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Profession Growth Plan for Sept. 2021 to Dec. 2021 Name: Amanda Yost

Goal #1: To improve classroom culture using positive peer reporting (PPR) in relation to my professional
inquiry project (PIP).

Teaching Quality Standard: TQS #1, #2 and #4

Strategies: Timeline: Resources:
 Have students complete peer-recognition Sept. 2021 to  Ask other teachers for
submissions weekly. Dec. 2021 assistance in
 Encourage students to be supportive of their peers observational student
during lessons. changes.
 Gain feedback from students through written and  Baseline comparison
observational means.  Student feedback.
 TM, UC and
Indicators of Success:
 How students respond to the PPR implementation (facial expressions, participation, attitudes and
response during lessons).
 Positive feedback from TM and classroom EA.
 Improved level of engagement from all students.
 Enthusiasm towards learning and the PPR activity.
Reflection (end of year/timeline):
1. How successful have I been in meeting my goal?
Indicators of success in meeting this goal include the following:
 Student enthusiasm towards the “tootle box” (PPR)
 EA participation
 Increased helpfulness/support among students

2. How has my professional practice improved?

My professional practice has improved by gaining a resource to use as a way to encourage or improve
classroom culture. Using the “tootle box” has allowed students to relay support to their classmates that they
may not have done easily otherwise. I plan to implement some form of PPR into each of my future
classrooms and altering the initiative to meet the unique needs of each class. In addition, in meeting this
goal, I have also met the needs of TQS #1 (fostering effective relationships), #2 (engaging in career long
learning) and #4 (establishing inclusive learning environments).

3. How has student learning improved?

Student learning has improved because students are more willing to contribute during classroom discussions
and math lessons. Classmates are encouraging and show grace towards one another, which has caused
students to feel less vulnerable when participating in class. Lastly, by improving student comfort and security
in the classroom, they have become more willing to ask questions to better their understanding.

Goal #2: To establish and maintain structure in my lessons as a way to improve my classroom management.

Teaching Quality Standard: TQS #2 and #3

Strategies: Timeline: Resources:
 Ask TM for advice and resources. Sept. 2021 to  TM, UC and Admin.
 Research effective lesson strategies. Dec. 2021  The students.
 Use student profiles to determine if there is  Online research.
improvement in their overall achievement.  Other teachers/staff
 Address students by name when being disruptive. members.
 Establish a rapport with each student to continue
meeting their needs during lessons.
 Ensure appropriate lesson transitions are
established and maintained.
Indicators of Success:
 Students begin to follow a routine and know what is expected of them for each lesson.
 TM, UC and administrator may see improvements in students’ attitudes towards lesson structure.
 A reduction in reprimanding students during lessons for disruptive behaviour.
 An increase in teacher praise for continual student engagement throughout the lesson (instruction
and practice work).
 Lessons run more smoothly due to established routine and less student interruptions.
Reflection (end of year/timeline):
1. How successful have I been in meeting my goal?
I have been successful in meeting my goal as it is apparent that all students know the routine of each class
(notes booklets out, instructional time, work time) and what is expected of them. Using this structure has
enabled me to stay on top of classroom management in terms of student behaviour and monitoring student
understanding. Lastly, using the notes booklets ensures that students are staying on task and following along
during instructional and makes for smooth transitions to the next activity/task.

2. How has my professional practice improved?

My professional practice has greatly improved as I now have an effective classroom routine. Having this
routine sets expectations for not only students, but myself as well, in terms of planning, teaching and
assessments. Having a general structure to each class also allows me to be flexible in meeting student needs,
such as by allocating more practice time prior to an assessment or by providing an additional day of
instruction to support student learning of challenging concepts. In meeting this goal, I have also shown
evidence of meeting TQS #2 (engaging in career long learning) and #3 (demonstrating a professional body of

3. How has student learning improved?
Student learning has improved with a classroom routine because the expectations are known, which keeps
students feeling secure in what happens next. Meeting this need allows for students to maintain engagement
and avoid anxieties that come with unknown or surprise events during class. This is particularly important for
students that typically struggle with success in the math classroom.

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