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Theme 4.



4.1. Loads affecting discs.

4.2. The design scheme and assumptions made at disc strength calculations.
4.3. Design ratings.
4.4. Disc thermal condition.
4.5. The disc stressed state equation. Boundary conditions.
4.6. Disc durability criteria and safety factor coefficients.
4.7. Features of strength calculation of centrifugal compressor and radial-
inflow turbine discs.
4.8. Peculiarities of stresses calculation in drum-and-disc designs.
4.9. Strength of rotors and casings connection elements.
4.10. Fan, compressor and turbine discs operational damages. Disc strength and
reliability increase measures.

Literature: [1], p. 264-284; [2], p. 281-321; [3], p. 220-258; [4], p. 136-153;

[5], p. 199-233.

The compressor and turbine discs are the main GTE parts, which determine
engine reliability. So, scattering fragments have a large kinetic energy at disc
destruction. They can cause secondary damages to aircraft and engine design.
Destruction of aircraft structure, fuel and lubricant communications, electrical
networks can result in serious flight accident.

4.1. Loads affecting discs

The compressor and turbine discs are loaded by the following forces and
momenta at the GTE operation on the ground and in flight:
– centrifugal forces of their own weight and rotor blades weights;
– gas-dynamic loads of the blades;
– gas pressure forces on the side surfaces;
– gyroscopic torque, which acts at the aircraft flight about curvilinear trajectory
and the shaft deformations;
– disc loads due to uneven heating along their radius and width.
The disc own weight and rotor blade weight centrifugal forces cause disc
tension in radial and circumferential directions.
The uneven temperature distribution along the disc radius results in
considerable tensile and compressive temperature stresses.
Tensile and compressive stresses take place in disc material when the disc is
built-up on the shaft.
Torsional stresses take place in the disc material when torque transmits them
from circumferential gas forces, acting on rotor blades.

The difference of gas pressure force on the disc side surfaces, axial gas
forces acting on rotor blades and uneven temperature distribution through the disc
thickness cause bending stresses.
The torsional stresses are usually insignificant and are not taken into account.
The bending stresses depend on the disc thickness and can be considerable
only in thin discs. To reduce bending stresses caused by gas forces the gravity centre
of rotor blades and disc rim is shifted in the direction of the resultant axial force. This
makes bending stresses small, so they are not taken into account when making
So, we take the centrifugal forces of the disc and rotor blade weights as
computational loads. Besides, at disc strength calculation we take into account
uneven temperature distribution along the radius as well as tensile and
compressive stresses connected with it.

4.2. The design scheme and assumptions

made at disc strength calculations

The disc design scheme construction (Fig. 4.1) is based on the following

1. The disc is symmetrical to a median plane with a smooth profile. (The real
disc profile is made symmetrical with the help of uniform distribution of part weights
about radial axis. These parts (asymmetrical and sharply jutting out) are rejected).
2. The temperature changes only along the disc radius (Т=f(r)). The
temperature is a constant value in the disc cross section on every i-th radius.

Fig.4.1. Design scheme of the disc

3. Centrifugal forces of the rotor blades and the disc rim lock part are evenly
distributed on an outside cylindrical surface of a solid part of a rim at the rr radius.
The action of these forces is substituted with r.r radial contour stresses. Such
stresses are calculated by the following formula when the blades and disc materials
are of the same (or close) density:

 tens .r Fr Z  22 f reject R 2f
 r .r  ,
2rr br
where tens.r is the centrifugal force tensile stress in rotor blade root section; Fr is the
area of the rotor blade root section; Z is the number of blades in a rotor wheel;  is
the density of the rotor blade and disc material;  is the GTE rotor angular speed;
freject is the area of the disc rim lock part radial section; Rf is the radius of an freject area
gravity centre; br is the disc thickness at the r radius.
An axisymmetrical plane stressed state corresponds to the design scheme. It
is characterized by radial r and circumferential t normal stresses effect (see
Fig. 4.1).

4.3. Design ratings

The disc design ratings are the following:

– take-off rating at engine operation on the ground (V=0, H=0);
– engine start-up;
– engine transition from an idle to a take-off rating;
– engine shutdown on the ground;
– engine shutdown in flight.
There is a maximum radial unevenness of temperature at rotational speed close
to maximum. It takes place when an engine is started and its rating is changed from
an idle to a take-off rating, with disc rim being heated quickly while the central part is
still cold. In this case the most loaded disc zone is its central part, in which the large
centrifugal force tensile stresses are totted with the maximum stretching temperature
stresses (they act in the same direction).
The disc rim is cooled much faster than the central part during an engine
shutdown on the ground, especially in flight. There is a so-called "inverse" difference
of the temperature, which creates the stretching temperature stresses in the rim. These
stresses are totted with the centrifugal force tensile stresses. They are great enough at
the beginning of the engine shutdown because the rotor still rotates at a large angular

4.4. Disc thermal condition

The disc thermal condition is determined by the thermometry when special

engine tests are carried out.
We use manifold computational methods of the disc temperature determination
at the stage of engine projecting. They are as complex as computational methods of
the blade temperature distribution determination.
We usually apply a quadratic relation (s=2) in an approximated evaluation of
the temperature distribution along the radius
 r  rcentr 
T (r )  Tcentr  (Tr  Tcentr )  ,
 rr  rcentr 

where Tcentr is the temperature in the disc centre or on the edge of the disc central
hole; Tr is the temperature on the disc external radius rr; r is the disc current radius;
rcentr is the radius of the central hole (rcentr  = 0 if the disc has no central hole); s=2 (the
parameter s is equal to 3…4 for the discs with a massive hub).
The Tcentr  temperature can be equal to 250...300 C at take-off rating for the
uncooled blades, and Tcentr=300...350 C – for the cooled blades.
The Tr temperature is equal to 620...720 C at take-off rating for the cooled
rotor blades and disc rim, and Tr=650...750 C – for uncooled turbine unit details.
The temperature difference in the disc reaches T=450...500 C during engine
transition from an idle to a take-off rating. Therefore, the disc rim temperature is
20...30 C lower for an acceleration rating, and in the disc centre (or in a hub) is
120...150 C lower than for take-off rating.
The disc rim temperature makes 50...150 C for an engine shutdown in
flight, and in the disc centre (or in a hub) it can be 30...50 C lower than for steady-
state rating.

4.5.   The disc stressed state equation. Boundary conditions

The disc stressed state equation can be derived from the equilibrium equation,
deformations generality equation and physical ratio between stresses and

4.5.1.   An equilibrium equation

The equilibrium equation of an element, which is chosen by two radial planes
and concentric sections (see Fig. 4.1), stipulates that the vectorial total of all forces is
equal to zero.
An elementary centrifugal force dPc affects the element
dPc  dm 2 r ;
dm  bdr (rd );     dPc   2 br 2 drd ,
where dm is an element mass; b is an element thickness at the r radius.
The rejected disc part effect on an element will be replaced by efforts of
normal stresses r, r+dr and t, exerted against an element edges.
The total of all forces projections on a radial axis, which passes through the
element gravity centre, should be equal to zero, basing on equilibrium conditions:
dPc  ( r  d r )(b  db)(r  dr )d   r brd   2 t sin( )bdr  0
2 .
Neglecting the infinitesimal values of the second and third orders and in view
d d
of sin( ) , after transformations being made we will get the disc element
2 2
equilibrium equation:  
d ( r br )
  2 r 2 b   t b  0
dr .

This condition being kept to, the disc element is in a static balance.
Nevertheless, there are two unknown quantities in this equation – r and t. The
second equation is needed for their determination.

4.5.2. Equation of deformations generality

This equation is the geometrical requirement of the disc continuity at its
The travel of an element lower edge along the disc radius makes 
(see Fig. 4.1), and upper edge travel is +d due to centrifugal forces and uneven
distribution of the temperature.
Therefore, the element deformations in circumferential t and radial directions
r will make:
( r   )d  rd  
t   ;
rd  r
r  .
Differentiating the expression    t r , we will get
d rd  t
 t  .
dr dr
Let us substitute the expression  r 
in the equation and we will get an
equation of deformation generality (continuity):
rd t
 r  t  .
This equation shows that the disc is solid and continuous before deformation,
and remains solid and continuous after deformation. Nevertheless the equation
includes two (r and t) new unknown quantities.
Therefore, let us consider physical equations, which connect stresses in each
given point of the disc with deformations in the same point, to obtain a closed-loop
equation system of the disc stressed state.
Using a Hooke’s law for a plane stressed state in view of temperature
deformations T=tT=rT=TT, we will get:
 t   r
t   T T ;
 r   t
r   T T ,
where ЕT is a modulus of the disc material elasticity at temperature Т;  is a Poisson's
constant; T is a coefficient of linear expansion at temperature Т.
An equation of deformation generality, expressed in the stresses will be
written as
rdE T rd ( t   r ) ET rd ( T T )
(1  )( r   t )  ( t   r )   .
ET dr dr dr
From the equation given above it follows that the circumferential and radial
stresses are equal (r=t) in the centre of the solid disc (at r = 0). It is the
consequence of a disc stressed state rotational symmetry.
Thus, two differential equations of a disc stressed state with two unknown
quantities (r and t) are got:
 d ( r br )
  2 r 2 b   t b  0;
 dr
 (4.1)
(1  )( r   t )  ( t   r ) rdE T  rd ( t   r )  ET rd ( T T )

 . ET dr dr dr

To solve this equation system it is necessary to know boundary conditions,

which depend on a disc type:
– for the solid disc (without the central hole):
– at r=0  t=r =0;
– at r=rr  r=r r;
– for the disc with the central hole:
– at r=rcenr  r=r0=0; t=t 0=0;
– at r=rr  r=r r ;
– for the disc, which is built-up on the shaft with landing stress land:
– at r=rcentr  r=-land  ; t=t 0=0;
– at r=rr  r=r r.

4.5.3. Determination of stresses in rotating, unevenly heated elastic disc

with an arbitrary profile
The equilibrium equation of the disc element can be expressed concerning
circumferential stresses this way:
d ( r br )
 t   2 r 2  .
Having substituted this expression in the second equation of deformation
generality, we will get:
 rdET   d ( r br)  rdET  ET rd ( T T ) rd ( t   r )
1     r  2 r 2   1      . Hence,
 ET dr   bdr  ET dr  dr dr
the properties of the disc stressed state are as follows:
1. The stresses depend only on centrifugal forces in the evenly heated rotating
disc (that is at Т=сonst, ET =const, T=const t and r then depend on value 2r2).
Besides, t and r are positive in all sections of the disc.
2. The change of the disc thickness on all radiuses by the same number of times
does not affect the centrifugal force stress value.
3. There are no temperature stresses (tТ=rТ=0) in the evenly heated disc
(Т=const,  0 ).
4. The even temperature increase by the same value in all i-th sections T
(T 'i=Ti+T) does not change temperature stresses, as they depend only on dr
temperature gradient.
5. The temperature stresses in the solid disc are changed under the linear law at
linear temperature change along the radius ( dr  const ). (This statement will be true
provided Т  = сonst and ЕТ = const, that is for low heated discs).

6. The increase in temperature, elasticity modulus and linear expansion
coefficient on all disc radiuses by the same number of times (Т'=cТ, E'=сЕ, Т=cТ)
results in increase in temperature stresses by the same number of times.
7. The change of the disc thickness on all radiuses by c times (b'=cb) does not
affect the temperature stresses value.
8. Circumferential temperature stresses in a disc rim are opposite in sign to a
temperature gradient.
The precise solutions of the stressed state differential equation system can be
obtained only for some elementary disc forms (Fig. 4.2): a) of constant thickness;
b) conical; c) hyperbolic; d) parabolic. For arbitrary profile discs (Fig. 4.3) it is
necessary to solve the equations by approximated methods – for example, method of
finite differences.
The essence of this method lies in replacement of the differential equation
system by an algebraic equation system.

a b c d

Fig. 4.2. Elementary disc forms

Fig. 4.3. Discs of arbitrary profiles

Initial differential equation system will be written as:

 db dr  dr dr
d r   r      t  2 r 2 ; (4.2)
 b r  r r
 dr dE   dr db dET  2 2 dr
d t  t    T    r       r  ET d (T T ) . (4.3)
 r ET   r b ET  r
Let us replace differentials of the equations (4.2) and (4.3) with finite

d  r   r   r (n )   r (n 1) ;
d t  t  t (n )  t (n 1) ;
dr  r  r(n )  r(n 1) ;
db  b  b(n )  b(n 1) ;
dET  ET  ET (n )  ET (n 1) ;
d (Τ T )  (T T )(n )  (Τ T )(n1) ,
where n is the number of cylindrical sections (the sections are numbered from 0 up to
n in the direction from the centre to the rim).
Substituting finite differences instead of differentials and making necessary
transformations, we can get equations, connecting stresses in n-th and (n-1)-th ring
sections. Thus for values r and t their values on internal radius of a ring site are
taken. These values have index “n–1”.
For values r and b their values on external radius of a ring site are taken. These
values have index “n”.
For values ЕТ in the first two terms of equation (4.3), their values on internal
radius (with an index “n-1”) are taken, and value ЕТ, that is the last term of an
equation (4.3) has index “n”.
After transformation of equations (4.2) and (4.3) we have the following
equation system:
 rn1 bn 1   r   r 
r n  r ( n 1) 
   1   t ( n1) 1  n1    2 r 2 1  n 1 ; (4.4)
 rn bn   rn   rn 
r b   r  E b 
 t (n)   t ( n1)  n1  n 1  1   r ( n 1) 1  n 1   T .n  n 1  
 rn bn   rn  ET .n 1 bn 
 r 
 2 r 2 1  n1   ET .n [( T T ) n  ( T T ) n1 ].
 rn 
To curtail further notes let us introduce the following shortenings:
 n  1  rn1 / rn ;
 n  rn1 / rn  bn1 / bn  1;
C n  2 r 2 ;
 n  rn 1 / rn  ET .n / E.n1  1;
n  1  rn1 / rn  (E. n / E.n1  bn1 / bn );
 n  ET . n [(T T )n  (T T ) n 1 ].
Then equations (4.4) and (4.5) will look like:
r (n )  t (n 1)n  r (n 1) n  Cnn ; (4.6)
t (n )  t (n 1)n  r (n1) n  Cnn   n . (4.7)
Let us express stresses r(n) and t(n) for each design section through the
stress in “zero” section.
For the disc with the central hole the “zero” section is at the hole radius. For
this section r(0)=0; t(0)=0;

For the solid disc the “zero” section is close to the disc centre (r0=0 – special
point), where with an adequate accuracy it is possible to accept t(0)=r(0)=0.
Using equations (4.6) and (4.7) in consecutive order, we determine values of
radial and circumferential stresses for 1, 2, 3..., n-th sections.
In the first section
 r (1)   0 1   0 1  C11   0 (1  1 )  C11  A1 0  B1 ;
 t (1)   0 1   0 1  C11  1   0 (1  1 )  C11  1  N1 0  Q1 ,
A1  1  1 ; B1  C11 ;
N1  1  1 ; Q1  C11  1 .
In the second section
r (2)  t (1)2   r (1) 2  C22 ;
t (2)  t (1)2   r (1) 2  C22   2 .
Having substituted values of stresses r(1) and t(1), expressed through 0, we
will get:
 r (2)  (N10  Q1 )2  (A10  B1 ) 2  C2 2 
 0 (A1 2  N12 )  B1 2  (Q1  C2 )2  A2 0  B2 ;

 t ( 2)  ( N1 0  Q1 ) 2  ( A1 0  B1 ) 2  C 2  2   2 
  0 ( N1 2  A1 2 )  Q1 2  B1 2  C 2  2   2  N 2  0  Q2 ,
A2  A1 2  N1 2 ; B2  B1 2  ( Q1  C 2 ) 2 ;
N 2  N1 2  A1 2 ; Q2  Q1 2  B1 2  C 2  2   2 .
For any n-th section
r (n )  An0  Bn ; (4.8)
t (n )  N n0  Qn , (4.9)
An  An1 n  N n1 n ; Bn  Bn 1 n  (Qn 1  C n ) n ;
N n  N n1 n  An1 n ; Qn  Qn 1 n  Bn 1 n  C n  n   n .
The values of factors An and Nn do not depend on disc loading. They depend
only on the disc geometrical sizes and the material it’s made of. Therefore, they are
called form and disc elastic loads factors.
The values of factors Bn and Qn depend mainly on centrifugal and temperature
loads, which act in the disc. Therefore, they are called disc centrifugal and
temperature loads factors.
The formulas (4.8) and (4.9) in view of expressions (4.10) allow to express
stress in n-th section through the stress in “zero” section.
The equations (4.8) and (4.9) for “zero” section look like:
1. For a solid disc

2. For a free disc with the central hole
3. For a disc, which is built-up on the shaft with landing stress land:
The factor values in “zero” section should be selected according to the
requirement of equations transformation in identities, which are complied with at any
stress values 0. It is possible, if 0=0/0. Determining from the above equations 0,
we conclude, that 0=0/0, if:
– for solid disc A0=1, B0=0, N0=1, Q0=0;
– for free disc with the central hole A0=0, B0=0, N0=1, Q0=0;
– for the disc, which is built-up on the shaft A0=0, B0= –land, N0=1, Q0=0.
The unknown stress in the disc “zero” section 0 is calculated by known radial
stress in the disc r-th section (i.e. by contour load value, resulting from the blade ring
centrifugal forces):
 tens .r Fr Z  2 2 f reject R 2f
 r .r  ;
2rr br
 r .r  Br
0  .

4.5.4. The procedure of the arbitrary profile disc stresses calculation

1. We make cylindrical sections in the disc design scheme in view of the
following recommendations:
– the number of sections should be not fewer than twenty at computer count,
and not fewer than ten – at manual count;
– the “zero” section is close to the rotation centre at a distance of (0,05... 0,1)rr
in the solid disc;
– the “zero” section is taken at the hole radius r for the disc with the central
hole. First 2...3 sections are made in such a way that the ratio rn/rn-1 does not exceed
1,05...1,1, and in the other sections it should not exceed 1,2...1,4;
– the ratio bn/bn-1 in all sections should not be more than 1,2 and less than 0,8
for the discs of both types.
2. We determine the temperature in all sections of the design scheme in view of
information, given in item 4.4.
3. Using reference data, we determine the elasticity modulus values ЕT.n and
linear expansion coefficient T.n for a selected disc material, which correspond to the
temperature Тn in each section.
4. For each section we calculate the supplementary values , n, n, Сn, n, n,
n, which depend on the disc geometrical sizes, the material it’s made of, the angular
velocity of rotation and the temperature distribution along the radius. We take =0,3.
5. We determine the factors А0, В0, N0, Q0 for a set disc type.
6. We determine the values of factors An, Bn, Nn, Qn in the consecutive order by
the formula (4.10) for each disc section starting with the first one.
7. We find stress in “zero” section 0 by contour load and Ar, Br values.
8. We evaluate stresses r (n) and t (n) for all disc sections by the formulas (4.8)
and (4.9).
The evaluation accuracy depends on the number of selected design sections
and their arrangement.
The character of radial and circumferential normal stresses change along the
radius of turbine discs of manifold types is given in Fig. 4.4.

Fig. 4.4. Character of the radial and circumferential stresses change along the radius
of turbine discs of manifold types

4.6. Disc durability criteria and safety factor coefficients

4.6.1. Selection of the stressed state criteria

The plane stressed state takes place in the disc. The disc material limiting
stresses can be obtained experimentally at a model single-axis stretching. So when
safety factor coefficient is evaluated it is necessary to use the corresponding theories
of strength, which permit to reduce a flat stressed state to equivalent single-axis
one with an adequate accuracy.
One of the most common theories of strength is the theory of the greatest
energy of deformation, according to which the combined effect of the radial and
circumferential stresses can be substituted by the equivalent tensile stress equal to
the stress intensity i:
e  i   r 2  t2   r t .
The condition (4.11) should be applied for the central part of the disc (hub),
where the stresses r and t are of the same sign. The circumferential stresses t are
negative in the disc rim part at a “direct” temperature difference along the radius.
Hence, the equivalent stress must be determined according to the Mohr’s strength
 e   r   t ,
where  is the factor which takes into account the difference in material resistance to
tension and compression. It is a ratio of limiting tensile and compressive stresses. In
preliminary calculations =0,5.

4.6.2. Disc safety factor coefficients
In practice the following safety factor coefficients are more often considered:
– long-term safety factor coefficient KT;
– the temperature safety factor coefficient KT ;
– safety factor coefficient of the destroying rotational speed КВ;
– low-cycle fatigue safety factor coefficient.
The long-term safety factor coefficient is calculated by the formula
K 
where Т  is a long-term strength on a base of t hours (usually =100 hours or
=1000 hours) and at temperature Т.
The factor КТ changes along the disc radius. Therefore, when evaluating disc
strength it’s necessary to construct dependence K T =f(r) in a number of sections with
data on K T values calculations being used. From this dependence dangerous section
can be found from ( K T ) i min value.
The minimum long-term strength safety factor coefficient must be multiplied
by the value КZ take into account the disc loading recurrence
( K T ) min  ( K T ) min K Z ,
where КZ is a factor, taking into account decrease of long-term strength due to
loading recurrence. The factor КZ is equal to 0,8...0,9 in calculations (the smaller of
these values is for plastic materials).
Many ratings of the disc loading can be taken into consideration, determining
safety factor coefficient by the formula of hypothesis of linear summation of
n  
m m
K Teqvivalent   
i 1  ( K T )

 ,

  
  i min 

where n is the number of ratings in a flight cycle (usually only take-off, nominal and
maximum cruise ratings are taken into account); (K'T)i min is own minimum safety
factor coefficients on i-th ratings of a flight cycle; m is an exponential equation index,
which describes the characteristics of the long-term strength (m=6...8).
The disc is considered serviceable within the limits of its safe life being
checked, if the minimum long-term strength safety factor coefficient makes
КТmin=1,3...1,5 (where =100 hours).
We evaluate the temperature safety factor coefficient at project calculations
of disc, which works at high temperatures
KT  Tlim  Tdesign ,
where Тlim is a limiting temperature in the disc dangerous section, at which material
destruction will take place under stress е during time ; Тdesign is a design temperature
in the same section.
The value КТ usually makes 70...120 С.
The rotor destroying rotational speed safety factor coefficient is determined
from the ratio

KB  ,
where nlim is a limiting rotor rotational speed, which causes the disc destruction at a
given temperature; ndesign is a design rotor rotational speed.
The simpler way to determine limiting rotor rotational speed is grounded on the
theory of limiting equilibrium. According to this theory a full equalization of the
stresses along radius takes place when rotor rotational speed is increased up to nlim. It
happens at the expense of redistribution of stresses being affected by plastic
deformations. And at the moment of disc destruction the circumferential stresses t
reach short-lived strength limit BT at temperature Т. Thus, in all disc sections
Integrating an equilibrium equation, we determine

TB (r )b(r )dr
nlim  ndesign ,
 2
design J D  r br rr
where J D   b(r )r 2 dr is a moment of inertia of the half cross section of disc

relative to rotation axis; rcentre is the radius of the central hole (for solid disc rcentre=0).
The destroying rotor rotational speed reserve is considered sufficient at
The stress change in the disc at non-stationary ratings of a flight cycle and
recurrence of these cycles is accompanied with alternating-sign plastic deformation
of material. It can cause appearance of low-cycle fatigue cracks. For discs, as well
as for turbine blades, this process should be termed as thermal fatigue. Nevertheless
in connection with minor change of the disc temperature within the limits of the flight
cycle loading, we usually neglect its influence on the material weakening processes,
considering the damage accumulation at a cyclical inelastic deformation in
isothermal conditions, that is at a low-cycle fatigue.
The number of flight cycles N before a low-cycle fatigue crack appears can be
determined from equation
lg( N )  a1N  a2 N  i ,
where i is stress intensity range in the disc dangerous section within a flight
loading cycle (i=i.max–i.min); a1N, a2N are the factors, dependent on the material,
temperature and the form of loading cycle. So, for alloy ЭИ698 (at Т=20 С and
pulsatory loading cycle) a1N=5,6; a2N= –2,1810–3. For titanium-based alloy ВТ8 under
the same test conditions a1N=11; a2N= –0,01.
The low-cycle fatigue safety factor coefficient of discs at engine safe life r and
mean flight time tf is determined by the formula
Nt f
KN  ,
where N is the number of flight cycles before destruction.

The low-cycle fatigue safety factor coefficient should be within the limits
Напруження в пружнопластичній області деформування
Непружні деформації виникають в умовах пружнопластичного
деформування диска й при повзучості. Вони призводять до істотного
перерозподілу напружень, у зв'язку із чим їх необхідно враховувати при
Напруження в пружнопластичній області деформування визначають, як
правило, за допомогою методу змінних параметрів пружності, викладеного
Перехід від пружної в пружнопластичну область деформування для
плоского напруженого стану диска визначають за енергетичним критерієм
пластичності, у якості якого використовують інтенсивність напружень:
e  i   r 2  t2   r t .
Виникнення пластичних деформацій фіксують у тому випадку, коли в
яких-небудь перерізах диска величина σi, обчислена за даними пружного
розрахунку, перевищує межу пропорційності матеріалу σпц при відповідній
температурі. Для таких перерізів знаходять модулі пластичності й знову
повторюють розрахунки до співпадіння (у межах заданої точності)
розрахункових значень інтенсивності напружень з напруженнями по діаграмі
деформування матеріалу.
Для зручності реалізації методу змінних параметрів пружності на ЕОМ
представимо в аналітичній формі сімейство діаграм розтягнення одного із
широко застосовуваних дискових матеріалів – сплаву ХН77ТЮР (ЭИ437Б).
Діаграми розтягнення цього сплаву наведені на рис. 4.5.

Рис. 4.5. Діаграми розтягнення сплаву ХН77ТЮР

Як було відзначено вище, пластичні деформації призводять до

перерозподілу напружень у диску, викликаючи вирівнювання напружень σ r і σt
уздовж радіуса. Ступінь перерозподілу напружень залежить від величин
пластичних деформацій, обумовлених, у свою чергу, рівнями діючих
навантажень. У граничному випадку, коли окружні напруження досягають межі
міцності матеріалу (у момент розриву диска), пластичні деформації можуть
повністю вирівняти їх уздовж радіуса.

Напруження в дисках при повзучості також визначають за допомогою
методу змінних параметрів пружності. Для цього використовують так звані
ізохронні криві деформування при повзучості, схема визначення яких наведена
на рис. 4.6.

а 6
Рис. 4.6 Діаграми повзучості матеріалу (а) і ізохронна крива деформування при
повзучості (б)

Звичайні діаграми повзучості матеріалів (див. рис. 4.6, а) будують у

вигляді залежностей σ=f(ε), де ε – деформація повзучості; t – час досягнення
цієї деформації під дією фіксованих напружень σi при заданій температурі Т.
Якщо задати деякий розрахунковий час tp, при якому необхідно оцінити
напруження в диску з урахуванням накопичених деформацій повзучості, то для
цього часу по діаграмах повзучості можна побудувати залежність σ=f(ε) (див.
рис. 4.6, б), подібну звичайній кривій деформування матеріалу. Побудовану в
такий спосіб ізохронну криву деформування можна використовувати в схемі
методу змінних параметрів пружності для визначення модулів повзучості
Ei  п=(σi д/σi)Ei за розрахунковими значенням інтенсивності напружень і
напруженням σi д із кривої деформування.
Деформації повзучості так само, як і пластичні деформації, приводять до
вирівнювання напружень у диску. Відмінність у їхній дії полягає в тому, що
пластичні деформації з'являються практично миттєво слідом за навантаженням
(склерономний процес), а деформації повзучості повільно розвиваються в часі
(реономний процес).

4.7. Features of strength calculation of centrifugal compressor and

radial-inflow turbine discs

The radial-inflow turbine and centrifugal compressor blades load the disc with
centrifugal forces of their own weight and partly take them.
At engineering calculations of such disc stress we take into account only blade
loading effect, applying method of affixed weights, according to which affect of the
blades on the disc is substituted by their centrifugal forces distributed
axisymmetrically on a side surface of the disc. The effect of the affixed blade weight

centrifugal forces is taken into account by a conventional increase in the disc material
density in each section, introducing the concept of the reduced density.
Such approach will provide the uprating of the design stresses, i.e. will provide
additional disc safety.
Affixed blade weight of a two-sided (twin-entry) compressor impeller for a
ring of dr thickness (Fig. 4.7) is equal to
maffixed  2f b Zdr ,
where fb is a section area of one blade at the r radius;   is a material density; Z is the
number of blades on one side of rotor wheel.
The weight of the carrier disc for a chosen ring makes
mc .d  2rbdr ,
while aggregate weight of a ring is determined by the formula
fb Z
m S  maffixed  mc .d .  2f b Zdr  2rbdr  (1  )2rbdr    2rbdr,
where b is thickness of disc; * is a reduced density of disc at the r radius
 f Z
   1  b 
 rb  .
Further calculation of circumferential and radial stresses is made according to
technique introduced before (the actual thickness of the disc is taken without blades).
The design scheme and stress distribution in the disc of centrifugal compressor with a
two-sided input impeller are given in Fig. 4.7.

Fig. 4.7. Design scheme and character of the radial and circumferential stresses
change along radius of two-sided rotor wheel of centrifugal compressor

If the rotor wheel of the compressor has a unilateral input, the bending stress is,
as a rule, small and can be ignored, with calculation made by the same algorithms
that are used for rotor wheel with two-sided input. It is only necessary to halve the
number of blades Z in comparison with the actual number of blades when
determining single-sided rotor wheel reduced density.

In existing designs of centrifugal compressors the maximum stresses in
impeller discs made of aluminium-based alloys reach 250...280 MPa.

4.8. Peculiarities of stresses calculation in drum-and-disc designs

In considered designs the stresses are determined both in discs, and in rotor
drum-type parts.
It is possible to consider the most favourable arrangement of drum-type parts
(in the sense of tensile strength), when they do not loads the discs, i. е. when they are
cantilever elements of a rotor. To meet this requirement it is necessary to select the
radius of drum wall arrangement rdrum (Fig. 4.8) so that the radial movements of the
disc and drum part in a place of its fixing (at the radius rdrum) are identical
( d  = drum).
Movements (deformations)  d and  drum are determined by equations of
deformation generality and physical equations, considered in item 4.5.2:
 d  rdrum  d  drum ( d   rd )  rdrumTd ;
 drum  rdrum  drum  ( drum   r drum )  rdrum Tdrum .
If there are analytical relations of stresses in the disc   d ,  r d and in the drum
wall   drum ,  r drum versus the radius of fixing rdrum, then, equating right members of
ratio (4.13), it is possible to determine the value rdrum, ensuring the radial
disconnectedness of the disc and drum parts. However, as was noted above, the
analytical solutions of stressed state equations can be obtained only for the
elementary disc shapes. Let us consider stresses   d and  r d as values, given by
disc shape beforehand, and a stress in a free drum part will be determined being
considered as a thin-walled barrel (see Fig. 4.8).

Fig. 4.8. Design scheme of a drum-and-disc rotor

Assuming that the circumferential stresses are constants along drum wall
thickness  (in view of its smallness) and neglecting value of radial stresses
(r  drum=0), we will make the following equilibrium equation of drum element:
dPc  2 drum  ldrumsin(d  / 2)   2 rdrum
ldrum d    drum  ldrum d   0, (4.14)
where ldrum=2tdrum (see Fig. 4.8).
From here
 drum  2 rdrum 2
, (4.15)
According to an adopted requirement d=drum and from ratios (4.13), (4.15) at
r  drum=0, Td=Tdrum we will get
1 1
rdrum  (   r d ) . (4.16)
  d
The values rdrum,  d and r d are interdependent. Therefore, equation (4.16)
needs to be solved by step-by-step approach, setting a series of values rdrum and
defining from the charts of stress distribution along disc radius the corresponding
values  d and r d. For constant width discs without blades the radius of a cantilever
drum wall makes r0,5rt  . About the same ratio is characteristic for real (harder) discs
with blades.
In existing designs of drum-and-disc rotors to increase their flexural stiffness
the drum parts are placed on radiuses, close to an outer radius of discs rt (radius of
disc rim part). Thus, the requirement of a radial disconnectedness (4.16) is defaulted
and drum parts additionally load the discs by centrifugal forces. At this they are
loaded by bending momenta M and shearing forces Q in places of their fixing (see
Fig. 4.8).
At detailed calculation of stresses in places of drum wall fixing the values of
bending momenta M and transversal forces Q are determined by methods of thin-
walled shells theory. In executed designs of rotors the circumferential stresses in
places of drum part fixing subject to their bending make (0,5...0,8) drum, where
 drum  is а stress determined by the formula (4.15).

4.9. Strength of rotors and casings connection elements

Separate elements of rotors and casings of gas turbine engines are

interconnected with the help of pined, splined, flange screwed joints, as well as
welding, axial through (tightening) bolts, studs and bars.
At strength estimation of these connections the maximum torsion and bending
momenta as well as axial forces are used as design loads.

4.9.1. Calculation of rotor elements axial tie

Let us consider as an example the calculation of widely used GTE rotor discs
connection with the help of a central tightening bolt. The purpose of such connection
calculation is to determine the required bolt tightening effort and maximum stresses
acting in a bolt and disc joints at operation conditions. The effort of a preliminary
bolt tie should be sufficient against joints opening displacement at the most
unfavorable operation conditions. At the same time the stresses acting in connected
elements must not exceed the permissible values.
Bolt tightening effort Рt (Fig. 4.9, а) causes its elongation by value lbt. The
same force acts on compressible rotor details, compressing them by value ldt. The
total rotor elements deformation at tightening is equal to lrt=lbt+ldt. Determining
values lbt and ldt with the help of Hooke’s law provided of l0bl0dlr, we will get
l rt  Pt ( b   d ) , (4.17)
where b and d are the elastic yieldings of a bolt and compressible rotor details,
determined by ratios b=lr/(EbFb), d  =lr/(EdFd); Eb, Ed are the elasticity moduluses of
bolt and disc material; Fb, Fd are the section areas of these rotor elements.
Let us note, that any rotor element yielding characterizes its elongation or
squeezing caused by unit force. In connection with complexity of large design shapes
of rotor built-up parts the values b and d for precise calculations are usually
determined experimentally.

Fig. 4.9. Design schemes of rotor discs axial tie at assembly (а)
and at operation conditions (b)

In operation condition a bolt acts on a rotor with the force Pb (see Fig. 4.9, b),
including an effort of tightening and other loads, and the compressible rotor discs act
on the bolt with the operation axial load Рx  op, opening the joint. Thus, on discs joint
in some section there is a joint effort Рj, determined by apparent equality:
Рj=Рb–Рx  op.
The total rotor deformation in operation condition can be determined
(according to the above equality) by ratio such as (4.17):
lr  op=lb  op+ld  op=Pbb+Pjd=Pb(b+d)–Px  opd, (4.18)
where lb  op=Pbb    is a bolt elongation under action of operation loads and tightening
effort; ld  op=Pjd   is a disc compressive strain under action of force Рj.
Provided joint opening is impossible, the total elastic deformation of rotor
elements in the compressed condition will be invariable at any operation loads
change, as the increase, for example, in bolt elongation will cause the same lowering
of discs compressive strain, and vice versa. Therefore, for all rotor sections the
equality lr  t  =lr  op (condition of deformations generality) will be true, according to
which with the help of ratios (4.15) and (4.16) we get:
Рb=Рt+Рx  op/(1+b/d) . (4.19)
The temperature stresses, appearing due to different heating of rotor elements
and due to difference of their linear expansion coefficients, give additional load to
bolt with an effort РT if the disc temperature increment in operation condition Td
exceeds heating of a bolt Tb at identical values of linear expansion coefficients of
discs and bolt materials (d  =b), or in case d  >b, Td=Tb  .
Determining the difference of discs and bolt free thermal elongations (see
Fig. 4.9, b) as lop  T  =ld  T  –lb  T=(d  Td  –bTb)lr we will get the formula of
temperature effort РT
l op T ( T   b Tb )l r
PT   d d . (4.20)
d  b  d  b
In operatiоn conditions the force РT, reaches the greatest values after cold
engine start, when disc heating Td up to 80...100 С exceeds bolt heating Tb. Under
such conditions force РT (for engine compressor rotor of large thrust) can reach
100...200 kN. In case engine shut-down in flight, when the discs heating due to their
intensive cooling becomes less than bolt heating, effort РT makes negative values, i.
е. it unloads the bolt, reducing joint compactness. At Tb=60...80 °С the effort in joints
of discs of compressor rotor can decrease by 50…100 kN. To ensure sufficient joint
compactness in these conditions the tightening force of bolt should be more than the
mentioned values.
Under the action of centrifugal forces, causing discs and disc drum parts
deformations in a radial direction, the rotor elements axial deformations appear,
which result in reduction of their length and joint compactness. It demands bigger
tightening effort of a bolt. However, as calculations show, additional tightening
efforts required for compensation of rotor length deformation reduction are usually
insignificant. So they are neglected.
The total effort, acting on the bolt in operation conditions, can be obtained
when adding force РT  to the right member of the ratio (4.19):
Pb  Pt  PT  Px op / (1   b /  d ) . (4.21)
It should be kept in mind, that force РT, in the formula (4.21) can be both
positive, and negative, while the other forces are always positive.
The operational axial load Рх  op, unloading joints of discs, depends on the value
of acting loads and the way the discs are interconnected. If the discs are jointed by
face splines (see Fig. 4.10), this effort will have two components:
Px op  Px  Px torq , (4.22)

where Рx, Рx  torq are the forces uncovering the joints of discs under the action of axial
loads (Рx) and torque (Рx  torq).
Force Рx in the rotor computational sections should be determined with the help
of axial load diagram, which can be constructed, evaluating the axial force in each
rotor wheel by the formula (5.2) and taking into account the arrangement of a radial-
stop bearing.
Force Рx  torq, disconnecting the disc joint under a torque action due to
declination of active faces of end splines (see Fig. 4.10), can be calculated by the
Px torq  ( M torq tg)/rdrum mean , (4.23)
where  is a half of spline apex angle; rdrum  mean is a mean radius of rotor drum part

Fig.   4.10. Axial tie of discs of drum-and-disc rotor:

1, 7, 9 – central tightening bar; 2, 3 – disc; 4, 10 – lock bolt; 5 – thrust plate;
6, 8 – spherical ring; 11 – nut

For a rotor, in which torque is transferred by friction forces in the discs joints
(see Fig. 4.11) the operation axial load is equal to Рx op=Рx.

Fig.   4.11. Axial tie of discs of a drum-and-disc rotor:

1, 8 – central coupling bolt; 2, 4 – impeller of a centrifugal stage; 3 – radial
pin; 5 – nut; 6 – lock nut; 7 – splined lock; 9 – disc

The required effort in joints of the discs Pj also depends on the way they are
connected. If in a rotor design torque transfer is stipulated at the expense of friction

forces between discs (see Fig. 4.11), the effort in discs joints should be provided at
bolt tightening. It can be determined by the ratio
P j  ( K f M torq )/( f f rdrum mean ) ,
where Кf  =Мf  /Мtorq is a safety factor coefficient for friction force moment Mf
(Kf    =1,25…1,5); ff  is a friction coefficient in joints (ff =0,1…0,2).
Values of a torque in rotor computational sections should be determined
necessary calculations by the formulas (4.23), (4.24) with the help of torque diagram.
The axial force, uncovering the joint under the action of bending momenta,
should not exceed a compensatory effort of a preliminary tie, causing the
compressive stresses с=Рj/(2πrdrum  mean) in the joint. In their turn, the stresses с
should not be less than the maximum bending stresses in disc drum part
b= (Mbrdrum  mean)/Jdrum=Mb /(r2drum  mean), where Mb is a total bending moment
caused by transversal forces and gyroscopic torque action, determined by the formula
(5.3); Jdrum is the inertia moment of drum part section in the point of the joint about
rotor diameter axis (for a thin drum Jdrum=r3drum  mean);  is a drum thickness.
Accepting according to the noted requirements с  =b, for any of above mentioned
drum-and-disc type rotors we will get
P j  (2 K b M b ) / rdrum mean , (4.25)
where Кb is a safety factor coefficient of joint compactness for bending moment
Values Mb in rotor computational sections are necessary to determine with the
help of total bending momenta diagrams (see Fig. 5.1).
The required effort of a preliminary bolt tie can be determined integrating
ratios (4.18), (4.21) and introducing a safety factor coefficient of a tie Кt in
Pt  K t [Pj  PT  Px op / (1   d /  drum )] , (4.26)
where force Рj is set by ratios (4.24), (4.25).
Safety factor coefficient Кt in the ratio (4.26) makes 1,15…1,25.
In practical calculations when determinating bolt tightening force the
temperature effort РT is usually left out (supposing РT=0), as at engine ratings with
maximum operation force Рx  op it has the positive sign, i. е. it loads the joints. It will
provide an additional margin of a tightening effort. However for design ratings, at
which force РT is negative (for example, at engine shutdown in flight), it is necessary
to check the bolt tightening effort taking into account the value of temperature effort
From the formula (4.26) it follows, that increasing rotor jointed details yielding
d it is possible to reduce essentially the required force of bolt tightening. This fact is
taking into account in practice, using yielding flanges of trunnions, spring washers,
etc. in rotor design. This enables increase of d.
In compressor rotor designs (engines of large thrusts or powers ) the efforts of
central coupling bolt tightening can reach 200...500 kN. The tightening effort is
controlled according to bolt elongation value, which can be computed by the formula
lb  t  =Рt  bb.

With the purpose of improvement of mutual fit of rotor jointed elements at
assembly the bolt preliminary compression on a press is executed by an effort which
is 1,25...1,5 times bigger than the value Рt.
Tensile stresses in a coupling bolt, determined (with the use of force Рb known
from the ratio (4.21)) by the formula  tensile  Pb / Fb  4 Pb / (d b2 ) (where db is a bolt
diameter), are compared to material yield strength 0,2 , evaluating safety factor
coefficient K0,2=0,2/tensile. It should be not less than 1,5...2,0.
The crushing stresses in disc joints caused by force Рj are insignificant, and,
normally, in this connection the joint strength is not checked.

4.9.2. Fundamentals of strength calculation of other type connections of

rotors and casings
Connections of discs by peripheral coupling bolts 7 (see Fig. 4.12, c) or by
studs and the flange screwed connections (joints) of rotor and casing design elements
(see Fig. 4.12, b) are calculated basically in the same way as connection by central
coupling bolt, except for some peculiarities. First, if the templet bolts 6 (see
Fig. 4.12, b) are used in connection, the effort in the joint of flanges (required to
create friction force moment with the purpose of torque transfer) need not be
determined, as the templet bolts transmit the torque due to shearing and crushing

Fig. 4.12. Drum-and-disc rotors:
a – connection of sections by radial pins; b – flange bolt joints; c – axial tie of
the discs by extracentral coupling bolts; 1 – disc;   2, 3 – radial pins; 4 –
straightening out lock; 5, 8 – extension tubes (intermediate rings); 6 – templet
bolt; 7 – extracentral coupling bolt; 9 – spacing bushing

Second, at effort determination uncovering the flange joint under the action of
bending momenta, as a neutral axis of a bending it is necessary to accept an axis
passing through the symmetry centre of one of the bolts (for example, lower bolt of a
flange). At such requirement the compensatory effort in the joint can be calculated by
the ratio
m 1
P j  ( K b M b d m )/(  d i2 ) , (4.27)
i 1

where dm is distance from neutral axis of bending up to the bolt (or a pair of bolts),
most remote from it; (m–1) is the number of bolt pairs arranged on the axes, parallel
to neutral axis; di is distance from neutral axis to axes of indicated bolt pairs.
Radial pins (studs) in connections of rotor and casing elements 2, 3 (see
Fig. 4.12, а) are calculated for shearing and crushing caused by action of torsion and
bending momenta as well as axial forces. Templet bolts 6 (see Fig. 4.12 b), the axial
pins and teeth of fixed (tightened) spline connections are checked for shearing and

crushing caused only by torque action. Welds are calculated for shearing caused by
torque action, and also for tensile caused by axial forces and bending momenta.
In existing designs the shearing stresses shear and the crushing stresses crush in
pins and templet bolts reach the values shear=150...200 MPa, crush=120...150 MPa.
The shearing stresses in welds do not exceed the value of 50...100 MPa, and the
tensile stresses make 100...150 MPa. The crushing stresses in teeth of fixed splines
(provided that 50 % of teeth work) reach the value crush=80...150 MPa, and shearing
stresses make shear=90...200 MPa.
Mobile spline connections teeth of turbine and compressor shafts work under
conditions of shaft misalignment, when only a part of their length is in contact.
Besides, not all teeth take part in work simultaneously. Given noted conditions the
maximum circumferential effort in splines is determined by the formula:
Рu  =(Кoverload  Мtorq)/(zr0), where Кoverload is a teeth overload factor (Кoverload  =1,5...2,0);
z  is the number of teeth; r0  is a radius of their initial circumference. Under action of
force Рu on splines they are calculated for crushing and bending. The maximum teeth
crushing stresses in made designs reach the value crush=450...600 MPa, and bending
stresses make b=150…300 MPa.

4.10. Fan, compressor and turbine disc operational damages.

Disc strength and reliability increase measures

The typical operational damages of disc are:

– turbine discs stretching;
– fan and compressor disc lug cracking and chipping-off between its grooves
(Fig. 4.11);
– cracking in the turbine disc fir-tree grooves (Fig. 4.13);
– the fan, compressor and turbine discs destruction (Fig. 4.13) (blade grooves
and disc holes are stress concentrators).
As a rule, the reasons for operational damages of discs are: overheating of the
turbine, poor disc heating before engine take-off rating, and also a phenomenon of
high-frequency and low-cycle fatigue of material against the background of high
static loads.
According to the readings of the vibration control system the main diagnostic
signs that engine is close to breakdown state are the following:
– increase of vibration rate Vg or vibration overload factor Kg up to the limiting
value during engine operation (Fig. 4.14, а);
– sharp lowering of vibration level in flight at the expense of possible
improvement of rotor balancing at disc cracking with the following intensive increase
in vibration level up to the moment of full destruction of the disc (Fig. 4.14, b);

– sharp increase in dispersion of vibration rate or vibration overload factor after
the disc cracking (Fig. 4.14, c).

Fig. 4.13. Typical operational damages of fan, compressor and turbine discs

a b c
Fig. 4.14. Typical changes of vibration rate Vg or vibration overload factor Кg levels
at disc cracking

The general measures to increase strength and reliability of the discs include:
– improvement of disc cooling at operation and transient engine ratings;
– improvement of mechanical characteristics of disc material (increase in long-
term strength, lowering of sensitivity to stress concentrators and tendency to
brittleness, etc.);
– enhancing of quality control of disc material and lowering of remanent
stresses of technological character;
– application of disc temperature condition control means in operation
conditions or disc overheating signalling means;
– use of devices preventing rotor run-up and inadmissible excess of maximum
value of gas and turbine blades temperature, in engine automatic control systems.
These problems can be solved with an optical pyrometer being used (Fig. 4.15).

Fig. 4.15. Scheme of optical pyrometer installation for temperature measurement

Optical pyrometers, which are mounted in the ПС-90А (Russia) and

Olympus 593 (England) engines, measure the temperature of the rotor blades leading
edges of the first stages of turbine and work together with the maximum temperature
limiter. They provide protection of turbine discs against considerable heat flows,
which can result in their overheating.
Questions for self-check
1. Analyse static loads which act on the compressor and turbine discs.
2. Explain the design scheme of the disc. What are the assumptions made at
discs strength calculations?
3. Analyse design ratings and thermal condition of turbine discs.
4. An equilibrium equation and generality of deformations at turbine disc
strength calculations.
5. Stress determination in unevenly heated rotating disc.
6. Explain the sequence of disc strength calculations.
7. How can disc safety factor coefficients be determined?
8. Strength calculations features of centrifugal compressor and radial-flow
turbine discs.
9. Explain operational damages of compressor and turbine discs and name
measures to be taken to increase their strength.
1. disc is built-up on the shaft – диск напресований на вал – диск
напрессованный на вал;
2. disc is symmetrical to a median plane with a smooth profile – диск
симетричний відносно медіанної площини з гладким профілем – диск
симметричный относительно медианной плоскости с гладким профилем;

3. disc rim lock part – замкова частина ободу диска – замковая часть обода
4. radial contour stresses – радіальне контурне навантаження – радиальная
контурная нагрузка;
5. engine start-up – запуск двигуна – запуск двигателя;
6. engine transition from an idle to a take-off rating – переведення двигуна з
режиму малого газу на злітний режим – перевод двигателя с режима
малого газа на взлетный режим;
7. engine shutdown – останов двигуна – останов двигателя;
8. thermometry – термометрирування – термометрирование;
9. edge of the disc central hole – кромка центрального отвору диска – кромка
центрального отверстия диска;
10. discs with a massive hub – диски з масивними маточинами – диски с
массивными ступицами;
11. steady-state rating – усталений режим (роботи ГТД) – установившийся
режим (работы ГТД);
12. disc stressed state equation – рівняння напруженого стану диска –
уравнение напряженного состояния диска;
13. equilibrium equation – рівняння рівноваги – уравнение равновесия;
14. deformations generality equation – рівняння спільності деформацій –
уравнение общности деформаций;
15. physical ratio between stresses and deformations – фізичне співвідношення
між напруженнями та деформаціями – физическое соотношение между
напряжениями и деформациями;
16. infinitesimal values of the second and third orders – безкінечні величини
другого та третього порядків – бесконечно малые величины второго и
третьего порядков;
17. disc continuity at its deformation – нерозривність диска при його
деформації – неразрывность диска при его деформации;
18. plane stressed state – плаский напружений стан – плоское напряженное
19. Poisson's constant – коефіцієнт Пуассона – коэффициент Пуассона;
20. coefficient of linear expansion at temperature Т – коефіцієнт лінійного
розширення (матеріалу) при температурі Т – коэффициент линейного
расширения (материала) при температуре Т;
21. two unknown quantities – дві невідомі (матем.) – две неизвестные (матем.);
22. landing stress – посадкове напруження (деталі) – посадочное напряжение
23. method of finite differences – метод кінцевих різниць – метод конечных
24. form and disc elastic loads factors – коефіцієнти форми та пружних
навантажень диска – коэффициенты формы и упругих нагрузок диска;
25.disc centrifugal and temperature loads factors – коефіцієнти відцентрових та
температурних навантажень диска – коэффициенты центробежных и
температурных нагрузок диска;

26.disc material limiting stresses – граничні навантаження дискових
матеріалів – предельные напряжения дисковых материалов;
27. model single-axis stretching – одновісне розтягнення зразка – одноосное
растяжение образца;
28. equivalent single-axis stressed state – еквівалентний одновісний
напружений стан – эквивалентное одноосное напряженное состояние;
29. theory of the greatest energy of deformation – теорія найбільшої енергії
формозміни – теория наибольшей энергии формоизменения;
30. stress intensity – інтенсивність напружень – интенсивность напряжений;
31. the Mohr’s strength theory – теорія міцності Мора – теория прочности
32. long-term safety factor coefficient – коефіцієнт запасу довготривалої
міцності – коэффициент запаса длительной прочности;
33. long-term strength – межа довготривалої міцності – предел длительной
34.take into account the disc loading recurrence – врахувати повторюваність
(рекурентність) навантаження диска – учесть повторность
(рекурентность) нагружения диска;
35. hypothesis of linear summation of damages – гіпотеза лінійного
підсумовування пошкоджень – гипотеза линейного суммирования
36. take-off, nominal and maximum cruise ratings – злітний, номінальний та
максимальний крейсерський режими – взлетный, номинальный и
максимальный крейсерский режимы ГТД;
37.disc is considered serviceable within the limits of its safe life being checked –
диск вважають працездатним в межах перевіряє мого ресурсу – диск
считают работоспособным в пределах проверяемого ресурса;
38. temperature safety factor coefficient – коефіцієнт запасу по температурі –
коэффициент запаса по температуре;
39. limiting temperature – гранична температура – предельная температура;
40. design temperature – розрахункова температура – расчетная температура;
41.rotor destroying rotational speed safety factor coefficient – коефіцієнт запасу
по руйнівній частоті обертання ротора – коэффициент запаса по
разрушающей частоте вращения ротора;
42. theory of limiting equilibrium – теорія граничної рівноваги – теория
предельного равновесия;
43. plastic deformations пластичні деформації – пластические деформации;
44. short-lived strength limit BT at temperature Т – межа короткочасної
міцності (матеріалу) BT при відповідній температурі Т – предел
кратковременной прочности (материала) BT при соответствующей
температуре Т;
45. destroying rotor rotational speed reserve – запас по руйнівній частоті
обертання ротора – запас по разрушающей частоте вращения ротора;

46.non-stationary ratings of a flight cycle – нестаціонарні (перехідні) режими
польотного циклу – нестационарные (переходные) режимы полетного
47. alternating-sign plastic deformation of material – знакозмінне пластичне
деформування матеріалу – знакопеременное пластическое
деформирование материала;
48. low-cycle fatigue cracks – тріщини мало циклової втоми – трещины
малоцикловой усталости;
49. thermal fatigue – термічна втома – термическая усталость;
50. material weakening – знеміцнення матеріалу – разупрочнение материала;
51. damage accumulation at a cyclical inelastic deformation in isothermal
conditions – накопичення пошкоджень при циклічному непружному
деформуванні в ізотермічних умовах  – накопление повреждений при
циклическом неупругом деформировании в изотермических условиях;
52. stress intensity range – розмах інтенсивності напружень –  – размах
интенсивности напряжений;
53. form of loading cycle – форма циклу навантаження – форма цикла
54. pulsatory loading cycle – пульсуючий (від нульовий) цикл навантаження –
пульсирующий (отнулевой) цикл нагружения;
55. low-cycle fatigue safety factor coefficient – коефіцієнт запасу мало
циклової втоми – коэффициент запаса малоцикловой усталости;
56. engine safe life – ресурс двигуна – ресурс двигателя;
57. mean flight time – середній час польоту – среднее время полета;
58. radial-inflow turbine – доцентрова турбіна – центростремительная
59. method of affixed weights – метод прикріплених мас – метод
присоединенных масс;
60. reduced density – зведена густина – приведенная плотность;
61. two-sided (twin-entry) compressor impeller – двостороння крильчатка
(робоче колесо) відцентрового компресора – двусторонняя крыльчатка
(рабочее колесо) центробежного компрессора;
62. rotor drum-type parts – барабанні ділянки ротора – барабанные участки
63. drum wall – стінка барабану – стенка барабана;
64. ensuring the radial disconnectedness of the disc and drum part –
враховуючий радіальну незв’язність диска та барабанної ділянки –
учитывающий радиальную несвязность диска и барабанного участка;
65. thin-walled barrel – тонкостінний циліндр – тонкостенный цилиндр;
66. drum wall thickness – товщина стінки барабана – толщина стенки
67. step-by-step approach – послідовне наближення (до рішення) –
последовательное приближение (к решению);
68. cantilever drum wall – вільно несуча стінка барабану – свободнонесущая
стенка барабана;

69. flexural stiffness – згинальна жорсткість – изгибная жесткость;
70. methods of thin- walled shells theory – методи теорії тонкостінних
оболонок – методы теории тонкостенных оболочек;
71. pined, splined, flange screwed joints, as well as welding, axial through
(tightening) bolts, studs and bars – штифтові, шліцьові, фланцеві різьбові
з’єднання, а також зварювання, осьові (стяжні) болти, шпильки і штанги –
штифтовые, шлицевые, фланцевые резьбовые соединения, а также сварка,
осевые стяжные болты, шпильки и штанги;
72. axial tie – осьова стяжка – осевая стяжка;
73. central tightening bolt – центральний стяжний болт – центральный
стяжной болт;
74. bolt tightening effort – зусилля затяжки болта – усилие затяжки болта;
75. joints opening displacement at the most unfavorable operation conditions –
розкриття стиків при найбільш несприятливих умовах роботи –
раскрытие стыков при наиболее неблагоприятных условиях работы;
76. preliminary bolt tie – зусилля попередньої затяжки – усилие
предварительной затяжки;
77.elongation – подовження – удлинение;
78. elastic yieldings – пружні податливості – упругие податливости;
79. face splines – торцеві шліці – торцевые шлицы;
80. forces uncovering the joints of discs – сили, що розкривають стики дисків –
– силы, раскрывающие стыки дисков;
81. radial-stop bearing – радіально-упорний підшипник – радиально-упорный
82. due to declination of active faces of end splines – внаслідок нахилу робочих
граней торцевих шліців – вследствие наклона рабочих граней торцевых
83. spline apex angle – кут при вершині шліців – угол при вершине шлицев;
84. compensatory effort of a preliminary tie – компенсуючи зусилля
попередньої стяжки – компенсирующее усилие предварительной стяжки;
85. safety factor coefficient of joint compactness for bending moment –
коэффициент запаса плотности стыка по изгибающему морменту;
86. yielding flanges of trunnions, spring washers – податливі фланці цапф,
пружні шайби – податливые фланцы цапф, пружинные шайбы;
87. central coupling bolt – центральний стяжний болт – центральный стяжной
88. assembly – складення – сборка;
89. material yield strength 0,2 – межа текучості матеріалу – предел текучести
90. peripheral coupling bolts – периферійні стяжні болти – периферийные
стяжные болты;
91. templet bolts – призонні болти – призонные болты;
92. extracentral coupling bolts – позацентрові стяжні болти  – внецентренные
стяжные болты;

93. extension tubes (intermediate rings) – подовжувальні трубки (проміжні
кільця) – удлинительные трубки (промежуточные кольца);
94. spacing bushing – розпірна втулка – распорная втулка;
95. neutral axis of a bending – нейтральна вісь згину – нейтральная ось изгиба;
96. radial pins (studs) – радіальні штифти (шпильки) – радиальные штифты
97. teeth of fixed (tightened) spline connections – зубці нерухомих (затягнутих)
шліцьових з’єднань – зубъя неподвижных (затянутых) шлицевых
98. mobile spline connections teeth – зубці рухомих шліцьових з’єднань –
зубъя подвижных шлицевых соединений;
99. teeth overload factor – коефіцієнт перевантаження зубів – коэффициент
перегрузки зубъев;
100 initial circumference – начальне коло – начальная окружность;
100. fan and compressor disc lug cracking and chipping-off between its grooves –
розтріскування та відколювання між пазових виступів дисків
вентиляторів і компресорів – растрескивание и откалывание межпазовых
выступов дисков вентиляторов и компрессоров;
101. stress concentrators – концентратори напружень – концентраторы
102. cracking in the turbine disc fir-tree grooves – розтріскування по
ялинковим пазам дисків турбін – растрескивание по елочным пазам
дисков турбин;
103. against the background – на фоні – на фоне;
104. close to breakdown state – перед аварійний стан (двигуна) –
предаварийного состояния (двигателя);
105. vibration rate Vg or vibration overload factor Kg  – віброшвидкість Vg або
коефіцієнт віброперевантаження Kg– виброскорость Vg или коэффициент
виброперегрузки Kg;
106. vibration level – рівень вібрації – уровень вибрации;
107. rotor balancing at disc cracking – балансування ротора при розтріскуванні
диска – балансировка ротора при растрескивании диска;
108. dispersion of vibration rate or vibration overload – дисперсія
віброшвидкості або віброперевантаження– дисперсия виброскорости или
109. transient engine ratings – перехідні режими роботи двигуна – переходные
режимы работы двигателя;
110. sensitivity to stress concentrators and tendency to brittleness – чутливість до
концентрації напруження і схильність до окрихчування –
чувствительность к концентрации напряжения и склонность к
111. enhancing of quality control of disc material and lowering of remanent
stresses of technological character – посилення якості контролю матеріалу
дисків і зниження залишкових напружень технологічного характеру –

усиление качества контроля материала дисков и снижение остаточных
напряжений технологического характера;
112. disc temperature condition control means – способи контролю
температурного стану диску – способы контроля температурного
состояния диска;
113. disc overheating signalling means – засоби сигналізації перегріву диска –
средства сигнализации перегрева диска;
114. engine automatic control systems – системи автоматичного контролю
двигуном – системы автоматического управления двигателем;
115. optical pyrometer – оптичний пірометр – оптический пирометр;
116. rotor blades leading edges – передні кромки робочих лопаток – передние
кромки рабочих лопаток;
117. maximum temperature limiter – обмежувач максимальної температури –
ограничитель максимальной температуры.


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