Role-Play Scenarios

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Spanish Role-Play Scenarios.

1. Tourist information in a city in a Spanish-speaking country: 

Both introduce yourselves and be polite. Make a friendly conversation. As a tourist ask what
is interesting to see or do in this city or area. Make a conversation about yourselves, where
you are from, for how long you came etc. And as a tourist information employee ask about
types of activities that a tourist is looking for and recommend something that you think it
suits him/her. 

Know the difference between the entrance tickets and the flight/train/bus tickets.
If more than one pair chooses this topic, pick different cities or places in order to avoid
copying other pair’s conversation.

2. A travel agency:
you want a buy a trip to Spain or other Spanish-speaking country. Make a friendly
conversation, introduce yourselves, tell where you are from, where you live. A customer
should ask for recommendation, an employee should ask about preferences, hobbies, what a
customer likes to do, what weather he/she prefers or when exactly he or she can go on
holiday and make suggestion, what would suit him the best. 

Know the difference between the entrance tickets and the flight/train/bus tickets.
If more than one pair chooses this topic, pick different holiday destinations in order to avoid
copying other pair’s conversation.

3. Shopping:
you are in the Spanish-speaking country for the first time. Everything is new for you. Enter
the store and ask the staff member what he/she recommends or where you can find specific
products. Be polite, positive, friendly. Both introduce yourselves and make a small friendly
conversation (is it your first time in this city or country, do you like it, what do you want to
see or do etc.).

4. Asking for directions:

You are in Spain or another Spanish speaking country. You just arrived at the city and you
are looking for a specific place (a beach, a square, museum; something pretty famous) and
you are asking someone how to get there. It turns out that person is going in the same
direction for a while so you make a simple conversation about yourselves and he/she explains
how to get to the place 
5. A school:  
A new student appears in your class. He/she is from Spain or other Spanish-speaking country.
You just have a break and waiting for another class. You want to know everything about the
place he/she is from. Introduce yourselves, be positive and friendly. A new student would ask
about his/her new school, other students professors, atmosphere (people are nice, friendly or

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