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Profile Effects on the gastrointestinal trad. Etodolac is reported mobet; Flogojet; Valorel; China: Rheumon ({ii'Jll); Cz.: Trau-
to be a preferential inhibitor of cydo-oxygenase-2 (COX- mont; Ger.: Rheumon; Gr.: Celanatt; Cimalt; Etofenol; Eto-
Ethylmorphine hydrochloride is an opioid analgesic 2) and consequently it may produce less gastric toxicity gelt; Fenamt; Ferepatt; Herponil; Irifone; Kovotherm;
(p. 109.1) and has properties similar to those of codeine than the non-selective NSAIDs such as naproxen. 1 - 3 Melferut; Pazergicelt; Radermin; Reuminat; Roiplon; Vellodry-
(p. 41. l). It is used mainly as a cough suppressant. It has also l.Taha AS, et al. Effect of repeated therapeutic doses of naproxen and
ingt; Hong Kong: Flogoprofen; Hung.: Activon; Rheumon; Irl.:
been used for its analgesic and antidiarrhoeal properties. It etodolac on gastric and duodenal mucosa! prostaglandins (PGs) in Etoflam; Ital.: Gemadol; Mex.: Bayro; Metotrop; Poi.: Rheu-
was formerly given in eye drops as a lymphagogue. rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Cut 1989; 30: A751. mon; Traumon; Port.: Inalgex; Reumon; Spica; Rus.: Revmonn
Ethylmorphine free base and the camphorate and 2. Bianchi Porro G, et al. A double-blind gastroscopk evaluation of the (PeBMOHH); Spain: Aspitopic; Flogoprofen; Zenavan; Switz.:
camsilate have also been used. cffects of etodolac and naproxen un the gastroinLestinal mucosa of Rheumon; Traumalix; Turk.: Doline; Efamat; Etofast; Fleximat;
rheumatic patients. J Intern Med 1991; 229: 5-8. Flexo; Painex; Restafen; Rheumon; Thenno Etox; Thermo-Efe-
References. 3. Weideman RA, et al. Risks of clinically signilicant upper gastrointestinal
mat; Venez.: Traflan.
l. Aasmundstad TA, et al. Biotransformation and pharmacokinetics of events with etodolac and naproxen: a historical cohort analysis.
ethylmorphine aíter a single oral dose. BrJClin Phannacol 1995; 39: 611- Gastroenterology 2004; 127: 1322-8.
Multi-ingredient Preparotions. Arg.: Bayagel; Austria: Thermo-
2. Jonasson B. et al. Fatal poisonings where ethylmorphine from Rheumon; Gr.: Thermo-Roiplont; Mex.: Bayro Tennot; Poi.:
antitussive medications contributed to death. Int J Legal Med 1999; lnteractions Thenno-Rheumon; Turk.: Restafen Plus; Thermo-Doline; Ther-
112: 299-302.
For interactions associated with NSAIDs, see p. 108.3. mo-Rheumon; Thermoflex; Thermove; Venez.: Reugel.
3. Helland A, et al. Death of a 10-month-old boy after exposure to
ethylmorphine. J Forensic Sd 2010; 55: 551-3.
........................... Etodolac is a chiral compound given as the racemate. Peak
Etoricoxib IBAN, USAN. r/NN)
Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Volume B) plasma concentrations of the active S-enantiomer and of the ttoricoxib; Etoricoxibum; Etoríkoksib; Etorikoksibi; Etorikoxib;
inactive R-enantiomer usually occur within about 2 hours L-791456; MK-0663; MK-663; 3top~KOKCl16,
Single-ingredient Preparations. Arg.: Dionina; Belg.: Codethy-
of an oral dose but plasma concentrations of the R- 5-Chloro-6' -methyJ-3-[p-(methylsu lfonyl)phenylJ-2,3' -bipyri-
line; Tussethyl; Fin.: CocilJana; Fr.: Clarix Toux Seche
Codethyline; Pectosan Toux Sechet; Peter's Sirop; India: Dio- enantiomer have been reported to greatly exceed those of dine.
nindon; UK: Collins Elixir. the S-enantiomer. Both enantiomers are highly bound to C1gl-1 15CIN¡02S=358.8
plasma proteins. Both are also distributed to the synovial CAS - 202409-33-4.
Multi-ingredient Preparations. Belg.: Baume Pulmonaire; Saint- fluid, although the difference in their concentrations may
bois; Chile: Codelasa; Fin.: Indalgin; Fr.: Tussipax; Tussipax; not be as large as the difference in plasma concentrations. ATC MOIAHQ5.
Vegetoserum; Hung.: Tabletta antidolorica; Norw.: Cosylan; The plasma half-life of total etodolac has been reported to be ATC Vet - QM01AH05.
Solvipect comp; Spain: Demusint; Swed.: Cocillana-Etyfin; about 7 hours; excretion is mainly in the urine as UNll - WRX4NFY03R.
Lepheton; Switz.: Phol-Tux; Sano Tusst; Turk.: Fenokodin; hydroxylated metabolites and glucuronide conjugares;
Neocodint; Venez.: Novacodin. sorne may be excreted in the bile.
Uses and Administration
l. Brocks DR, et al. Stereoselective disposition of etodolac enantiomers in Etoricoxib is an NSAID (p. 103.2) reported to be a selective
Etodolac IBAN, USAN, r/NNJ synovial fluid. JC!in Pharmacol 1991; 31: 741-6.
2. Brocks DR, et al. The stereoselective pharmacokinetics of etodolac in
inhibitor of cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2). lt is used in the
symptomatic relief of rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis,
AY-24236; i:todolaakki; ttodolac; Etodolaco; Etodolacum; young and elderly subjects, and after cholecystectomy. J Clin Pharmacol
ankylosing spondylitis, and acute gouty arthritis. Etoricoxib
1992; 32: 982-9.
Etodolak; Etodolák; Etodolákas; Etodollc Acld: 3Ti5tlOJ1aK. 3. Brocks DR, Jamali F. Etodolac dinical pharmacokinetics. Clin is also used for the short-term treatment of moderate
t!lcDíethyl-1,3,4,9-tetrahydropyrano[3,4-b]indol-1-ylacetic Pharmacokinet 1994; 26: 259-74. postoperative dental pain.
acid. · 4. Boni J, et al. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic aclion of etodolac In osteoarthritis, it is given in a usual dose of 30 mg once
in patients after oral surgery. J Clin Pharmacol 1999; 39: 729-37.
C11l-l21N03=287.4 5. Boni JP, et al. Pharmacokinetics of etodolac in patients with stable
daily, increased to 60mg once daily if necessary. The
0\5 - 41340-25"4. juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Ther 1999; 21: 1715-24. recommended dose in rheumatoid arthritis and in
ATC-'-"MOTA808. ankylosing spondylitis is 90 mg once daily; higher doses of
120 mg once daily are used in gouty arthritis although such
ATC Vet - QM01A808.
UNJI~ 2M36281008.
P.r~P.~.r~.ti?.n.~ .. doses should only be used far the acute symptomatic period
Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Volume B) and for a maximum of 8 days. For postoperative dental pain,
Phormocopoeios. In Eur. (see p. vii), Jpn, and US. Single-ingredient Preparations. Braz.: Flancox; China: Etolac (ti<
the reconunended dose of etoricoxib is 90 mg once daily for
Ph. Eur. 9; (Etodolac). A white or almost white crystalline 'W/); Lodine ('.l)'T); Na Zhi (~~ll:); Shu Ya Ke (ílf'l!UiiJ); Yi Fen
a maximum of 3 days.
powder. Practically insoluble in water; freely soluble in ('Í&3t=); Denm.: Todolac; Fin.: Lodine; Fr.: Lodine; Gr.: Ecridox-
For dosage recommendations in patients with hepatic
alcohol and in acetone. ant; Etolact; Impovitusst; Loninet; Lubetylt; Ofniskelt; Silgo- impairment, see below.
USP 39: (Etodolac). Store in airtight containers. nitrant; India: Etofact; Etolor; Etomax; Etova; Israel: Etopan; References.
Jpn: Hypen; Ospain; Osteluc; Paipelac; Raipeckt; Philipp.: Eto- l. Patrignani P, et al. Clinical pharmacology of etoricoxib: a novel selective
flamt; Port.: Dualgan; Exodolan; Sodolac; Rus.: Nobedolac COX2 inhibitor. Expert Opin Pharmacother 2003; 4: 265-84.
Uses and Administration (Ho6e.[{onax); Switz.: Lodine; Thai.:. Etonox; Turk.: Barca; 2. Dallob A, et al. Characterization of etoricoxib, a novel, selective COX-2
Dolarit; Edolar; Esodax; Etodin; Etol; Etopan; Etotac; Etoteva; fohibitor. J Clín Pharmacol 2003 43: 573-85.
Etodolac, a pyrano'indoleacetic acid derivative, is an NSAID 3. Martina SD, et al. Etoricoxib: a highly selective COX-2 inhibitor. Ann
(p. 103.2) reported to be a preferential inhibitor of cyclo- Etoxa; Lodine; Maxdol; Tadolak; Tilac; UK: Ecco~olac; Etopan; Pharmacother 2005; 39: 854-62.
oxygenase-2 (COX-2). It is used for rheumatoid arthritis, Lodine; Ukr.: Etol (3Ton).
including juvenile idiopathic arthritis, and osteoarthritis Multi-ingredient Preparations. India: Etolex-P; Etolor-P; Eto- Administration in hepotic impoirment. The maximum
and far the treatment of acute pain. max-P; Etova-P; Turk.: Etofam; Etolio. oral dose of etoricoxib in patients with mild hepatic
For the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarth- impairment (Child-Pugh score of 5 to 6), regardless of
ritis, the recommended oral dose is initially 0.6 to l g daily in Pharmacopoeial Preparotions
BP 2016: Etodolac Capsules; Etodolac Tablets; indication, is 60 mg once daily; those with moderate
divided doses adjusted according to response to a usual dose impairment (Child-Pugh 7 to 9) should be given a maxi-
of 300 to 600 mg daily. Modified-release preparations are USP 39: Etodolac Capsules; Etodolac Extended-Release Tablets;
Etodolac Tablets. mum of 60 mg every other day or 30 mg once daily. Etori-
available far once-daily use in these conditions. For doses in coxib should not be given to patients with severe hepatic
children, see below. impairment (Child-Pugh 10 or more).
For the treatment of acute pain, the recommended dose
is 200 to 400 mg every 6 to 8 hours to a maximum of 1 g Etofenamate IBAN, USAN. r/NN)
daily. Musculoskeletal and joint disorders, The selective cydo-
8;577;. Bay-d-1107; Etofenamaattí; Etofenamat; Etofenamát; oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitor etoricoxib is used in the
Reviews. Etofenamatas; Étofénamate; Etofenamato; Etofenamatüm; ireatment of ankylosing spondylitis (see Spondyloarthro-
l. Tirunagari SK, et al. Single dose oral etodolac for acute postoperative
pain in adults. Available in The Cochrane Database of Systematic
TV-485; "TVX-485; WHR-5020; 3ro<j>eHaMaT.. pathies, p. 14.3), osteoarthritis (p. 12.3), and rheumatoid
Reviews; Issue 3. Chichester: John Wiley; 2009 (accessed 09/09/09). 2'(2-Hydroxyethoxy)ethyl N-(aaa-triftuoro-m-tolyl)anthrani- arthritis (p. 13. l ); it is also used in gouty arthritis
late. (p. 608.1). However, in the UK, it is recommended that
Administration in children. In the USA modified-release C,.H 18 F 3 N0 4~369.3 the use of selective COX-2 inhibitors is limited to patients
preparations of etodolac may be given for the oral treat- C45 - 30544-47-9. with good cardiovascular health and at high risk o! devel-
ment of juvenile idiopathic arthritis in children aged 6 to oping serious gastrointestinal problems if given a
ATC .~ M02M06,
16 years. Doses are given once daily according to body- non-selective NSAID (see p. 106.3).
AT(Vet--:-- QM02AA06.
weight as follows; References.
• 20 to 30 kg; 400 mg l. Cochrane DJ, et al. Etoricoxib. Drugs 2002; 62: 2637-51.
• 31 to 45 kg; 600 mg Phormocopoeios. In Eur. (see p. vii). 2. Schumacher HR, et al. Randomised double blind trial of etoricoxib and
• 46 to 60 kg: 800 mg indometadn in treatment of acute gomy arthritis. BMJ 2002; 324: 1488-
Ph. Eur. 9: (Etofenamate). A yellowish viscous liquid. 92.
• over 60kg: l g Practically insoluble in water; miscible with alcohol and 3. Gottesdiener K. et al. Results of a randomized. dose-ranging tria! of
with ethyl acetate. etoricoxib in patients with osteoarthritis. Rheumatology (Oxford) 2002; 41:
Adverse Effects, Treatment, and Precautions 1052-61.
4. Wiesenhutter CW, et al. Evaluation of the comparative efficacy of
As for NSAIDs in general, p. 105.2. Profile etoricoxib and ibuprofen for treatment of patients with osteoarthritis: a
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Mayo Clin Proc 2005;
The presence of phenolic metabolites of etodolac in the Etofenamate is an NSAID (p. 103.2) that has been applied 80: 470-9.
urine may give rise to a false-positive reaction for bilirubin. topically in a concentration of 5 or 10% for the relief of pain 5. van der Heijde D, et al. Evaluation of the efficacy of etoricoxib in
and inflammation associated with musculoskeletal, joint, ankylosing spondylitis: results of a fifty-two-week, randomized,
Effects on the blood. Agranulocytosis has been reported in and soft-tissue disorders. lt has also been given by deep controlled study. Arthritis Rheum 2005; 52: 1205-15.
a patient receiving etodolac. 1 Coombs-positive haemolytic 6. Curtis SP, et al. Etoricoxib in the treatment of osteoarthritis over 52-
intramuscular injection in single doses of 1 g. weeks: a double-blind, active-comparator controlled trial
anaemia due to sensitivity to etodolac metabolites has also [NCT00242489]. BMC Muscu/oske!et Disord 2005; 6: 58. Available at:
be en reporte d. 2 http://www.biomedcen tra l. com 1content/pdf/14 71- 24 7 4-6- 5 8. pdf
l. Cramer RL, et al. Agranulocytosis associated with etodolac. Ann (accessed 01/ l l /07)
Pharmacother 1994; 28: 458-60. Praprietary Preparations (details are given in Volume B) 7. Bingham CO, et al. Efficacy and safety of etoricoxib 30 mg and celecoxib
2. Cunha PO, et al. Immune hemolytic anemia caused by sensitivity to a 200 mg in the treatment of osteoarthritis in two identically designed,
metabolite of etodolac. a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug. Single-ingredient Preparations. Arg.: Flogol; Austria: Rheumon; randomized, placebo-controlled, non-inferiority studies. Rheumatology
Transfusion 2000; 40: 663-8. Traumon; Belg.: Flexium; Braz.: Aspisport; Bayro; Chile: Cal- (Oxford) 2007; 46: 496-507.

Ali cross-references refer to entries in Volume A

8. Croom KF, Siddiqui MAA. Etoricoxib: a review of its use in the 3. EMEA. EMEA recommends strengthening warnings and contra- derivative, the major metabolite. Both are inactive or only
symptomatic treatment of osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, anky- indications for etoricoxib-containing medicines used in the treatment of weak cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors. Excretion is
losing spondylitis and acute gouty arthritis. Drugs 2009; 69: 1513-32. rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis (issued 26th June,
2008). Available at: mainly via the urine (70%) with only 20% ol a dose
33363608en.pdf (accessed 16/07/08) appearing in the faeces. Studies in animals suggest that
Pain. A systematic review 1 found that a single 120-mg etoricoxib may cross the placenta and that sorne is
dose ol etoricoxib, given orally, provided effective pain Effects on the gastrointestinal trad. It is generally distributed into breast milk.
relief alter surgery. When compared indirectly, etoricoxib accepted that the inhibition ol cyclo-oxygenase-1 (COX-1) References.
was considered to be at least as effective as other com- plays a role in the adverse gastrointestinal effects al the l. Agrawal NGB, et al. Single- and multiple-dose phannacokinetics of
monly used analgesics. NSA!Ds, and that the selective inhibition o! the other iso- etoricoxib, a selective inhibitor of cydooxygenase-2, in man. J Clin
1. Clarke R, et al. Single dose oral etoricoxib for acute postoperative pain in form, COX-2, by NSA!Ds such as etoricoxib may cause less Pharmacol 2003; 43: 268-76.
adults. Available in The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews; Issue 2. Agrawal NGB, et al. Pharmacokinetics of etoricoxib in patients with
gastrotoxicity than that seen with the non-selective inhibi- hepatic impairment. J Clin Pharmacol 2003; 43: l 136-48.
5. Chichester: John Wiley; 2014 (accessed 25/05/16).
tion ol the traditional NSA!Ds. However, licensed product 3. Agrawal NGB, et al. Pharmacokinetics of etoricoxib in patients with renal
information states that upper gastrointestinal perforation, impairment. J Clin Pharmacol 2004; 44: 48-58.
Adverse Effects, Treatment, and Precautions ulceration, and bleeds, in sorne cases fatal, have occurred 4. Takemoto JK, et al. Clinical pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic
profile of etoricoxib. Clin Pharmacokinet 2008; 47: 703-20.
with etoricoxib treatment; consequently, it should be used
As far NSA!Ds in general, p. 105.2. with caution in patients with a history of, or at risk of
Hypersensitivity reactions including anaphylaxis and developing, such events. In addition, etoricoxib should not Preparations
angioedema have occurred in patients receiving etoricoxib; be used in patients with active gastrointestinal ulceration
it should be stopped at the first signs ol hypersensitivity. Proprietary Preparations (details are given in Volume B)
or bleeding.
Etoricoxib should not be used in patients with ischaemic Results from controlled studies have suggested that Single-ingredient Preparations. Arg.: Arcoxia; Austral.: Arcoxia;
heart disease, peripheral arterial disease, or cerebrovascular NSA!Ds selective far COX-2 were associated with a lower Austria: Arcoxia; Belg.: Arcoxia; Ranacoxt; Braz.: Arcoxia;
disease. It should be used with caution in patients with incidence of serious gastrointestinal effects. In a study 1 of Chile: Arcoxia; China: Arcoxia (~j¡_ffi); Cz.: Arcoxia; Denm.:
significant risk factors for cardiovascular disease such as the pooled data from 3 randomised clinical studies, Arcoxia; Fin.: Arcoxia; Fr.: Arcoxia; Ger.: Arcoxia; Exinef; Gr.:
hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, and diabetes mellitus. etoricoxib (in doses of 60 or 90 mg daily) was associated Arcoxia; Turoxt; Hong Kong: Arcoxia; Hung.: Arcoxia; India:
Etoricoxib, particularly at high doses, may be associated with significantly less frequent upper gastrointestinal Alcoxib; Coxet; Coxifact; Doricox; E-Trom; Ebov; Eleton; Erofi·
with more frequent and severe hypertension compared clinical events than diclolenac (!50mg daily). The result ca; Eteron; Eticox; Etobus; Etocos; Etody; Etofan; Etolex; Etom;
with other NSA!Ds and selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX- was attributed to the lower rate of uncomplicated ulcers Etori; Etorica; Etosaid; Etoshine; Etosym; Etoxib; Etozox; Etrik;
2) inhibitors; blood pressure monitoring during etoricoxib with etoricoxib compared with diclofenac; there was no Etro; Etrobax; Ezact; Hicox; Hireto; lfydrox; Intacoxia; Ixidol;
treatment is recommended. Etoricoxib should not be used difference in the rate of complicated gastrointestinal events Kingcox; Kretos; L-Kon; M-Kon; Nucoxia; O·Cox; Indon.:
in patients with hypertension whose blood pressure is not between the 2 drugs. The lower rate ol uncomplicated Arcoxia; Irl.: Acoxxelt; Arcoxia; Israel: Arcoxia; Ital.: Algix;
controlled (see also Effects on the Cardiovascular System, events with etoricoxib compared with diclofenac was not Arcoxia; Exinef; Tauxib; Malaysia: Arcoxia; Mex.: Arcoxia;
below). Neth.: Arcoxia; Auxibt; Norw.: Arcoxia; NZ: Arcoxia; Philipp.:
affected by treatment with low-dose aspirin or proton pump
Etoricoxib is also contra-indicated in patients with Arcoxia; Arcoxib; Xibra; Poi.: Arcoxia; Port.: Arcoxia; Exxiv;
inhibitors. An analysis2 by the manufacturer, o! pooled data
inflammatory bowel disease, moderate to severe heart Turox; Rus.: Arcoxia (ApKOKCHa); S.Afr.: Arcoxia; Singapore:
from 1O randomised clinical studies, found that etoricoxib
failure (NYHA class 11 to IV), and renal impairment Arcoxia; Spain: Acoxxel; Arcoxia; Exxiv; Swed.: Arcoxia;
(in daily doses ol 60, 90, or 120 mg) was associated with a Turox; Switz.: Arcoxia; Thai.: Arcoxia; UK: Arcoxia; Ukr.:
associated with a creatinine clearance of less than lower combined risk of upper gastrointestinal perforations
30 mL/minute. It should be avoided in patients with severe Arcoxia (ApKoKcux); Venez.: Arcoxia.
and bleeding, and symptomatic gastroduodenal ulcers when
hepatic impairment (Child-Pugh score o! 10 or more). compared with non-selective NSAIDs (diclolenac 150mg Mul~·ingredient Prepara~ons. India: Etro-P; Nucoxia-MR;
Therapy should be stopped il persistently abnormal liver daily, ibuprofen 2.4 g daily, or naproxen 1 g daily) as a Nucoxia-P; Nucoxia-SP.
enzyme values are seen. Caution is recommended when group. This reduced risk was seen even in patients with
using etoricoxib in dehydrated patients; it may be advisable known risk factors for such complications such as the
to rehydrate patients befare giving etoricoxib. elderly and those with a history ol gastrointestinal reactions. Etorphine Hydrochloride (BANM, r/NNM)
l.Laine L, et al. Assessment of upper gastrointestinal safety of etoricoxib
Effects on the cardiovascular syslem. There have been and didofenac in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in Etorfina, hidrocloruro de; ttorphine, Chlorhydrate d';
concerns about the adverse cardiovascular effects of selec- the Multinational Etoricoxib and Diclofenac Arthritis Long-term Etorphini Hydrochloridum; Hidrocloruro de etorflna; M-99;
(MEDAL) programme: a randomised comparison. Lancet 2007; 369: 19-Propylorvinol Hydrochloride; 3róp<j>~Ha f1<Apoxnopiil,t¡.
tive cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors alter the world- 465-73.
wide withdrawal al rolecoxib (see p. 129.3). The cardio- 2. Ramey DR, et al. The incidence of upper gastrointestinal adverse events (6R,7R,14R)-7,8-Dihydro-7-[(1 R)-1-hydroxy-1-methylbutyl]~
vascular safety of etoricoxib has been assessed in the in dinical trials of etoricoxib vs. non-selective NSAIDs: an updated O-methyl-6, 14a-ethenomorphine hydrochloride; (2Rl·HH-
MEDAL programme, 1 which pooled data lrom 3 studies combined analysis. Curr Med Res Opin 2005; 21: 715-22. (5R,6R,7 R, 14/l)-4,5-Epoxy-3-hyd roxy-6-methoxy-9a-methyl-
involving over 30 000 patients with either osteoarthritis or 6, 14-ethenomorphinan: 7-yl]pentan-2-ol hydrochloride.
rheumatoid arthritis. Patients with osteoarthritis were Effects on the kidneys. Limited evidence o! the renal toxi-
city ol the selective cyclo-oxygenase-2 (COX-2) inhibitors C2sH 33NO,,,HCl=448.0
given etoricoxib 60 or 90 mg daily; those with rheumatoid CAS - 14521-%-1 (etorphine); 13764-49-3 (etorphine
arthritis received 90 mg daily. In ali studies, diclolenac such as etoricoxib suggests that such NSA!Ds appear to
have effects on renal function similar to those of the hydrochloride).
150 mg daily was given as the comparator; low-dose
aspirin ( 100 mg daily or less) was also allowed where indi- non-selective NSA!Ds (see p. 107.1 ). UN// - 8CBEOIN748.
cated. After an average treatment duration of 18 months, Pharmacopoeias. In BP(Vet).
the rates of thrombotic events such as myocardial infarc- Porphyria. The Drug Database far Acule Porphyria, com-
piled by the Norwegian Porphyria Centre (NAPOS) and BP(Vet) 2016; (Etorphine Hydrochloride). A white or
tion, stroke, and sudden or unexplained death with etori-
the Porphyria Centre Sweden, classifies etoricoxib as possi- almos! white microcrystalline powder. Sparingly soluble in
coxib were similar to those far diclolenac. (It has been
bly porphyrinogenic; it sbould be used only when no safer water and in alcohol; very slightly soluble in chlorofarm;
suggested that diclofenac itself may increase the risk o!
alternative is available and precautions should be consid- practically insoluble in ether. A 2% solution in water has a
sorne thrombotic events; far further details, see p. 105.3.)
ered in vulnerable patients. 1 pH ol 4.0 to 5.5. Protect from light.
The programme also found that the rate of sorne other
non-thrombotic cardiovascular events was increased with l. The Drug Database for Acute Porphyria. Available at: http://www.
etoricoxib: one ol the 3 studies showed that there was a {accessed 23/ 10/ l l} Uses and Administration
non-significan! increase in the rate of heart failure with Etorphine hydrochloride is a highly poten! opioid analgesic
etoricoxib 90 mg daily compared with diclolenac; withdra- lnteractions (p. 109 .1) used far reversible neuroleptanalgesia (see
wals due to oedema were also more frequent with high- The metabolism ol etoricoxib is mediated by the cytochrome Anaesthetic Techniques, p. 1932.3) in veterinary medicine.
dose etoricoxib than with diclofenac or etoricoxib 60 mg P450 isoenzyme CYP3A4. Use with other drugs that inhibit It is given with acepromazine maleate or levomepromazine
daily. In addition, the number ol patients stopping treat- or induce this isoenzyme may result in changes in plasma (Immobilon) to restrain animals and befare minar veterinary
ment because ol hypertension was higher with both doses concentration of etoricoxib. In addition, in vitro studies surgery. The duration of action of etorphine is up to about
of etoricoxib than with diclofenac. Similar results were suggest that severa] other isoenzymes may also media te the 45 to 90 minutes depending on the species but it may be
seen in the other 2 studies. main metabolic pathway ol etoricoxib. Rifampicin, a poten! longer in man, especially if the large animal preparation is
In another study2 that pooled pre-licensing data, the risk inducer of CYP isoenzymes, has produced decreased plasma involved.
of thrombotic events with etoricoxib, given at a dose of at concentrations of etoricoxib.
least 60 mg daily, was also faund to be similar to that for
f?.~Pf!.~.~~'!~f!..~'!1...~!!.~.~~~~?.!. . . . ,........... ,.............. .
Etoricoxib is an inhibitor of human sulfotransferase
placebo treatment, ibuprolen (2.4 g daily), diclolenac activity and has been shown to increase the plasma
( 150 mg daily), and naproxen ( 1 g daily), although there concentration of ethinylestradiol. Interactions wjth other As far Opioid Analgesics, p. 110.1.
was a trend towards more events with etoricoxib than with drugs, such as oral salbutamol and minoxidil, also
naproxen. For details on the relative risk of thrombotic
events associated with non-selective NSA!Ds, see p. 105.3.
metabolised by this enzyme may be a possibility and Adverse Effects and Treatment
licensed product information advises care with such
After a recommendation from the EMEA's Committee combinations. As far Opioid Analgesics in general, p. 111.1. Etorphine is
far Medicinal Products far Human Use (CHMP), 3 licensed Por interactions associated with NSAIDs in general, see not used therapeutically in humans.
product information for etoricoxib states that it must not be p. 108.3. Etorphine hydrochloride is highly potent and rapid
given to patients whose blood pressure is persistently above acting; minute amounts can exert serious effects leading to
140/90mmHg and inadequately controlled; in addition, coma. It may be absorbed through skin and mucous
high blood pressure should be controlled befare starting
........................ ........................ . membranes. It is thus advisable to inject an antagonist
treatment and monitored for 2 weeks afterwards then Etoricoxib is well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract immediately after contamination of skin or mucous
regularly therealter. after oral doses. Peak plasma concentrations occur in about membranes with preparations containing etorphine hydro-
Por discussion and advice on the use of selective COX-2 1 hour in !asted adults; faod delays absorption by about 2 chloride and to wash the affected areas copiously.
inhibitors in patients with cardiovascular or cerebrovascular hours, although it has no effect on the extent o! absorption. Accidental injection or needle scratch injuries should also
disease, see under Celecoxib, p. 38.2. Plasma protein binding is about 92 % . Al steady state the be treated immediately by injecting an antagonist. Naloxone
l. Cannon CP, et al. Cardiovascular outcomes with etoricoxib and half-lile ol etoricoxib is about 22 hours. Etoricoxib is is preferred as the antagonist in medical treatment.
didofenac in patients with osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis in the extensively metabolised with less than 2 % ol a dose However, veterinary preparations of etorphine are supplied
Multinational Etoricoxib and Diclofenac Arthritis Long-term (MEDAL) recovered in the urine as the parent drug. The majar route
programme: a randomised comparison. Lancet 2006; 368: 1771-81.
with a preparation (Revivan) containing diprenorphine
2. Curtis SP, et al. Pooled analysis of thrombotic cardiovascular events in of metabolism is via cytochrome P450 isoenzymes including hydrochloride (p. 1582.2) and this should be used far
clinical trials of the COX-2 selective inhibitor etoricoxib. Curr Med Res CYP3A4 to form the 6' -hydroxymethyl derivative ol immediate first·aid antagonism if naloxone is not available.
Opin 2006; 22: 2365-74. etoricoxib, which is then oxidised to the 6' -carboxylic acid

The symbol t denotes a preparation no longer actively marketed

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