySQL database . Login into
phpmyadmin via browser.(optional) (Default:

Table : APN

APN can be replaced by yourself.

Table : mmeidentity

In this table, you need to configure the same FQDN(hostname.realm) of your EPC machine
In this example, mmehost is cran-cn.oai.nmsl and mmerealm is oai.nmsl

SIM card configuration (For commercial UE) :

If you are using commercial equipment for testing, you need to setup the following
configuration. If you are using OAI UE, you can skip the following instructions. Following
setup is depending on our SIM card:

Chapter 6 - Configure OAI 14

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

ICCID: 89886500000745809013
IMSI: 466680000000001
KI: 8BAF473F2F8FD09487CCCBD7097C6862
OP: 11111111111111111111111111111111

Table : PGW

Add new entry with your P-GW interface setting (IP address)

PDN Table:

In this table, you need to configure the users_imsi , apn , pgw_id. “APN” should be matched
with the one in apn table. Pgw_id should be consistent with your pgw set up (pgw table).
Other values can be remained the same.

Users Table:

You need to configure the imsi , mmeidentity_idmmeidentity, key (ki).

Mmeidentity_idmmeidentity shoud be match your configuration on mmeidentity table. Other
values can be remained the same.

Using UNHEX founction while inseting the key value*

Chapter 6 - Configure OAI 15

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 6 - Configure OAI 16

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 7 - Run OAI

To run the OAI, first turn on the HSS database. If you run the EPC and HSS on the same
host, EPC will act as the S6A server. Thus, you need to turn on the EPC first.

Go to your OAI directory
cd {oai-dir}/openair-cn/SCRIPTS
sudo ./run_epc

Go to your OAI directory
cd {oai-dir}/openair-cn/SCRIPTS
sudo ./run_hss

When your EPC connect to HSS , you should see the “STATE_OPEN” message on both
EPC and HSS. After then, you can turn on the ENB. Note: If you fail to established the
connection you may check your FQDN setting in /etc/hosts and the freediameter files ,which
locate at /usr/etc/freediameter/mme_fd.conf and /usr/etc/freediameter/hss_fd.conf. The host
name should be match to FQDN and the realm should be match to your configuration. If not,
you should rebuild your EPC and HSS with the right configuration. DO NOT MODIFY

Go to your OAI directory
cd {oai-dir}/cmake_targets/lte_build_oai/build
sudo ./lte-softmodem -d -m 26 -t 16 -O ../../../targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/enb.band7.tm1.u

Remove –d if you run ENB on the server(without GUI). -V is optional When you see the
message “Entering ITTI signals handler”. Then, your UE should be able to connect with OAI.

Chapter 7 - Run OAI 17

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Chapter 8 - Trouble shooting

Issue : UHD missing (ENB with USRP B210) Copy and paste these commands into
your terminal. This will install UHD software as well as allow you to receive package

sudo bash -c 'echo "deb http://files.ettus.com/binaries/uhd_stable/repo/uhd/ubuntu/`lsb_release -

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -t `lsb_release -cs` uhd

reference : http://ananmxw.blog.163.com/blog/static/2111441192013732399686/

issue : "Error 111" while trying to reconnect to the network

The quick fix is to compare MAC values only when EPC's own MAC is not 0. You may change Line 317
if (mac != header->message_authentication_code) {
if ((mac != 0) && (mac != header->message_authentication_code)) {

RX/TX overflow or busy

make sure that you have at least 4 CPU cores running at least at 2.7GHz without the
freq scaling (watch grep \"cpu MHz\" /proc/cpuinfo), see
make sure that you are running 64-bit lowlatency kernel, uname -a
rebuild the lte-softmodem, ./build_oai --eNB -C, optionally add -I to check the packages
use sudo with option -E
use chrt to change the process priority, i.e. sudo -E chrt 99 -E ./lte-softmodem ...

Chapter 8 - Trouble shooting 18

Tutorial for Open Air Interface

Appendix A - Performance

LTE Resource blocks

In ENB configuration files , {oai_dir}/targets/PROJECTS/GENERIC-LTE-EPC/CONF/{files}

N_RB_DL = 100; #Available value 6, 25, 50, 100

Appendix A - Performance 19

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