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Intensive and Extensive

Cultivation | Crops
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The upcoming discussion will update you

about the difference between intensive and
extensive cultivation of crops.

Intensive cultivation implies constant raising

of crops from the same plot of land. Thus, if
more and more capital and labour are applied
to the same plot of land, the system of
cultivation is known as intensive. Greater
application of labour and capital involves the
use of artificial irrigation, deeper ploughing,
sowing of improved seeds, use of artificial

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manures and fertilisers and of modern
implements and machinery.

By cultivating his land more intensively, the

farmer tries to make the maximum use of it.
This method is usually followed in those
countries where land is relatively scarce and
the size of population is large. Thus in densely
popu­lated developing countries we find this
type of cultivation. There are, however, many
limitations to the intensive aspects of


For exam­ple, if the same plot of land is

cultivated more and more without bringing
about any improvements in the art of
agriculture, sooner or later, the yield from
that plot will decrease. This indicates,
therefore, that in case of inten­sive cultivation,
there must be continuous improvements in
the knowledge of cultivation. This method of
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cultivations enables a country to achieve
faster agricultural progress.

Extensive cultivation, on the other hand,

implies use of land on a large scale. Here, the
farmer can have as much land as he can
manage. The method of cultivation may be
primitive and un-scientific. The yield per acre
may be comparatively low. The farmer may
move from one plot of land to another. He
may bring about many improvements in
cultivation but this would involve extra
expenditure and create many problems. Such
methods were followed in the last century by
countries like the U.S.A.

Intensive and extensive methods are two

alternative ways of increasing productivity.
The terms have wide connotation today. They
are applied to industry also. However, it must
not be taken for granted that extensive
cultivation means small scale farming.

A farmer may have a large area at his

disposal but he may apply intensive methods
to increase productivity of land. The
difference between extensive and intensive
cultivation is, therefore, one of method rather
than of the size of the farm. In advanced
countries like Canada, U.S.A., Australia and
even in China (where land is nationalised).
Most farms are intensively cultivated. In
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India, too, the em­phasis is on the intensive
aspect of cultivation.

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