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15TH May 2009

This report is in the partial fulfillment of the requirement of MBA program of ICFAI BUSINESS
SCHOOL , JAIPUR . This is to be submitted to two places :




With immense pleasure, I would like to present this project report for Gujarat Cooperative Milk
Marketing Federation Ltd., Anand (AMUL). It has been an enriching experience for me to
undergo my summer training at AMUL, which would not have possible without the goodwill
and support of the people around. As a student of ICFAI BUSINESS SCHOOL ,JAIPUR I would like
to express my sincere thanks too all those who helped me during my practical training program.

Words are insufficient to express my gratitude toward Mr. ASHOK MATHUR , the branch
manager AMUL, JAIPUR. I would like to give my heartily gratitude to the organization guide,
Mr. NARENDRA SINGH , Assistance Manager (Sales), Amul India Ltd., JAIPUR for having given
me the opportunity to do my project work in the organization. and lighted my way of progress
with his guidance .

My sincere and deepest thanks to Dr SUDHIR RAJ GURU Faculty Member, ICFAI BUSINESS
SCHOOL, JAIPUR for having spared his valuable time with me and for all the guidance given in
executing the project as per requirements

Last but not least, I would like to record my deepest sense of gratitude to RATAN ,BHAWAR and
PRAVEEN SIR [sales person] and my friends for their support and constant encouragement

However, I accept the sole responsibility for any possible error of omission and would be
extremely grateful to the readers of this project report if they bring such mistakes to my notice .

I Rohit Ranjan Thakur felt privileged to be a part of ICFAI business school , JAIPUR. I did my
summer internship training in Gujarat cooperative milk marketing federation a FMCG sector
company under the brand name “AMUL MILK”. My project title is the “PRE LAUNCH SURVEY
OF CURD IN JAIPUR“. The project basic objectives is to estimate demand of Amul curd before
its launch in Jaipur and promoting Amul milk in Jaipur at the same time.

In first part of the project I was propounded with the work of promoting Amul milk in three
areas of Jaipur namely Mahesh Nagar , Raja Park , Walled City . This promotion strategy was
further divided into four parts:
A) To change the existing Amul shops to Amul shopee under scheme
B) To form new retailers accompanied with Amul shopee conversion work.
C) To find dealer for Amul milk in the walled city area and
D) To find out demand of Amul milk for the dealer in walled city .
It made me capable of communicating right words at the right time to the right person , which
is very important in marketing .

In the second part, I worked on my project ie; “Pre launch Survey of Curd in Jaipur” . Through
this project I estimated demand of Amul curd. As a methodology, I chose direct interview in the
form of questionnaires to know about consumers’ preferences. On the basis of these
preferences I drew out the factors effecting demand of curd, consumer’s nature of purchase
and how is it affected by their occupation or income .More over I estimated the demand on the
basis of competitors present demand ,which gave a fair idea of curd demand to Amul..
There were certain limitations of the project which are as follows:

 The field of study was very vast ,

 Consumers’ socially desirable answers make a clear difference in what they say and
what actually they do.

Out of these two parts of my project I learnt two things:

 visibility is one of the area required for Amul milk to position into the people’s mind

 Secondly, Amul should understand the expectations of people

If one wants to grow in FMCG sector one should keep the following factors in mind that the
products are easily available to the consumers, to improve the quality of products from time to
time, thirdly, the price of the product should be low and last but not the least the visibility and
the promotional strategy should be such that it hits people’s mind.


 Authorization i
 Acknowledgement ii
 Executive Summary iii
 Industry profile 1
 Introduction of organization 7
 History 9
 Company profile 13

 Company in Jaipur 38
 Amul today 40
 Introduction of project 42
 Proposed methodology 43
 Survey report 43
 Data collection 43
 Limitations 46
 Analysis 47
 Demand estimation 68

 Concepts 70
 Activity done 74
 Finding and suggestions 76

 Conclusion 77


The food industry is the complex, global collective of diverse businesses that together supply
much of the food energy consumed by the world population. Only subsistence farmers, those
who survive on what they grow, can be considered outside of the scope of the modern food

The food industry includes:

Regulation: local, regional, national and international rules and regulations for food production
and sale, including food quality and food safety, and industry lobbying activities

Education: academic, vocational, consultancy

Research and development: food technology

Financial services: insurance, credit

Manufacturing: agrichemicals, seed, farm machinery and supplies, agricultural construction,


Agriculture: raising of crops and livestock, seafood

Food processing: preparation of fresh products for market, manufacture of prepared food

Marketing: promotion of generic products (e.g. milk board), new products, public opinion,
through advertising, packaging, public relations, etc

Wholesale and distribution: warehousing, transportation, logistics

Retail: supermarket chains and independent food stores, direct-to-consumer, restaurant, food


India is one of the largest food producers in the world

India has diverse agro-climatic conditions and has a large and diverse raw material base suitable
for food processing companies

 Investment requirement of around US$ 15 billion exists in the food processing sector

 India is looking for investment in infrastructure, packaging and marketing

 India has huge scientific and research talent pool

 A largely untapped domestic market of 1000 million consumers

 300 million upper and middle class consume processed food

 200 million more consumers expected to shift to processed food by 2010

 Well developed infrastructure and distribution network

 Rapid urbanization, increased literacy, changing life style, increased number of women
in workforce, rising per capita income- leading to rapid growth and new opportunities in
food and beverages sector

 50 per cent of household expenditure by Indians is on food items

 Strategic geographic location (proximity of India to markets in Europe and Far East,
South East and West Asia)

 Under the food industry, Dairy product is very important part of food processing. Dairy
processing is acting good role in India.
Dairy Processing

India ranks first in the world in terms of milk production. Indian production stands at 91 million
tones growing at a CAGR of 4 per cent. This is primarily due to the initiatives taken by the
Operation flood programmes in organizing milk producers into cooperatives; building
infrastructure for milk procurement, processing and marketing and providing financial,
technical and management inputs by the Ministry of Agriculture and Ministry of Food
Processing Industries to turn the dairy sector into viable self-sustaining organized sector. About
35% of milk produced in India is processed. The organized sector (large scale dairy plants)
processes about 13 million tones annually, while the unorganized sector processes about 22
million tones per annum. In the organized sector, there are 676 dairy plants in the Cooperative,
Private and Government sectors registered with the Government of India and the state


Products which have a quick turnover, and relatively low cost are known as Fast Moving
Consumer Goods (FMCG). FMCG products are those that get replaced within a year. Examples
of FMCG generally include a wide range of frequently purchased consumer products such as
toiletries, soap, cosmetics, tooth cleaning products, shaving products and detergents, as well as
other non-durables such as glassware, bulbs, batteries, paper products, and plastic goods.
FMCG may also include pharmaceuticals, consumer electronics, packaged food products, soft
drinks, tissue paper, and chocolate bars.

A subset of FMCGs are Fast Moving Consumer Electronics which include innovative electronic
products such as mobile phones, MP3 players, digital cameras, GPS Systems and Laptops. These
are replaced more frequently than other electronic products.

White goods in FMCG refer to household electronic items such as Refrigerators, T.Vs, Music
Systems, etc.

Indian FMCG Sector

The Indian FMCG sector is the fourth largest in the economy and has a market size of US$13.1
billion. Well-established distribution networks, as well as intense competition between the
organized and unorganized segments are the characteristics of this sector. FMCG in India has a
strong and competitive MNC presence across the entire value chain. It has been predicted that
the FMCG market will reach to US$ 33.4 billion in 2015 from US $ billion 11.6 in 2003. The
middle class and the rural segments of the Indian population are the most promising market for
FMCG, and give brand makers the opportunity to convert them to branded products. Most of
the product categories like jams, toothpaste, skin care, shampoos, etc, in India, have low per
capita consumption as well as low penetration level, but the potential for growth is huge.

The Indian Economy is surging ahead by leaps and bounds, keeping pace with rapid
urbanization, increased literacy levels, and rising per capita income.

The big firms are growing bigger and small-time companies are catching up as well. According
to the study conducted by AC Nielsen, 62 of the top 100 brands are owned by MNCs, and the
balance by Indian companies. Fifteen companies own these 62 brands, and 27 of these are
owned by Hindustan Lever. Pepsi is at number three followed by Thums Up. Britannia takes the
fifth place, followed by Colgate (6), Nirma (7), Coca-Cola (8) and Parle (9). These are figures the
soft drink and cigarette companies have always shied away from revealing. Personal care,
cigarettes, and soft drinks are the three biggest categories in FMCG. Between them, they
account for 35 of the top 100 brands


S. NO. Companies

1. Hindustan Unilever Ltd.

2. ITC (Indian Tobacco Company)

3. Nestlé India


5. Dabur India

6. Asian Paints (India)

7. Cadbury India

8. Britannia Industries

9. Procter & Gamble Hygiene and Health Care

10. Marico Industries

The growth in rural income has been better than urban income since the minimum support
price for crops like wheat and paddy has been substantially hiked. Even prices of pulses, rice,
oilseeds and milk have increased dramatically over the last one year. The disposable income
with the farmer is higher now,” said Rajesh Gupta, the president of DCM Shriram Consolidated-
promoted Hariyali Kisaan Bazaar.The firm runs 180 stores and is present in Uttar Pradesh,
Punjab, Haryana, Rajasthan and Maharashtra. These stores saw a 30 to 40 per cent growth in
FMCG sales and a three-figure growth in grocery sales during the April-June quarter.

“The FMCG growth at 25 per cent in the April-June quarter (over the corresponding period last
year) is higher than earlier years. Better prices for farm produce, the increased government
spending and remittances from workers in urban areas have contributed to higher income,”
said S Sivakumar, chief executive (agri-business), ITC. It has 23 stores in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya
Pradesh and Maharashtra.

Sivakumar added that sales of agricultural inputs have done even better. With higher prices for
the produce providing the incentive, on the one hand, and shortage of labour spurring the use
of inputs, on the other hand, there is an increase in sales of the farm input.

Rise in food prices is not the only reason. Large retail players like Reliance, Spencer’s and
Subhiksha procure farm commodities in bulk directly from the fields and this has cut out the
middle man’s commission, which farmers used to pay.

Moreover, farm earnings do not attract income tax. The future is set to see a further
improvement in the disposable income from agriculture due to the Rs 71,000-crore farm-loan
waiver and increased government spending on raising the farm output through schemes.

“When disposable income goes up, a part of it is spent on apparel, FMCG and education. I feel
we are going through this phase. At the same time, the farm-loan waiver and debt-relief
scheme, which became public about four months ago, has also been factored into by farmers,
GCMMF: An Overview
Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF) is India's largest food products
marketing organisation. It is a state level apex body of milk cooperatives in Gujarat which aims
to provide remunerative returns to the farmers and also serve the interest of consumers by
providing quality products which are good value for money. AMUL is the brand under this

Amul's product range includes milk powders, milk, butter, ghee, cheese, curd, chocolate, ice
cream, cream, shrikhand, paneer, gulab jamuns, basundi, Nutramul brand and others. In
January 2006, Amul plans to launch India's first sports drink Stamina, which will be competing
with Coca Cola's Powerade and PepsiCo's Gatorade .

Amul is the largest food brand in India and world's Largest Pouched Milk Brand with an annual
turnover of US $1050 million (2006-07). Currently Amul has 2.6 million producer members with
milk collection average of 10.16 million litres per day. Besides India, Amul has entered overseas
markets such as Mauritius, UAE, USA, Bangladesh, Australia, China, Singapore, Hong Kong and a
few South African countries. Its bid to enter Japanese market in 1994 had not succeeded, but
now it has fresh plans of flooding the Japanese markets .Other potential markets being
considered include Sri Lanka.

Dr Verghese Kurien, former chairman of the GCMMF, is recognised as the man behind the
success of Amul. On 10 Aug 2006 Parthi G Bhatol, chairman of the Banaskantha Union, was
elected chairman of GCMMF.

CRISIL, India's leading Ratings, Research, Risk and Policy Advisory company, has
assigned its highest ratings of "AAA/Stable/P1+" to the various bank facilities of

Members: 13 district cooperative milk producers'

No. of Producer Members: 2.7 million
No. of Village Societies: 13,141
Total Milk handling capacity: 10.21 million litres per day
Milk collection (Total - 2007-08): 2.69 billion litres
Milk collection (Daily Average 2007- 7.4 million litres
Milk Drying Capacity: 626 Mts. per day
Cattlefeed manufacturing Capacity: 3090 Mts per day

Sales Turnover Rs (million) US $ (in million)

1994-95 11140 355
1995-96 13790 400
1996-97 15540 450
1997-98 18840 455
1998-99 22192 493
1999-00 22185 493
2000-01 22588 500
2001-02 23365 500
2002-03 27457 575
2003-04 28941 616
2004-05 29225 672
2005-06 37736 850
2006-07 42778 1050
2007-08 52554 1325

Amul was formally registered on December 14, 1946. The brand name Amul, sourced from the
Sanskrit word Amoolya, means priceless. It was suggested by a quality control expert in Anand and it
was chosen because it was a perfect acronym for Anand Milk Union Limited.

The Amul revolution was started as awareness among the farmers. It grew and matured into a
protest movement that was channeled towards economic prosperity

Over five decades ago, the life of an average farmer in Kheda District was very much like
that of his/her counterpart anywhere else in India. His/her income was derived almost entirely
from seasonal crops. The income from milk buffaloes was undependable. Milk producers had
to travel long distances to deliver milk to the only dairy, the Polson Dairy in Anand – often milk
went sour, especially in the summer season, as producers had to physically carry milk in
individual containers. Private traders and middlemen controlled the marketing and distribution
system for the milk. These middlemen decided the prices and the off-take from the farmers by
the season. As milk is perishable, farmers were compelled to sell it for whatever they were
offered. Often, they had to sell cream and ghee at throw-away prices. In this situation, the
private trader made a killing. Moreover, the government at that time had given monopoly
rights to Polson Dairy, which was run by a person of Parsi descent, (around that time Polson
was the most well known butter brand in the country) to collect milk from Anand and supply to
Mumbai city in turn (about 400 kilometers away). Another problem farmers faced was that in
winter the milk output of buffaloes doubled which caused prices to fall down even further.
India ranked nowhere amongst milk producing countries in the world in 1946. Gradually, the
realization dawned on the farmers with inspiration from then nationalist leaders Sardar
Vallabhbhai Patel (who later became the first Home Minister of free India) and Morarji
Desai (who later become the Prime Minister of India) and local farmer, freedom fighter and
social worker Tribhovandas Patel, that the exploitation by the trader could be checked only
if they marketed their milk themselves. Amul was the result of the realization that they could
pool up their milk and work as a cooperative

Setting up of Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers' Union

In the early 40’s, the main sources of earning for the farmers of Kaira district were
farming and selling of milk. That time there was high demand for milk in Bombay. The main
supplier of the milk was Polson dairy limited, which was a privately owned company and held
monopoly over the supply of milk at Bombay from the Kaira district. This system leads to
exploitation of poor and illiterates’ farmers by the private traders. The traders used to beside
the prices of milk and the farmers were forced to accept it without uttering a single word.

However, when the exploitation became intolerable, the farmers were frustrated. They
collectively appealed to Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, who was a leading activist in the freedom
movement. Sardar Patel advised the farmers to sell the milk on their own by establishing a co-
operative union, Instead of supplying milk to private traders. Sardar Patel sent the farmers to
Shri Morarji Desai in order to gain his co-operation and help. Shri Desai held a meeting at
Samarkha village near Anand, on 4th January 1946. He advised the farmers to form a society for
collection of the milk.

societies would collect the milk themselves and would decide the prices at which they can sell
the milk. The district union was also form to collect the milk from such village co-operative
societies and to sell them. It was also resolved that the Government should be asked to buy
milk from the union.

However, the govt. did not seem to help farmers by any means. It gave the negative
response by turning down the demand for the milk. To respond to this action of govt., the
farmers of Kaira district went on a milk strike. For 15 whole days not a single drop of milk was
sold to the traders. As a result the Bombay milk scheme was severely affected. The milk
commissioner of Bombay then visited Anand to assess the situation. Having seemed the
condition, he decided to fulfill the farmers demand.Thus their cooperative unions were forced
at the village and district level to collect and sell milk on a cooperative basis, without the
intervention of Government. Mr. Verghese Kurien showed main interest in establishing union
who was supported by Shri Tribhuvandas Patel who lead the farmers in forming the Co-
operative unions at the village level. The Kaira district milk producers union was thus
established in ANAND and was registered formally on 14th December 1946. Since farmers sold
all the milk in Anand through a co-operative union, it was commonly resolved to sell the milk
under the brand name AMUL.

At the
only 250
liters of
milk was

everyday. But with the growing awareness of the benefits of the cooperativeness, the collection
of milk increased. Today Amul collect 11 lakhs liters of milk everyday. Since milk was a
perishable commodity it becomes difficult to preserve milk flora longer period. Besides when
the milk was to be collected from the far places, there was a fear of spoiling of milk. To
overcome this problem the union thought out to develop the chilling unit at various junctions,
which would collect the milk and could chill it, so as to preserve it for a longer period. Thus,
today Amul has more than 150 chilling centers in various villages. Milk is collected from almost
1073 societies. With the financial help from UNICEF, assistance from the govt. of New Zealand
under the Colombo plan, of Rs. 50 millions for factory to manufacture milk powder and butter
was planned.

Setting Up of Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation

In 1954, Kaira District Co-operative Milk Producers’ Union built a plant to convert surplus milk
produced in the cold seasons into milk powder and butter. In 1958, a plant to manufacture
cheese and one to produce baby food were added. Subsequent years saw the addition of more
plants to produce different products. In 1973, the milk societies/district level unions decided to
set up a marketing agency to market their products. This agency was the Gujarat Cooperative
Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF). It was registered as a co-operative society on 9 July 1973
. Dr.Rajendra Prasad, the president of India laid the foundation on November 15, 1954.
Shri Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru, the prime minister of India declared it open at Amul dairy on
November 20, 1955.


THE TASTE OF INDIA, AMUL comes from the Sanskrit word Amoolya, means priceless. It was
suggested by a quality control expert in Anand and it was chosen because it was a perfect
acronym for Anand Milk Union Limited . AMUL was formed under the dairy cooperative
movement in India in 1946

The Amul Pattern has established itself as a uniquely appropriate model for rural development.
Amul has spurred the White Revolution of India, which has made India the largest producer of
milk and milk products in the world. It is also the world's biggest vegetarian cheese brand . The
system succeeded mainly because it provides an assured market at remunerative prices for
producers' milk besides acting as a channel to market the production enhancement package.
What's more, it does not disturb the agro-system of the farmers. It also enables the consumer
an access to high quality milk and milk products. Contrary to the traditional system, when the
profit of the business was cornered by the middlemen, the system ensured that the profit goes
to the participants for their socio-economic upliftment and common good.

Looking back on the path traversed by Amul, the following features make it a pattern and
model for emulation elsewhere.

Amul has been able to:

 Produce an appropriate blend of the policy makers farmers board of management and
the professionals: each group appreciating its rotes and limitations,
 Bring at the command of the rural milk producers the best of the technology and
harness its fruit for betterment.
 Provide a support system to the milk producers without disturbing their agro-economic
 Plough back the profits, by prudent use of men, material and machines, in the rural
sector for the common good and betterment of the member producers and

 Even though, growing with time and on scale, it has remained with the smallest
producer members. In that sense. Amul is an example par excellence, of an intervention
for rural change.

Organisation structure

It all started in December 1946 with a group of farmers keen to free themselves from
intermediaries, gain access to markets and thereby ensure maximum returns for their efforts.

Based in the village of Anand, the Kaira District Milk Cooperative Union (better known as Amul)
expanded exponentially. It joined hands with other milk cooperatives, and the Gujarat network
now covers 2.12 million farmers, 10,411 village level milk collection centers and fourteen
district level plants (unions) under the overall supervision of GCMMF.

There are similar federations in other states. Right from the beginning, there was recognition
that this initiative would directly benefit and transform small farmers and contribute to the
development of society.

Markets, then and even today, are primitive and poor in infrastructure. Amul and GCMMF
acknowledged that development and growth could not be left to market forces and that
proactive intervention was required. Two key requirements were identified.

The first, that sustained growth for the long term would depend on matching supply and
demand. It would need heavy investment in the simultaneous development of suppliers and

Second, that effective management of the network and commercial viability would require
professional managers and technocrats. To implement their vision while retaining their focus
on farmers, a hierarchical network of cooperatives was developed, which today forms the
robust supply chain behind GCMMF's endeavors. The vast and complex supply chain stretches
from small suppliers to large fragmented markets.

Management of this network is made more complex by the fact that GCMMF is directly
responsible only for a small part of the chain, with a number of third party players (distributors,
retailers and logistics support providers) playing large roles.

Managing this supply chain efficiently is critical as GCMMF's competitive position is driven by
low consumer prices supported by a low cost system.The Union looks after policy formulation,
processing and marketing of milk, provision of technical inputs to enhance milk yield of animals,
the artificial insemination service, veterinary care, better feeds and the like - all through the
village societies.

Type Cooperative

Founded 1946

Headquarters Anand, India

Chairman, Gujarat Co-operative

Key people Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.

Industry Dairy

See complete products


Revenue $1.33 billion USD (in 2007-08)

Employees 2.41 million milk producers

List of Products Marketed:


 Amul Butter
 Amul Lite Low Fat Breadspread
 Amul Cooking Butter

Cheese Range:

 Amul Pasteurized Processed Cheddar Cheese

 Amul Processed Cheese Spread
 Amul Pizza (Mozarella) Cheese
 Amul Shredded Pizza Cheese
 Amul Emmental Cheese
 Amul Gouda Cheese
 Amul Malai Paneer (cottage cheese)
 Utterly Delicious Pizza

Mithaee Range (Ethnic sweets):

 Amul Shrikhand (Mango, Saffron, Almond Pistachio, Cardamom)

 Amul Amrakhand
 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamuns
 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamun Mix
 Amul Mithaee Kulfi Mix
 Avsar Ladoos

UHT Milk Range:

 Amul Shakti 3% fat Milk

 Amul Taaza 1.5% fat Milk
 Amul Gold 4.5% fat Milk
 Amul Lite Slim-n-Trim Milk 0% fat milk
 Amul Shakti Toned Milk
 Amul Fresh Cream
 Amul Snowcap Softy Mix
Pure Ghee:

 Amul Pure Ghee

 Sagar Pure Ghee
 Amul Cow Ghee

Infant Milk Range:

 Amul Infant Milk Formula 1 (0-6 months)

 Amul Infant Milk Formula 2 ( 6 months above)
 Amulspray Infant Milk Food

Milk Powders:

 Amul Full Cream Milk Powder

 Amulya Dairy Whitener
 Sagar Skimmed Milk Powder
 Sagar Tea and Coffee Whitener

Sweetened Condensed Milk:

 Amul Mithaimate Sweetened Condensed Milk

Fresh Milk:

 Amul Taaza Toned Milk 3% fat

 Amul Gold Full Cream Milk 6% fat
 Amul Shakti Standardised Milk 4.5% fat
 Amul Slim & Trim Double Toned Milk 1.5% fat
 Amul Saathi Skimmed Milk 0% fat
 Amul Cow Milk

Curd Products:

 Yogi Sweetened Flavoured Dahi (Dessert)

 Amul Masti Dahi (fresh curd)
 Amul Masti Spiced Butter Milk
 Amul Lassee

Amul Icecreams:

 Royal Treat Range (Butterscotch, Rajbhog, Malai Kulfi)

 Nut-o-Mania Range (Kaju Draksh, Kesar Pista Royale, Fruit Bonanza, Roasted Almond)
 Nature's Treat (Alphanso Mango, Fresh Litchi, Shahi Anjir, Fresh Strawberry, Black
Currant, Santra Mantra, Fresh Pineapple)
 Sundae Range (Mango, Black Currant, Sundae Magic, Double Sundae)
 Assorted Treat (Chocobar, Dollies, Frostik, Ice Candies, Tricone, Chococrunch, Megabite,
 Utterly Delicious (Vanila, Strawberry, Chocolate, Chocochips, Cake Magic)

Chocolate & Confectionery:

 Amul Milk Chocolate

 Amul Fruit & Nut Chocolate

Brown Beverage:

 Nutramul Malted Milk Food

Milk Drink:

 Amul Kool Flavoured Milk (Mango, Strawberry, Saffron, Cardamom, Rose, Chocolate)
 Amul Kool Cafe

Health Beverage:

 Amul Shakti White Milk Food

please look at Annexure 5 for product details and view .

• Commitment to Quality
• Value for money
• The generation of awareness
• The fostering of loyalty
• Development of strong brand identity

Ice cream Chocolates Shrikhand Fresh Milk Cheese
  Power   1962
Fat Free Cheese
Nutrauamul Gulabjamun UHT Range Amulspray
Dessert   1973
2002 1986

Gulabjamun Condensed
Softy Mix Eclairs Amul WMP Paneer
  mix   Milk   1960
1999 1996
Amul Shakti Kulfi Mix Buttermilk Amulya pizza Cheese

Amul IMF Emmental
Chocozoo Laddoo fresh Curd
  1&2   Cheese   
2001 1999
Flavoured Instant
Basundi Frozen Pizza
  Milk   FCMP   2002
2001 2002
Khoa Fresh Cream Gouda Cheese

Kool Cafe

Amul has recently entered into direct retailing through "Amul Utterly Delicious" parlours
created in major cities Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Baroda, Delhi, Mumbai, Hyderabad and Surat.
Amul has plans to create a large chain of such outlets to be managed by franchisees throughout
the country. We have created Amul Parlours at some prominent locations in the country, which
are run by the company or its wholesale dealers:

1. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

2. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
3. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
4. Infosys Technologies in Error! Hyperlink reference not valid., Mysore & Error! Hyperlink
reference not valid.
5. Wipro campus in Bangalore
6. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
7. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
8. Surat Municipal Corporation
9. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
10. Gujarat State Raod Transport Corporation
11. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
12. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
13. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.
14. Error! Hyperlink reference not valid.

"Amul Utterly Delicious" parlours are an excellent business opportunity for investors,
shopkeepers and organizations. In order to come closer to the customer, we have decided to
create a model for retail outlets, which would be known as "Amul Preferred Outlets"(APO).
You can create your own Amul Parlour within your premises/ shop. All you have to do is e-mail
us at or write to us at :

Retail Cell
Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd.
Amul Dairy Road, Anand- 388001
Ph: (02692) 258506,7,8&9

To have a better idea please go through the following:

1. The criteria for selection of APOs would be -

a. Visibility - How prominent is the location of your shop?
b. Shop area: 100 - 300 sq. ft.
c. Good Business potential
d. Exclusive Amul outlet - no other products
e. Willingness to sell the entire range of Amul Products
f. Creditworthiness and past business experience

2. On your inquiry - our Field force would visit your site. He/She would fill the APO
proposal form with your passport size photograph. You would require:

i. Shops and Establishment license

ii. Layout of the shop and frontage - The layout of the shop designed by a local
architect/local contractor.
iii. 2 Passport size photographs

. Renovation Work of the Shop to give it a standard look - would be done to meet the
design and specifications at your cost. The cost of renovation of a typical shop would
normally be between Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 1 lac.

. Branding- The APOs would be branded as "Amul Utterly Delicious". The cost of the
signage fabrication and installation would be borne by GCMMF office operating in your

. Equipment- You would require the following equipment:

a. 1or 2 deep freezers can be purchased through Hamara Apna Deep Freezer
b. 1 Refrigerator through Hamara Apna Refrigerator Scheme
c. 1 pizza oven
d. 1 Chest Milk Cooler for Pouch Milk

. Security Deposit- You would be required to furnish an interest free refundable security
deposit of Rs. 25,000 to us. An amount of Rs. 5000/- would be deducted towards
refurbishing the signage, in the event of closure of APO before 3-year of operation.
. Supplies- The delivery of products would be done through our wholesale dealers

. We feel that the shop has good potential, and needs support in the initial days, we can
offer additional margins upto maximum of 1% on dairy products and 2% on Ice cream.
The additional margin shall be target based and shall be given in kind. The support at
best would be given only for he first year of business.

. Agreement- An agreement bringing us together would be signed.


Under this head AMUL used to do lot of sponsorship shows they use lot of medium like
News papers
T v shows
And many more to create awareness in the public and to make proper relation with customer
After product sell by taking feedbacks.


This is the award for topper in tenth class through this they use to make customer relation and
brand recognition .
Amul takes immense pleasure in presenting ‘The Amul Vidya Shree Award’, India’s first of its
kind award that recognises and rewards Standard X toppers across India.

The awards are:

 Trophy
 Citation
 A Cash Award of Rs.1,000/-
 The winner will be featured in one of India’s leading newspaper and will get national


Since 1967 [8] Amul products' mascot has been the very recognisable "Amul baby" (a chubby
butter girl usually dressed in polka dotted dress) showing up on hoardings and product
wrappers with the equally recognisable tagline Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul.The mascot was
first used for Amul butter. But in recent years in a second wave of ad campaign for Amul
products, she has also been used for other product like ghee and milk.

Amul Butter Girl

Edited from an article by Mini Varma published in The Asian Age on March 3, 1996

The moppet who put Amul on India's breakfast table

50 years after it was first launched, Amul's sale figures have jumped from 1000
tonnes a year in 1966 to over 25,000 tonnes a year in 1997. No other brand comes even close to
it. All because a thumb-sized girl climbed on to the hoardings and put a spell on the masses.

Bombay: Summer of 1967. A Charni Road flat. Mrs. Sheela Mane, a 28-year-old housewife is
out in the balcony drying clothes. From her second floor flat she can see her neighbours on the
road. There are other people too. The crowd seems to be growing larger by the minute. Unable
to curb her curiosity Sheela Mane hurries down to see what all the commotion is about. She
expects the worst but can see no signs of an accident. It is her four-year-old who draws her
attention to the hoarding that has come up overnight. "It was the first Amul hoarding that was
put up in Mumbai," recalls Sheela Mane. "People loved it. I remember it was our favourite topic
of discussion for the next one week! Everywhere we went somehow or the other the campaign
always seemed to crop up in our conversation."

Call her the Friday to Friday star. Round eyed, chubby cheeked, winking at you, from
strategically placed hoardings at many traffic lights. She is the Amul moppet everyone loves to
love (including prickly votaries of the Shiv Sena and BJP). How often have we stopped, looked,
chuckled at the Amul hoarding that casts her sometime as the coy, shy Madhuri, a bold
sensuous Urmila or simply as herself, dressed in her little polka dotted dress and a red and
white bow, holding out her favourite packet of butter.

For 30 odd years the Utterly Butterly girl has managed to keep her fan following intact. So much
so that the ads are now ready to enter the Guinness Book of World Records for being the
longest running

campaign ever. The ultimate compliment to the butter came when a British company launched
a butter and called it Utterly Butterly, last year.

It all began in 1966 when Sylvester daCunha, then the managing director of the advertising
agency, ASP, clinched the account for Amul butter. The butter, which had been launched in
1945, had a staid, boring image, primarily because the earlier advertising agency which was in
charge of the account preferred to stick to routine, corporate ads.

In India, food was something one couldn't afford to fool around with. It had been taken too
seriously, for too long. Sylvester daCunha decided it was time for a change of image.

The year Sylvester daCunha took over the account, the country saw the birth of a campaign
whose charm has endured fickle public opinion, gimmickry and all else.

The Amul girl who lends herself so completely to Amul butter, created as a rival to the Polson
butter girl. This one was sexy, village belle, clothed in a tantalising choli all but covering her
upper regions. "Eustace Fernandez (the art director) and I decided that we needed a girl who
would worm her way into a housewife's heart. And who better than a little girl?" says Sylvester
daCunha. And so it came about that the famous Amul Moppet was born.

That October, lamp kiosks and the bus sites of the city were splashed with the moppet on a
horse. The baseline simply said, Thoroughbread, Utterly Butterly Delicious Amul,. It was a
matter of just a few hours before the daCunha office was ringing with calls. Not just adults,
even children were calling up to say how much they had liked the ads. "The response was
phenomenal," recalls Sylvester daCunha. "We knew our campaign was going to be successful."
For the first one year the ads made statements of some kind or the other but they had not yet
acquired the topical tone. In 1967, Sylvester decided that giving the ads a solid concept would
give them extra mileage, more dum, so to say. It was a decision that would stand the daCunhas
in good stead in the years to come.

In 1969, when the city first saw the beginning of the Hare Rama Hare Krishna movement,
Sylvester daCunha, Mohammad Khan and Usha Bandarkar, then the creative team working on
the Amul account came up with a clincher -- 'Hurry Amul, Hurry Hurry'. Bombay reacted to the
ad with a fervour that was almost as devout as the Iskon fever.

That was the first of the many topical ads that were in the offing. From then on Amul began
playing the role of a social observer. Over the years the campaign acquired that all important
Amul touch.

India looked forward to Amul's evocative humour. If the Naxalite movement was the happening
thing in Calcutta, Amul would be up there on the hoardings saying, "Bread without Amul Butter,
cholbe na cholbe na (won't do, won't do). If there was an Indian Airlines strike Amul would be
there again saying, Indian Airlines Won't Fly Without Amul.

There are stories about the butter that people like to relate over cups of tea. "For over 10 years
I have been collecting Amul ads. I especially like the ads on the backs of the butter packets,
"says Mrs. Sumona Varma. What does she do with these ads? "I have made an album of them
to amuse my grandchildren," she laughs. "They are almost part of our culture, aren't they? My
grandchildren are already beginning to realise that these ads are not just a source of
amusement. They make them aware of what is happening around them."

Despite some of the negative reactions that the ads have got, DaCunhas have made it a policy
not to play it safe. There are numerous ads that are risque in tone.

"We had the option of being sweet and playing it safe, or making an impact. A fine balance had
to be struck. We have a campaign that is strong enough to make a statement. I didn't want the
hoardings to be pleasant or tame. They have to say something," says Rahul daCunha.

"We ran a couple of ads that created quite a furore," says Sylvester daCunha. "The Indian
Airlines one really angered the authorities. They said if they didn't take down the ads they
would stop supplying Amul butter on the plane. So ultimately we discontinued the ad," he says
laughing. Then there was the time when the Amul girl was shown wearing the Gandhi cap. The
high command came down heavy on that one. The Gandhi cap was a symbol of independence,
they couldn't have anyone not taking that seriously. So despite their reluctance the hoardings
were wiped clean. "Then there was an ad during the Ganpati festival which said, Ganpati Bappa
More Ghya (Ganpati Bappa take more). The Shiv Sena people said that if we didn't do
something about removing the ad they would come and destroy our office. It is surprising how
vigilant the political forces are in this country. Even when the Enron ads (Enr On Or Off) were
running, Rebecca Mark wrote to us saying how much she liked them."
There were other instances too. Heroine Addiction, Amul's little joke on Hussain had the artist
ringing the daCunhas up to request them for a blow up of the ad. "He said that he had seen the
hoarding while passing through a small district in UP. He said he had asked his assistant to take
a photograph of himself with the ad because he had found it so funny," says Rahul daCunha in
amused tones. Indians do have a sense of humour, afterall.

From the Sixties to the Nineties, the Amul ads have come a long way. While most people agree
that the Amul ads were at their peak in the Eighties they still maintain that the Amul ads
continue to tease a laughter out of them.

Where does Amul's magic actually lie? Many believe that the charm lies in the catchy lines. That
we laugh because the humour is what anybody would enjoy. They don't pander to your
nationality or certain sentiments. It is pure and simple, everyday fun.

Currently Amul is iin the Guinness Book Of World Records. Although there seems to be no
competition for this mascot, Amul Corporation is still doing further research to confirm their cla


Amul had set up its Virtual Parlour in Second Life ( and made live and on
line on 27th December 2007. The space is built on 1024 sq. M (approx. 1 Acre) of land on India
island in Second Life. It comprises a number of circular sub-areas, starting with the entrance
point, which is the common point of teleport for all users entering this space. There is a ‘media
area, several product display areas, as well as a constantly rotating stream of AMUL topicals
ads, several displays, which are all also video enabled.

This Amul Virtual Parlour celebrated X’mas on 25th December, 08 by decorating the Parlour
and doing various activities. A large number of people visited this parlour on that day .
Talk to us:
Milk Powders: Amulya:
Head Gujarat Cooperative Milk
Office Marketing Federation,
PO Box 10, Amul Dairy Road,
Anand 388 001,Infant Milk Formula I & II:
Gujarat, India
Butter: Amullite:
Phone (+91) (2692) 258506, 258507,
nos 258508,
Fax no. Ghee:240185
(+91) (2692) 240208, Cheese Range:
Email: Corporate: Feedback:
Indian Sweets: Shrikhand:
They use the
online Milk: Icecreams: feedback
form for different
product so that they may
get regular Chocolates: Nutramul: Feedback
from the customer and
in this way they improve
in their Pizza: Paneer: product and
try to further connected
with customer .


Amul :Asia‟s largest dairy co-operative was created way back in 1946 to make the milk
producer self-reliant and conduct milk- business with pride. Amul has always been the trend
setter in bringing and adapting the most modern technology to door steps to rural farmers.
Amul created history in following areas:

a)First self motivated and autonomous farmers‟ organization comprising of more than 5000000
marginal milk producers of Kaira District.
b) Created Dairy co-operatives at village level functioning with milk collection centres owned by

c) Computerized milk collection system with electronic scale and computerized accounting

d)The first and only organization in world to get ISO 9000 standard for its farmers co-

e)First to produce milk from powder from surplus milk.

Amul is the live example of how co-operation amongst the poor marginal farmers can provide
means for the socio-economic development of the under privileged marginal farmers.


A devastating earthquake (Richter scale – 7.9) hit Gujarat on 26th January 2001. The epicenter
of the quake was located in Kutch district. It caused death of thousands of people, tens of
thousands were injured, hundreds of thousands were rendered homeless and damage of
billions of Rupees was done.

GCMMF formed a specific organization named “Amul Relief Trust” (ART) under the
Chairmanship of Dr. V. Kurien in 2001 with a donation of Rs. 50 Millions for reconstruction of
the school buildings damaged in the 2001 earthquake in the Kutch area.

The Trust reconstructed 6 schools damaged by the above earthquake at a cost of Rs. 41.1
millions in Kutch area. Four of these schools started re-functioning from the last two academic
sessions and the other two schools from the current session.
A school reconstructed by Amul Relief Trust in the earthquake affected Ratadia Village in
Mundra Taluka of Gujarat

A school reconstructed by Amul Relief Trust in the earthquake affected Devpar Village in
Mandvi Taluka of Gujarat  


During the last eight years, our Member Unions are implementing Internal Consultant
Development Programme for developing self leadership among member producers and thereby
enabling them to manage their dairy business efficiently, leading to their overall development.
During the year, Member Unions conducted workshops on Vision Mission Strategy for primary
milk producer members and Village Dairy Cooperatives. Facilitated by specially trained
consultants, 894 Village Dairy Cooperative Societies have conducted their Vision Mission
Strategy Workshops, prepared their Mission Statements and Business Plans for the next five
years. Till today total 5,322 village dairy societies have prepared their five year Business plans.
The programme has prompted milk producers to initiate activities at villages such as Clean Milk
Production, Water Management, Planned Animal Breeding, Animal Feed management,
Improved Member Services Management, Information Technology, Integration and
Networking, which has very far-reaching and long-term effects on the milk business.

As a part of the Breeding Services Improvement Programme, during the year Member Unions
have continued implementation of the module of Improvement in Artificial Insemination
Services and imparted training to 226 Core groups at the village level. In order to increase an
awareness about the dairy industry scenario and impart leadership skills to the Chairmen and
Secretaries of the Village Dairy Cooperatives, Member Unions in collaboration with Federation,
are conducting Chairmen and Secretaries’ Orientation Programme at Mother Dairy,
Gandhinagar. During the year 924 Village Dairy Cooperative Societies have been covered under
this programme involving 1,796 Chairmen and Secretaries of the Village Dairy Cooperatives.

During the year, our Member Unions continued to encourage increased participation of women
milk producers in the Dairy Cooperative Societies. To develop their skills and enhance
leadership qualities, Member Unions organized Self Managing Leadership Programme at
Prajapita Brahmakumaris, Mount Abu for 1,100 women resource persons along with Chairmen
and Secretaries of 250 village dairy societies.

In order to strengthen the knowledge and skill base of young girls and women of the villages
about milk production management and to motivate them to implement scientific milch animal
breeding, feeding and management methods for their animals, the Federation, with technical
collaboration and resources of the Anand Agriculture University, has initiated an animal
husbandry programme for women resource persons of the Member Unions. During the year,
464 women resource persons have been trained under this programme.

As envisaged last year, our Member Unions have successfully initiated Fertility Improvement
Programme in their milkshed area, to improve fertility of milch animals. During the year
Member Unions have implemented this programme in 892 villages.

With a mission of planting one tree per member, our Member Unions celebrated the 60th year
of Independence on 15th August, 2007 in a unique way. Our 18 lakh members have planted one
sapling each across 19 districts of Gujarat and demonstrated their commitment towards
preserving and contributing to the improvement of the environment.

Amul in abroad:

Amul is going places. Literally. After having established its presence in China, Mauritius and
Hong Kong, Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), India‟s largest milk
cooperative, is waiting to flood the Japanese market.

Then, GCMMF is also looking at Sri Lanka as one of its next export destinations. Amul products
are already available on shelves across several countries, including the US, China, Australia,
West Asian countries and Africa.

GCMMF recorded a turnover of Rs 2,922 crore last fiscal. Its products include pouch milk, ultra
heat treated (UHT) milk, ice-cream, butter, cheese and buttermilk. It is India's largest exporter
of Dairy Products. It has been accorded a "Trading House" status. GCMMF has received the
APEDA Award from Government of India for Excellence in Dairy Product Exports for the last 11

Amul is available today in over 40 countries of the world. They are exporting a wide variety of
products. The major markets are the US, West Indies, countries in Africa, the Gulf region, and
our Saarc neighbours, Singapore, Philippines, Thailand, Japan and China. They have
demonstrated that if a level playing field is granted, Indian dairy products are successful in the
global market. Growth in consumer pack exports has been creditable and they have
consolidated their exports.

The major export products are:

Consumer Packs

 Amul Pure Ghee

 Amul Butter
 Amul Shrikhand
 Amul Mithaee Gulabjamun
 Nutramul Brown Beverage
 Amul Cheese
 Amul Malai Paneer
 Amul UHT Milk (Long Life)
 Amul Gold Milk
 Amul Taaza Double Toned Milk
 Amul Lite Slim and Trim Milk
 Amul Fresh Cream

Bulk Packs

 Amul Skimmed Milk Powder

 Amul Full Cream Milk Powder

Many of our products are now available in the USA, Gulf Countries and Singapore.

Pricing strategy

At the time Amul was formed, consumers had limited purchasing power, and modest
consumption levels of milk and other dairy products. Thus Amul adopted a low-cost price
strategy to make its products affordable and attractive to consumers by guaranteeing them
value for money.


First plant is at ANAND, which engaged in the manufacturing of milk, butter, ghee, milk butter
Second plant is at MOGAR, which engaged in manufacturing chocolate, nutramul, Amul

Ganthia and Amul lite. Third

plant is at Kanjari, which produces cattelfeed.
Fourth plant is at Khatraj, which engaged in producing cheese.

Today, twelve
dairies are
different products under the brand name Amul. Today Amul dairy is no. 1 dairy in Asia and no.
2 in the world, which is matter of proud for Gujarat and whole India.


Amul products are available in over 500,000 PLUS retail outlets across India through its
network of over 3,500 distributors. There are 47 depots with dry and cold warehouses to buffer
inventory of the entire range of products.

GCMMF transacts on an advance demand draft basis from its wholesale dealers instead of the
cheque system adopted by other major FMCG companies. This practice is consistent with
GCMMF's philosophy of maintaining cash transactions throughout the supply chain and it also
minimizes dumping.
Wholesale dealers carry inventory that is just adequate to take care of the transit time from the
branch warehouse to their premises. This just-in-time inventory strategy improves dealers'
return on investment (ROI). All GCMMF branches engage in route scheduling and have
dedicated vehicle operations

Establishing best practices

A key source of competitive advantage has been the enterprise's ability to continuously
implement best practices across all elements of the network: the federation, the unions, the
village societies and the distribution channel.

In developing these practices, the federation and the unions have adapted successful models
from around the world. It could be the implementation of small group activities or quality
circles at the federation. Or a TQM program at the unions. Or housekeeping and good
accounting practices at the village society level.

More important, the network has been able to regularly roll out improvement programs across
to a large number of members and the implementation rate is consistently high.

For example, every Friday, without fail, between 10.00 a.m. and 11.00 a.m., all employees of
GCMMF meet at the closest office, be it a department or a branch or a depot to discuss their
various quality concerns.

Each meeting has its pre-set format in terms of Purpose, Agenda and Limit (PAL) with a process
check at the end to record how the meeting was conducted. Similar processes are in place at
the village societies, the unions and even at the wholesaler and C&F agent levels as well.

Examples of benefits from recent initiatives include reduction in transportation time from the
depots to the wholesale dealers, improvement in ROI of wholesale dealers, implementation of
Zero Stock Out through improved availability of products at depots and also the
implementation of Just-in-Time in finance to reduce the float.

Kaizens at the unions have helped improve the quality of milk in terms of acidity and sour milk.
(Undertaken by multi-disciplined teams, Kaizens are highly focussed projects, reliant on a
structured approach based on data gathering and analysis.) For example, Sabar Union's records
show a reduction from 2.0% to 0.5% in the amount of sour milk/curd received at the union.

The most impressive aspect of this large-scale roll out is that improvement processes are
turning the village societies into individual improvement centers

Technology and e-initiatives

GCMMF's technology strategy is characterized by four distinct components: new products,
process technology, and complementary assets to enhance milk production and e-commerce.

Few dairies of the world have the wide variety of products produced by the GCMMF network.
Village societies are encouraged through subsidies to install chilling units. Automation in
processing and packaging areas is common, as is HACCP certification. Amul actively pursues
developments in embryo transfer and cattle breeding in order to improve cattle quality and
increases in milk yields.

GCMMF was one of the first FMCG (fast-moving consumer goods) firms in India to employ
Internet technologies to implement B2C commerce.

Today customers can order a variety of products through the Internet and be assured of timely
delivery with cash payment upon receipt.

Another e-initiative underway is to provide farmers access to information relating to markets,

technology and best practices in the dairy industry through net enabled kiosks in the villages.

GCMMF has also implemented a Geographical Information System (GIS) at both ends of the
supply chain, i.e. milk collection as well as the marketing process.


As AMUL products are old and is available at almost every place in INDIA specially Butter but
Nov 27 2007 Gujarat Co-operative Milk Marketing Federation Ltd (GCMMF) has launched Amul
Fresh Milk in Jaipur. Which was another add up in the path of white revolution. They touched
several area of Jaipur though Saras was the leader of the market still this company never let
down . They are going to introduce curd which was a big failure when they earliar introduced it
in pouch . so ultimately they stopped the supply . Now in the summer curd is hot item to sell off
and people are asking for the stuff ,so now they will further introduce it. Amul in Jaipur is at
nascent stage so we can say that particularly milk and curd of AMUL is under cash stage of BCG
Under this BCG MATRIX If I will take two product performance in jaipur :-

1] Amul curd

It is under nascent stage so it will be in question mark stage which says that the product is at
the introduction stage of product life cycle .
2] Amul milk

It is under growth stage but with low market share so it will come under question mark
though it is now two years of its launch but its taking time to come out of this stage because of
competitor Saras which is giving a good fight .

Amul – today

The Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation (GCMMF), the country's largest milk
marketing federation, had a turnover of Rs 5,255 crore during 2007-08 and this would grow to
Rs 6,000 by the end of this fiscal. The largest milk brand in Asia, today Amul is the largest
exporter of dairy products in the country. Amul is today available in over 40 countries. It is
exporting a wide variety of products. The major markets are the US, West Indies, countries in
Africa, the Gulf region, the Saarc neighbors, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand, Japan and
China, according to B M Vyas, managing director, GCMMF. In an interview to Financial Express,
Vyas said, "We have demonstrated that if a level-playing field is provided, Indian dairy products
are successful in the global market. Growth in consumer pack exports has been creditable and
we have consolidated our exports."

From conventional milk products like paneer and cheese, the brand has evolved over over time
and now caters to the wellness market as well with its sugar-free and probiotic milk products.
According to Vyas, the company is continuously introducing innovative products that meet the
aspirational needs of the consumers. Amul has introduced a range of milk-based products such
as flavoured milk, buttermilk, yoghurt, probiotic products and energy drinks.
Although if you analyze the household expenditure of Indian homes, the bulk of the money is
spent on milk and products like butter, ghee,curd, cheese, and a very small amount on items
like ice creams and pizzas. However, it is important for us to register our presence in the entire
food basket of the Indian household where and dairy product is involved. Our recent forays into
pizzas, paranthas is through our Amul parlours, which are one-stop shops for all our products.
We have plans for creating a large chain of such outlets to be managed mainly by franchisees
throughout the country. Currently, we have 1,500 parlours and plan to open 10,000 of them by

Amul liquid milk contributes as much as Rs 2,000 crore to GCMMF's sales. Apart from this,
direct sale by District Cooperative Milk Producers Unions accounts for another Rs 1,500 crore.
With the introduction of pouch milk in towns like Jaipur, Kanpur, Lucknow, Bhopal and Pune,
besides the metros of Delhi, Kolkata and Mumbai, Amul liquid milk has crossed the boundaries
of Gujarat.

During 2007, the 13-member unions of GCMMF took a revolutionary step forward by
integrating liquid milk marketing operations in all districts of Gujarat under the common brand
name of Amul. Consequently, Amul has now emerged as the largest milk brand in Asia.

Amul is an institution covering 13,000 villages benefiting 2.7 million farmers. "We would want
this coverage to expand further with more farmers to join the Amul umbrella nationally.
Coming to business, we would be handling more than twice the quantity of milk and our sales
turnover would be nearly Rs 20,000 crore in the next five years."

India is a developing country. Therefore, the focus is India. However, if there was a need to
export in order to attain equilibrium in the domestic market, it would be under Amul brand in
consumer packs only and that too to cater to the Taste of India.

India is the largest milk producer in the world and GMCCF is the largest food products
marketing organization in India. We are confident that Amul would emerge as the world's
largest food products organization in the not too distant future. It is now present in following

  Afghanistan   Iraq R   Russia

  Algeria   S   Saudi Arabia
  Angola J   Japan   Sierra Leone
  Australia   Korea   Singapore
B   Bahrain   Kuwait   South Africa
  Bangladesh L   Laos   Sri Lanka
  Benin   Madagascar   Sudan
  Bhutan   Malaysia   Syria
  Botswana M   Maldives   Taiwan
  Brunei   Mauritius T   Tanzania
  Cambodia   Myanmar   Thailand
  China   Nepal   UAE
D   Dubai N   New Zealand U   Uganda
    Nigeria   UAE
  Ethiopia O   Oman V   Vietnam
F   Fiji   Pakistan W   West Indies
G   Gambia   Philippines Y   Yemen
H   Hong Kong Q   Qatar Z   Zanzibar


Marketing research plays an important role in the process of marketing. Starting with market
component of the total marketing talks. It helps the firm to acquire a better understanding of
the consumers, the competition and the marketing environment

“Marketing research is a systematic problem analysis, model building and fact finding for the
purpose of important decision making and control in the marketing of goods and services.

- Phillip Kotler.

I am doing my project on the survey of curd before its launch .In this project I will do market
research rather a customer survey through questionnaire .Before making questionnaire I
searched for factors which may effect the launch of curd .curd is a item which is readily
perished so people who use it is in the habbit of using it fast more over how much they give
value to other brands in case of different attributes like texture,whiteness,taste,packaging ,
flavor etc. So by putting these things into the mind I proposed a questionnaire and ultimately I
filled those questionnaire by 15 respondents till now and on the basis of them I will analyze a
interim report that which way will the questionnaire further go .

After analyzing them I will try to proposed a way that how much demand will be their and
which competitor have greater value in which attributes and AMUL should follow that way to
capture the market .

In these questionnaire I mainly covered areas of Jaipur like wall city ,Shyam nagar ,malvia nagar
,vidyadhar nagar,vivek nagar,vaishali, Mahesh nagar, Raja park , Mansarovar .which is covering
almost all the sides like north ,south,east and west of jaipur .A map view is there in
In this questionnaire I have taken occupation of the persons so that in further analysis I can
check out for relevancy of curd consumption and occupation and many more .

After drawing questionnaire I first check the relevancy of question by doing pilot test .I took
some of the questionnaire and make it filled by people around to get proper feedback and
hange the questions ,options as required .As learning from change is a regular process so while
making questionnaire filled I use to check my mistakes further.


Marketing starts with identifying customer needs and ends with satisfying them through a
coordinated set of activities that also allows a firm to achieve its own goals. When launching a
product one needs access to quick and insightful consumer based data to give the foray a
greater chance of success. Failure to grasp the specific needs of a new market can be costly,
both financially and in terms of damaged corporate image. In a volatile, ever-changing market,
mistakes can mean wasted costs in advertising, distribution and production expenses, as well as
damage to brand name and equity.

Under interim report I will use proposed methods of questionnaire survey after this I will
further use pie chart and histogram etc on the questionnaire get the relevant analytical
information .After filling of entire questionnaire I will further analyze it with factor analysis or
chi-square as required .


With the help of questionnaire consists of list of questions to be asked from the respondents
and the space provided to record the answer / responses. Questionnaire can be used for the
personal interviews, focus groups, mails and telephonic interviews. This becomes a medium of
data collection The choice among these alternatives is largely determined by the type of
information to be obtained and by the type of respondents from whom it is to be obtained.
The common factor in all varieties of the questionnaire method is this reliance on verbal
responses to question, written or oral.

Questionnaire in the project consists of:

 Multiple choice questions

 Dicthomus


Questions of this type offer the respondents an alternative to choose the right answer among
others. It is faster, time saving and less biased. It also simplifies the tabulating process


These are the questions which are Boolean in nature. These answers are straightforward and
respondents have to answer them in a straight way. That means the answer can only be either
‘Yes” or ‘No’.


Sample design is a definite plan of obtaining some items from the whole population. The
sample design used in this project is two state sampling i.e. cluster sampling and convenience


Here the whole area is divided into some geographical area and a definite number of
consumers were to be surveyed. Areas divided are shown in annexture 3.


This type of sampling is chosen purely on the basis of convenience and according to
convenience. I have visited Raja Park, vivek vihar ,vidhyadhar nagar, shyam nagar, mansarovar,
wall city, janta colony, shastri nagar, vaishali , Mahesh nagar and few more.

Jaipur had a population of around 3,324,219 in the year 2007. I will take it in round figure of 40
lakhs in 2009.then I will do the survey research further. In this whole population 53% male and
47% is female as per the census report .

1] Sampling Technique : Non probability sampling

(A non probability sampling technique is
that in which each element in the
population does not have an equal
chance of getting selected)

2] Sample Unit : People who buy curd available

in retail outlets, superstores, etc

3] Sample size :
200 respondents

4] Method : Direct interview through questionnaire and Chi

square analysis, bar graph, pie chart, demand

5] Data analysis method : Graphical method.

6] Area of survey : JAIPUR

7] Timing of survey : 9.00 am to 12.30 pm and 5.00 pm to

8.00 pm

Basic limitations of my study are:

 Respondent may not take it seriously and the questionnaire will remain half fill

 Respondents may become bias and may not give righteous information

 Sample chosen may not represent population properly

 People may not give time to fill the questionnaire and may think it as a waste

 In this researcher has to fully depends on respondents ,self report

 Respondent may sometime give socially desirable answers which may not be able to
clarify his/her true desire

 Sometimes there is gap between what people says and what they actually do.

Sample of Questionnaire is given there in the ANNEXURE 1


On the basis of questionnaire I have analyze the response of 200 respondents and try to put
analysis in tabular form . In this I will deal with questions one by one .


YES 200 says
NO 0 says


So each one of the 200 respondent consume milk according to [Graph:1] that means maximum
people in Jaipur consume milk .
a)Milk Booth b) General store
c) Milk Vendor d) self

under this question out of 200 respondent 137 goes for milk booth where as 21 goes for
general store . 30 goes for milk vendors and another 12 goes for self or purchase from mandi.


According to [Graph:2] that maximum people in Jaipur purchase milk from general store as it is
convenient to buy and rest buy it from milk booths this means that number of milk booth are
also in abundance


Out of 200 respondents all says that they purchase milk daily


According to [Graph:3] one can conclude that in Jaipur all most all people daily purchase milk


a) less than 1 ltr b) 1 to 2 ltr
c) 2 to 4 ltr d) more than 4 ltr

We can see that out of 200 respondent 63 purchase less than 1 ltr where as 82 purchase
between 1 to 2 ltr , 47 purchase between 2 to 4 ltr and 8 respondent purchase more than 4 ltrs

From the given data we can say from [Graph:4] that maximum person in the Jaipur purchase at
least half liter milk daily so if we want to calculate the total monthly sales we can say that it can
be find out by putting percentage like in 200 respondent 63 are purchasing half liter and 82 are
purchasing 1 to 2 ltr where as 47 are purchasing 2 to 4 ltr and 8 are purchasing more than 4 ltrs.



Out of 15 respondents maximum percentage goes for drinking in 1500 total 930 goes to
drinking where as tea and coffee is on second by 355 and curd making and other like horlics etc
comes under 100 to 105 . on the other side sweet making remains only 10

[Graph :5]

the above [table:5] one can draw a conclusion that consumers in Jaipur have a consumption
pattern in which they drink milk at most then it is used for tea and coffee and then for rest.



Out of 200 respondent 7 says no that they don’t use curd where as rest say yes .

This [Graph:6] says that maximum people in Jaipur consume curd .


a) Home Made
b) Outside

out of 200 respondent 147 says outside where as 7 says that they don’t use curd and rest 46
says home made .

According to [Graph:7] respondents response maximum people in Jaipur go for outside curd
and one fourth of population goes for home made curd.


a) Packed
b) loose

The [Graph:8] shows that out of 147 respondents who selected outside curd the 123 takes
packeted and 24 takes loose curd in Jaipur .

packed loose




a) Nestle b) Mother Dairy
c) lotus d) Saras

out of 200 respondent 110 opted for Saras , 5 opted for nestle and 7 opted for mother dairy
and in rest 1 respondents opted for lotus ,where as rest 7 respondent don’t consume curd .

So according to above [Graph:9] report on 123 respondent who are taking packeted curd 89%
that is maximum people in Jaipur prefer saras ,6% with mother dairy ,1% with lotus and 4% with
nestle we can say that Saras is most favorite curd of Jaipur people .


a) Daily b) Twice a week
c) Thrice a week d) Once in two weeks

Out of 123 respondents , 24 respondents are daily purchasing curd where as 31 of them are
purchasing it twice a week and maximum people purchasing it thrice a week ie; 48 .
And 20 respondents purchasing it once in one or two week .

From the above [Graph:10] response we can say that maximum of the people who is opting for
packed curd go for thrice and twice a week .


out of total 24 respondents of loose curd purchaser 9 purchases in once in one or two week
where as 7 purchases daily and 4 purchases twice and rest 4 purchases thrice a week .

IN TOTAL  adding loose and packet curd data we get

146 respondents out of which

Daily purchase done by  31 people

Twice a week done by 35 people

Thrice a week done by 52 people

Once in two or one week  29 people


a) 100 ml b) 200 ml
c) 400 ml d) 500ml or more
Out of 146 respondents 71 are going for 200 ml curd pack 33 opted for 400ml and rest 42
opted for 500 ml plus curd.


So from above [Graph:11] I can find out approximate quantity of purchase of curd in Jaipur in a
week as 200 ml is daily purchased by 31 people out of 146 so we can find it in a table format

Table show the frequency of purchase and Quantity :

200 ml curd 400 ml curd 500 ml plus

DAILY 15 11 6




a) Daily = 15 people * 7days* 200ml + 11 people *7 days*400ml + 6 people*7 days*500ml

Total = 72800 ml per week …………………………………………………………………………….[1]

b) Twice a week = 14 people*2 days*200ml + 13 people *2 days * 400 ml + 9 people *2 days *


Total = 25000 ml per week …………………………………………………………………………………………….[2]

c) Thrice in a week = 19 people *3 days*200ml + 18 people*3 days* 400ml + 13 people*3 days*


Total = 52500 ml per week ……………………………………………………………………………………………….[3]

d) once in two or one week =16 people*1day*200ml + 7 people*1day*400ml +6 people*1


Total = 9000 ml per week ………………………………………………………………………………………………….[4]

Adding 1,2,3 and 4 we get total demand in a week

GRAND TOTAL  72800+25000+52500+9000 = 159300 ml OF CURD PER WEEK FROM 147



A] Out of 146 there are 34 students in outside curd under which 61% student opted for 200 ml

Another 14% student opted for 500 ml where as rest 25% opted for 400 ml .

B] Now out of 146 there are 49 service persons in outside curd under which 42% opted for
200ml curd ,another 32% opted for 400ml curd and rest 26% goes for 500 ml curd.

C] out of 146 there are 63 business man ,25% of them goes with 500ml ,34% opted for 200 ml
and rest 41% goes for 400ml curd.

On the basis of two information from questionnaire I want to check my hypothesis that is



In this alternate hypothesis is my assumption I come to assume it with the help of two

1] occupation of people filling questionnaire

2] question no 11 which ask that how much curd on an average one purchase

So to get actual picture of the scene I thought of using chi square test. You can use χ2 tests to
determine whether hypothesized results are verified by an experiment.


200 ml 400 ml 500 ml plus COLUMN TOTAL


student 27 8 9 44
service person 28 16 11 55
business man 8 4 13 25
RT 63 28 33 124








FE is mentioned below

500ml plus
200ml [expected] 400ml [expected] [expected]
22.35 9.94 11.71
Service person
27.94 12.42 14.64
Business man
12.7 5.65 6.65


Just to over come any problem in the equation due to positive and negative sign the square of
the difference between actual frequency and expected frequency is taken into consideration .


4.64 21.52 0.96
-1.94 3.76 0.37
-2.71 7.34 0.62
0.06 0.003 0.0001
3.58 12.82 1.03
-3.64 13.25 0.9
-4.7 22.09 1.73
-1.65 2.72 0.48
6.35 40.32 6.06
   CALCULATED χ 12.1501

A TOTAL is nothing but calculated χ2 [ chi square]

χ2 calculated = 12.15

Now we have to find χ2 tabulated for that we have to follow following steps
 We will look for degree of freedom ie; df = (no of column-1)*(no. of rows -1) so no of
column =3 and no of rows = 3 ,so df = (3-1)*(3-1) , df = 4.

 After getting df we will take average confidence level 95% that means significance level
will be .05 ie; α= .05

 Now with the help of α and df we will look into chi square table and we will find the
tabulated χ2 value which will be 9.488

χ2 tabulated  9.488

After getting both χ2 tabulated and χ2 calculated we will have two options

1 χ calculated lies under tabulated If Cal >9 . 488 , reject H o .


2  χ2 tabulated lies under calculated If Cal≤9. 488 , do not reject H o .

From the given value of χ2 tabulated  9.488 and χ2 calculated  12.51 we come to
conclusion that χ2 tabulated lies under χ2 calculated it is shown in the figure below .where red
denote 0.05 significance level .



rain plays spoils sports

student 27 8 9
service person 28 16 11
business man 8 4 13
RT 63 28 33

22.35 9.94 11.71

27.94 12.42 14.64

12.7 5.65 6.65


4.64 21.52 0.96

-1.94 3.76 0.37

-2.71 7.34 0.62

0.06 0.003 0.0001

3.58 12.82 1.03

-3.64 13.25 0.9

-4.7 22.09 1.73

-1.65 2.72 0.48

6.35 40.32 6.06









According to above question Saras curd gets maximum marks where as lotus is the minimum.
And under packed curd nestle and mother dairy is having little say in 200 respondent


From the above [Graph:12] one can conclude that which brand is best in curd regarding its
attribute in Jaipur and one should look for that touches which make that brand best regarding
all attribute.


Out of 200 respondents 181 says yes and rest 19 says no under this 7 persons are included
which donot consume curd .


With the view of [Graph:13] in case of curd Jaipur is full of brand switchers. People may shift
to any curd if they like it .


In this [Graph: 14] out of 200 respondents 197 says yes and 10% says no , that means maximum
people are not brand loyal ,they may shift easily if they get good stuff more over most of the
people who is opting for homemade curd says no to Amul curd or any other curd.

[Graph: 14]

More over in Jaipur Amul is heartily accepted hence if properly launching of Amul curd is done
there will be no hassles in its purchase.


As Amul is facing great competition from Saras . So I find Saras as a best platform for
estimation of demand of curd .
At first curd market should be classified :

1] Branded curd

2] loose curd
3] Homemade curd

1: Branded curd :  I have surveyed 40 booths of saras and found that average curd sale is
around 35 cup per day of 200ml .

There are about 3500 saras dairy booths in whole Jaipur so this means that
average sale of curd from Saras booths are around 24500 liter .

Then there are retail shops selling curd like nestle , mother dairy, lotus etc
so its average sale is around 25 cups and lets assume that total retail selling
branded curds is around 2000 then total selling of curd from them are
10000 liter . So an average sale of branded curd in Jaipur is 34500 ltr.

2: loose curd : loose curd market are more in the area like wall city ,Mahesh nagar backward
areas. They sell curd around 30 liter .I have surveyed 15 shops where loose
curd is sold out in wall city in open dairy and sweet shops in huge way.

Its difficult to count loose curd market so if I assume that its around 1000
shops of loose curd in jaipur then sale will be around 30000 liter.

3: Homemade curd: As average consumption of milk in Jaipur is 10 lakhs liter and an average
2% of milk is used for making curd so total homemade curd will be 20,000

Hence total size of curd market will be “branded curd + loose curd + homemade curd “ ie;
[1+2+3]  34500+30000+20000 = 84000 liter per day.

If I look up to demand estimation of AMUL curd I can say that from the branded curd market
the demand of Saras booth curd and other retail curd will be the area for Amul curd then later
it can take over other areas of curd market .

According to me demand for Amul curd will be around 24500 to 34500 liter .Earlier it may take
some time to capture the branded curd market so it may not be getting around 20000kg but
market has potential.

AMUL SHOPPEE CONCEPT: Under this concept of AMUL the retailer or the whole seller
who is in business with AMUL is converted in an exclusive shoppee for company’s product i.e.
milk specifically. For which the proprietor has to make a security deposit with GCMMF Ltd. and
has to meet some basic requirements after fulfillment of which the shop is declared as an
exclusive AMUL SHOPPEE.

This concept is to provide additional margin to the proprietor (the whole seller or the retailer)
in order to increase AMUL’s annual sales volume, and to increase its market share.

Types of shoppees :
 Shoppee with a deposit of Rs.1100: Under this type the interested party has to
make a deposit of Rs.1100 with GCMMF Ltd. And after filling the application form the
shop is declared as “AMUL SHOPPEE”

COMPANY PROVIDES: 1) A hoarding in the name of AMUL.

2) A stand board in the name of AMUL.

3) A glow sign board in the name of AMUL.

4) Gets the shop painted.

 Shoppee with a deposit of Rs.3000: Under this type the interested party has to
make a deposit of Rs.3000 instead of Rs.1100 with GCMMF Ltd. And after filling the
application form the shop is declared as “AMUL SHOPPEE”

COMPANY PROVIDES: 1) A hoarding in the name of AMUL.

2) A stand board in the name of AMUL.

3) A glow sign board in the name of AMUL.

4) Gets the shop painted.

5) A storage box(CABINET) to store the milk crates worth


The ownership of the box(CABINET) is transferred to the party after one year from the
conversion of the shop into AMUL SHOPPEE. Also company promises to change the box if it
results in breakage or damaged by itself.

Requirements for a Shoppee: 1) The shop should definitely be opened before 6 in

the morning.

2) The shop should give at least a business of 10


In a day. i.e. a minimum of 10 crates should be sold

In a day from that particular shop.

3) The shop should have a refrigerator or a deep

Margin Structure: The Company provides same kind of margin to both

types of shoppee.

The company provides Rs.2.40/crate extra (additional margin) along with Rs.7.80/crate (fixed
margin). These margin given are on PER CRATE basis. And 1 crate consists of 12 liters of milk.

Rs.2.40 is given in parts i.e. Rs.1.20 out of this would be given at every month and the
remaining Rs.1.20 would be given at the yearend basis. For its tabulation the company provides
with a MONTHLY SALES CARD in which the quantity is recorded and the payment is made as
and when required.

This means the company provides with 20p/liter extra margin with 65p/liter fixed margin. And
of 20p , 10p is given at month end and left 10p is given away at the year end.

AREA DELIVERY AGENT CONCEPT: Area delivery agent is nothing but the distributor of
AMUL products in a particular area. Under this concept we were given the task to search for a
distributor (ADA) in the wall city area of jaipur.

This task was given to us as there was no ADA in wall city as such and the distribution of
AMUL was nil in this area.

Types of AREA DELIVERY AGENTs: There are basically two kinds of ADA :

 The ADA.
 The Point ADA.

The ADA: ADA can be considered as big distributors who generally take cares of the whole
area to which it is assigned. It has the full knowledge of all the retailers presently working in
that area. The ADA manages the supply of the product of the company to retailers in order to
reduce the obstacles and to carry on with sales with any halts. When a new ADA is assigned, he
surveys the whole area with the area executive of the company in that area.

The retailers in that area can give orders to ADA and the ADA passes the orders to
company and the demanded quantity of product is delivered to the ADA and the ADA further
distributes it to the retailers and collects the payment.
Requirements for an ADA : 1). A security of Rs. 15000. (DD in favor of GCMMF Ltd.)
2). A bank guarantee of worth Rs. 25000.
3). Other basic requirements.

The Point ADA: Point ADA can be said as the level down to the ADA. Point ADA is assigned in
the area if the area is too big for the ADA to cover so there can be many Point ADA under the

The Point ADA takes the orders from the retailers and further passes on to the ADA or
directly to the company what so ever be the need.

The Point ADA can be said as the small distributor for the particular area.

The Point ADA looks after only 2-4 streets in a particular area and reports to the
company and rest of the area is covered by other Point ADA or the ADA itself.

Requirements for Point ADA 1). A security of Rs. 5000. (DD in favor of GCMMF Ltd.)
2). A bank guarantee of worth Rs. 15000.
3). Other basic requirements.

Margin Structure: The margin is equal for both the ADA as well as the Point ADA.
Both are given with Rs. 12.96/crate basis if they sell out milk from their
outlet itself. i.e. they get Rs. 1.08/liter basis.
If they provide some crates to the retailers for sale and some they sell by
themselves then they get Rs. 5.16/crate basis i.e. Rs. 0.43/liter basis.
Rest Rs. 7.80/carte they have to pass on to the retailers as retailer’s normal
margin. i.e. they get Rs. 0.65/liter basis.

Under this head I have done basically three activities which was given by Company to do in the
different areas of Jaipur .I have being given an area of Raja park and Mahesh nagar where I
have to know the problems of milk shopkeepers ,make some new milk retailer and to sell
existing Amul milk shop – schemes, under which they will be converted into AMUL SHOPEE .

Converting Amul retailer to Amul Shopee :

This a scheme launch by the company to capture the market by giving profit to the
retailers.under this scheme there are two options :

1] 1100/- rs scheme :

2] 3000/- rs scheme

These scheme is used to increase the commission of milk retailers. Any milk retailer generally
get 7.80 paisa per carat [ 1 carat = 12 liter].After taking this scheme retailer gets 2.40 paisa
increment over normal profit of 7.80 paisa and ultimately total profit rises to 10.20 paisa. This is
the common feature of this scheme in both and for that they have to deposit 1100/- rs or
3000/- rs which is refundable too.
The only difference between 1100/- and 3000/- scheme is that in 3000/- scheme retailer will
get an iron box worth rupees 2200/- for putting carat capacity upto 10 carats.

In both area we have visited almost 150 and more shops and converted 23 shopees over all
and I also turned lot of retailer shop into milk retailer of amul. sample of amul shopee form and
monthly sales card is available in annexure 2and 3 .

Search for Area Distributer

This was our second activity under which we have to find out area distributer who will sell at
least 20 to 25 carats of his own and can sell 10 to 15 carats by giving it to retailers. In this work
I have to search the area called Wall city of Jaipur .Area under this was fully backward and old
style . there is a sample of area delivery agent form in Annexure 4

Under area distributer person is getting more profit than retailer if he sell by his own .The
distributer will get 7.80 paisa and 5.16 paisa extra on per carat sell that means approximately
13 rs per carat. Still people are not ready to take up this Job because of three reasons :

1] eligibility criteria under which dealer have to pay 5000/- rs Demand Draft and bank
guarantee of 20000/- rs

2] Saras have a greater share of market and other companies like gauras, prabhu ji ,lotus are
there to further capture maximum market share and without proper demand no retailer will
take a risk of becoming dealer of any third company except Saras.

3] biasness about company Amul in the mind of retailers that earliar it was launched in this area
but didn’t get success.

Under this activity I have visited around 40 to 50 shops which have potential and knowledge of
milk business . my journey is still on with a aim to grab dealer so that I may add more to
company. For further information regarding Activity done in Amul please look into
annexure 8


 Visibility of the product is required .As today few people know that Amul is there in the
milk market and it has a product milk and curd .

 Aggressive promotional strategy is required ,more use of different communication

channels are required which was less in Jaipur .

 Availability of the product is most important factor . if product is good and it has a
market value but it is not present in the market then there is no use of other activities to
support sales So supply shortage should be checked .

 Jaipur is full of brand switchers in the case of curd ,so Amul got an opportunity to
capture the market of curd from Saras a major player of the curd and milk market. By
providing best of the thing required by people in the curd market
 There is two sector of people one who don’t use curd and second is people who prefer
homemade curd .As they are good in numbers .If one want to make them customer one
has to go for value addition in the curd by two ways :

1 - This can be done by providing extra benefits of house hold with the curd or vice a
versa .

2 – One can also provide different flavours in the curd which will lure people of those
sectors also to consume ,not as a curd but as ice cream sort of thing .

 Maximum people in Jaipur consume milk for Drinking , where as walled city as a area
where maximum part of milk is consumed for tea or coffee purpose.

 Student or service person from outside are one sector which uses packet curd
maximum, where as people living here and having their home here itself prefer for
homemade curd .


This project was a greater importance to me ,I have learnt a lot in this project . This project
shows me the way to work in the market .How to communicate with different type of people
.How to convince one for better job .

Learnt how to sell ,how things work in Fast moving Consumer goods .having perishable nature
of these product one need a excellent distribution network and carefully select market because
these product if transferred to far area then cost attached to the product will make it un
competitive .

Milk marketing is full game of Branding .if branding of a product is done then the following
things has to be taken into consideration like availability of product , continuous change in the
product as required by consumers and third is price of the product according to satisfaction
level of the people and last but not the least is the visibility of product and a promotional
strategy to hit, people’s mind.

Ultimately I must say that I am privileged to work in the company like Amul and get such a real
time exposure of FMCG company .


NAME :________________________________________________________________________
AGE : _________________________________________________________________________
AREA : _____________________________________________________________________
MOBILE /PH NO. :_______________________________________________________________




a)Milk Booth b) General store
c) Milk Vendor d) self




a) less than 1 ltr b) 1 to 2 ltr
c) 2 to 4 ltr d) more than 4 ltr







a) Home Made
b) Outside


a) Packed
b) loose


a) Nestle b) Mother Dairy
c) lotus d) Saras


a) Daily b) Twice a week
c) Thrice a week d) Once in two weeks
a) 100 ml b) 200 ml
c) 400 ml d) 500ml or more











Amul Kool Millk Shaake Amul Kool

Amul Kool Cafe Kool Koko

A delight to Chocolate Lovers.
Delicious Chocolate taste

Nutramul Energy Drink Amul Kool Chocolate

A drink for Kids - provides Milk
energy to suit the needs of
growing Kids
Amul Kool Flavoured Amul Kool Flavoured
Bottled Milk Tetra Pack

Amul Masti Spiced Amul Kool Thandai

Amul introduces the Best Thirst
Quenching Drink

Powder Milk
Amul Spray Infant Milk Amul Instant Full
Food Cream Milk Powder
Still, Mother's Milk is Best for A dairy in your home
your baby

Sagar Skimmed Milk Sagar Tea Coffee

Powder Whitener
Which is especially useful for diet
preparations or for use by people
on low calorie and high protein

Amulya Dairy Whitener    

The Richest, Purest Dairy

Fresh Milk
Amul Fresh Milk Amul Gold Milk
This is the most hygienic milk
available in the market.
Pasteurised in state-of-the-art
processing plants and pouch-
packed for convenience.
Amul Taaza Double Amul Lite Slim and
Toned Milk Trim Milk

Amul Fresh Cream Amul Shakti Toned


Amul Calci+

Amul Pasteurised Amul Cheese Spreads
Processed Cheese Tasty Cheese Spreads in 3 great
100% Vegetarian Cheese made flavours..
from microbial rennet

Amul Emmental Cheese Amul Pizza Mozzarella

The Great Swiss Cheese from Amul, Cheese
has a sweet-dry flavour and Pizza cheese...makes great tasting
hazelnut aroma pizzas!

Gouda Cheese


For Cooking
Amul / Sagar Pure Ghee Cooking Butter
Made from fresh cream. Has typical
rich aroma and granular texture.
An ethnic product made by dairies
with decades of experience.

Amul Malai Paneer Utterly Delicious Pizza

Ready to cook paneer to make
your favourite recipes!

Mithai Mate Masti Dahi

Sweetened Condensed Milk - Free
flowing and smooth texture. White
to creamy color with a pleasant

Amul Ice Creams Amul Shrikhand
Premium Ice Cream made in A delicious treat, anytime.
various varieties and flavours with
dry fruits and nuts.

Amul Mithaee Gulab Jamuns Amul Chocolates

Pure Khoya Gulab The perfect gift for someone served piping you love.
Amul Lassee Amul Basundi

Health Drink

Nutramul Amul Shakti Health Food

Malted Milk Food made Drink
from malt extract has the Available in Kesar-Almond
highest protein content and Chocolate flavours
among all the brown
beverage powders sold in

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