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Libon, Albay
College of Education
A.Y. 2020-2021
Second Semester


Course, Year & Section : BEED II - B
Subject Code : TBMLEED221B
Title : Content and Pedagogy for the Mother Tongue
Name of Instructor : MRS. MA. RUBY P. SUAREZ
Module Number : 05 (Factors affecting Success of Multilingualism)


Make a simple poster for the topic of “The love for own language and dialect”



Activity 1
Direction: Investigate your own family’s heritage and linguistic background using the Family Language Usage Tree
(FLUT). The Family Language Usage Tree (FLUT) was created to tap into all the family language resources of
individual students.

1. What is comfort food for you?
 Comfort food is food that gives a nostalgic or sentimental value to someone, and may be characterized by
its high caloric nature, high carbohydrate level, or simple preparation. And ice cream is the best comfort for
me because it gives me a distinctive pleasure or temporary sense of emotional elevation and relaxation
when I am eating ice cream.

2. What is a cookie or any food that your grandma USED TO MAKE? What was the name of it?
 My grandma used to make Kalamay Hati De Mani, Bandi, or even Bukayo for me and my siblings. These
desserts made from sweetened coconut strips, peanut and sticky sweet delicacy.

3. If your grandparents are alive, ask them what languages their own parents spoke, read, or wrote.
 Libongañon and Tagalog

4. Give the names and nicknames of your family members and why did it turned that way.
a. Rona Mae as Kulot. Because or her hair was curly.
b. Rubi as Ubi. A shortened version of her name.
c. Rica as ¼. Because I am too small when I was a baby
d. Ricardo as Chardz. A shortened version of his name.
e. Rayven as Laputo. Because his skin is lighter when he was a kid.


5. What are your grandparents’ names in both sides? Where are the origins of your families?
a. Eufracia Alvarado
b. Ernesto Alvarado
 According to my grandmother, she already forgotten how many generations had past to determine the
origins of our families.
c. Wilhemina Llaggas
d. Mariano Llaggas
 They were not able to tell already resting in piece.

6. Where is the origin of your Last Name?

 I think the origins of my Last Name were originated from one of several places in Spain.

7. Which languages your ancestors spoke in the past?

 Bicolanon D Libonganon


A. Answer the following questions:

1. Is the use of instructional material really a factor in the implementation of MTB? On what specific ground?
 Yes. The use of instructional materials is another factor that affects the implementation of MTB-MLE. A
selection of informational books can provide the depth and richness of detail not possible in textbook
coverage of the same topic. The latest informational books are also likely to be more up-to-date than
textbooks since the process of producing and choosing textbooks may take many months or over

The availability of several informational books on a single topic is important for teachers to consider
because it presents ready-made opportunities to encourage critical reading. Using informational books
leads to varied opportunities for teaching critical reading in context rather than with skill sheets or sterile
exercises. Children who have searched for information on a topic need to synthesize and report their

2. Cite at least 3 factors that influence the following factors influencing multilingual will be discussed:
1. Second and/or Multiple Language Acquisition
• Learning a second language or multiple languages is the acquisition of a non-native language by
learners who have previously acquired or are acquiring two other languages.

2. Language Maintenance
• Language maintenance denotes the continuing use of a language in the face of competition from a
regionally and socially more powerful language. Language shift is the opposite of this: it denotes
the replacement of one language by another as the primary means of communication within a

3. Language Mode
• Language mode is a significant variable that defines and shapes the language experiences of
bilinguals and consequently, the cognitive advantages of bilingualism.

B. Appraise the criticisms mentioned in this module by answering the following questions:

1. What criticism is more likely to be true to all teachers and students teaching and learning?
a. Lack of Time for Planning g. Lack of Parental Support
b. Lot of Paperwork h. Poor Time Management
c. Balancing Diverse Learning Needs i. Textbook Exposure to learning
d. Inspiring Students to be more Self- j. Stagnant Tech Devices
Directed k. Differentiating and Personalizing
e. Changing Educational Trends Teaching
f. Redundant Teaching Techniques


2. What can be done to avoid this problem in the implementation of MTB-MLE?
a. Develop materials and other resources that are government approved and can be used across
languages / programs.
b. Program partners (language communities and supporting agencies) conduct preliminary research
c. Raise awareness about the purpose and benefits of MTB MLE among international, national, provincial
and district government and non-government agencies and within language communities.
d. If not enough certified MT teachers, recruit MT “Teaching Assistants” to work under the supervision of
certified L2 teachers.
e. Provide easy-to-follow lesson plans with clear directions for activities.
f. Ensure that implementers have at least 18 months to prepare materials in each language, before
beginning classes.
g. Follow a cycle of “incremental implementation”: Plan > implement > evaluate > revise > implement >
evaluate, etc.
h. Conduct regular, careful assessments of all parts of the program and document results.

3. Of the 10 reasons on why Mother Tongue should be saved, what gives most impact on you? Explain.
 I think what gives most influence on me is the “Children’s Rights”. Because as we all know, a child
shall not be denied the right to use his/her own language. Removing mother tongues as mediums of
instruction would result in number of cases in which children will be unable to openly use their native
languages, as they will be pressured and be forced to use English and Filipino only.

Do advance reading on the topic below.
1. MTB-MLE Curriculum and Different Approaches in Teaching MTB-MLE.

 Approach is a set of assumptions that define beliefs and theories about the nature of the learner and the
process of learning which is translated into the classroom.
In teaching K-12 program, the curriculum shall be:
• Learner-centered, inclusive and developmentally appropriate;
• The curriculum shall be relevant, responsive and researched- based;
• The curriculum shall be culture-sensitive; the curriculum shall be contextualized and global;
• The curriculum shall use pedagogical approaches that are constructivist, inquiry-based, reflective,
collaborative and integrative;
• The curriculum shall adhere to the principles and framework of the Mother Tongue-Based Multilingual
Education (MTB-MLE);
• The curriculum shall use the spiral progression approach to ensure mastery of knowledge and skills
after each level; and
• The curriculum shall be flexible enough to enable and allow schools to localize, indigenize and enhance
the same based on their respective educational and social contexts.
 There are learning approaches to the K to 12 program and these are the following.
• Learner-centered, choice of teaching method and technique has the learner as the primary
• Inclusive, no student is excluded from the circle of learners.
• Developmentally appropriate, the tasks required of students are within their developmental stages.
• Responsive and relevant, using a relevant and responsive teaching approach means making your
teaching meaningful.
• Research-based, you apply methods of teaching which have been proven to be effective.
• Culture-sensitive you are mindful of the diversity of cultures in your classroom.
• Contextualized and global, you make teaching meaningful by putting your lesson in a context.
• Constructivist, being constructivist means you believe that students learn by building upon their prior
• Inquiry-based and reflective, a test of your effectiveness in the use of the inquiry-based approach is
when the students begin formulating questions, risking answers, probing, reflecting, and acting as
researchers and writers of research reports.
• Collaborative, this teaching approach involves groups of students or teachers and students working
• Integrative this can be intradisciplinary, interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary.


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