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About Personal Injury UK.

UK Personal Injury Basically stands for UK Injury Claims.

It means, processing of claims for physical sufferings for the people involved in
any Road Traffic Accident(RTA). Everyone who is involved in any road traffic
accident becomes entitled for physical compensation, and compensation amount
depends upon his/her pains or injuries. For minor neck or back pains which are
even invisible, a minimum of about £ 4200 is paid to the victim driver or passenger
by the 3rd party Insurance company.
Basic Info about Injury Claim Campaign.
Accidents happen everywhere, in the UK since every vehicle is
Insured so whenever any accident takes place two types of compensations
become payable by the insurance company of a fault party, 1st one is Car
Damages(VD) 2nd one is Physical Injury Compensation(PI). VD or car
damages is paid by the insurance company itself but for PI or physical
Compensation, the victim client has to seek the solicitor’s services.
Our Role & Solicitor’s Role
We Max Claims Ltd pass over the claims to Solicitors and Solicitors
speak to that particular client and confirm the basic details of the accident
and confirm the Injury on phone call. Once a Solicitor is satisfied, a case is
accepted and the Solicitor sends paperwork (CFA) to the client’s home
address or email address as Echo Sign, once the client signs his documents the
case is done and payable.
Maxian’s Training Program

Sample Conversation with a Client

John: Hi this is John and I m calling you on behalf of Solicitor Firm
Can I speak to Mr or Mrs Peter?
Mrs Peter : Yes this is Mrs Peter.
John:Well Mrs Peter I believe you are still residing on …………. Your postcode is……….Is
it right?
Mrs Peter :Yes
John: Well Mrs Peter we have this report that someone from this address had a minor
Road Traffic Accident. Is that you or someone else?
Mrs Peter : No
John: Well the reason of the call is that the compensation money which is about 3800
pounds is still reserved with the insurance company. So who had that accident, Just
Mrs Peter: No we have not been involved in any accident?
John: Oh Sorry. I don’t mean it was you, some other person has been involved in a
Road Traffic accident. Just Recall mam who is that?
Mrs Peter: No Nothing happened to anybody, who gave you this information?
John: Sorry mam I don’t mean it happened recently, maybe it happened within the past
two years.
Mrs Peter: Ohh yea one accident happened with my husband, I guess.
John: Ohh IC ! Can I know when it happened exactly?
Mrs Peter: I guess in 2016.
John: Alright ! Did you claim for the physical compensation?
Mrs Peter: I guess Not yet.
John: Yes that’s why we are calling you people because 3800 Pounds are still reserved
with the insurance company. Well, mam this is also very important to know who was
declared at fault in the accident, was it you or the 3rd party driver..?
Mrs Peter: HHmm it was the other driver’s fault.
John: Alright now would you please hold for a second let me transfer the call to the
claim officer it would be better for you.

Note:- Now the call should be transferred to the Supervisor/ Closer/Team Lead who can
speak better and handle the client politely in a professional way. The following details are
required to be taken from the client.
RTA: Road Traffic Accident
TP: 3rd Party
Non Fault: 3rd Party Fault
At Fault: Driver at fault
Minor: Children or under 18 Client
Compensation: Amount to be paid for Physical Sufferings
Liability: Responsibility
VDs: Vehicle Damages
Photo ID: ID or Driving Licence
GP: Doctor. General Practitioner
Documents: Paperwork
CFA: Documents ( Conditional Fee Agreement)
Solicitor: Lawyer
CMC: Claims Management Company
Claw Back: Canceled Deal

Put the call on Recording and keep writing details on notepad as well.

Hi Mrs Peter this is Max thanks for holding. First of all I must tell you that our department gives
you absolutely free service. Free of cost and free of hassle. In the whole procedure no body
gonna charge you even a single penny. Just your cooperation is required.
Can I know Mrs Peter how the accident happened?.................

Okay and who was declared at fault? I mean who paid your car damages?
Were there some other passengers in the car at the time of the accident, because every person
will be paid a full amount of compensation?
Did you ever try to claim for the physical compensation?
Okay Mrs Peter I would need a bit of cooperation?
When this incident happened exactly I mean Date/Month and Year?
Where did it happen? I mean the location where this incident happened.
What is your Car Reg Number?
Name of Insurance Company?
Who is the main policy Holder?
What is the third party car reg number?
Third Party Insurance Company?
Mrs peter Now I would take just two more minutes?
Mrs Peter what is the full name of Driver and his date of birth?
First Passenger Name and Date of Birth?
Second Passenger Name and Date of Birth?
Mrs Peter before forwarding your claim file to one of our top solicitors. Our legal adviser will give
you a few seconds call so can you give me any suitable time?
Mrs Peter please note down a claim reference number for the security purpose, whenever
anyone gives you a call from our department please verify first the claim reference number.
Your Claim reference number is ie Max012.
Thanks for the Cooperation Mrs Peter. Thanks a lot and appreciated.

Basic Details.
1. DOA (Date of Accident) 23 march 2020
2. Address Full Name of Driver
3. DOB (Date of Birth)
4. TOA (Time Accident)
5. Location( Location of Accident)
6. Car Reg # ( Car Registration Number) verify on
7. Insurance Company ( Name of Insurance Company)
8. M.P.H( Name/ DOB) Main Policy Holder.
9. Policy Number
10. Passenger’s Details (Names & DOB)
11. TP Details (Third Party)
12. Car Reg Num
13. Name of Insurance Company
Gumtree Script 1
Hello Mr-------My name is -------and I am calling you from Claims Management
How are you doing Sir Today?
Well Mr -------- We have been informed from this number that someone had a minor
Road Traffic Accident and the person involved in the accident has not been paid the
physical compensation which is about 3800 pounds. Is that you or someone else.

If Response is No then
● Actually the compensation amount which is about 3800 pounds is still pending
with the insurance company so who had that accident Sir?
● If not recently must have happened within the past 2 years, just recall ...

If Response is YES then

Oh I see, I am really sorry for that, how are you feeling now,
● When it happened exactly I mean which year and month.
● Did you claim for physical compensation already or not yet?
● Ok just hold for a second let me transfer this call to the claim officer he will let you
know how much amount you can receive.

● From where you got my Number.
● We got your number from the accident database system.
● If you were informed about the accident you must know the details.
● Yes Sir we do have sketchy details but since we are working under the Data
Protection System so we are unable to find exact details unless we find the exact
person. That’s why we need to confirm from you Sir.
Guidelines to Meet the Target Successfully
In order to meet the target successfully there are certain Tips &
Guidelines to be followed.
1. Be punctual.Login must be made at sharp 3:00 pm and logout at 11:00 Pm.
2. Constant Dialing. There must be constant and regular dialing without
wasting time, while ringing & speaking to one number copy the next
3. Time Saving. After dialing a number wait for 5 to 6 bells if nobody picks up
the phone, hang up the call and go to the next number.
4. Quality Data. Once the list of UNIQUE names data is found start dialing
from 1st number and page and check within the first 15 numbers, if pickup
ratio and client response is good then go ahead otherwise go by descending
order and analyze within last 15 numbers in the same way, otherwise change
the name or county to save the time.
5. Time Management. In day time from 3:00 to 7:00 pm (Pak) dial in remote
areas of the UK and after 7:00 pm to 12:00 dial in major & famous cities.
6. No of Calls. There should be at least 300. Numbers should be dialed during
the whole dialing shift.
7. Probing. Once a call is established don’t let the client go and hang up, make
him speak with you for more than 2 minutes, keep on probing unless you get
some useful info from him/her.
8. Pitch. Don’t pitch the pitch. Don’t let the client feel that this is just a robotic
machine, make him speak with you & have conversation in an informal way.
9. Confidence. Keep the level of confidence high as what you say is 100%
right, so make him believe that you are the right person from the right place.
10. Closing. Initially don’t close yourself, transfer the call to the claim
officer always for taking details.
Helpful Stuff
Links For Sending Important Leads & Data For taking daily attendance Help Desk To verify email address. To verify car details. To verify post code.

Call Back Numbers

05603009093 Helpline
07403967336 Inbound / WhasApp

BT phone book with proxy

Bt Phone book Residential without proxy URL
Proxy Links
Eyebeam 1.5 license key


Send New Claims to.
Maxian’s Training Program
P.I. Claims Script
You Started………….
Agent: My name is Max calling you from UK Claims Services. Registered with the Ministry
of Justice.
How are you doing today!!!
Actually we have to discuss a case file stored in our database system that someone from this
door address had a Minor Road Traffic Accident is that you or some other person.
Client: No.
The way you probe……………
● Ok, is this your address (ie: door no 14 brooke Avenue, Harow, HA20NF)? But the report
says that there is an accident for which there is a compensation amount pending for that
person. Don’t you recall any accident sustained by anyone from this address in the past
2 years?
Client: No
Agent: That’s really strange!
● So you are sure that you never reported any accident to your insurance in the past 2
● Ahan! Because the information I have got is a little bit sketchy so is there any injury
sustained at your workplace?

●From your statement I see that you are never involved in any car accident and I have
also got this information from a very valid source so is there any accident or injury
sustained while working?
● That’s very unusual!
● Ok then I have to check the information from the relevant department and if I find
anything different I will definitely get back to you.
Thank you very much for your cooperation.
If Client Statement is “yes”:
Client: Yes I had an accident!
Agent: I am really sorry to hear that. How are you feeling now?
Client: I am ok now.
Agent: Actually we are calling you on behalf of Road Traffic Accident Management and they
reported to us that you were not compensated for the pains caused by that Accident, is that
Client: It was just a minor one. I never sustained any injuries.
Agent: Yes I know it was a minor one and God forbid that’s really good you never sustained
any visible serious physical injuries but I am talking about the pains or minor whiplash you
suffered with afterwards.
Client: It was my own fault.
Agent: So it was your own fault, we cannot get the compensation for you and I am really sorry
for that. I know you felt the pain at that time and you deserve to be compensated but there is a
way you can get compensation, the passengers can claim and you can be compensated in that
way because the compensation cheque will come on your name.
Client: There is no pain.
Agent: You have been entitled for the compensation due to being involved in that accident. And
the compensation amount is about minimum 3800 Pounds. No problem if you had not gone to
any GP or visited any medical center there is no issue, Just a verbal statement is required and
that’s all. Not any other thing like a GP visit report or medical evidence etc nothing is required.
Client: But I did not have any injury.
Agent: As you know there is a jerk involved in every accident due to which the soft tissues and
muscles of your back get damaged. Most of the times you don’t feel a pain but yes

● When you sit back for long, you feel pain in your back,
● When you lift something heavy, you will feel pain in your shoulders.
● When you get up from bed you might be feeling stiffness in your neck,
● Apart from this time to time headache, dizziness and tiredness are common symptoms
of Grade A whiplash and at that time if you are going to take it lightly I am telling you that
will be really dangerous for you because your health is most important for you AND the
reason to compensate you is that you should get a medical examination from time to
● To be very honest I am in this industry for the last five years and I have seen people
coming to us after 15-18 months reporting severe back pain and most of the time the
claim period is over.
● So now Road Traffic Accident Management has taken some solicitors firms on their
panel and assigned them the duty to arrange that amount for you so you should be
compensated with the right amount at the right time.
Agent: As you have been paid for the car damages so the third party is liable to pay for your
personal injuries as well. Let me tell you that when an accident happens two types of
compensations come out from the third party, one is for the car damages and other is for
personal injuries you have been paid for one and the other is left and if you don’t take it that will
be utilised in silly advertisements by third party after three years.
Agent: In this regard Mr.………….. We need some cooperation from your side so that we will
be able to pursue the case.
Client: Is there any hassle or charges?
(Don’t worry while handling objections)
As I said that we are on the panel of a govt. department so there is no hassle as if you go with a
local solicitor. Your case is processed quickly and you are compensated within 12-14 weeks at
your doorstep. As there is a conditional fee agreement between you and the Solicitor once you
sign papers then we cannot charge you even a single penny in any way. It is not going to affect
you in either way, neither your insurance nor your pocket.
Client: Why do you need information on the phone?
Agent: We actually don’t deal on the phone but we just need some general information so I will
be able to get the exact details from my department and send you the paperwork.
And we are working under the data protection act so don’t worry your information is in safe
hands otherwise it will affect my job.
Sir your call is being recorded as we are working under data protection act so I need to give this
recording to my department in order to tell him that I was speaking to the right person and he is
willing to get the compensation.
Client: Why is it important to pursue a claim now???
Agent: That's because the clearer things are in people's minds, especially witnesses to the
accident, the easier it can be for our panel of personal injury solicitors to pursue your case. With
lives often so busy and hectic, people tend to forget things very quickly. It can sometimes be the
small things, the things soon forgotten, that make the difference between winning your
compensation claim and losing it. That's why we contact you as soon as is practically possible
after being involved in an accident.
Taking details.
(Go professionally)
So when did your accident happen?
Can you tell me briefly how the accident happened?
Ok I understand. So definitely it was not your fault so do you remember what the location of the
accident was? And what was the time when that accident happened?
Did the police arrive at the scene?
(If yes)
What is the name of the police station? And do you have the police reference number?
That is really good.
What was the make or model of your car? Or what was made of your car involved in the
And what was the registration number of your car at the time of accident
Do you have the same car with you?
Ok what was the insurance of your car at that time?
They must have providedyou with a policy number, what’s that?
Or if you have the claim reference number that’s also fine?
And are you the policyholder?
Ok what is your full name, and what is your date of birth as you are the policy holder.
Did you visit any GP after the accident?
As I told you that this pain is dangerous and comes back any time so you should get a medical
examination for yourself as soon as possible. Can you take an appointment from your GP on
the weekend or when you are free because your health is most important?
What is the name of your family GP?
Do you remember the name of surgery?
Have you got any third party details with you?
(If yes the take car reg. and insurance details)
Do you remember what was the make and colour of the other party car?
Ok now I will send this information to my paper department. They will get it verified from your
insurance company and you will receive paperwork within 6-7 working days. My legal advisor
will also call you in this regard and I need cooperation from your side and that’s all, when he will
call you tell him that you sustained pain at that time and are still suffering. More you will excuse
the more compensation you will get because he has to tell the solicitor about this.
Is there anything you want to ask me regarding claims?
Ok have you got any mobile so we can contact you……………………
And what is the good time to speak to you?
Thank you very much for your cooperation. I will get one of my best solicitors to deal with your
case and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Take good care, bye.
If the client speaks Urdu or Punjabi then “Chak de phattey”

List Of Counties in England

English Counties – List of Counties in England

● Bedfordshire
Scottish Counties – List of Counties in
● Berkshire
● Bristol
● Buckinghamshire ● Aberdeenshire
● Cambridgeshire ● Angus
● Cheshire ● Argyll & Bute
● Cornwall ● Ayrshire
● County Durham ● Banffshire
● Cumbria ● Berwickshire
● Derbyshire ● Borders
● Devon ● Caithness
● Dorset ● Clackmannanshire
● East Riding of Yorkshire ● Dumfries & Galloway
● East Sussex ● Dunbartonshire
● Essex ● East Ayrshire
● Gloucestershire ● East Dunbartonshire
● Greater London ● East Lothian
● Greater Manchester ● East Renfrewshire
● Hampshire ● Fife
● Herefordshire ● Highland
● Hertfordshire ● Inverclyde
● Humberside ● Kincardineshire
● Isle of Wight ● Lanarkshire
● Isles of Scilly ● Midlothian
● Kent ● Moray
● Lancashire ● North Ayrshire
● Leicestershire ● North Lanarkshire
● Lincolnshire ● Orkney
● Merseyside ● Perth & Kinross
● Norfolk ● Renfrewshire
● North Somerset ● Shetland
● North Yorkshire ● South Ayrshire
● Northamptonshire ● South Lanarkshire
● Northumberland ● Stirlingshire
● Nottinghamshire ● West Dunbartonshire
● Oxfordshire ● West Lothian
● Rutland ● Western Isles
● Shropshire
● Somerset
● South Gloucestershire
● South Yorkshire
● Staffordshire
● Suffolk
● Surrey
● Tyne & Wear
● Warwickshire
● West Midlands
● West Sussex

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