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1) I have seen a great amount of improvement with my writing as the semester

progressed. I stated on our first assignment of the year when we were talking about
ourselves that writing is my weakest subject and also the one I disliked the most. In this
class I had exposure to different types of writing outside of the traditional lab reports,
persuasive essays, and narratives. In my previous classes, writing was very structured
and almost followed a script, but by taking this class I was allowed to state my opinions
and cater my formatting based on what I see fit. Specifically, I think writing the email
and memo will help me further my career when I have to send out information at
whatever company I am working at. Overall, the composition of my assignments has
greatly improved as I have been able to improve sentence structure, my vocabulary, and
grammar skills. As time has went on I have been able to appreciate how important it is
to format documents properly and how that improves the strength of an essay in the
readers eyes.

2) While it may sound broad my main goal of this class was to improve as a writer. I think it
is really hard to formally get your point across through writing vs talking where you
hopefully have your audience directly in front of you. When talking you can read the
audiences reactions and see if the message is getting across based on their body
language and verbal feedback. I have definitely had some issues with transition words
and jumping around from topic to topic in the past but I think my writing has been more
fluid this semester. I also think my writing has become less wordy and more concise
without compromising on details. I really enjoyed getting to work on these unique
projects because I think the writing formats will apply more directly to my major. I do
wish instead of using the Reaktin Books I could have written about something I was
more passionate about or pertained to my major, but I did get to learn a lot about my
topic which was lightning.

3) I am very fortunate that I was able to get feedback on my resume and cover letter since
I am currently in the process of applying to jobs. Prior to this class I was very lost on
what should be included in a cover letter, the tone, and how much detail you were
supposed to go into. As previously stated I am also not confident in my sentence
structure and really liked getting feedback for something that is not just getting graded
but is important for my career. I also liked working on the email and memo project
which is probably the project I was most proud of. I liked this project because I felt more
in tune with my audience and that my topic and the information I was applying could
really go far and make an impact if it got into the rights people’s hands. When I was on
Co-Op I sent a lot of emails and had to provide a lot of details on the stuff I was working
on to people who may not have been as hands on with the project. I think the memo
helped me learn a good way to organize my information. The major change I would
make to this class or the assignments would be to include our major or future careers
more, instead of using the Reaktin Books because I think the skills would carry over
better and be applied more fluidly. An assignment I would consider adding to this course
is writing a lab report. I have written dozens of lab reports throughout my time in
college and every teacher is looking for something different. I would have loved to work
on something where I could at least have the bones of a report written out and could
just be changed based on what experiment was conducted. I also think the language
that goes into a lab report is really specific and I would love to have a list of staple words
to include. Since so many of my other classes require lab reports I guess it is assumed
that skill is already perfected, but I think a layout for this assignment would carry far
throughout my college and professional career.

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