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Session 6

Experience Letter Sample: Definition, Tips and Examples

When an employee wants to pursue a new job opportunity, there are several documents they should
include in their work portfolio. One of those documents is a company experience letter. As a
supervisor or employer, current or former employees may ask you to write an employee experience
letter on their behalf.
What is a company experience letter?
A company experience letter is a formal document written by a current or former employer
confirming the time an employee spent with the company and the knowledge, skills and experience
they gained while there. The purpose of a company experience letter is to validate claims a job
candidate makes about their skills and experience in their resume, cover letter or Curriculum Vitae
(CV). This is one of the most valuable documents an individual can have to add to their work
portfolio. Before you accept an employee’s request to write a company experience letter, ensure
• You have direct knowledge of the employee’s work experience and skills.
• There is positive feedback you can provide about the employee.
• You can describe specific examples of the employee’s work habits, skills or experience.
If you do not have enough personal experience with the employee to write an effective company
experience letter, you should respectfully inform them as soon as possible. This will give them
time to find someone who can write a letter on their behalf.
How to write a company experience letter:
You can think of a company experience letter as a shorter version of a recommendation letter.
Follow these ten steps when writing a company experience letter
1. Use company letterhead.
2. Include the date of issuance.
3. Write a salutation.
4. Include the employee’s full name.
5. Include the employee’s title or designation.
6. Include your company’s name.
7. State the employee’s period of employment with your company.
8. Describe the employee.
9. Write a positive statement about the employee’s future to close the letter.

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10. Include a signature line.
1. Use company letterhead
Because an experience letter is an official document a candidate includes in their work portfolio,
always write the letter on company letterhead when it is available. Usually, you can do this by
typing the letter and the printing it on company letterhead. If your company does not have official
letterhead, ensure your company seal is present and include your contact information in a
professional heading so the employer can call you to verify the letter.
2. Include the date of issuance
Write the date you have issued the letter to the employee in the upper right-hand corner of the
letter. You can write the date out fully or use the MM/DD/YY format, but be sure to include the
month, day and year regardless of which format you choose.
Example: August 29, 2019 or 08/29/2019
3. Write a salutation
Open the letter with a professional salutation, such as “Dear.” If you know the name of the hiring
manager or the person who will read the letter, address them as “Mr./Ms.” and their last name. If
you don’t know their name, use a polite and professional greeting, such as “To Whom It May
4. Include the employee’s full name
The experience letter needs to include the employee’s full legal name per the company’s official
record. Doing this will reduce the risk of confusion and ensure the new employer will be able to
easily match your letter to their official employee record. For example, write out the employee’s
full name, “Mary Ann E. Wilson,” instead of "Mary E. Wilson," "Mary Ann Wilson" or "Mary
Wilson," etc.
5. Include the employee’s title or designation
State the employee’s current title or position with the company. If the employee earned a
promotion from a previous position, include their prior designations along with a statement
detailing the reasons they earned the promotion.
Example: During his time with us, we promoted Sean from a Sales Associate to his current
position as a Sales Supervisor because of his ability to motivate his team, his proven record as a
sales agent and his willingness to receive and apply feedback.
6. Include your company’s name
Write your company’s full name in the letter. If your company is doing business under a name
different from their legal business name, include both names. This also helps the reader verify the
authenticity of the letter.
Example: Sunshine Animal Veterinary Associates, LLC. DBA Sunshine Animal Hospital.

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7. State the employee’s period of employment with your company
Include the date the employee began working for your company and their last day of employment.
If they are still employed with you, use “present” as their end date. If the employee’s last day of
employment is in the future but you know the exact date, include the date.
Example: Karen’s employment with our company began on April 1, 2018, and will end on
September 1, 2019.
8. Describe the employee
Write a brief description of the employee’s work habits, skills, knowledge, experience, strengths
and performance as they apply to the position they are a candidate for. You can do this best if the
employee provides you with a copy of the job description. Your description should confirm that
the employee has the specific skills and experience the new employer is looking for.
Example: Sean’s duties included coaching his team on their sales process, motivating his team,
tracking his team’s production and assisting his team in meeting sales goals when needed.
9. Write a positive statement about the employee’s future to close the letter
Include a statement that informs the employer that the employee is leaving your company by their
own choice and that you wish them the best in their future. If the employee was laid off, you can
explain that letting them go was a result of budget concerns, not the employee’s performance. This
lets the employer know the employee is leaving your company in good standing.
Example: Christopher’s decision to leave our company is solely his own decision based on his
desire to further his career, and we wish him all the best in his future endeavors.
10. Include a signature line
Include a signature line that has a professional closing phrase, your signature, your printed name,
your designation with the company and the company’s seal. If not included in a heading, also write
the name and address of the organization. Because a company experience letter is a formal
document, an administrative official for the company should always write the letter. For example:
[Your signature]
Karen Garcia
Sales Manager
[Company’s seal]
Everyday Insurance Associates, LLC., 555 W. Ambry Dr. Tampa, FL 33625
Company experience letter template
Here is a sample employee experience letter format:
Date of issuance: __________

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To Whom It May Concern:
This letter certifies that [Employee’s name] was an employee in the role of [Employee’s
designation] with [Company’s name] during the period beginning [Employee’s start date] and
ending [Employee’s last day].
During his/her time with [Company’s name], [Employee’s name] has remained dedicated and
loyal to his/her work and responsibilities with our company. His/her responsibilities included [list
key responsibilities, experiences, skills, strengths, etc.]. He/she has done an exemplary job while
in this role. [Employee’s name] has always maintained a professional and courteous attitude and
appearance while with our company.
His/her decision to end his/her employment with our company is solely his/her own decision, and
we wish him/her all the best in his/her future career opportunities.
Please contact us for any additional information.
[Printed name of signatory]
[Signatory’s designation]
[Company’s seal]
[Name and address of organization]

Sample experience letter

Here is an example of how a completed employee experience letter for an IT position may look
when using the format template provided in the above section:
Date of issuance: August 28, 2019
To Whom It May Concern:
This letter certifies we employed Samantha Clarke as an IT specialist with our company, Global
Tech Solutions, during the period beginning May 15, 2014, and ending September 1, 2019.
During her time with Global Tech Solutions, Mrs. Clarke has remained dedicated and loyal to her
work and responsibilities with our company. Her responsibilities included installing new
hardware and software, routinely testing IT systems and technologies to ensure they meet
necessary standards, ensuring safe and secure data storage, assisting with network administration
tasks and resolving all coworker complaints and issues regarding IT systems and software. I can
confirm she possesses the strong analytical and problem-solving skills needed to diagnose, resolve
and maintain IT systems and technology and has excellent verbal and written communication
skills. She has done an exemplary job while in her role as an IT specialist at Global Tech Solutions.
Mrs. Clarke has always maintained a professional and courteous attitude and appearance while
with our company.
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Mrs. Clarke’s decision to end her employment with our company is solely her own decision, and
we wish her all the best in her future career opportunities.
Please contact us for any additional information.
Stephen Hathaway (signature)
Stephen Hathaway (printed)
General Manager

What is a letter of recommendation?

A letter of recommendation is a formal document that validates someone’s work, skills or
academic performance. You may be asked to prepare a recommendation letter for someone who
is applying for a job, internship, college or university, leadership position or volunteer opportunity.
The purpose of a recommendation letter is to corroborate what you have learned about the
applicant and provide additional positive details about their performance or habits.
A recommendation letter is typically more specific than an experience letter. It addresses how
well an applicant is qualified for a certain opportunity such as a fellowship or job. The writer not
only comments on the person’s strengths and personal and professional qualities, but also
elaborates on how his skills and talents make him the ideal candidate for the position. The writer
might also expressly indicate that he recommends the person without reservation for the

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Image description
An honest recommendation provides the recipient with a personalized account of your experiences
with the applicant. You should have at least some knowledge of how the candidate acts and
performs in a work environment. Consider the following before you accept a request for a
• Have you worked with or directly observed the applicant?
• Do you know relevant strengths and skills you can personally elaborate on?
• Do you have specific examples of the individual’s work?
• Can you provide positive feedback about this individual?
It’s important to consider whether or not you can provide a quality recommendation letter before
accepting a request. If you do not have enough experience with or positive stories to tell about the
applicant, let them know quickly and respectfully that you are unable to meet the request. This
way they have plenty of time to find an alternative solution.
How to ask for a recommendation letter
At some point, you may need to ask someone to write a recommendation letter for you. Consider
asking former managers, colleagues, teachers for a letter of recommendation. They should also be
someone you’ve had a positive working relationship with who can thoughtfully discuss your skills
and abilities.
Whoever you decide to ask, speak with them first about your request, then send a formal email
with more details. Include your resume, the job description, submission details and a requested
deadline. You might also send them the template that’s included below. This can help lessen their
workload and could even make them more likely to agree to your request. Try to ask at least two
weeks before the letter is due to give ample time to complete your recommendation letter, as they
may be working on multiple letters concurrently. This is especially the case for professors.
Recommendation letter format
Your letter of recommendation should include five items:
1. A brief introduction that states who you are, your relationship to the applicant and your
personal experience.
2. An overview of the applicant’s strengths as you’ve experienced them and as they relate
to the recipient.
3. A personal story that elaborates on one to two traits the applicant possesses.
4. A closing statement that summarizes why the individual you are recommending would
be a good fit for the opportunity.
5. A signature that includes your name and contact information.

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If the candidate hasn’t provided you with an up-to-date resume and the job description, ask them
to send those so that you are fully prepared to write the recommendation. You can use their resume
to get a full understanding of their experiences and achievements.
You should review the job description to understand what the employer is looking for in a
candidate. Use the description to decide what you should include from their resume and your
personal experiences working with them.

Tips for writing a recommendation letter

• Keep it positive. Your letter should confirm that you believe the person is a strong
candidate for the job with no reservations. Avoid any comments that might suggest

• Use a standard business letter format and tone. You can use the template below or a
standard business letter format to write your letter. Your tone should also remain formal
and polite.
• Focus on the most important qualifications. For the highest impact, discuss two or
three of the candidate’s achievements that are most relevant to the job description and
provide specific examples to illustrate their fitness for the role.
• Follow the request instructions. Ask the candidate how you should submit your letter.
Strictly follow the instructions and deadline request to avoid negatively affecting their
application status.
Letter of recommendation template
Whether you are writing a letter of recommendation for students or working professionals, your
letter should have a similar structure. You should include a brief introduction, the applicant’s
background and experience, a personal story and a closing statement.
*To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to strongly recommend [Applicant Name] for [position with Company Name or
acceptance to Institution Name].
I am [Your Name], a [your position] at [Institution or Company]. I have [number] years of
experience working in [your industry or academic focus] and have seen many young professionals
come and go. [Applicant Name] is one individual I have worked with who uniquely stands out.
During our time together, [Applicant Name] displayed great talents in [skill, trait, experience,
class, etc.]. When we first met, I was immediately impressed with [Applicant’s Name], but during
the time we worked together, her understanding of [key topic] grew far more than that of her peers.
[Insert personal story elaborating on key skills, trait, experience].
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It’s not just her technical skills that impress me, however. [Applicant Name] was a joy to work
with because of her amazingly positive attitude and [positive trait]. Her [positive
trait] and [positive trait] were also necessary and valued not just by myself, but by her peers, who
often relied on her to get the job done.
I am absolutely confident that [Applicant Name] would be a great fit for
your [Institution/Company]. Not only will she bring the kind of skills and experiences you’re
looking for in an applicant, but she will also quickly become an asset and help
your [Institution/Company] grow in any way she can.
If you need more information or specific examples, please do not hesitate to contact me at [contact
information]. As a recommendation letter likely only provides a snapshot of her talents and
achievements, I would be happy to further elaborate on my time working with her.
[Your Name,
Company, and Title]
Letter of recommendation example
There are many formats recommendation letters can have. Here’s a specific example of what a
completed letter may look like for a job applicant using the above framework:
To Whom It May Concern:
It is my pleasure to strongly recommend Annie Chiu for a position as a data analyst for L&Q
I am Robert Cunningham, a regional manager at Mountain View Unlimited. I have 15 years of
experience working as a statistician and client services specialist and have seen many young
professionals come and go. Annie Chiu is one individual I have worked with who uniquely stands
During our time together, Annie displayed great talents in technical applications, such as ArcGIS,
R coding, Python and several other data visualization tools. When we first met, I was immediately
impressed with Annie and the technical skills she had on day one, but during the time worked
together, her understanding of data analysis and the tools of the trade grew far more than that of
her peers.
My first experience with Annie’s adaptability came not long after she was hired. Last year, we had
one client who sent data in Excel that needed extensive cleanup. At that time, Annie’s experience
with Excel was limited, but she worked extra hours to learn how to properly clean up data in Excel
through the use of functions. Within the week, the client’s data was properly formatted so that it
could be effectively analyzed and visualized. Annie even handled the data visualization with skill
and the client had nothing but praise for the end result.
It’s not just her technical skills that impress me, however. Annie was a joy to work with because
of her amazingly positive attitude and eagerness to stick tightly to deadlines. Her can-do attitude

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and team-building skills were also necessary and valued not just by myself, but by her peers, who
often relied on her to get the job done.
I am absolutely confident that Annie would be a great fit for L&Q International. Not only will she
bring the kind of skills and experiences you’re looking for in an applicant, but she will also quickly
become an asset and help L&Q International grow in any way she can.
If you need more information or specific examples, please do not hesitate to contact me at 555-
123-4567, or by email at As a recommendation letter likely only
provides a snapshot of her talents and achievements, I would be happy to further elaborate on my
time working with her.
Robert Cunningham
Regional Manager
Mountain View Unlimited

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