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Provisional procedure for issuing of marks, transcripts, and certificates

The intended schedule for release of the final marks and certificates is as follows.

25th October Provisional notification of marks. Supervisor

Early November Details of graduation ceremony sent Registry
Formal letters sent confirming the degree to be awarded
Tier 1 document (leave to live and work in UK for non-EU students) sent.
January onwards Official transcript of marks available. Registry
28th January Graduation ceremony and final degree certificate for those attending Registry
February-July For those not attending the graduation ceremony, final degree certificate Registry
will be sent.

1) At no time before January can we issue an “official” completed record of your marks. The provisional, transcripts issued in
October will state that they are provisional. This statement cannot be omitted for any reason until January.

2) At no time before November, can we issue letters indicating that you have completed the course. We can write letters that state,
for example, that you have “been registered for an MSc from September 2009 and are currently awaiting the results”.

3) From the beginning of October until the Departmental Examination board meets at the end of October, your supervisor may be in
a position to indicate the outcome of your project in any reference he or she writes, but otherwise your project mark will not be
available until after the examination board meeting in October.

4) Copies of the October provisional transcript can be ordered on request from Mrs. Michelle Pryce (, (although
please read note 1).

5) Academic Office/Registry will, in November e-mail or post information about the graduation ceremony to your home address.
You will be required to either confirm your attendance at the ceremony or, if unable to attend, confirm your address. Before you
leave Leicester, please ensure that registry have an up to date record of your contact address and e-mail.

6) Alongside the information on the ceremony, they will inform you that the formal letters are available. If you are in Leicester at
this time, you may collect your formal letter from Registry. If you have not collected it in one week, the formal letter will be sent to
your home address.

7) For students not attending the graduation ceremony, the final degree certificate is posted by Registry to the home address (see
note 5). All enquiries about the final certificate and transcript should be sent to Registry, not the Department.

8) All enquiries about the Post-Study Worker category (including the requests for letters from the University) should be directed to
the Registry, not the Department.

9) Students with resits will be contacted in November (by email using home account on record). NOTE: Please print this document
since you will not have access to your computer account after you complete your course in October. All resits must be taken, even
if they are not all needed to attain the pass mark.

10) Resits will be held on campus in January and September 2011. It is possible to resit a paper abroad on the premises of certain
British Council offices. In order to do this, you MUST inform Registry of your intention to resit overseas by the following dates:
For first semester resits (January 2011): as soon as you know what resits you have (i.e. November).
For second semester resits (September 2011): by the middle of July 2011.
Any failure to comply with these dates will mean that you must resit on campus.
Please contact the examinations office to find out the times and locations of resit exams.
(Please also inform me on

Dr D. Siddle
MSc Exam board Secretary
September 2010
The University reserves the right to alter the schedule indicated above

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