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Hi friends.. I am Snehasish Banerjee from GNIT, Kolkata..

I thought of sharing my experience of total procedure of American Megatrends India Pvt. Ltd. with
you.. :)

Selection Procedure:

1. Technical Aptitude(3 sections.. C,Microprocessor,IQ Test)and some softskill questions were also there

2. Technical Interview

3. Technical Interview 2(by different Interviewers)

4. HR Interviews

1. On 8th March we had Aptitude Test containing 3 sections

1. C (25 Questions objective and 2 programs)

2. Microprocessor(20 Questions objective and one liners mixed)

3. IQ Test(20 Questions all objectives)

The test was of 3 hours.Around `60 students from my college sat for the exam... and also 300-400 other
students from other 2 colleges of my group(JIS) i.e., Narula and JIS,Kalyani sat for the xam. The xam
started around 11.30 AM.The C questions were very much conceptual mostly consisting pointers and file
questions. They had given to write 2 programs in C .

1. Linked list program.. just to create and show the input arguments... i.e., create and display.

2. appending one file to another

The microprocessor contained mostly from 8086 and others from 8085 and other sections. And IQ test
consisted of few aptitude questions and mostly logical questions. And the paper contained few soft skill
questions like

1. About Yourself

2. Dream Job

3. where do you see yourself after 3 years

4. What your friend thinks about you

5. How have you handled a situation where you have been criticized... etc.
Neways the main 3 sections were important. The most tough was microprocessor.

And during the xam, they said the cutoffs also

C section- 11/25 and 2 programs contained 10 marks(5 each).. cutoff there was 5.

microprocessor- 6/20


I have attended all from C even both the programs. And 7-8 from microprocessor and all from IQ.

Result was announced around 5.30 PM.

Only 13 from my college, 18 from NArula and 5 from JIS cleared the Aptitude test.

I was one of them. :)

The very next day i.e., on 12th Technical Interview was held. There were 4 panels and the HR was sitting
at the centre.

One by one students were called. As it was pool campus interview so the names were shuffled.
Interview started at 11 AM. And my chance came around 6.30 PM. :O

EAch interview was around 1 hr. I was last to go. :(

There was a madam.Some of her questions were like:

1. About yourself(She asked details about my hobby)

2. Gave me write a program to string comparison.

3. How a .C file is converted to .exe while compiling

3. Compiler steps

4. Connection oriented/connection less

5. Cycle stealing

6. Thread,deadlock,deadlock detection.,,, etc

7. Black box
8. At last she gave me to write a program to find a particular string 'equal' in a file.

But in between another interviewer came and asked to to tell outputs of 3 programs written on a page
with him.

After that... I was said that I was selected... At the interview itself :).

Only 5 frm my colg cleared the tech interview.. And from others 8 from Narula and 4 from JIS.

Very next day on 10th we were going to have HR interview(As per our TPO's mail).

But next day we were said to come back the next day as the HR team of the company was very late to
come... we went back to our home... Prepared well for HR. But...

On 11th.. we reported at 9.30 AM. And the company people came and there we came to know we were
going to have a technical interview 1st and then HR interview... :(

So like the technical interview we were sent one by one for the interview... The technical team was
new... This time there was 2 panels... Ans 1:1 interview was going to be held. So this time also I was last
to go. We had to give the tech intrvw and come back outside and then called for hr intrvw. I went for
tech intrvw...

The Interviewer(a sir) asked me questions like:

1. 4th yr project

2. 7 layers of OSI layer protocol and functions of each

3. Said to explain a code(it was a push function wriiten with linked list)

4. He said to write me th POP function for the same.

5. Asked me to write the output of 2 programs written with union and structure.

6. Do you have any questions?

Then I went for HR interview from there itself(I was called as I was last)
Then HR mam asked questions like:

1. Tell me about yourself (she asked q's from hobbies)

2. DO you have any questions?

3. She told about the offer of company.

I came out and within few minutes the result was announced. Only 3 from our college was selected.(out
of 5), and all 8 from narula and 1 from JIS(out of 4)...

And i was one of them... :)

12 from JIS group was selected for AMI.... :)...

We got our offer letter 3 days latter and the joining date was also given... i.e., on or before 1st JULY
2011....And joining is at Chennai... :)

Thnks.. :)

See you in AMI, chennai


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