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Pollen wall degradation in the Brassicaceae permits cell

emergence after pollination1
Anna F. Edlund2,4, Katrina Olsen3, Christian Mendoza2, Jing Wang3, Trudyann Buckley2, Mai Nguyen2, Brooke Callahan2,
and Heather A. Owen3

PREMISE OF THE STUDY: Despite attempts to degrade the sporopollenin in pollen walls, this material has withstood a hundred years of experimental treat-
ments and thousands of years of environmental attack in insects and soil. We present evidence that sporopollenin, nonetheless, locally degrades only
minutes after pollination in Arabidopsis thaliana flowers, and describe here a two-part pollen germination mechanism in A. thaliana involving both chemi-
cal weakening of the exine wall and swelling of the underlying intine.
METHODS: We explored naturally occurring components from pollen and stigma surfaces and found a tripartite mix of hydrogen peroxide, peroxidase and
catalase enzymes (all at high levels at the pollination interface) to be experimentally sufficient to degrade the sporopollenin of some Brassicaceae family
KEY RESULTS: At pollination, factors carried on the pollen surface may mix with factors on the stigma surface in a reaction that locally oxidizes the exine
pollen wall. Hydrogen peroxide, catalases, and peroxidases are biologically present at the right time and place and, when mixed experimentally, are suf-
ficient to degrade the walls of susceptible pollen.
CONCLUSIONS: Our work on native biochemistry for breaching sporopollenin suggests new research directions in pollen aperture evolution and could aid
efforts to analyze sporopollenin’s composition, needed for application of this corrosion-resistant, but long-intractable material.

KEY WORDS Arabidopsis thaliana; Brassicaceae; exine; pollen germination; oxidation; sporopollenin

Many of the pollen grain walls ever formed on Earth are still pres- known for most pollen grains to include a sporopollenin exine out-
ent in layers of sediment (Edwards et al., 2017). The sporopollenin side a cellulosic and pectin-rich intine. The exine itself is further
from which they are made withstands degradation by time, fungus, divided into an outer, often-sculpted sexine and inner, continuous
insect gut, and even treatment with concentrated sulfuric or hydro- nexine (Fig. 1A, B). To emerge from durable exine walls after pollina-
fluoric acids (Erdtman, 1960). Sporopollenin’s chemical resistance tion, the delicate cells inside move through openings (apertures) in
makes it both worthy of, and difficult to, study. Hundreds of re- the exine of various shape and number (Edlund et al., 2004), aiming
search articles have been published in the past century seeking to especially for the aperture closest to the stigma (Wolters-Arts et al.,
characterize sporopollenin’s biochemical composition develop- 1998). But apertures are not the only way out; many pollen grains
mentally (Ariizumi and Toriyama, 2011; Dobritsa et al., 2011; are inaperturate (Furness, 2007), and in some flowers of the Brassi-
Quilichini et al., 2015; Zhang et al., 2016), or by extraction (Southworth, caceae family, including Arabidopsis thaliana, the pollen tube can
1974), tracers, or solid-state methods (Domínguez et al., 1999; breach inter-aperture exine for direct access to the stigma, regardless
Guilford et al., 1988; Jardine et al., 2015). of the positions of the grain’s three large apertures (Hoedemaekers
Pollen wall morphology, studied since the 17th century (Grew, et al., 2015; Edlund et al., 2016).
1682; Erdtman, 1952, is better described than wall materials and When pollen is dusted onto a stigma, contact is sometimes at a
grain’s aperture, but often a grain lies so that the shortest path from
Manuscript received 26 May 2017; revision accepted 26 July 2017 its interior to the stigma is across a wall. When this happens in
Biology Department, Lafayette College, Easton, Pennsylvania 18042 USA; and A. thaliana, tube cells can take that shortest path; they aim directly
Department of Biological Sciences, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee, 3209 North
Maryland Avenue, Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53211 USA
through the wall at the pollen–stigma interface, toward the source
Author for correspondence (e-mail: edlunda@lafayette.edu) of stigma fluid (Edlund et al., 2016). As a desiccated grain hydrates,
https://doi.org/10.3732/ajb.1700201 the pectin-rich intine underlying the contact point with the stigma

1266 • A M E R I C A N J O U R N A L O F B OTA N Y 104(8): 1266–1273, 2017; http://www.amjbot.org/ © 2017 Botanical Society of America
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swells, straining the exine (Hoedemaekers et al., 2015). We previ- roadside in Oxford, Pennsylvania (USA) in April 2016 (39.7854°N,
ously used atomic force microscopy to find that the inter-aperture 75.9788°W).
exine is an order of magnitude stiffer than the material covering the
aperture (Edlund et al., 2016), but because these properties were Electron microscopy—Preparation of material by acetolysis for SEM
measured in pollen growth medium, not on the stigma, it remained observation—Gynoecia were removed from mature ms-1 flowers us-
to be seen (1) whether the wall at the break-out site might be weak- ing a dissecting microscope, and the receptacle was embedded in a
ened in situ by more than simple mechanical strain and (2) if it thin layer of 1% w/v agar. At room temperature and humidity, stig-
were weakened, then by what biochemistry. mas were manually pollinated with wild-type pollen grains of Lands-
After pollination, factors found in the stigma pellicle and pollen berg (WT Ler). After waiting periods of 8–12 min, >12–15 min, or
coat mix at their interface or foot (Elleman et al., 1992). We hypoth- >15–20 min, stigmas were placed in 5% w/v KOH, and incubated in
esized that such a mixture (red and yellow to make orange) might an 80° water bath for 10 min, with mixing every 2 min. The tube was
be responsible for degrading adjacent sporopollenin. Pollen and then centrifuged at 9250 RCF for 2 min, and the supernatant was
stigmas are, in fact, often richly pigmented with red and yellow ca- discarded. The pellet was resuspended in 300 μL concentrated HCl,
rotenoids, as in saffron (Negri et al., 2011). Such antioxidants pro- mixed well, and water was added to make a total volume of 1 mL. The
tect against radiation (He et al., 2007), pathogen response (Baker tube was then centrifuged at 9250 RCF or 5 min, and the supernatant
and Orlandi, 1995), and especially against oxidative damage from was discarded. The pellet was resuspended by adding 1 mL glacial
the hydrogen peroxide that covers mature, receptive stigmas in acetic acid to the tube, and the tube was then centrifuged at 9250 RCF
many species (McInnis et al., 2006a; Smirnova, et al., 2014). Along for 5 min. After discarding the supernatant, 1 mL acetolysis mixture
with antioxidants and hydrogen peroxide, a number of peroxidases (9:1 v/v of 99% acetic anhydride and 99.9% concentrated sulfuric
are found at very high levels in stigmas (McInnis et al., 2006a, b; acid; Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, Missouri, USA) was slowly added to
Smirnova et al., 2014). Peroxidase increases have classically been the tube. The tube was incubated at 100°C for about 8 min, with mix-
used as assays for stigma receptivity (Galen and Plowright, 1987). ing every 2 min, and then centrifuged at 9250 RCF for 2 min. At this
Pollen in multiple species, including A. thaliana, are also known to time, a dark brown pellet was visible at the bottom of the tube. The
express high levels of the peroxide-decomposing enzyme catalase supernatant was removed, and the pellet was resuspended in 1 mL
(Mhamdi et al., 2010), and for nearly a century, pollen catalases glacial acetic acid. The tube was centrifuged, the liquid discarded, and
have been studied in peroxide-containing honey and nectar (Gillette, the pellet either stored in the residual liquid at room temperature or
1931; Weston, 2000; Carter and Thornburg, 2004). directly processed through the next step. The pellet was washed at
Both mechanical and chemical weakening would be evident in least three times in distilled deionized water and left in 50 μL water at
the ultrastructure of A. thaliana’s pollen walls during omni-apertu- the last washing step. The tube was vortexed, and about 10 μL of pol-
rate germination. And if hydrogen peroxide, catalases, and peroxi- len suspension was pipetted out and placed onto a poly-l-lysine-
dases are each present in the flower, at the right time and place, coated 5 × 5 mm silicon chip specimen support (catalog #16008, Ted
then perhaps their mixture is sufficient to experimentally degrade Pella, Redding, California, USA). After a wait of about 1 min so that
the walls of susceptible pollen. Here we investigated both ultra- the pollen debris could precipitate onto the chip, the chip was dehy-
structure and biochemistry during the natural breaching of pollen drated with 10% increments of ethanol, and critical-point-dried us-
walls in A. thaliana; our studies may help with sporopollenin’s ing a Balzers Union CPD20 (Oerlikon Balzers, Balzers, Liechtenstein).
long-sought characterization, at the same time that they raise ques- After the chips were mounted onto 15-mm stubs with carbon tape,
tions about aperture evolution and use across taxa. samples were coated with about 10 nm of iridium using an Emitech
K575× sputter coater (Quorum Emitech, Laughton, UK). A thin strip
of copper tape was used to connect the top of the chip to the base of
MATERIALS AND METHODS the stub for grounding.

Plant growth and field collection—Arabidopsis thaliana seeds were Scanning electron microscopy imaging of acetolysed pollen—
from the Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center (ABRC; Ohio Samples prepared by acetolysis were imaged on a Hitachi S-4800
State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA) and included Columbia scanning electron microscope (SEM; Tokyo, Japan) at 5 kV acceler-
(Col-4, CS933), Landsberg erecta (Ler, CS20), and Male Sterile-1 ating voltage in secondary (SE) detection mode using the mixed
(ms-1, CS100). Seeds were sown on soil, stratified at 4°C for 2 d, signal from the upper and lower SE detectors.
and plants were grown under Agrosun fluorescent lights (100 μE;
Hydrofarm, Fairless Hills, Pennsylvania, USA) for 16 h/day at Specimen preparation for ultrathin sectioning—Stigmas of recep-
~50% humidity, watered three times weekly, and fertilized weekly tive ms1 flowers were manually pollinated with pollen grains of
with Miracle-Gro Plant Food (Scotts Co., Marysville, Ohio, USA). wild-type Ler. After 8–12 min, >12–15 min, >15–20 min or >20–30
Brassica rapa (Wisconsin Fast Plant standard, Carolina Biological min, pollinated flowers were placed in fixative overnight at room
Supply, Burlington, North Carolina, USA) was grown from seed in temperature. After two rinses in 0.1 M HEPES pH 7.2, tissues were
the laboratory, under 24 h light/day, but otherwise in identical con- postfixed in 1% w/v OsO4 in HEPES overnight. Samples were rinsed
ditions. Flowering Hesperis matronalis, Barbarea orthoceras, and in water twice, followed by overnight fixation in 1% w/v uranyl ac-
Barbarea vulgaris plants were collected from the roadside near the etate in HEPES, dehydration with 10% increments of acetone, and
Lafayette College campus in Easton, Pennsylvania (USA) May–July infiltration with modified Spurr’s resin (Sigma-Aldrich).
2015 (40.6986°N, 75.2087°W). Flowering Lunaria annua was col-
lected from East Lake, Atlanta, Georgia (USA) in May 2015 (33.7475°N, Ultrathin sectioning for transmission electron microscopy—Ultrathin
84.3003°W) and replanted in the laboratory. Flowering Arabis sections were cut with a diamond knife on a RMC MT 7000
pycnocarpa and Armoracia rusticana were collected from the ultramicrotome (Boeckeler, Tucson, Arizona, USA) and picked up
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on 200-mesh copper grids. Sections were stained with 1% w/v grains, which were viewed with scanning electron microscopy
aqueous uranyl acetate and Reynold’s lead citrate, then imaged (SEM). Eight minutes postpollination, these ghosts were flattened
with a Hitachi H-600 transmission electron microscope operating at their interface with the stigma (Fig. 1C, arrow). Several minutes
at 75 kv. later, the nexine layer became fenestrated at the floors of the lacu-
nae (Fig. 1D). At >12–15 min after pollination, larger rips were vis-
Detection of reactive oxygen species—Carpels were removed from ible in the nexine, and the baculae tipped sideways, as they lost their
newly opened flowers of each species and soaked in 50 μM 2,7- rooting in the degraded nexine (Fig. 1E). By >15–20 min postpol-
dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH2; Sigma-Aldrich) in lination, a single, large hole had formed where the tube was cross-
KCl-MES buffer (5 μm KCl, 10 mM MES, 50 μM CaCl2, pH 6.15). ing (Fig. 1F).
After 20 min, carpels were mounted in KCl-MES buffer and im- From the exterior, by SEM, we could not know whether rips and
mediately viewed with the microscope; all images were captured fenestrations visible in the nexine (Fig. 1D) were due to thinning or
within 5 min of mounting. Some carpels were pretreated for 20 min rupture by mechanical strain alone, or whether additional bio-
in 100 mM Na-pyruvate (a hydrogen peroxide scavenger) in dis- chemical degradation was involved. We next used transmission
tilled water, before they were soaked for 20 min in 50 μM DCFH2 electron microscopy (TEM) to follow A. thaliana pollen tube emer-
and mounted in KCl-MES buffer. gence in transect. At 8 min postpollination, the vegetative cell was
already polarized toward the stigma surface, with visible changes to
Experimental sporopollenin degradation—Freshly dehisced an- the plasma membrane and cytoplasm adjacent to the stigma, but
thers were collected into half-strength Karnovsky’s fixative (2.5% without detectable changes to the intine or exine anywhere around
v/v gluteraldehyde, 2.7% v/v formaldehyde in 0.15 M HEPES buf- the grain (Fig. 1G). Minutes later, the intine was swollen into a lami-
fer, pH 7.4) from each of the six Brassicaceae species. The Columbia nated lentil shape, but most strikingly, the local, overlying nexine
accession was used for A. thaliana flowers, with anthers from 40 layer was absent, while the local, overlying sexine architecture was
flowers (~240 anthers total) fixed in each microcentrifuge tube. disrupted but still intact (Fig. 1H, I). Transects showing the initial
Tubes were vortexed at low speed for 15 s to separate pollen from absence of the nexine layer, but not the sexine, suggested bio-
anthers. Anther and filament tissues were removed using forceps. chemical degradation of the nexine and distinguished this germi-
Tubes were centrifuged at 9250 RCF for 3 min, the supernatant re- nation mechanism from simple strain or rupture. In other words,
moved, and pellets resuspended in subsets of the following: 500 μL material appeared to be missing, not only torn. The pollen germina-
50% H2O2, 500 μL KH2PO4 buffer, 2360 U/mL horseradish peroxi- tion mechanism of A. thaliana can thus be dissected into two
dase (Thermo Scientific, Nazareth, Pennsylvania, USA), and 23 U/ parts—a swelling intine pushing against a weakened exine.
mL beef liver catalase (Sigma-Aldrich). KH2PO4 buffer was added We looked for factors at the pollen–stigma contact sites that
to dilute the H2O2 to 25% for each treatment. We also treated some could be responsible for local weakening of exine sporopollenin
grains with 3% H2O2 only (Fig. 4). We repeated one-, two-, and (Fig. 2). The three reagents—hydrogen peroxide, peroxidase, and
three-component treatments of pollen (H2O2 alone, or H2O2 + per- catalase—are a famous triplet united in the abdomen of the bom-
oxidase, or H2O2 + peroxidase + catalase), using catalase and per- bardier beetle, where their exothermic, reduction–oxidation reac-
oxidase enzymes from three sources each (Fig. 3) (catalases: human tion is well described (Aneshansley et al., 1969). We suspected that
erythrocytes, Corynebacterium glutamicum bacteria, and bovine a similar reaction, at the site of pollination, could oxidize the sporo-
liver; peroxidases: Phanerochaete chrysosporium white rot fungus, pollenin wall locally, helping to release the escaping pollen tube. To
fungal lignin peroxidase, and horseradish; all from Sigma-Aldrich). experimentally mimic the redox reactions of pollination, A. thali-
All treated samples were incubated for 1 h at room temperature, in ana pollen were bathed in hydrogen peroxide mixed with peroxi-
KH2PO4 buffer alone or in one-, two-, or three-component mix- dase and catalase. Fluorescent staining of the treated sporopollenin
tures before spinning at 9250 RCF for 3 min and resuspending in 1 mL with auramine O showed that one quarter of the pollen was frag-
of KH2PO4 buffer, then centrifuging one final time. For visualiza- mented and/or globally degraded (Fig. 3A). The three-component
tion and scoring of sample degradation, pollen pellets were resus- mixture of hydrogen peroxide, peroxidase and catalase degraded
pended in one drop of 0.01% w/v auramine O in 0.15 M HEPES the most grains; the two-part mixture of peroxidase and hydrogen
buffer and viewed at 400× magnification with fluorescence micros- peroxide degraded a smaller percentage, and hydrogen peroxide,
copy. For each treatment, at least 500 grains were scored, across five alone, an even smaller percentage. Peroxidase enzyme by itself did
replicates. The extent of degradation varied for any single pollen not degrade pollen walls (Fig. 3A).
grain; cracks, small or large holes, or missing wall sectors were all The sporopollenin was strikingly sensitive to treatment with
simply scored as “degraded,” and the percentage degraded grains even 3% hydrogen peroxide (Fig. 4), despite its evident complete
was calculated for each control and treatment replicate. All statisti- resistance to acetolysis (Fig. 1A, B), but we cannot yet relate the ex-
cal analyses were conducted using the language R for statistical perimental concentrations used for degradation to naturally occur-
computing (R Core Team, 2013, R Foundation for Statistical Com- ring concentrations of any reagents. In particular, hydrogen
puting, Vienna, Austria). peroxide concentrations of 25% are so high that enzyme denatur-
ation becomes a concern (McInnis et al., 2006b). We were reas-
sured to see lengthy, vigorous bubbling (oxygen production from
catalase activity) and reproducible increases in degradation follow-
RESULTS ing enzyme addition. Although naturally occurring catalase and
peroxidase enzymes have not yet been isolated from the A. thaliana
We hand-pollinated and fixed A. thaliana stigmas in a time series, flower, RNA levels for endogenous enzymes are high in mature
using concentrated sulfuric acid and acetolysis to remove every- pollen and receptive stigmas at the time of pollination (Fig. 2). Ad-
thing except the sporopollenin ghosts of the germinating pollen ditionally, all six commercially available catalases and peroxidases
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FIGURE 1 Scanning (A–F) and transmission electron micrographs (G–I) of Arabidopsis thaliana pollen grains. (A, B) Broken pollen grain after acetolysis,
critical point drying, and sputter coating. Acetolysis has removed the pollen coat, intine, and cellular contents of the grain, leaving only the sporopol-
lenin structures. Nexine (n), baculae (b) and tectum (t). The nexine is degraded during germination. Time series of in situ germination in (C–F) SEM and
(G–I) TEM images. For SEM, stigmas were fixed at (C) 8–12, (D, E) >12–15, and (F) >15–20 min after hand-pollination. Arrow in 1C points to indentation
at the former contact point between stigma cell and pollen grain. For TEM, stigmas were fixed at (G) 8–12 or (H, I) >12–15 min after hand pollination.
Arrow in Fig. 1I points to the edge of the degraded nexine layer. Scale bars: A, I = 1 μm; B = 5 μm; C–G = 2 μm; H = 4 μm.

(regardless of source) were able to increase degradation above that apertures (Brassica rapa, Barbarea orthoceras, Barbarea vulgaris)
seen for H2O2 alone (Fig. 3B). A Wilcoxon rank–sum test was used had low sensitivity to ROS degradation, and there was no signifi-
to compare every peroxidase type with H2O2 alone and the different cant variation between treatments, with species considered as an
catalase types with the horseradish peroxidase treatments. All val- error term (F2,4 = 3.78, P = 0.12 by ANOVA). Degradation for the
ues proved to be significant (P < 0.01). three species that germinate by break-out (Arabidopsis thaliana,
To determine whether pollen grains of other species would be Hesperis matronalis, Lunaria annua), however, differed between
similarly sensitive to reactive oxygen species (ROS), we treated pol- the treatments, with species considered as an error term (F2,4 = 47.1,
len grains from three obligate aperture users (Brassica rapa, Bar- P = 0.0016 by ANOVA). For A. thaliana, all pairwise differences
barea vulgaris, and Barbarea orthoceras), and three “break-out” were significant (below P = 0.01) except the pair control and per-
species able to germinate through inter-aperture walls (A. thaliana, oxidase (P = 0.99, Tukey honestly significant difference [HSD]).
Lunaria annua, and Hesperis matronalis; Edlund et al., 2016). By Treatments differed significantly between break-out and nonbreak-
fluorescence microscopy, only species with natural inter-aperture out species, but only slightly for the control (respectively, P < 0.001,
germination were detectably sensitive to experimental redox wall P < 0.001 and P < 0.160, Wilcoxon rank–sum test with Bonferroni
degradation (Fig. 3A). The three species that germinate only through correction).
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FIGURE 2 Catalases, peroxidases, and reactive oxygen species (ROS) are present at pollination in Arabidopsis thaliana and other Brassicaceae. (A) Heat
maps display microarray RNA abundance data for three catalase and four peroxidase genes (http://arabidopsis-heat-tree.org). Gene expression values
are shown for stages of pollen development (bicellular, mature, and dry pollen; Honys and Twell, 2004), pollen tubes grown in vitro (0.5 h pollen, 4 h
pollen; Qin et al., 2009), pollen tubes that grew through pistil tissue (semi in vitro; Qin et al., 2009), the stigma and ovary (Swanson et al., 2005), the
unpollinated pistil, and pollinated pistils (0.5, 3.5, and 8 h after pollination; Boavida et al., 2011). (B) Carpels stained for ROS. (1) A. thaliana carpel
treated with 100 mM Na-pyruvate (a hydrogen peroxide scavenger) then stained with 50 mM 2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate (DCFH2);
(2) A. thaliana, (3) Arabis pycnocarpa, (4) Armoracia rusticana, (5) Brassica rapa carpels, respectively, stained with DCFH2 to reveal the presence of ROS
on each stigma. Scale bars = 0.5 mm.

DISCUSSION decomposes, producing not only heat, but short-lived, highly reac-
tive oxygen radicals, which together with stigma peroxidases oxi-
With so much variety in pollen grain and stigma structures, a single dize nearby sporopollenin. Other ROS-associated factors that
aperture-based model of pollen germination will not apply for tube localize to stigma and pollen at the time of pollination and could
escape across all taxa. An alternative, functionally omni-aperturate further affect biochemistry at the interface include superoxide
model is found in A. thaliana, and ~25% of other surveyed Brassi- dismutase (Speranza et al., 2012), nitric oxide (McInnis et al.,
caceae (Edlund et al., 2016), by which cells escape the pollen grains 2006a; Hiscock et al., 2007; Sharma and Bhatla, 2013), glutathione
through holes in the walls between apertures. We report here the (Zechmann et al., 2011), NADPH respiratory burst oxidase homo-
likely involvement of redox reactions in making these holes and a logs (RBohs; Jiménez-Quesada et al., 2016), and dietary antioxidants
simple reagent mixture that might be exploited further for material (Alicic et al., 2014). In future studies, pollen germination changes
science application. would be expected in A. thaliana flowers, if ROS-associated factors
At pollination, pollen grains contact hydrogen peroxide-covered were suppressed experimentally. Reminiscent of the bombardier
stigmas. For sensitive species, hydrogen peroxide alone is sufficient beetle’s exothermic, redox reactions with hydroquinone, a pollen
to alter the pollen wall, with degradation increasing if peroxidase hydroquinone alternative called tasselin has also been identified
and catalase enzymes are added. One interpretation is that when (Wille and Berhow, 2011). In preliminary studies with a bomb calo-
catalase mixes with stigma hydrogen peroxide, the hydrogen peroxide rimeter, we detected small increases in temperature (~0.0005°)
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FIGURE 3 Percentages of degraded Brassicaceae pollen grains following treatment in different mixtures of buffer, H2O2, peroxidase, and catalase. In box
graphs, the line indicates the median, and whiskers are highest and lowest points within 1.5 times the interquartile range. (A) The three species that
germinate only through apertures (reds; Brassica rapa, Barbarea orthoceras, Barbarea vulgaris) were less sensitive to ROS degradation, and there was
no significant variation among treatments with H2O2 and enzymes (F2,4 = 3.78, P = 0.12), whereas the three species that germinate by break-out (blues;
Arabidopsis thaliana, Hesperis matronalis, Lunaria annua) differed among treatments (F2,4 = 47.1, p = 0.0016). (B) Percentages of degraded A. thaliana
pollen grains following treatments with H2O2 and six enzymes (three peroxidases and three catalases). When every peroxidase type was compared
with H2O2 alone and the different catalase types with the two-part H2O2 and horseradish peroxidase treatments, all values differed significantly (P <
0.01). By Wilcoxon rank–sum test, the following differences were all significant: H2O2 alone to H2O2 + horseradish peroxidase (W = 71, P = 0.0012); H2O2
alone to H2O2 + lignin peroxidase (W = 30, P = 0.0043); H2O2 alone to H2O2 + manganese peroxidase (W = 24, P = 0.0095); H2O2 + horseradish peroxidase
to H2O2 + horseradish peroxidase + liver catalase (W = 69, P = 0.0023); H2O2 + horseradish peroxidase to H2O2 + horseradish peroxidase + erythrocyte
catalase (W = 60, P = 0.0018), and H2O2 + horseradish peroxidase to H2O2 + horseradish peroxidase + Corynebacterium catalase (W = 60,
P = 0.0018).

when multiple stigmas are simultaneously dusted with pollen looking for additional mechanisms of sporopollenin degradation—
(data not shown), consistent with catalase’s exothermic decompo- given that even cells in inaperturate grains must have a means of
sition of hydrogen peroxide. Thermogenic flowers, such as the lo- escape.
tus, use a distinct mechanism to make heat for pollinator reward, Our research accentuates the need for systematic surveys of pol-
although their rise in flower temperature is synchronized with len germination mechanisms, like those of pollen morphology and
a rise in stigma peroxidase expression (Seymour and Blaylock, ontogeny (Erdtman, 1952; Taylor and Osborn, 2006). Other pollen
2000). tubes will be found that fail to emerge at apertures, and other spo-
Sporopollenin is a dynamic, changeable substance inside flow- ropollenin that fails to resist degradation (Hesse and Waha, 1989),
ers, even if it is unchangeable elsewhere (Mascarenhas, 1975). As it but with what systematic patterns? There is an evolutionary trend
forms in the anther, and first becomes resistant to acetolysis, it may in angiosperms for an increase in aperture number; inaperturate
be cross-linked by peroxide radicals (Scott, 1994). If it is later weak- and monosulcate pollen are common among basal angiosperms
ened by oxidation on the stigma, sporopollenin may regain its sen- and monocots, whereas eudicots most frequently have three aper-
sitivity to acetolysis (although we have yet to try treating A. thaliana tures or more. Increasing numbers of apertures, and thus germina-
pollen sequentially with hydrogen peroxide and then acetolysis so- tion sites, would seem to offer a selective advantage (Furness and
lution). Our report of localized exine degradation in the Brassicaceae Rudall, 2004), as would the ability to germinate anywhere, directly
joins several past reports, for other species, of more global changes through exine walls. It is possible that the true apertures retained in
to exine at the time of pollination, such as spines melting and walls functionally omni-aperturate pollen, as in A. thaliana, are used
becoming amorphous or altered in their staining (Gherardini and when grains fall aperture-side down and to allow volume change
Healey, 1969; Dickinson and Lewis, 1974; Rowley and Rowley, and fluid and signal movement (Rehman et al., 2004; Vieira and
1983). Wall disintegration is also described during spore germi- Feijó, 2016). In other species, pollen tubes may escape omni-aperturate
nation in the protist Chlamydomonas monoica (Malmberg and walls by brute force and/or reduction–oxidation reactions, or these
VanWinkle-Swift, 2001). Unlike some other cell walls, however, two steps we describe may be specific to germination in the Brassi-
the A. thaliana pollen wall is defined (by virtue of its resistance to caceae, or to species having dry stigmas, thin exine, tricellular pollen,
acetolysis) as true sporopollenin. One future line of research would and rapid germination. They do seem to have evolved more than
be to explore fertile, inaperturate pollen (found in over 50 families), once in this family (Edlund et al., 2016).
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This research was supported by National Science Foundation Grant
RUI#0744943 to A.F.E. The authors thank the reviewers for helpful
comments, A. Antia for statistics and graphing, and E. Kasumi,
J. Redes, and C. Yerdon for technical help.

A.F.E. conceived the study and wrote the manuscript. Transmission
electron microscopy was done by K.O. and H.A.O., scanning
electron microscopy by J.W. and H.A.O. B.C. stained Brassicaceae
stigmas for hydrogen peroxide. C.M., T.B., and M.N. treated pollen
from six Brassicaceae species using hydrogen peroxide, peroxidase,
and catalase mixtures.

The authors declare no competing financial interests. A.F.E. and
Lafayette College have filed a provisional patent application for the
sporopollenin degradation protocol described in this manuscript
and for sporopollenin application in coatings and adhesives.

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