Bernadeta Imanes Refila Agni-190610123-Academic Writing 33F-TGS 3

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Assignment 3 - Academic Writing

Nama : Bernadeta Imanes Refila Agni

NIM : 190610123
Kelas : R33F Accounting

Develop the following topics into a good paragraph. Don't forget to write
supporting & concluding sentences.
1. Traffic jam in Jakarta
2. Covid-19 case
1. Write each topic at least 3 paragraphs, and each paragraph consists of 5-
10 sentences.
2. You can find the detail information from internet.
3. Avoid using google translate, use your own word.
4. Send your assignment to e-learning.

Answer :


Covid-19 cases in Indonesia are currently increasingly rampant and

dangerous. Starting from the entry of a new variant that mutated into
Indonesia, namely the delta variant. The emergence of this new Corona virus
variant was first reported in India in December 2020. The severity level
produced by this variant is greater than the COVID-19 virus in general. In
addition to the entry of the delta variant of the covid-19 virus into Indonesia,
the number of new cases that have emerged at this time is also influenced by
crowds of citizens who still underestimate the existence of covid-19, ranging
from the emergence of family clusters to workplace clusters. It is hoped that
due to the increasing spread of the covid-19 virus, the community will further
improve their respective health protocols by not forgetting to comply with the
government's recommendations, namely following the covid-19 vaccine
Covid-19 is not an ordinary virus, but a pandemic. A pandemic is a
disease outbreak that occurs simultaneously everywhere, covering a large
geographic area. In other words, this disease has become a common problem
for all citizens of the world. The policies that have been made by the Indonesian
government are currently expected to reduce COVID-19 cases. Pandemic is an
epidemic that must be faced by all Indonesian people by working together by
complying with what has been recommended.
The impact felt due to the increasing spread of the Covid-19 virus was
felt by Indonesia. On the other hand, President Joko Widodo also said that the
corona virus had a huge impact on the economy in Indonesia. Not only because
the production of goods is disrupted, but investment is also hampered. This of
course makes the government have to keep thinking about the Indonesian
people's economy so it doesn't get worse. The economy is a key point so that a
country can run properly, covid-19 is very influential in this case, it is hoped
that the government and the community can work together to revive it.

Notes :
Red sentence =topic sentence
Black sentence = supporting sentence
Green sentence = concluding sentence

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