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LSC 403

LSC 403 SCLM Technologies and Information Systems

Lab Work 2

The LSC 403 Lab work is an individual task. You are required to write and submit this
assessment individually. This assessment includes two parts, the first part is ERP systems
report, the second part is Essay. Please check the due dates and requirements.

2 Essay Topic: The impacts of ERP on logistics and supply chain management (15%)

Your task is to critically analyse the ERP systems in logistics and supply chains, and to apply
relevant techniques/theories/models/frameworks to an analysis and commentary on a chosen
example / organisation in UAE.

An essay-form discussion of the impacts of ERP on logistics and supply chain management.
You need to choose a topic related to ERP systems and logistics and supply chain
management. The essay should consider and discuss relevant organisations in UAE.

Critical thinking should be applied in this assignment.


Your topic/research question – what do you already know, what do you need to find out and
what sort of information do you need? What themes emerge about the topic? (you may need
to do some initial research to help with this stage).


Carry out the research: identify where to find the information, making sure the sources are
relevant, reliable and authoritative. Think about how the information is relevant to your topic
and themes.  Develop/refine key themes.  

Evaluate your research

Bring all your findings together (synthesis) to see what picture is emerging about each key
theme and overall. Consider different perspectives.

Answer your research question

Reach a final conclusion(s), based on the evidence you have gathered.

LSC 403

PART 2 Assessment Tasks and Requirements

Due Date: Week 12

Weight: 15 %

The assignment should be written in essay format, discussing the relevant topics of ERP
systems and logistics and supply chain management in UAE.

Format: The essay should use Times New Roma (Font size 12) as the normal text and have
margins of 2.5cm all around. Please use reasonable font sizes for headings.

Word limit: 2000 words.

Submission: Ensure that the assessment is submitted with the completed assignment cover
sheet as appropriate. An electronic copy of the assessment must be submitted via the portal.

Citation and Referencing

You must cite all your reference sources in-text (in APA citation format). Your individual
essay should include reference to the sources (books, journal articles, business/professional
magazines, media articles, reports, internet resources, etc. that are relevant to the topics under
discussion. You must cite all of your reference sources – in-text and in a reference list at the
end of the essay.

As a guide, a reference list should comprise a minimum of 10 references from various

appropriate sources including books, peer-reviewed academic journals, relevant business or
professional magazines, media articles etc. Authoritative sources from the internet (e.g. .gov
.edu .org sites) may be cited. Wikipedia, personal web sites and blogs etc., are not suitable
reference sources in an academic paper. Generally, care should be taken to avoid sources and
other internet resources whose reputability is uncertain.


It is important to learn from the work of others and students are encouraged to explore the
library, World Wide Web resources and have discussions with other students. However,
assessments must be entirely the student's own work.

Plagiarism can vary from minor lapses in referencing to the use of someone else’s work or
ideas passed on as the student’s work without the origin of the material being appropriately
referenced to serious breaches such as using someone else’s work as one’s own deliberately,
recklessly and/or involving gross negligence.

Plagiarism—copying or using the work of others without giving details of the source of
information—is not acceptable. All sources used and any collaboration in the exploratory
work for an assignment must be clearly acknowledged using standard academic referencing.

LSC 403

Collusion that is, secret cooperation between people in order to deceive others is
unacceptable. Contract Cheating, a form of collusion which involves employing or passing
off work of any other person as the student’s own work (e.g. paying another person to write
the assignment) is a serious breach of academic integrity and has heavy penalties.

Students must not allow other students to copy their work and must take care to safeguard
against this happening. In cases of copying, normally all students involved will be penalised;
an exception will be if a student can demonstrate the work is his/her own and that student
took reasonable care to safeguard against copying.

Academic Misconduct is a serious offence. Depending on the seriousness of the case,

penalties can vary from a written warning or zero marks to exclusion from the course or
rescinding the degree. Students should make themselves familiar with the full policy and
procedure available at AUE.

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