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Truyền thông marketing tích hợp

Giới thiệu về học phần: Nội dung học phần và phương pháp đánh giá
Bài giảng 1: Tổng quan về truyền thông marketing tích hợp và nâng cao giá trị thương hiệu

Hello and welcome from the

module team!
• Lecturer: MSc. Uyen Hong Nguyen
§ Email:
§ Office: B2.401, Mondays, Tuesdays & Thursdays
Tổng quan về học phần

Mục tiêu là:

• Giới thiệu về học phần, phương pháp giảng dạy, tài liệu học
tập và phương thức đánh giá học phần
• Làm rõ khái niệm Truyền thông marketing tích hợp (IMC)
• Cho biết vai trò của IMC đối với tiến trình marketing
Tính thuyết phục trong xã hội tiêu dùng
• Các nhãn hàng cố gắng thuyết phục chúng ta ở khắp nơi trong cuộc
sống hằng ngày

• Thông qua môn này, mong muốn:

• Để ý đến các hoạt động thuyết phục
• Đưa ra lựa chọn hợp lý
• Có thêm kiến thức và kỹ năng trong việc phát triển các chiến dịch truyền

MSc. Nguyễn Hồng Uyên



In this module you will be building Module delivery consists of 7 lectures in 7
on your integrated marketing weeks AND 2-3 workshops
communications (IMC) knowledge ▸ Module lectures will cover key integrate
and applying it to create IMC marketing communications principles
solutions and concepts, supported by examples of
THE MODULE & ITS On successful completion of this
current practice
CONTENT & module you will be equipped with ▸ Workshops are designed specifically to
ASSESSMENT develop the skills you need for your
knowledge and skills to respond to a presentation - and offer a chance for us
range of integrated marketing to get to know you better!
communications issues.

Module assessment consists of
▸ 25% Learning Process (Group
Presentation + Quiz + Bonus)
▸ 25% Mid-term Assessment (Group
Essay + Report)
▸ 50% Final term Assessment (Multiple
Module reading
You should already have purchased the core text or get access to:
v Bill Chitty, Edwina Luck, Nigel Barker, Anne-Marie Sassenberg, Terence A. Shimp, J. Craig Andrews (2021)
Integrated Marketing Communications (6/e), Cengage.
Further reading:
v Fill, C. (2019) Marketing Communications: touchpoints, sharing and disruption (8/e), Pearson.
v Egan, J. (2019) Marketing Communications (3/e), SAGE Publishing.

As this is a module about current practice, you are strongly advised to read trade press and journals
in addition to the module texts and further reading
Put these in your favourites folder today and sign-up for free:
• Know exactly what we’re looking for
• Keep up
• Be engaged (not just about attendance)
• Energy and initiative
• Take pride in your work
• Responsibilities to fellow students
• Be respectful to each other and module team
Week Lecture
1 Chương 01: Tổng quan về truyền thông marketing tích hợp
Chương 02: Mô hình quá trình truyền thông
2 Chương 03: Tính thuyết phục trong IMC & phân khúc thi trường, định vị thương hiệu
3 Chương 04: Thiết lập mục tiêu và ngân sách cho chiến dịch IMC
4 Chương 05: Xây dựng chiến lược thông điệp sáng tạo
5 Chương 06: Phân tích và lên kế hoạch sử dung phương tiện truyền thông
6 Chương 12: Đánh giá hiệu quả hoạt động truyền thông marketing
7 Chương 07: Quảng cáo truyền hình, in ấn
Chương 08: Truyền thông trực tuyến và mạng xã hội
8 Chương 09: Marketing trực tiếp và Xúc tiến bán
Chương 10: Bán hàng cá nhân và marketing quan hệ
9 Chương 11: Quan hệ công chúng và tài trợ
Ôn tập

Chapter 1
Integrated marketing
communications and brand
equity enhancement

Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
Learning objectives

Introduce Identify Relate

LO1: Định nghĩa truyền LO3: Quy trình LO4: Định nghĩa về -
thông marketing tích truyền thông giá trị thương hiệu
hợp (IMC) (brand equity);
- kiến thức thương
LO2: Tổ hợp IMC hiệu (brand
- nhận biết thương
hiệu (brand
- hình ảnh thương
hiệu (brand image)
Today’s chapter contents

Integrated Marketing
Communications (IMC) definitions &
its extension

The role of IMC in the Marketing

process & Brand equity
The nature of marketing communications
Marketing Communications

Marketing là một tổ hợp các hoạt Giao tiếp là quá trình truyền đạt
động liên quan nhằm chuyển ý những suy nghĩ và ý nghĩa được
tưởng về ‘giá trị’ cho khách hàng chia sẻ giữa các cá nhân, hoặc
thông qua quá trình trao đổi. giữa các tổ chức và cá nhân.
Strategy development phase Implementation phase

Marketing Communications/ Truyền thông marketing

ü Tạo điều kiện trao đổi bằng cách nhắm mục tiêu (targeting) một nhóm khách hàng.
ü Đặt sản phẩm của mình khác biệt với các đối thủ cạnh tranh để mang lại "tính độc đáo".
ü Chia sẻ ý nghĩa chung (common meaning) với đối tượng mục tiêu.
Marketing communication mix


Marketing marketing
public relations communications

Sponsorship communicati purchase
on mix communications

Personal selling Direct marketing

Sales promotion

MSc. Nguyễn Hồng Uyên

Sự trỗi dậy của tiếp thị kỹ thuật số &
mạng xã hội
• Traditional advertising media on the decline.
• Digital media channels on the rise, including
mobile, digital communication and social media
• Less costly, les cluttered and potentially more
• Media fragmentation.
• Include term: earned, owned and paid media
Digital advertising in Vietnam - statistics & facts

Statista 2021
The role of IMC in branding
A strategic process aimed at enhancing brand equity by:
• providing a consistent message
• targeting a group of consumers
• creating unique mental associations
• optimising long-term value of the brand.
What’s IMC?
Sự tích hợp của tất cả các hoạt động marketing gắn với lập kế
hoạch, phát triển, thực hiện và đánh giá các chương trình truyền
thông thương hiệu, sử dụng kết hợp các công cụ truyền thông
marketing (Chitty và cộng sự, 2017)

The practitioner viewpoint: “A campaign that works equally well across

online media, TV, print and outdoor” Tim Bourne, CEO Exposure agency
Three components of IMC
Synergy works to ensure
The concept relies on
that all marketing
delivering the marketing
communications are
message to all relevant
coordinated and

A process determines
the types of messages
and media channels that
will best reach the
chosen market segment.
Key features of IMC
1 Start with the customer or prospect

2 Use any form of relevant contact

3 Speak with a single voice

4 Build relationship
5 Affect behaviours
Traditional marketing versus IMC
A fundamental, strategic change from traditional marketing
communications, IMC includes:

• exploring advertising channels outside the traditional mass media

• a more focused communications method that better targets
selected segments
• expectations from advertising agencies of greater diversity of
communication channels, while still creating a consistent message
• ensuring optimal ROI due to higher levels of accountability
• creating a culture of ethical behaviour.
Ethics in IMC
• What is ethics in IMC?
• The importance of codes of ethics.
• Agency code of ethics.
o Stand up for what you believe is right
o Honour all agreements
o Don’t break the law
o Respect all people
o Strive for excellence in everything you do
o Give clients your best advice, without fear or favour
o Look after your colleagues
o Compete fairly
o Think before you act
o Be honest
New changes in practices (4Ps to SIVA)

Solution Information Value Access

The role of the agency
Three alternative ways to perform the advertising function:

In-house agency Full-service agency Specialised agency

• Employ • Perform research, • Digital marketing

advertising staff provide creative company
and absorb the service, conduct • Content creation
overheads media planning • Direct mail
required to and buying, agency
maintain the undertake a
staff’s operation variety of client
The marketing
communications process
The process consists of the
• fundamental decisions
• implementation
• program evaluation
1. Fundamental marketing communication
decisions that can enhance brand equity

Positioning Targeting

Positioning and targeting
• A brand’s position is directly related to the target segment.
• The position represents the brand’s meaning and shows off its
• Targeting offers a cost-effective approach to communications.
• Positioning and targeting encompass demographics, values and
Setting objectives and budgeting
• Communication decisions reflect the brand’s goals.
• Some goals include:
o introduction, building and defending a brand
o developing awareness, recall and intention to buy the brand.
o Common objectives for IMC: facilitate the successful introduction of new brands, build sales of
existing brands by increasing the frequency of use, inform intermediaries about brand
improvements, enhance a brand’s image, generate sales lead, persuade the intermediaries to
stock the manufacturer’s brands, stimulate point-of-purchase sales, develop brand awareness,
acceptance and insistence, increase consumer loyalty, improve corporate relations, counter any
bad publicity about a brand, created good publicity, reduce the effectiveness off competitor’s
communication efforts, provide consumer with reasons for buying immediately, etc.
• Communications decisions should remain cost-effective.
Fundamental marketing communication

Position and
target Guiding structure
(What to say and
who to reach)

Objective Budget
(What to (How much to
accomplish) spend)
2. Marketing communication implementation

the brand
Select media
Create the
Select the mix of
3. Program evaluation
• Measure campaign results against marketing objectives.

• Measure communication outcomes:

• Awareness
• Comprehension
• Attitude
• Attention

• Increasing accountability related to effectiveness.

The concept of brand equity (Giá trị
thương hiệu)
• IMC should positively affect brand equity.
• A ‘brand’ is a name, term, sign, symbol or
design, or a combination of these elements,
intended to identify and differentiate the
goods and services of one seller to those of
• Brand equity is the goodwill (equity) that an
established brand has built up over the period
of its existence.
• Brand equity has also been referred to as the
power and value of brands.
Brand equity goals

Increase Increase
market brand
share loyalty
Brand equity formulation

Brand awareness Brand image

(familiarity with the brand) (strong and unique
brand associations)

Brand equity
(Two dimensions form brand knowledge.)
Two dimensions of brand knowledge

Brand awareness Brand image

• Does a brand name • What types of

come to mind when associations (thoughts
consumers think about and feelings) come to
a particular product consumers’ minds
category? How easily when deciding
is the name evoked? whether to purchase a
particular brand?
Brand awareness

• Move brands from a state of

unawareness to awareness TOMA

• To recall
Brand recall
• Ultimately move to
top-of-mind awareness
(TOMA) Brand recognition

Unaware of brand

Source: Reprinted with the permission of The Free Press, a Division of Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, from Managing Brand
Equity: Capitalizing on the Value of a rand Name by David A. Aaker, Copyright ã 1991 by David A. Aaker. All rights reserved
Brand image
• The associations (specific thoughts and feelings)
about a particular brand
• Stored in memory
• Recollections of experiences
• Conceptualised as:
• type
• favourability
• strength
• uniqueness.
Customer-based brand equity framework
Leveraging brand meaning

• Favourable brands do not emerge


• IMC should develop a favourable

message and strong, unique

• By leveraging its positive

associations with others, places,
things and people
Enhancing brand equity

• Co-branding, pop-up stores

Extending the brand
• Various marketing techniques allow for the parent brand to be
• co-branding
• ingredient branding
• products carry multiple brand names
• associations of each brand are likely to be shared
• the names of brands that make up a product can be promoted, leading to
more favourable and stronger associations.
Top 10 most valuable Australian brands
World-class brands
• Some brands have exceptional (global) presence.
• This can be measured globally by researching:
• awareness
• perceived quality
• intention.
In summary, so what is the purpose of marketing

Fill (2013) uses the mnemonic DRIP to remind us that communications can be used to:
• Differentiate
• Remind (or reassure)
• Inform
• Persuade

But it does more that that. It also

• entertains and
• transfers values.

The Communications Mix
MC Tools
Advertising MC Media
Sales Promotion
Personal Selling Traditional
Public Relations
Direct Marketing Digital


• Informational
• Emotional
• Use-generated content
• Branded content

TOOLS: The 4Cs framework – key characteristics of the
tools of marketing communications (Fill 2013)


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