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Document Development Exposition: White Paper

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

• Research Information on lightning and the dangers of it
• Research of lightning forms in the clouds and what it actually is
• Evaluate what Clemson’s current lightning storm prevention and policy is
• How many lightning storms are recorded in our area each year
• Find pictures of lightning

First Draft (for peer editing)

• First few paragraphs include background on lightning and is mostly just research based
• Last few paragraphs are about proposal and its impact
• Format sentences and write everything out to see where it fits
• Narrow down proposal and the impact it will have

Second Draft (for your packet)

• Cite sources
• Reorganize into sections and subsections
• Delete excess details
• Finalize conclusion and sum everything up
• Include main points in abstract
• Add descriptions to pictures

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

Small edits throughout paper

Added extra paragraph on implementing solution
Better narrowed down solution
Edited agenda page

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