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Current design procedures for steel-lined pressure tunnels

A. N r c o ~ o ~ o u ~ o s
85 St. CoAeritie St. W . . Mot~trc'trl,QLIC.,Cnt~nrlnH2X 3P4
Rcceivcd February 25, I982
Revised manuscript acceptcd Novcmbcr 2. 1982

A systematic procedure for the design of steel liners for penstock tunncls is prcsentcd in this article. Useful hints and other
relevant information are also provided to help in decision-making. Special attention has bcen paid to factors of safcty and
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allowable stress, areas where a certain amount of controvcrsy exists.

The application of the procedure is facilitated by the development of computerized design graphs. Thcse graphs are presented
using a common notation and an appropriate scale, which makes it possible to evaluatc the diffcrent theories by direct
comparison. Finally, a detailed design example is given for a better understanding of the proposed procedure.
Keywords: hydroelectric structures, structural steel, linings, tunnels, state-of-the-art review.

Une procedure systimatique, pour la conception des blindages en acier des galcries de conduites forcCes est presentee dans
cet article; y sont prCscntCes des informations et indications utiles la prise de decision. Une attention particuli6rc a etC apportCe
aux facteurs de stcurit6 et aux contraintes permises, ces deux points soulevant certaines controvcrscs.
L'application de la procedure est facilitee par le dCveloppement de graphiqucs dc conception a I'aide de l'ordinateur. Ces
graphiqucs sont prCsentCs avec une notation communc et a une &chelle appropriee permettant, par cornparaison dirccte,
1'Cvaluation des diffkrentes theories. Enfin, un example de conception detaillCc aide a unc meillcure cornprkhension de la
procedure proposie.
Mots-clCs: structures hydroelectriques, acier structural, revktements du tunnel, tunnels, compte rendu dc la recherche de
For personal use only.

Can. 1. Civ. Eng. 10, 150-161 (1983)

1. Introduction
yield stresses ranging between 200 and 700 MPa, are
In the design of steel liners for penstock tunnels a available as plates in structural or pressure vessel qual-
variety of information, theories, and procedures have to ity. Generally, more mechanical tests and additional
be collected, reviewed, and evaluated. steps during manufacture are required for improved
In order to ease this rather complex task, design steel plate quality. The problem of brittle fracture must
information is presented here with the aim of con- also be considered for structures in northern climates.
tributing to a systematic working procedure. This pro- Several melting and heat treatment processes can lower
cedure is based on simplifications by means of gener- the ductility transition temperature by reducing the
alized assumptions and computerized design aids. grain size of the steel. These techniques can also
For the development of this topic, current theories for improve notch toughness and formability. A low carbon
the structural analysis and design of steel liners for content gives increased corrosion resistance, good
various critical loading conditions are reviewed and welding characteristics, and high ductility. Good weld-
the formulae and notation are elaborated further as ability can be evaluated on the basis of a carbon equiv-
required. alent number less than 0.46.
The presentation in the form of graphs of the final Although some of the factors mentioned above
conclusions reached using the various theories reveals can be considered as positive attributes when selecting
the relative importance of the parameters involved and the strength grade of steel to be used, the material prices
their range of application. Comparison among graphs are usually a major factor in the choice. A convenient
representing similar theories demonstrates the degree to parameter for the assessment of the relative cost
which conservative assumptions have been incorpo- involved is the yield-stress-to-price ratio for the various
rated in each theoretical model. grades of steel. Only steel grades available in the
required range of plate thicknesses should be compared.
2. Design criteria A similar parameter usually given by steel producers is
2.1 Material properties the relative cost index, expressing the net mill price
In order to choose the appropriate grade of steel to be divided by the maximum allowable stress. The allow-
used in the construction of liners, a variety of physical able stress in this case is specified according to the
and chemical properties of the plate steels available standard pertinent to the particular application. When
have to b e considered. A large number of steels, having the choice has been narrowed down to two or three
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H s = 102 P uf = Fy E =200000MPa u = 0.25

FIG. 1 . Buckling strength of steel liner subjected to external pressure (Arnstutz theory).

types of steel, a final cost comparison should include and the compressive strength of the fractured rock.
production, testing, welding, and manipulation. Finally, the embedding concrete must have the com-
Another item of equal importance in the design of pressive (bearing) strength required to safely transfer a
steel liners for pressure tunnels is the quality of the portion of the internal pressure to the rock.
rock. The economical design of the liner depends upon
a reliable determination of the properties of the sur- 2.2 Loacis
rounding rock and its state of stress. Useful information Usually two critical loadings are used as a basis for
about this can be obtained from a geological profile the design of the steel liners: the maximum external and
indicating the type and quality of rock, the fissured and the maximum internal pressure. The maximum external
fragmented zones, and the stratification around the pressure is defined as the hydrostatic head of ground-
lined tunnel. Some of the physical properties of the rock water that is equal to the hydraulic seepage gradient,
that need to be determined are the static modulus of with an allowance for drainage if provided. It is often
elasticity for loads acting perpendicular or parallel to taken as equal to the average rock cover above the axis
the stratification, Pcisson's ratio, the specific density, of the liner for liners of small length, but no more than
the lateral pressure coefficent (ratio of the horizontal to the maximum water level of the reservoir. The internal
vertical stresses in the rock before tunnel excavation), pressure, on the other hand, is defined as the sum of the
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H s = 102 P cf = Fy E = 200000 MPa v = 0.30

sin a E0= -
sin b I - v

FIG.2. Buckling strength of steel liner subjected to cxternal pressure (Jacobsen thcory).

maximum hydrostatic pressure plus the dynamic over- where P, is the internal water pressure, P , is the part of
pressure due to water hammer. The maximum external the internal pressure taken by the liner, and PI, is the
pressure is assumed to occur when the penstock is emp- vertical rock pressure.
ty and the maximum internal pressure during operation. 2.3 Safety factors and allowable stresses
Another external pressure is the grouting pressure. The safety of penstock liners depends upon many
If it is higher than the anticipated external water pres- factors such as the construction details, inspection
sure, the steel liner should be designed for this load as methods for quality control, supervision, and the uncer-
well. A grouting pressure ( P , ) equal to or lower than tainties is design considerations and analytical proce-
twice the internal pressure transmitted to the rock is dures. In general, a rational definition of the safety fac-
usually assumed. If a higher pressure is to be used, the tor can be expressed in terms of the ratio of the
capacity of the rock to sustain this pressure without computed strength to the corresponding computed
becoming loose has to be checked. Usually a value load. Safety factors should be specified such that the
lower than half of the vertical rock pressure is consid- designed structure or member will have sufficient
ered safe (Mosonyi 1965):These two conditions can be strength, stability, and durability. The allowable design
expressed as follows: stresses should reflect the above safety concerns.
For the design of penstock liners, various loading
P i 5 2(P, - P,) P, 5 P,,/2 conditions are considered and the corresponding alIow-
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FIG.3. Buckling strength according to Jacobsen's theory, using logarithmic scale.

able stresses are specified for each case. The basic ate vicinity of the powerhouse, is usually free (i.e., not
loading conditions mentioned in various standards are embedded), to allow installation of various instruments
the normal, the intermittent, the emergency, and the and to permit free movement due to temperature, if an
exceptional or catastrophic, each standard defining expansion joint is provided, between the liner and the
them differently. However, regular design practices for scroll case. Since the rock in this area is too weak from
liners of penstock tunnels in many projects are based on blasting to take any load, the liner in this zone has to be
the normal condition. Other loading conditions should designed according to criteria for exposed penstocks. In
be examined too in special cases. this case, the suggested value of allowable stress is 60%
For the design of liners under maximum internal of yield point or 38% of the minimum tensile strength,
pressure, the author considers the most acceptable value whichever is less (Gordon 1978); this is the same allow-
for the allowable stress to be 60% of yield point, as able stress as the one considered for liners surrounded
suggested by Jacobsen (1977), or 38% of the minimum by sound rock.
tensile strength, whichever is less. This value should be Steel liners are usually designed against buckling due
based on the choice of first-class material, especially to external pressure, using a load factor from 1.3 to 1.5,
with respect to the toughness characteristics (notch when no initial gap between the liner and the concrete
impact test), and a high standard of welding (100% embedment is considered (Jacobsen 1974). The load
weld joint efficiency). Higher values (up to 80% of factor may be reduced when considering an initial gap.
yield point or 50% of the minimum tensile strength, Where a drainage arrangement is provided around the
whichever is less), have been suggested by others liner, the load factor may be further reduced to 1.0. By
(Corns 1971) for penstocks encased in concrete tunnel considering the grouting pressure as an exceptional
linings. loading condition, a load factor of 2 for critical buckling
If the internal pressure becomes the governing factor may be used according to the Italian code (Eberhardt
for estimating the thickness of the steel shell and the 1966). The grouting may be chosen as equal to
presence of the rock allows a reduction of this thick- or less than the external hydrostatic pressure multiplied
ness, then the latter should be sufficient to withstand by the ratio of the load factors of the above two loading
hoop stresses equal to the yield stress of steel in the cases (i.e., P, i PC,x 1.512); in this way, the design
absence of the rock. of the steel liner will be governed by the hydrostatic
The downstream portion of the liner, in the immedi- pressure.
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FIG.4. Buckling strength considering shape defects (Montel's formula).

3. Method of analysis and design procedure vided. For underground power plants, the length of the
3.1 General requirements liner must also be sufficient to ensure that water
The length of the steel liner at the downstream end of escaping from the unlined portion of the penstock does
an unlined penstock tunnel is calculated as the sum of not reach the powerhouse.
a free portion and a fixed portion, and it may be roughly The minimum thickness of the concrete embed-
estimated in an average situation as 3-4 diameters of ment is determined by the working space required for
the conduit cross-section. The minimum length of the installing and, possibly, for welding the segments of the
free portion may be considered equal to the width of liner in place. This concrete embedment also has to be
the rock block between adjacent parallel penstocks, thick enough to resist in bearing and to transfer by
assuming that the rock in the region of the tunnel exit shear-friction the longitudinal forces from the liner to
is fissured and thus not capable of carrying any substan- the rock. For this reason, the liner is usually equipped
tial load. The length of the fixed portion is calculated with anchor rings at its upstream end. It is preferable for
assuming that the total longitudinal force is transmitted the concrete embedment to be prestressed, by grouting
from the liner to the rock by the shear-friction resistance between the rock and the concrete, with a pressure
of the concrete-rock interface. The shear-friction sufficient to eliminate the possibility of gaps (void
resistance can conservatively be assumed equal to the grouting and concrete-rock contact grouting).
shear capacity of plain concrete, with a safety factor of
1.5. The total longitudinal force is due to the water 3.2 Radial gap between steel and concrete
pressure on the converging part of the liner and the The width of the gap depends on the site condi-
valve, and also to the effects of temperature and tions as well as the construction schedule and tech-
Poisson's ratio, when an expansion joint is not pro- niques employed. The size of the initial gap, due to

U ( T E M P L A T E DEVIATION1 ciple, buckling theories used to treat this problem are

divided into two categories: the rotary symmetric
theories (e.g., Vaughan 1956); and the asymmetric
theories (e.g., Amscutz 1970). The asymmetric theories
are gaining in popularity today because they are more
conservative and safety has top priority in power-plant
development. An alternative asymmetric theory based
on design practice in Switzerland and Germany has
been presented recently by Jacobsen ( 1974).
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For the two main asymmetric theories, of Amstutz

and Jacobsen, computerized design graphs have been
developed by the author and are presented in Figs. I and
2 for gap-to-radius ratios ( g l r ) up to 10 x lo-' and for
prestresses in the liner due to grouting (a,.) divided by
E Oup to -5 x lo-" All the pertinent formulae used
for the development of these graphs are also shown in
the figures. In addition, the graph in Fig. 3 shows the
buckling strength according to Jacobsen's theory using
TEMPLATE LENGTH: S = 2 r sin ( 5 0 ° / 2 ) = 0 . 8 4 5 2 r a logarithmic scale. A comparison of the graphs devel-
DEVIATION FROM ROUNDNESS :A, = 2 0 - 2 b = 4u oped for steels having different yield strengths shows
DIAMETER DEVIATION :A2= 2 a - 2 r = 2 r - 2 b = 2 u
that the theory of Jacobsen is generally more conser-
vative, especially for higher water heads. It should be
r (sin 25")'+(cos 25"): 1 mentioned, though, that different Poisson's ratios are
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02 b2 rZ used by Amstutz and Jacobsen. Using a given steel

yield strength (u~), as well as an assumed ratio of radial
gap to radius of the liner ( g / r ) and a waterhead
FIG. 5. Measurements of deviation from roundness. H , = 102P (in metres), the ratio r/t can be obtained
from the graphs and the required thickness of the liner
shrinkage of the concrete, and the pressurizing and can be calculated.
depressurizing of the conduit, can be limited by
grouting around the liner (steel-concrete contact 3.4 Effect of slzape defects on the bi~ckliizgstrength of
grouting). Furthermore, by using pressure grouting and the liner
thus effectively prestressing the liner, the possibility of The buckling strength of the liner, having a thickness
gaps due to elastic or thermal deformations of the liner calculated by Jacobsen's theory, can be further checked
and the surrounding media can be eliminated. When by Montel's semiempirical formula (Monte1 1960).
pressure grouting is not undertaken, a gap will result This formula includes the effects of both shape defects
due to thermal variations that will cause expansion or and the gap, based on an arc deviation (ovality) corre-
contraction of the steel, concrete, and rock in the same sponding to a radial template (chord gage) of 50".
direction. Since the coefficients of thermal expansion of A design graph based on this formula is presented in
these materials vary very little, a small gap due to Fig. 4 for a given gap-to-radius ratio ( g l r = 3 x lo-'),
temperature is not likely to occur permanently. Only a and it gives the allowable template deviation-to-
sudden cooling of the steel liner could temporarily thickness ratio (lilt) for a given H , and ).It. The tem-
create a larger gap until the surrounding envelope plate deviation thus obtained can also be used for calcu-
reaches the lower temperature. lating the allowable deviation from roundness.
Such a gap is calculated as: By assuming an elliptically deformed shape for the
liner (see Fig. 5), it can be shown that the difference
between the two major axes of the ellipse is approxi-
where W , is the coefficient of thermal expansion or mately equal to four times the maximum radial devi-
contraction of steel, AT the temperature differential, ation between the circle and the ellipse, or 2(a - b )
and r the radius of the liner. = 4u. Therefore, the allowable deviation from round-
ness is approximately equal to four times the allowable
3.3 External pressure resistance (buckling strength) template deviation. (Note: the areas of the circle and the
The plate thickness required to resist the maximum ellipse are equal but the ellipse does not pass through
external pressure can be calculated on the basis of the those points where the 50" radial template intersects the
buckling strength of a cylindrical steel tube. In prin- circle.)
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FIG.6. Allowable tensilc capacity of stccl lincr subjected to internal pressure (Kruse method)

Comparing the graph based on Montel's formula for a detaiIed design procedure (Vaughan 1956). In his
with the one based on Jacobsen's theory for the same theory, he proposed separate treatment of the defor-
gap and zero template deviation, we can see that the mation of the concrete embedment and allowed for the
Jacobsen theory gives more conservative values. The beneficial effect of pressure grouting. Kruse (1970)
values of Jacobsen's theory correspond to the values presented a procedure based on Vaughan's theory but
of Montel's formula based on an equivalent tem- with the difference that the radius of the inner boundary
plate deviation-to-thickness ratio of u/r = 0.2-0.3, of tension-resisting rock ( R ) is estimated analytically by
with the higher value corresponding to higher strength superposition of two stress systems: one is due to distri-
steel. This difference increases when an initial gap is bution of the internal pressure transferred to the rock
considered. and the other is the primary stress field in the rock mass.
The analytical formulation of the problem was further
3.5 Iilternal pressure distributioil and liizer resistnilce explored by Jacobsen ( 1977) who also treated some of
Tiche ( 1974, 1975) presented an in-depth theoretical the practical aspects of the problem.
study for proportioning the internal pressure between Computerized design graphs for the procedures of
the steel liner and the rock, assuming that the rock Kmse and Jacobsen have also been developed by the
is able to sustain circumferential tensile stresses. author and are presented in Figs. 6 and 7 together with
Vaughan's theory, on the other hand, offers the basis all the formulae used for their development. Similar
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FIG.7 . Allowable tensile capacity of steel liner subjected to internal pressure (Jacobsen method).

graphs have been developed for various steel and rock between the graphs, based o n the procedures of Kruse
properties. The formulae presented by Kruse were mod- and Jacobsen, is possible. This comparison shows that
ified slightly to account for Poisson's effect in the steel; the results of the two procedures are almost identical,
thus E became EOand the formula that gives the stress the Kruse method being slightly on the conservative
distribution in the rock due to the internal water pres- side. However, this conclusion may be affected by the
sure was modified to include that part of the internal assumed properties of concrete, which is treated sepa-
pressure (P,) required to close the gap, i.e., the formula rately in the Kruse method, and by the ratio of the
thickness of the concrete embedment to the radius of the
steel tube. In the graphs different Poisson's ratios for
the rock as well as the waterhead resisted by the liner
became alone at the allowable stress limit of 0 . 6 F Y are also
shown. T h e allowable tensile stress of the rock, the
value of which is 0.5 M P a in the given graphs, can be
where the allowable circumferential stress in the calculated using the following formula, the practical
liner and R the outer radius of the fissured rock tube values being between 0.0 and 1.0 MPa.
around the liner.
By making these modifications, a direct comparison
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FIG.8. Proportion of internal pressure taken by steel liner (Jacobsen).

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FIG. 9. Allowable bearing capacity of ernbedd~ngconcrete (Jacobsen).

where v, is Poisson's ratio of the rock, y, is the unit the liner can be obtained for a given waterhead and gap.
weight of the rock, and I1 is the depth of the rock This ratio should be compared with that found from the
overburden. external pressure calculation, and the smallest ratio cor-
From the graphs, the ratio of radius to thickness of responding to the governing pressure should be retained
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FIG. 10. Required rock overburden (Jacobsen).

to calculate the maximum required thickness of the An additional series of graphs has been plotted to
liner. study the importance of the effect of the various param-
The proportion of the internal pressure, a, taken by eters on the internal pressure distribution between
the steel liner alone can be obtained by using the graph the rock tunnel and the steel liner. The variables studied
of Fig. 8. For given values of waterhead and r/t ratio, were the gap and the modulus of elasticity, allow-
the value of a can be estimated by interpolation between able tensile strength, and Poisson's ratio of rock. By
the curves. The a , known otherwise as the load distribu- giving constant values to the gap (g/r = 3 x 10-7, t o
tion factor, can also be calculated by using the formula: Poisson's ratio, and to one of the remaining variables,
the influences of the other is isolated and can be
presented more clearly. It was found that the various
The graphs of the radial stresses in the concrete tube parameters can be classified in the following order of
for various rock qualities and concrete compressive increasing importance: Poisson's ratio of rock, gap,
strengths (Fig. 9) show that a waterhead of over 1000 m allowable tensile strength of rock, and modulus of elas-
can be resisted easily by considering an allowable con- ticity of rock. Therefore, great emphasis should b e
crete bearing capacity of 0.35FL, and an average-
~ -
given to a precise estimation of the modulus of elas-
strength concrete. ticity and the allowable tensile strength of rock. Site
The ability of the rock overburden to share the measurements are thus justified for any important pro-
internal pressure may be checked by using the graphs of ject where the structural requirements of the liner are
Fig. 10 which are based on the formula for thick-walled critical.
tubes given by Jacobsen. For a given waterhead and r/t
ratio, h/r can be found by interpolating between the 4. Fabrication a n d erection tolerances
curves. The critical height, h , obtained by use of the Although tolerances generally form part of the spec-
graphs must be less than the actual height of the rock ification, a close relationship exists between the choice
overburden. of some of the tolerances and the corresponding design
A corrosion allowance of 1-2 mm should be added assumptions. It is therefore the responsibility of the
to the late thickness obtained at the end of the design engineer to provide the appropriate information
described design procedure. concerning these tolerances.
To conclude the design, the longitudinal stresses The tolerance requirements directly related to the
developed in the liner should also be investigated. design are the following.
160 CAN. J . CIV. ENG . VOL. 10. 1983

-The final curvature in the plates should be such List of symbols

that the maximum differences between the profile of the a = Proportion of the internal pressure taken by the
liner, when installed and concreted, and the arc of the steel liner
template should not be more than the template deviation b = Thickness of the concrete tube (m)
calculated. The template should be equal to the chord E = Modulus of elasticity of steel (MPa)
length corresponding to a central angle of 50". E" = Modified modulus of elasticity of steel
-At any point along the liner after concreting, the E, = Modulus of elasticity of rock
difference between the maximum and the minimum E, = Modulus of elasticity of concrete
diameter due to ovality should not exceed four times the F, = Yield strength of steel (MPa)
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template deviation. F, = Ultimate strength of steel

-The length of any diameter of a deformed section FA = Compressive strength of concrete
of the liner should not be different from the theoretical Fb = Bearing strength of concrete
diameter by more than twice the template deviation. g = Assumed gap between liner and concrete (-g
Of course, if desired, lower tolerances can be speci- would mean prestressing caused by pressure
fied to impose stricter construction requirements; for grouting) (mm)
example, a deviation from roundness equal to twice the H, = Waterhead corresponding to PC,o r P, (m)
template deviation may be considered. H , = Waterhead corresponding to P ,
Hb = Waterhead corresponding to P,,
Acknowledgement Hh = Waterhead corresponding to PI,
The author wishes to express his gratitude for the I? = Outer radius of rock tube or depth from surface
valuable contribution of Mr. Hercule Kyritsis, who to the axis of conduit (m)
made possible the development of the design graphs on N = Lateral pressure coefficient
his computer system HP-9845-B. PC = External pressure at yield point of steel (MPa)
PC, = Critical external pressure at the buckling
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AMSTUTZ,E. 1970. Buckling of pressure-shaft and tunnel strength of the liner

linings. Water Powcr, 22, pp. 391 -399. P = Hydrostatic pressure (internal or external)
CORNS.C. F. 1971. New design criteria for USBR penstocks. P, = Internal pressure shared by steel liner and rock
Discussion. ASCE Journal of the Power Division. 97(P01). tube
pp. 248-250.
EBERHARDT, A. 1966. Pcnstock codes - U.S. and foreign
P, = Part of the internal pressure required to close the
practice. ASCE Journal of the Power Division, 92(P02), gap
pp. 137-155. P, = Part of the internal pressure taken by the liner
GORDON.J. L. 1978. Design criteria for exposed hydro P, = Internal pressure expressed as a function of a
penstocks. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 5, Pb = Internal pressure corresponding to the required
pp. 340-351. concrete strength
JACOBSEN, S. 1974. Buckling of circular rings and cylin- Ph = Internal pressure corresponding to the required
drical tubes under external prcssurc. Water Powcr, 26, rock overburden ( h ) , or the vertical rock
pp. 400-407. pressure
1977. Pressure distribution in stcel-lined rock tunnels Pi = Grouting pressure (external)
and shafts. Water Power and Dam Construction, 29, r = Inner radius of the steel liner (m)
pp. 47-51. R = Outer radius of fissured rock tube (m)
KRUSE, G. H. 1970. Rock properties and steel tunnel
liners. ASCE Journal of the Power Division, 96(P03). S, = Allowable tensile stress of rock (MPa)
pp. 415-435. t = Wall thickness of the steel liner
MONTEL,R. 1960. Formule semi-empirique, pour la dCtcr- u = Geometrical imperfection of the liner (template
mination dc la pression extkrieurc limite d'instabilitk deviation) (mm)
des conduites mCtalliqucs lisses noyCes dans du bCton. W , = Coefficient of thermal expansion or contraction
(In French.) Houille Blanche, 15, pp. 560-568. of steel
MOSONYI.E. 1965. High-heat1 power plants. 2nd ed. y = Distribution number according to Jacobsen's
(In English.) Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest. method
Hungary, p. 1 146. = Unit weight of rock (kN/m3)
TACHE,J. 1974. 1975. Contribution i la thkorie et au calcul y,
AT = Temperature differential ("C)
du blindage d'une galerie circulairc. (In French.) Col-
= Coefficient for the supporting effect according to
lection of articles published by Julcs Triche in 1948. Bulle-
tin technique Vevey, 34, pp. 206-214. Amstutz's theory
VAUGHAN, E. W. 1956. Steel linings for pressure shafts in v = Poisson's ratio for steel
solid rock. ASCE Journal of the Powcr Division, 82(P02), v, = Poisson's ratio for rock
pp. 949(I -40). cr" = Modified extreme fibre stress reaching the yield
point (MPa) = 67 + u/t = 0.1; template deviation 11 = 0.1
a, = Normal stress (circumferential) in the steel liner x 44.8 = 4.48 = 4 mm; deviation from roundness
u, = Tensile stress required to close the gap 2(a - b ) = 414 = 4 X 4 = 16 mm
(-a, = possible prestress)
4. Thickrzess of steel plate - irzternal pressure
u r = Allowable normal stress (circumferential) in the H, = 102Ps = 102 X 4.5 = 459 m, max. S, =
steel liner
vr 0.20
-&A= x 25.50 x 125 = 797 kN/n12
Appendix - design example 1 - v, 1 - 0.20
= 0.8 MPa. Since N < l .O, S, = (max. S,)N = 0.8
General data

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X 0.6 = 0.48 = 0.5 MPa.

r = 3.00 m, b = 0.75 m, h = 125 m, PC, (exter- According to Kruse (Fig. 6), H , = 459, g/r
nal pressure) = 2.0 MPa, P, (internal pressure) = = 3 x lo-', v, = 0.20 r/t = 52 < 67.
4.5 MPa According to Jacobsen (Fig. 7), H , = 459, g / r
Steel properties = 3 x v, = 0 . 2 0 + r / t = 54 < 67, t,,, =
E = 200 x lo3 MPa, v = 0.30, F, = 260 MPa, F, 3000/52 = 57.7 mm.
= 410 MPa ( a , = 0.60Fy = 0.38FU= 156 MPa) Since the internal pressure governs, the hoop stresses
Rock properties for free conduit should be checked: t = P,(r/F,)
E, = 10 x 10' MPa, v, = 0.20, y, = 2.6 Mg/m3 = 4.5 x 3 X 10'/260 = 51.9 < 57.7
x 9.807 m/s2 = 25.50 k ~ / m N~ ,= 0.6 5 . Proportiotz of irzternal pressure taken by steel lirzer
Concrete properties According to Jacobsen (Fig. 8), H;, = 459, r/t
Fi = 20 MPa, E, = 5000 = 22 X 10' MPa = 52 + a = 0.67
Corrosion allowatzce 6. Adequacy of rock overburderz
1.5 mm According to Jacobsen (Fig. lo), H , = 459, r/t
For personal use only.

1. Radial gap bemeen steel liner and concrete = 52- h / r = 19, h = 19 X 3 = 57 < 125
W, = 11.7 x I O - ~ / " C ,AT = 25"C, g = W,ATr 7. Proposed plate thickness
= 11.7 X x 25(3 x 10') = 0.878 mm, g/r = t = 57.7 -t 1.5 = 59.2 = 59 mm
0.878/(3 x 103) = 2.9 x 10-4 = 3 x lo-"
8. Re-estimation of allowable tolerarzces
2. Thickness of steel plate - external pressure (drnin- According to Montel (Fig. 4), H , = 204, r/t
age provided)
H , = 102PCr= 102 x 2 = 204 m (load factor = 1)
According to Amstutz (Fig. I), H , = 204, g/r
= 52 + u/t > 0.5 + u/t = 0.5.
Template deviation u = 0.5 x 57.7 = 28.85
29 mm*
= 3 x 10-4 + ~ / = t 72 Deviation from roundness 4u = 4 x 29 = 116 rnrn
According to Jacobsen (Fig. 2), H, = 204, g/r Diameter deviation 211 = 2 X 29 = 58 mrn
= 3 x lo-'- r/t = 67, t,,, = 3000/67 = 44.8 mm Template length 0.8452r = 0.8452 X 3.00 X lo3
3. Allowable slznpe defects (rleviatiorzporn rourzdzess = 2536 mm
According to Montel (Fig. 4), H, = 204, r/t

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