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Time allowed: 20 minutes

Marks: 12
Q.1 Encircle the correct option i.e. A / B / C / D. All parts carry equal marks.
i. A pendulum is made of plastic ball filled with water having holes in it. During
oscillation its mass will decrease. What will be the effect on the time period (T)
of pendulum?
A. T will increase. B. T will decrease.
C. T will remain constant. D. T will be zero.

ii. A converging lens becomes a magnifying glass when an object is placed at:
A. Outside the focal length. B. Inside the focal length.
C. Equal to focal length. D. Double of focal length.

iii. index of refraction depends upon

A. focal length B. speed of light
C. image distance D. object distance

iv. which of the following qualities do not change during refraction of light
A. direction B. speed
C. frequency D. wavelength
v. which form of energy is sound ?
A. Electrical B. mechanical
C. thermal D. chemical

vi. which is an example of longitudinal wave

A. sound wave B. light wave
C. radio wave D. water wave

vii. the device can be used to produce both a transverse and longitudinal waves
A. string B. ripple tank
C. helical spring D. tunning fork

viii. which of the following is an example of simple harmonic motion

A. simple pendolum B. ceiling fan
C. Spinning of earth D. Bouncing ball

ix. waves transfer

A. Energy B. amplitude
C. Mass D. frequency
x. focal length is =
A. 2R B. R/2
C. R D. R-2

xi. Convex lens is a

A. converging lens B. Diverging lens
C. Mirror D. Diverging mirror

xii. If the object is placed between convex lens and Focus Point F, then the image
will be formed:
A. beyond 2F B. behind the object
C. between F & 2F D. at 2F

SECTION – B (Marks 18)
Q.2 Attempt any SIX parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks. (6  3 = 18)
i. write some examples of simple harmonic motion in daily life
ii. draw a transverse wave with an amplitude of 2 cm and wavelength of 4 cm also
label crest and trough on the wave
iii. A wave moves on slinky with frequency of 5Hz and wave length of 0.6m. What
will be the speed of wave?
iv. Differentiate between intensity level and intensity of sound.
v. Find the critical angle of glass having refractive index of 1.52.
vi. Soldiers are ordered to break their steps while crossing a hanging bridge. Why?
vii. define longitudinal wave .
viii. define transverse wave

SECTION – C (Marks 30)

Q.3 Attempt any FIVE parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks. (5  6 = 60)
i. on what factors doe the loudness of sound depends
ii. what is the difference between frequency and pitch?
iii. what is the audible frequency range for human ear?
iv. state the conditions for total internal reflection
v. define critical angle
vi. define real image and virtual image
vii. what are the uses of ultrasound in medicine

SECTION – D (Marks 40)

Note: Attempt any TWO questions. All questions carry equal marks. (2  20 = 40)
Q.4 a. Describe the characteristics of sound in detail. (10)
b. An object 20cm high is placed at a distance of 15cm from a concave lens of focal
length 10cm. Calculate the position and size of the image. Also state the nature of
the image. (10)
Q.5 a. what are the necessary conditions for the production of sound?
b. find the focal length of a mirror that forms an image 5.66cm behind the mirrorof
an object placed at 34.4 cm in front of the mirror . (10)
Q.6 a. write the laws of reflection . (10)
b. How will the variation in length, mass, amplitude, material of string and gravity,
affect the time period of simple pendulum. Write the formula for this explanation

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