Midterm 1 57 Tu Free Thermo

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Tu-Free Thermodynamics


1 Introduction and Basic Concepts

เรี ย กวา System (ระบบ) สวนสิ่ ง ที่ อ ยู ภายนอกระบบทั้ ง หมด
เรีย กวา Surrounding (สิ่ ง แวดลอม) ระบบถู ก แยกออกจาก
สิ่งแวดลอมโดย Boundary (ขอบเขตของระบบ)

Closed Systems Open Systems

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2 Properties of Pure Substances

Pure substances
สารบริสุทธ (pure substances) คือสารที่เปนเนื้อเดียวกัน มีองคประกอบทางเคมีคงที่และ

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Property Tables

The quantity hfg is called the enthalpy of vaporization

(or latent heat of vaporization).

Since saturated steam can be a mixture of saturated

liquid and saturated vapor, the quality xv must be
known to find the thermodynamic properties. Quality is
defined as
mf mg

Then, the specific volume of the saturated steam containing both liquid and vapor (v) is

v (1 x)v f xvg

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Example 1 Find the internal energy of water at the given states for 7 MPa.
1. P = 7 MPa, dry saturated or saturated vapor

2. P = 7 MPa, wet saturated or saturated liquid

3. Moisture = 5%, P = 7MPa

4. P = 7 MPa, T = 600 C

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5. P = 7 MPa, T = 100 C

6. P = 7 MPa, T = 460 C

Example2 Determine the enthalpy of 1.5 kg of water contained in a volume of 1.2 m3 at

200 kPa.

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3 Energy Analysis of Closed System

The First Law of Thermodynamics
The first law of thermodynamics is known as the conservation of energy principle. It
states that “Energy  can  be  neither  created  nor  destroyed;  it  can  only change

Energy Balance

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Moving Boundary Work คืองานที่เกิดจากการอัดตัว  หรือขยายตัวของสารทํางาน

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Example 3 A rigid tank is divided into two equal parts by a partition. Initially,
one side of the  tank  contains  5  kg  of  water  at  200  kPa  and  25°C,  and  the  other  
side is evacuated. The partition is then removed, and the water expands into the entire tank.
The water is allowed to exchange heat with its surroundings until the temperature in the tank
returns to the initial value of  25°C.  Determine  (a)  the  volume of the tank, (b) the final pressure,
and (c) the heat transfer for this process.

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Example 4 A piston–cylinder device contains 25 g of saturated water vapor
that is maintained at a constant pressure of 300 kPa. A resistance heater within the
cylinder is turned on and passes a current of 0.2 A for 5 min from a 120-V source. At the
same time, a heat loss of 3.7 kJ occurs. (a) Show that for a closed system the boundary work
Wb and the change in internal energy U in the first-law relation can be combined into one
term, H, for a constant pressure process. (b) Determine the final temperature of the steam.

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Example 5 A piston–cylinder device initially contains 0.8 m3 of saturated water
vapor at 250 kPa. At this state, the piston is resting on a set of stops, and the mass
of the piston is such that a pressure of 300 kPa is required to move it. Heat is now slowly
transferred to the steam until the volume doubles. Show the process on a P-v diagram with
respect to saturation lines and determine (a) the final temperature, (b) the work done during this
process, and (c) the total heat transfer.

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4 Energy Analysis of Opened System

Flow Rate
- Mass Flow Rate

- Volumetric Flow Rate

Conservation of Mass

Steady State Flow

Flow Work and The Energy of a Flowing Fluid

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Energy Analysis of Steady-flow System

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Example 6 An adiabatic pump increase the pressure of saturated steam (liquid
phase) from 1 bar to 20 bar. Specific volume of water before and after the
compression can be 0.001 m3/kg. The flow rate of water is 4500 kg/hr. The compressed
water enters an isobaric boiler at the same conditions that it leaves the pump. Heat is supplied
to the boiler at the rate of 1.54 x 107 kJ/hr. However, water in the boiler receives only 95% of
this heat while the rest is lost to the environment. By using the temperature-entropy diagram, you
are asked to calculate the outlet temperature of steam flowing out from boiler.

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Example 7 In a single-flash geothermal power plant, geothermal water enters
the flash chamber (a throttling valve) at 230 °C  as a saturated liquid at a rate of 50
kg/s. The steam resulting from the flashing process enters a turbine and leaves at 20 kPa with
a moisture content of 5 percent. Determine the temperature of the steam after the flashing
process and the power output from the turbine if the pressure of the steam at the exit of the
flash chamber is (a) 1 MPa, (b) 500 kPa, (c) 100 kPa, (d) 50 kPa.

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Example 8 In An adiabatic air compressor is to be powered by a direct-
coupled adiabatic steam turbine that is also driving a generator. Steam enters the
turbine  at  12.5  MPa  and  500°C  at a rate of 25 kg/s and exits at 10 kPa and a quality of
0.92. Air enters the compressor at 98 kPa and 295 K at a rate of 10 kg/s and exits at 1 MPa
and 620 K. Determine the net power delivered to the generator by the turbine.

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Example 9 Steam enters a turbine steadily at 10 MPa and 550°C   with   a  
velocity of 60 m/s and leaves at 25 kPa with a quality of 95 percent. A heat loss of
30 kJ/kg occurs during the process. The inlet area of the turbine is 150 cm2, and the exit area
is 1400 cm2. Determine (a) the mass flow rate of the steam, (b) the exit velocity, and (c) the
power output.

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5 Entropy Balance
Entropy can be viewed as a measure of molecular disorder, or molecular randomness.
As a system becomes more disordered, the positions of the molecules become less predictable
and the entropy increases. Thus, it is not surprising that the entropy of substance is lowest in the
solid phase and highest in the gas phase.

Entropy Balance
This entropy balance relation can be
stated as: The rate of entropy change within
the control volume during a process is
equal to the sum of the rate of entropy
transfer through the control volume boundary
by heat transfer, the net rate of entropy
transfer into the control volume by mass
flow, and the rate of entropy generation
within the boundaries of the control volume
as a result of irreversibility.

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Example 10 An Inventor claims to have developed a water mixing device in
which 10 kg/s of water at 25 C and 0.1 MPa and 0.5 kg/s of water at 100 C, 0.1 MPa,
are mixed to produce 10.5 kg/s of water as a saturated liquid at 0.1 MPa. If the surroundings
to this device are at 20 C, is this process possible? If not, what temperature must the
surroundings have for the process to be possible?

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Example 11 Steam at 1 MPa, 600 C, expends in a turbine to 0.01 MPa. If
the process is isentropic, find the final temperature, the final enthalpy of the steam, and the
turbine work.

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Example 12 The radiator of a steam heating system has a volume of 20 L and
is filled with superheated water vapor at 200 kPa and  150°C.  At  this  moment  both  
the inlet and the exit valves to the radiator are closed. After a while the temperature of the
steam  drops  to  40°C  as  a  result  of heat transfer to the room air. Determine the entropy change
of the steam during this process.

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Isentropic Efficiency of Turbines

Isentropic Efficiency of Compressors and Pumps

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Example 13 Steam at the temperature of 300 C and the pressure of 1 MPa
is expanded through an adiabatic turbine. The outlet pressure is 0.1 MPa. The efficiency of the
turbine is 75%. Calculate the outlet temperature of steam.

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Example 14 Steam enters an adiabatic turbine at 8 MPa and 500 °C  with  a  
mass flow rate of 3 kg/s and leaves at 30 kPa. The isentropic efficiency of the turbine is 0.90.
Neglecting he kinetic energy change of the steam, determine (a) the temperature at the turbine
exit and (b) the power output of the turbine.

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Example 15 Steam at 6 MPa and   500°C   enters   a   two-stage adiabatic
turbine at a rate of 15 kg/s. Ten percent of the steam is extracted at the end of the first stage
at a pressure of 1.2 MPa for other use. The remainder of the steam is further expanded in the
second stage and leaves the turbine at 20 kPa. Determine the power output of the turbine,
assuming (a) the process is reversible and (b) the turbine has an isentropic efficiency of 88

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