Vocabulary - Lesson 1 - 10D1

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I. Vocabulary
STT Từ vựng Từ Phiên âm Nghĩa
1 slender a / ˈslendər /
2 mystify v / ˈmɪstɪfaɪ /
mystification n / ˌmɪstɪfɪˈkeɪʃən /
mystic a / ˈmɪstɪk /

3 sideways a / ˈsaɪdweɪz /
4 skyscraper n / ˈskaɪˌskreɪpər /
5 masterpiece n / ˈmɑːstəpiːs /
6 dampen v / ˈdæmpən /
7 augment v /ɔːɡˈment /
8 quantify v / ˈkwɒntɪfaɪ /
quantity n / ˈkwɒntəti /
9 staggering a / ˈstæɡərɪŋ /
stagger v / ˈstæɡər /
staggeringly adv / ˈstæɡərɪŋli /

10 feasible a / ˈfiːzəbəl̩ /

11 igloo n / ˈɪɡluː /
12 insulating a / ˈɪnsjəleɪtɪŋ /
13 permafrost n / ˈpɜːməfrɒst /
14 adamant a / ˈædəmənt /
15 scant a / skænt /
16 beneficial a /. ˌbenɪˈfɪʃəl̩ /
benefit n / ˈbenɪfɪt /
beneficent a / bəˈnefɪsənt /
beneficently adv / bəˈnefɪsəntli /

17 roadster n / ˈrəʊdstər /
18 upmarket a / ˌʌpˈmɑːkɪt /
19 saloon n / səˈluːn /

20 fraction n / ˈfrækʃən /
21 sensitive a / ˈsensɪtɪv /
sensible a / ˈsensəbəl /
sensibility n / ˌsensəˈbɪləti /
sensitize v / ˈsensɪtaɪz /

22 simulation n / ˌsɪmjəˈleɪʃən̩ /
23 hormone n / ˈhɔːməʊn /
24 cortisol n / 'kɔ:tizɒl /

Teacher: Mrs. HẢI ANH_Viet Nam- Poland High school Trang 1

25 record-changing a / rɪˈkɔːd ˈtʃeɪndʒɪŋ /
record-holding a / rɪˈkɔːd ˈhəʊldɪŋ /
record - keeping a / rɪˈkɔːd ˈkiːpɪŋ /
record-breaking a /' rɪˈkɔːd ˈbreɪkɪŋ /

26 ill-advised a / ˌɪlədˈvaɪzd /
ill-tempered a / ˌɪlˈtempəd /
ill-affected a / ˌɪləˈfektɪd /
ill-behaved a / ˌɪlbɪˈheɪvd /

27 ready-mixed a / ˌredimɪkst /
ready- made a / ˌrediˈmeɪd /
28 methodological a / ˌmeθədəlˈɒdʒɪkəl /
29 memorization n / ˌmeməraɪ'zeɪʃən /
30 mastery n / ˈmɑːstəri /
31 long-living a / ˌlɒŋˈlɪvɪŋ /
long-lost a / lɒŋlɒst /
long-acting a / ˌlɒŋˈæktɪŋ
long-lasting a / ˌlɒŋˈlɑːstɪŋ /

32 low-priority a / ləʊ praɪˈɒrəti /

high-priority a / haɪ praɪˈɒrəti/
low-paid a / ˈləʊpeɪd/
high-paid a / ˈhaɪpeɪd /

II. Structures
STT Cấu trúc - Cụm từ Nghĩa
1 dry out
2 bring on
bring down
bring forth
bring back
3 come on
come up
come up with
come by
come to
4 prop up
hold on
put away
put off
5 run into = come across = bump into
pour into
move into
drain into
6 stand out
stand to
stand up
stand back

Teacher: Mrs. HẢI ANH_Viet Nam- Poland High school Trang 2

7 have an eye for = is good at noticing
8 keeps sb on one's toes = makes sb stay
active and concentrated
9 shoulder all the blame
= take responsibility for st bad
10 walk straight into a job = get a job very easily:
11 make a habit of= begin to do st regularly, often without thinking about it:
12 on average
in general = on the whole
on the one hand

13 out of control
in control
under control

14 make a living = earn enough to live

15 bear (st) in mind = remember a fact or circumstance and take it into account:
16 jump to conclusions = make a hasty judgement before considering all the facts: vàng

III. Practice exercise 1

Question 1: Japanese scholars have been for ages about why these tall, slender buildings are
so stable.
A. mystified B. mystification C. mystifying D. mystic
Question 2: With its special shock absorbers to the effect of sudden sideways movements
from an earthquake, the thirty-six-storey Kasumigaseki building in central Tokyo-Japan's first
skyscraper- was considered a masterpiece of modern engineering when it was built in 1968.
A. increase B. dry out C. dampen D. augment
Question 3: More surprising is the fact that the individual stores of a Japanese pagoda, unlike their
counterparts elsewhere, are not actually connected to each other. They are simply one on top
of another like a pile of hats.
A. tied B. placed C. glued D. stacked
Question 4: The cost of food has now reached a point where a growing number of people believe that it
is far too high and that bringing it will be one of the great challenges of the twenty-first
A. up B. down C. forth D. back
Question 5: They added up the costs of repairing the damage it caused and came with a total
figure of £2,343m.
A. on B. up C. by D. to
Question 6: But the costs to society can actually be quantified and, when added up, can amount to
A. staggering B. staggered C. stagger D. staggeringly
Question 7: We are paying for our supposedly cheaper food in three separate ways: once over the
counter, secondly through our taxes, which provide the enormous subsidies modern
intensive farming, and thirdly to clean up the mess that modern farming leaves behind.
A. propping up B. holding on C. putting away D. putting off
Question 8: In Britain, the immediate need to supply food is less urgent, and the costs and the damage of
farming have been clearly seen, it may be more feasible.
A. new B. serious C. intensive D. massive
Question 9: There are reports of igloos losing their insulating properties as the snow drips and refreezes,
of lakes into the sea as permafrost melts, and sea ice breaking up earlier than usual, carrying
seals beyond the reach of hunters.
A. running B, pouring C. moving D. draining
Question 10: Nobody knows the Arctic as well as the locals, which is why they are not content simply to
and let outside experts tell them what's happening.
A. stand out B. stand to C. stand up D. stand back
Question 11: Many others certainly don't see it that way and are adamant that the late politician was
largely to blame for having a(n) for the vision but scant regard for the detail.
Teacher: Mrs. HẢI ANH_Viet Nam- Poland High school Trang 3
A. eye B. ear C. nose D. tongue
Question 12: Having three sons under the age of five keeps Jana on her .
A. knees B. feet C. toes D. legs
Question 13: Teachers cannot be expected to all the blame for poor exam results.
A. back B. face C. head D. shoulder
Question 14: Although he only just managed to get his degree, when he left university, he
straight into a job in an excellent company.
A. walked B. run C. went D. jumped
Question 15: It's a good idea to make a of switching off the lights when you leave a room.
A. routine B. habit C. custom D. rule
Question 16: And fundamentally it is the government telling you how to behave and if you behave in a
certain way, then the government will be enough to hand you back some money.
A. beneficial B. benefit C. beneficent D. beneficently
Question 17: Provided you know the rules, investing in a car is an ideal way to get your
hands on a sporty roadster or upmarket saloon for a fraction of the price you'd pay for a new model.
A. classical B. classic C. modern D. unique
Question 18: Thus we can expect down cycles caused by oil shortages and higher prices to
happen very fast.
A. economical B. economy C. economic D. economically
Question 19: Drivers are more likely to respect a approach to road safety such as locally
controlled temporary limits, as used successfully by a number of other councils around the country.
A. sensitive B. sensible C. sensibility D. sensitize
Question 20: If Cong continues in this vein, it will be a brave man who bets against them winning a
fourth title.
A. successful B. success C. succeeding D. successive
Question 21: 65-year-old women with fewer than eight years of schooling are expected, , to
live to 82. Those who continued their education live an extra seven years.
A. on average B. in general C. on the whole D. on the one hand
Question 22: In laboratory simulations of challenging activities such as driving, those who felt
of their lives pumped out lower levels of stress hormones such as cortisol.
A. out of control B. in control C. under control D. on control
Question 23: In my mid-twenties, I joined the staff of a language school. The pay wasn't brilliant but I
could make a .
A. existing B. being C. living D. staying
Question 24: People also need to the same warnings in mind if they use mobile phones and
A. take B. put C.bear D.have
Question 25: But, one should be careful before to conclusions about what the joke implies
about the teller.
A. jumping B. running C. stepping D. hopping
Question 26: Schools across the borough celebrated another year as GCSE results improved
A. record-changing B. record-holding C. record - keeping D. record-breaking
Question 27: Unless and until she stops talking like an eighteenth century Tory oligarch in a rotten
borough, the committee would be to pick her as a candidate.
A. ill-advised B. ill-tempered C. ill-affected D. ill-behaved
Question 28: In addition, mastery of the subject does not imply a memorization of

formulas or methodological recommendations, but rather a logical understanding of the material.

A. ready-mixed B. ready- made C. ready-making D. ready-sensitized
Question 29: They suggest using a powder, applied with a fine but firm brush, for the most natural and
A. long-living B. long-lost C. long-acting D. long-lasting
Question 30: Councilors were also told that some services and grants might have to be
withdrawn, or charges for services introduced or increased to plug the gap.
A. low-priority B. high-priority C. low-paid D. high-paid

Teacher: Mrs. HẢI ANH_Viet Nam- Poland High school Trang 4

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