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Honorable General Qamar Javed Bajwa Sb

Chief of Army Staff
Islamic Republic of Pakistan.


AJK,Punjab, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan and Islamabad FOR PEACE
His Excellency,
We are Female Human Rights Organization (FeHRO) a Swat based registered Organization
working since 1999 for the welfare and empowerment of Female(marginalized segment) through
Education, Literacy and income generating skills. During militancy in Swat (2007-08) threats
from militants compelled FeHRO Officials to move its main office to Islamabad.
Economic Survey of Pakistan 2016, reported low quality of education, non skilled labours and
58% literacy rate in the country which is stagnant since 2011. To combat illiteracy and empower
the community, FeHRO plans to work on technical and vocational education for girls, ensuring
every child in school and Adult education to enhance literacy rate of the country.
Since its inception FeHRO is dedicated to empower females through education, technical
training, vocational training, skill development, peace development and public health. Malala
Yousufzai – winner of Noble Peace Award for girl education 2012 and Hina Khan daughter of
chair man FeHRO Noble Peace Nominee for 2011 are from the same organization FeHRO
Pakistan. Mala and Hina are from the same community and family.
At present, we are developing a documentary on the role of Ms. Lalina Khan,
Daughter of Chair man Rayat ullah Khan (khan baba) of FeHRO & World Peace. The basic aim
of this proposed documentary is to highlight the conditions of the schools destroyed in the
militancy and the current scenario of girl’s education in swat, FATA, Baluchistan, Gilgit
Baltistan, Islamabad and AJK. Besides above, we are making world peace jirga program to
support this documentary. In this documentary we have also emphasized the Mission of Ms.
Lalina Khan as she will be nominated for new wing, “Youth Forum” of FeHRO and she will
start her role in Eradication of illiteracy and this documentary will be on air for the entire world.

With the untiring efforts of FeHRO, a “WORLD PEACE JIRGA PROGRAMME” has been
instituted all over Pakistan to support the vision of PEACE and SOLIDARITY. FeHRO is
starting its Tv channel to disseminate the information and awareness regarding Peace and
Particularly. In 2008 we also launched a Swat Aman Jirga during swat Operation. Then in 2010 a
Forum for Peace for Pakistan and Afghanistan is also formed and this forum played a vital role
among the understanding of both the countries and cross border communities regarding peace. In
2014 during Zarb-e-Azab operation in Waziristan FATA we formed FATA Alliance and played
a strong role for peace.
In 2016 we intend to extend the sphere of World Peace Jirga Program (WPJP) by establishing
Jirga system near border areas of India, Pakistan and Afghanistan for ADR (alternate dispute
resolution system) which is the Parallel-legal system to prevent the rift at border vicinity for the
voluntary repatriation of Afghan Refugees already living in Pakistan since post- soviet war. By
launching this World peace Jirga program (WPJP), we want to stand in solidarity with Pakistan
Army to reinforce peace in KPK, Baluchistan, Sindh, AJK, Gilgit Baltistan and Islamabad.

Our head office for WPJP established at Islamabad which liaisons with other sub-offices of
WPJP at KPK, Baluchistan, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan and AJK to strengthen peace by resolving
peace conflict issues with arbitration, mediation and reconciliation. This WPJP program will be
organized all over the world because we believe that Peace is the key to development. We need
Technical, Financial and your personal support in this regard.

Besides, our social services nationally and internationally for the growth of Peace, harmony and
serenity nationwide and world over, we have already strategized a program for Pak-Afghan
relations and border security, which will fortify an optimistic image of Pakistan and Afghanistan
in the eyes of world.
Prime minister of Pakistan has already marked our letter reference number PA
&GW/2018/ICT/AJK/6916/10/115441 to the concerned ministry. Letter is annexed.
Moreover we are organizing DONOR”s Conference in all the provinces of Pakistan and In
Islamabad to stand shoulder to shoulder with the vision of present Government and Pakistan
Army, which are already on same page to harmonize their struggle for peace and solidarity in
Pakistan and cross the borders.
Therefore our humble submission is to please support our WPJ program by giving us full
opportunities to be appointed at border areas for a prolific output by enhancing Peace and
concord. I hope you will give a considerable weight-age to our request for the sake of Peace and
Serenity, as we have great expectations from this present democratic Government.
We therefore kindly pray to please issue your kind directions to the relevant Chief secretaries of
KPK, AJK, Balouchistan, Sindh, Gilgit Baltistan& & Ministry of Defense and Interior Ministry
to give us their complete support by appointing 5 members from districts near border areas and 2
representatives from all districts on urgent basis, so that we may work together in collaboration
with those elected political and religious respectable community leaders to add force to the
Mission of Government for PEACE and solidarity.

Pakistani authorities decided to open the economically-critical border sector after successful
negotiations were made in Pakistan.

Strong Sources said that in view of the current situation across the border, thousands of people
were being evacuated from Afghanistan and passengers using transit accomodation for the
purpose were staying in Islamabad.

Sources said sea of thousands of people gathered en-masse near a southwestern Pakistani
border crossing in a desperate bid to flee Afghanistan.

Afghanistan and Pakistan share a 1,640-mile frontier, and one of the two key crossings is at the
border town of Spin Boldak, near the Pakistani city of Chaman,and at Thorkham Border,
People were seen flooding over,approximately 2 billion peoplesee in the area this week in an
attempt to cross over to Pakistan, though it is unclear how many of these people are Pakistanis
looking to get home and how many are Afghan refugees hoping to be let in.

There are five crossings on the nearly 2,640-kilometer border between Pakistan and
Afghanistan. Three of them are used for travel and bilateral and transit trade activities, while
the rest are dedicated to travelers, including Afghan refugees.

In the meanwhile the legal documented Afghan people will not more than Illegal afghan
people,they will approximately 1.5 billion legal and 2.5 billion will be illegal and
undocumented afghan which will cross the border will come through Pakistan in the next
coming the strong action should be taken immediately in this regard.

We are willing to help them but we will have to need full financial and security support on pak-
Afghan borders for this work and our WPJP will have fully supported in this regard.

You are requested to share world peace Jirga Programme with all of your Core commanders and
to provide technical support in formation of World Peace Jirga Programme and also in
participation and security at provincial level. It will be more productive if all Core Commanders
will provide support in the proposal development process and documentary on current situation
of peace and harmony.
We also request for special grant for this world level peace project.
In current scenario there is war situation on eastern border in AJK and all across the border.
World Peace Jirga Programme can play a vital role in the formation of community police for
local security Purpose and also form group of volunteers for long-term rehabilitation in all
aspects of life like livelihood, health and infrastructure.

Yours Sincerely,

Mr.Rayat Ullah Khan (Khan Baba)

FeHRO/World Peace. Jirga Program (WPJP)

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