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Phase engineering of nanomaterials

Ye Chen   1, Zhuangchai Lai   1, Xiao Zhang1, Zhanxi Fan2,3, Qiyuan He   4, Chaoliang Tan1
and Hua Zhang   2,3 ✉
Abstract | Phase has emerged as an important structural parameter — in addition to composition,
morphology , architecture, facet, size and dimensionality — that determines the properties and
functionalities of nanomaterials. In particular, unconventional phases in nanomaterials that are
unattainable in the bulk state can potentially endow nanomaterials with intriguing properties
and innovative applications. Great progress has been made in the phase engineering of
nanomaterials (PEN), including synthesis of nanomaterials with unconventional phases and phase
transformation of nanomaterials. This Review provides an overview on the recent progress in PEN.
We discuss various strategies used to synthesize nanomaterials with unconventional phases and
induce phase transformation of nanomaterials, by taking noble metals and layered transition
metal dichalcogenides as typical examples. Moreover, we also highlight recent advances in the
preparation of amorphous nanomaterials, amorphous–crystalline and crystal phase-based
hetero-nanostructures. We also provide personal perspectives on challenges and opportunities
in this emerging field, including exploration of phase-dependent properties and applications,
rational design of phase-based heterostructures and extension of the concept of phase
engineering to a wider range of materials.

Nanomaterials can exhibit various crystalline and amor­ of a nanomaterial is driven by the kinetic control of its
phous phases. Crystal phases consist of ordered and synthetic process, a thermodynamically less favourable
periodic atomic arrangements, whereas amorphous ones structure could be realized11. Such delicate synthesis con­
feature a disordered arrangement of the atoms. Although trol of nanomaterials is of great importance to uncover
the prevailing phase of a material is primarily deter­ the correlation among structure, property, function and
mined by the nature of its atomic bonding and thermo­ application that benefits the rational design of nano­
dynamic parameters such as temperature and external materials. Furthermore, the discovery and preparation
pressure, many materials are found to possess more than of unconventional phases in nanomaterials allow us to
Center for Programmable one phase1,2. Conventionally, phase control has been further explore their intriguing properties and a variety
Materials, School of Materials
achieved in some bulk materials using high pressure2,3 of promising applications, in addition to offering us new
Science and Engineering,
Nanyang Technological
or thermal treatment2. For instance, under high pressure, fundamental insights.
University, Singapore, many crystalline materials, such as ice4 and α-quartz5, In the past several decades, many advances have been
Singapore. can become amorphous, and amorphous materials like made in the structure engineering of nanomaterials
Department of Chemistry, metallic glass can become crystalline6. Importantly, phase to achieve unique mechanical12, electronic13, optical14,
City University of Hong Kong, changes often cause changes in the physicochemical catalytic15 and magnetic16 properties. Distinct from the
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
properties of a material that can be used in innovative conventional strategies to engineer the composition,
Hong Kong Branch of applications. For example, alloys such as GeSbTe are pro­ morphology, architecture, facet, size and dimensionality
National Precious Metals
Material Engineering
mising for rewritable data storage devices because their of nanomaterials, phase engineering provides another
Research Center (NPMM), phase can be reversibly changed under stimuli like heat effective and powerful way to modulate their physico-
City University of Hong Kong, or laser irradiation7,8. chemical properties and functions17–19. Specifically,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China. Phase engineering is more feasibly achieved in nano­ phase engineering of nanomaterials (PEN) focuses on
Department of Materials materials than in their bulk counterparts, because the the rational design, preparation and transformation of
Science and Engineering, growth of nanomaterials is greatly affected by their different phases in nanomaterials. PEN requires a deep
City University of Hong Kong,
Kowloon, Hong Kong, China.
surface characteristics, in addition to kinetics and understanding of the direct synthesis of nanomaterials
✉e-mail: hua.zhang@ thermodynamics9,10. Therefore, it is possible to tune vari­ with different phases, phase transformation of nano­ ous structural parameters of nanomaterials in a highly materials, growth of phase-based heterostructures and controllable manner by fine-tuning the experimental preparation of amorphous and amorphous–crystalline
s41570-020-0173-4 conditions. When the formation of the final structure heterophase nanomaterials.

Nature Reviews | Chemistry


In this Review, we first provide a brief introduction to of nanomaterials, such as metals20,21, metal oxides22, 2D
PEN. Then, we describe representative types of nano­ layered compounds like TMDs23 and group-IVA metal
materials — specifically, noble metal and transition metal chalcogenides19. We use noble metals and TMDs as rep­
dichalcogenide (TMD) nanomaterials — with different resentative nanomaterials to illustrate the various strat­
conventional and unconventional phases. Thereafter, we egies for PEN. Below, we first introduce their different
discuss PEN strategies for these representative materials, phases — conventional and unconventional ones — before
including the direct synthesis and phase transformation, delving into the PEN strategies.
and briefly describe phase-dependent properties and The phases of metal nanomaterials, especially
applications. Subsequently, we introduce methods to noble metal ones, are simple and composed of only
prepare amorphous and amorphous–crystalline hetero­ non-directional metallic bonds. The hard-ball models
phase nanomaterials. Examples of crystal phase-based in Fig. 1a illustrate the unit cells and characteristic pack­
heterostructures will also be highlighted. Finally, we dis­ ing sequences of the close-packed planes of different
cuss the major challenges and new opportunities in this phases found in noble metal nanomaterials, namely,
emerging field of PEN. face-centred cubic (fcc, or 3C) and 2H and 4H types
of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) (hcp-2H and hcp-4H
Conventional and unconventional phases types) crystal phases. Their close-packed planes, either
Conventionally, a nanosized material adopts the same fcc (111) or hcp (0001), are identical but packed in dif­
phase as its bulk counterpart. However, unconven­ ferent sequences along the direction perpendicular to
tional phases that are not commonly observed in the the close-packed planes. The characteristic packing
bulk state have been observed in different categories sequences of fcc, 2H and 4H are identified as ABC, AB

a fcc (3C) hcp-2H type hcp-4H type Amorphous



No periodic

B ordering


b 2H 3R 1T 1Tʹ 1Td

Transition metal Chalcogen

Fig. 1 | schematic models of different phases of metals and transition metal dichalcogenides. a | Hard-ball models of
face-centred cubic (fcc) (3C), hexagonal close-packed (hcp)-2H type and hcp-4H type crystal structures and amorphous
structures. Unit cells showing the smallest repeating units of these phases, with the close-packed planes highlighted in
blue (top panel). The characteristic packing sequences of the close-packed planes in different phases (bottom panel).
b | Simulated structure models of transition metal dichalcogenides, including hexagonal (2H), rhombohedral (3R),
octahedral (1T), distorted octahedral (1T′) and 1Td phases. Top view showing the typical atomic arrangement of a single
layer (top panel). Side view showing the typical packing sequences (bottom panel). The unit cells of these layered
structures are marked by the black lines.

and ABCB, respectively. The polymorphs that exhibit of their diameter28. Although some experimental and
identical stacking layers but only differ by their stacking theor­etical results suggest that it is possible to obtain
sequence are also known as polytypes24. In addition to metal nanomaterials with unconventional phases, their
crystalline phases, noble metal nanomaterials can also direct and high-yield synthesis remains challenging.
adopt amorphous phases, in which metal atoms are Colloidal synthetic methods that enable a control on
non-close-packed and in a random order. the phase of noble metal nanostructures are particularly
As another typical group of polymorphic materials, difficult because the phase of nanomaterials is ultimately
TMDs are layered compounds featuring intralayer cova­ determined by a number of parameters, such as combi­
lent bonds and interlayer van der Waals interactions. In nations and concentrations of metal precursor, surface
general, layered TMDs crystallize in different phases ligand, additive and solvent used during their synthe­
based on the arrangement of the chalcogen and transi­ sis. A typi­cal phase-sensitive synthetic approach that
tion metal atoms, as well as the layer stacking sequence involves the use of the HAuCl4–oleylamine mixture has
(Fig. 1b). For example, several different phases have been been reported to produce a variety of unconventional
observed in MoS2, which mainly include the hexa­gonal crystal phases of Au — including 4H (ref.29) (Fig. 2a) and
(2H), rhombohedral (3R), octahedral (1T) (Fig. 1b) 2H (ref.30) (Fig.  2b) phases, as well as 2H–fcc (ref.31)
and the distorted octahedral phase (1T′). 2H-MoS2 and and 4H–fcc (ref.32) (Fig. 2c) crystal phase heterostructures.
3R-MoS2 are polytypes with the same individual layer Interestingly, each of these unconventional phases was
but different stacking sequences (Fig. 1b). TMDs with obtained by a slight change of synthesis conditions33.
1T, 1T′ and 1Td phases exhibit different crystal structure 4H Au nano­ribbons are synthesized in the presence of
symmetries from 2H and 3R. 1T′ and 1Td phases, which dichloropropane, whereas the absence of dichloropro­
have both been observed in MoTe2 and WTe2 (Fig. 1b), are pane and decrease of the HAuCl4-to-oleylamine ratio
two kinds of distorted 1T phases with different inversion lead to the formation of Au nanorods with randomly
symmetries. alternated 4H and fcc phases29,32. Similar 4H–fcc hetero­
phases with low content of the 4H phase have also been
Phase engineering of noble metal nanomaterials observed in 1D Ag nanostructures34,35.
The structure–property relationship of noble metal Ru precursor–polyol mixture has also been used to
nanomaterials has been substantially investigated in achieve control over the phase of nanomaterials. For exam­
the past several decades, owing to their unique physico­ ple, fcc and hcp Ru nanoparticles can be obtained by using
chemical properties and wide range of applications. RuCl3–ethylene glycol and Ru acetylacetonate–triethylene
As a newly emerged parameter, phase, especially uncon­ glycol, respectively36.
ventional ones, of noble metal nanomaterials can greatly
affect the properties and applications of these nanomate­ Multimetallic nanomaterials. To further expand the
rials20. Current PEN strategies for noble metals include library of crystal phases of metals and exploit unconven­
the direct synthesis of monometallic and multimetal­ tional phases towards enhanced performances in applica­
lic nanomaterials, and phase transformation between tions, one may consider nanomaterials containing more
conventional and unconventional phases. Importantly, than one metal element, such as metal hetero­structures
the PEN strategies may also be used to explore other or alloys. A commonly adopted strategy to prepare metal
non-noble metal or even non-metal nanomaterials for heterostructures with unconventional phases is the crys­
promising applications. tal phase-based or crystal phase-dependent template
growth, in which a secondary metal epitaxially grows
Direct synthesis of unconventional phases on the metal template (regardless of the original crystal
Wet-chemical syntheses have been used to directly pre­ phase of the secondary metal) to form either core–shell
pare metal nanostructures with unconventional phases. or branched structure37–39. For example, although bulk
Depending on the synthetic strategy, monometallic Ru crystallizes in 2H phase, nanosized heterostructures
and multimetallic nanomaterials with single-phase or featuring 4H Ru (ref.40) or fcc Ru (ref.41) (Fig. 2d) have
multiple-phase components can be obtained. been obtained by using presynthesized 4H Au and fcc
Pd nanostructures as templates, respectively. The uncon­
Monometallic nanomaterials. Generally, it is difficult ventional phases of Ru could be preserved even after
to directly produce monometallic nanomaterials with completely etching out the templates, indicating their
phases other than their thermodynamically stable excellent chemical stability41,42.
ones. Unconventional crystal phases in metals were More phase combinations can be attained for metal
early observed in sputtered metal films, such as 4H Ag alloys because metals that are immiscible in bulk state
(ref.25) and 2H Ni (ref.26). Theoretical studies suggest can become miscible at the nanoscale43 and can lead
that the phase transition of nanosized metal is closely to unconventional crystal phases, as reported in some
related to the environmental temperature and the parti­ intermetallic compounds44–47.
cle size27, both of which are important factors affecting One effective strategy is to simultaneously reduce the
the total system energy of metal nanostructures28. The precursors of the two metal structures that would crys­
size-dependent phase formation has been observed tallize in different phases in the bulk alloy. The resulting
and theoretically studied for electrochemically depos­ crystal phases can be tuned by controlling the composi­
ited Ag nanowires28. Coexistence of 4H and fcc phases tion of each metal precursor or reduction kinetics. For
was observed in the obtained Ag nanowires, in which example, by controlling the reduction rate of Au and Ru
the percentage of 4H phase decreases with the increase precursors, it was possible to control the crystal phases

Nature Reviews | Chemistry


9.662 Å


2.8 [001]
66 Å [110]



100 nm 200 nm
[110] [001]



fc in
fcc Au Ru Pd
4H 4H
fcc 4H 5 nm

Growth Etching


fcc AuRu3 hcp AuRu 3
fcc A
2.2 Å <00 B
2.4 Å 01>

5 nm 1 nm 20 nm 1 nm 150 nm 20 nm

Fig. 2 | Direct synthesis of metal nanomaterials with unconventional crystal phases. a | Au nanoribbon with the
unconventional 4H type of hexagonal close-packed (hcp) phase. The simulated unit cell of 4H Au and the top view of a typical
4H Au nanoribbon (top panel). The close-packed planes along the [001]4H direction show a characteristic ABCB stacking
sequence. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) image of a typical 4H Au nanoribbon (bottom panel). b | Au square sheets
with the unconventional 2H type of hcp phase. Crystallographic models for a typical Au square sheet (AuSS) showing ABAB
stacking along the [001]2H direction (left panel) and the typical TEM image of AuSSs formed on graphene oxide (right panel).
c | 4H-face-centred cubic (fcc) crystal-phase-heterostructured Au nanorod in simulated model (left panel) and TEM image
(right panel), showing 4H and fcc phases coexisting and randomly alternating in a single rod. d | Schematic illustrations of the
crystal phase-based epitaxial growth of 4H Ru on 4H-fcc Au nanowire (top panel) and fcc Ru on fcc Pd nanocrystal (bottom
panel). e | Selectively grown fcc and hcp AuRu3 alloy nanoparticles by tuning the growth kinetics of Au and Ru. The left three
panels show: the schematic model and low-magnification and high-resolution TEM images of fcc AuRu3 alloy nanoparticles,
respectively. The right three panels show: the schematic model and low-magnification and high-resolution TEM images of hcp
AuRu3 alloy nanoparticles, respectively. f | Low-magnification scanning electron microscopy image of the 2H excavated PtNi
alloy nano-multipods (left panel) and the high-resolution TEM image showing the characteristic ABAB stacking sequence
(right panel). Part a is adapted from ref.29, CC BY 4.0 ( Part b is adapted
from ref.30, Springer Nature Limited. Part c is adapted with permission from ref.32, Wiley-VCH. Part d is adapted from ref.40,
Springer Nature Limited, and adapted with permission from ref.41, ACS. Part e is adapted from ref.48, CC BY 4.0 (https:// Part f is adapted from ref.50, CC BY 4.0 (

in AuRu3 alloy nanoparticles43,48 (Fig. 2e). The resultant when the reduction rates of the two metal precursors vary
fcc and 2H AuRu3 nanoparticles have identical composi­ at different growth stages, possibly due to the concentra­
tion and similar morphology, serving as ideal models for tion change of the metal precursors and reducing agent,
the study of the phase–property relation49. Furthermore, and/or the galvanic replacement reaction between one

pre-reduced metal and the other metal ions in the growth oleylamine induced not only a complete phase transfor­
solution, a complex structure with unconventional phase mation from (110)2H-oriented 2H to (101)f-oriented fcc
may be formed, in which the alloy composition and phase but also a shape change of the AuSSs from square
crystal phase are distributed differently throughout the to rhombic58. The coating of different metals on 4H Au
structure50,51. For example, a crystal phase-based PtNi nanoribbons in the absence of oleylamine can, instead,
alloy hetero-nanostructure consisting of a Pt-rich fcc only induce a partial phase change from (110)4H-oriented
core and several Ni-rich 2H branches with Pt-rich edges 4H to (101)f-oriented fcc phase, enabling the stabiliza­
has been synthesized50 (Fig. 2f). The strategies to fine-tune tion of unconventional 4H phase in a series of metal
the composition, morphology and phase distribution of nanostructures29,38.
multicomponent metallic nanomaterials with unconven­
tional phases provide more opportunities to modulate High pressure. As a fundamental thermodynamic
their properties towards desired applications. parameter, pressure can induce the phase transforma­
tion of nanomaterials by directly altering the interatomic
Phase transformation in noble metal nanomaterials distance59. Importantly, by integrating diamond anvil
Phase transformation offers an alternative approach cell and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques, the crystal
to the phase engineering of metal nanomaterials and phase evolution of nanomaterials as a function of pres­
leads to the formation of new nanostructures that sure can be in situ monitored59. For example, a gradual
might not be directly prepared using conventional phase transition of Pd nanocubes from highly symmetric
synthetic methods. Different experimental approaches fcc to low-symmetric face-centred tetragonal (fct) phase
have been developed to achieve phase transformations could be observed by cold compressing the nanocubes
of metal nanomaterials, including the use of surface from 0.3 GPa to 24.8 GPa (ref.60). Another study showed
modification52, high pressure53, high temperature54 and that fcc Ag nanoparticles of 5–10 nm undergo a reversi­
electron-beam irradiation30. ble rhombohedral distortion under hydrostatic pressure
up to 10 GPa (ref.61). In addition, a multistep phase trans­
Surface modification. As the size of materials decreases formation, from 2H to fcc at 1.03 GPa and then from fcc
to the nanometre scale, their surface-to-volume ratio to fct at 12 GPa, was observed in Ag nanoplates under
dramatically increases, and thus the surface energy nonhydrostatic pressure62. Very recently, the phase tran­
could play a dominant role in the total system energy55. sition of unconventional 4H-based Au nanostructures
Therefore, the crystal phases of nanomaterials could be was investigated under high pressure (Fig. 3c). Unlike
modulated by rationally tuning their surface energy56,57. the common 2H-to-fcc phase transition in metals, an
Different surface modification methods, such as ligand irreversible phase transformation from 4H to fcc that
exchange and metal coating as observed on the thin Au involved the flattening of (112)4H planes was observed53.
nanostructures, have been developed to realize the phase
transformation of metal nanomaterials52. A complete High temperature. The atomic rearrangement occur­
phase transformation of Au square sheets (AuSSs) from ring under annealing at high temperature can change
2H to fcc phases was observed by exchanging oleylamine the crystal phase of nanomaterials63. High-temperature
with thiols on the surface of the nanostructures, lead­ treatments have been intensively used to induce the
ing to the formation of unique (100)f-oriented AuSSs52 phase transformation of nanostructures with two or
(Fig. 3a, top panel). Thiol molecules with different kinds more metals, such as Pt-based and Pd-based nanocrys­
of chemical structures can all induce the phase transfor­ tals16,54,64–67. Specifically, multimetallic nanostructures
mation of AuSSs, suggesting that the strong interaction with a chemically disordered phase (for example, fcc)
between Au atom and –SH group could be the main driv­ are usually synthesized using a colloidal method. The
ing force for the phase transformation. This is a new phase obtained disordered nanostructures can be annealed at
transition mechanism for close-packed metals, as the high temperature to obtain multimetallic nanostructures
close-packed direction of AuSSs changed after the phase with a chemically ordered phase (for example, fct). Such
transformation. It is worth mentioning that, commonly, high temperature-induced phase transition could dra­
the close-packed direction is maintained in the phase matically affect the physicochemical properties of the
transition of close-packed metals. The ligand-exchange nanomaterial63. For instance, the phase transforma­
method can also be used to induce the phase trans­ tion of FePt nanoparticles from fcc to fct achieved at
formation of Au nanoribbons from (110)4H-oriented 4H temperatures above 500 °C substantially increases the
to (100)f-oriented fcc phases29 (Fig. 3a, bottom panel). chemical stability of the nanoparticles and induces a
Phase transformation of thin Au nanostructures change in their magnetic property, from paramagnetic
induced by metal coating was found to be affected by to ferromagnetic16,65. The catalytic activity and stability
many factors, such as ligand type, lattice mismatch of Pt3Co nanoparticles towards oxygen reduction can be
between different metals and crystal phase stability29,52,58. substantially improved after the phase transformation
It was observed that Ag coating on AuSSs achieved in the from chemically disordered fcc to chemically ordered
absence of oleylamine induced a complete phase trans­ simple cubic at 700 °C (ref.54) (Fig. 3d).
formation from (110)2H-oriented 2H to (100)f-oriented
fcc phase52 (Fig.  3b). By contrast, in the presence of Electron-beam irradiation. Compared with the afore­
oleylamine, only a partial phase change of AuSSs from mentioned methods, electron-beam irradiation, for exam­
(110)2H-oriented 2H to (101)f-oriented fcc phase was ple, in a transmission electron microscope (TEM), has
observed. Pd and Pt coating on AuSSs in the absence of the advantage of enabling the direct observation of the

Nature Reviews | Chemistry


a B b
A 2H to fcc


2H to fcc
[001]2H [001]f [001]2H [001]f

4H to fcc


[001]4H [100]f [001]f
Au Ag

c 4H 4H + fcc fcc

+P +P to ordered

–P –P

Disordered alloy Intermetallic

Pt Co
e 0 min 12 min 21 min

fcc to 4H 4H fcc to 4H 4H
4H Electron beam Electron beam
4H 4H
fcc fcc

5 nm 5 nm 5 nm 2 nm

Fig. 3 | Phase transformation of metal nanomaterials. a | Schematic illustration of phase transformations of Au square
sheet (AuSS) from 2H to face-centred cubic (fcc) phases (top panel) and Au nanoribbon from 4H to fcc phase (bottom panel)
induced by ligand exchange on the surface of nanostructures. Here, oleylamine was substituted with thiols. b | Schematic
illustration of phase transformation of AuSS from 2H to fcc induced by metal coating. c | Schematic illustration of high
pressure-induced irreversible phase transformation of Au nanoribbon from 4H to fcc. d | Simulated annular dark-field
scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM) images (left and middle panels) and atomic structure (right panel)
of Pt3Co nanostructure that undergoes high temperature-induced phase transformation. High temperature aids the
transformation from chemically disordered Pt–Co alloy , in which all columns have equal intensity , to ordered intermetallic
Pt3Co nanoparticle, in which Pt columns have higher intensity than the Co columns due to the Z-contrast in the annular
dark-field STEM image. e | In situ TEM imaging at 0, 12 and 21 min for an electron-beam irradiation-induced phase
trans­formation of a monocrystalline fcc Au nanoparticle adhering to the 4H Au nanodomain of a 4H–fcc Au nanorod.
The 4H–fcc phase boundary is indicated in red. Part a top panel is adapted from ref.52, Springer Nature Limited. Part a
bottom panel is adapted from ref.29, CC BY 4.0 ( Part b is adapted from
ref.52, Springer Nature Limited. Part c is adapted with permission from ref.53, ACS. Part d is adapted from ref.54, Springer
Nature Limited. Part e is adapted with permission from ref.70, Wiley-VCH.

phase transformation in nanomaterials with high spatial beam, size-dependent phase transformation from a
and temporal resolutions68. During TEM imaging, the thermodynamically stable phase to a less stable uncon­
interaction of a portion of the electron energy dissipated ventional phase can be observed. For instance, when a
from the incident electron beam with the sample is con­ 6.8-nm Au nanoparticle with fcc phase adheres to the
verted into heat68. Depending on the intensity and voltage 4H nanodomain of an Au nanorod with a dia­meter of
of the incident electron beam, the local temperature of the 15.0 nm, the phase of the former can completely trans­
sample can reach up to 500 °C (ref.69). For example, upon form into 4H (ref.70) (Fig. 3e). However, such kind of phase
electron-beam irradiation for just a few minutes, the crystal transformation cannot be realized when the size of the
phase of AuSSs completely transformed from 2H to fcc30. fcc-phase Au nanoparticle increases to 12 nm (ref.70).
When two adhering noble metal nanostructures with Calculations are carried out to explain the mechanism
different crystal phases are irradiated under the electron of the size-dependent phase transformation, which is

also suitable for other fcc nanomaterials, such as Pd, Ag, The as-prepared, sub-centimetre 1T′-MoS2 crystals (Fig. 4a)
PtPdAg alloy nanoparticles. Besides the crystal phase exhibit the high phase purity and characteristic distorted
transformation, electron-beam irradiation can also ini­ octahedral structure of the 1T′ phase (Fig. 4b). More
tiate the crystallization of metal nanomaterials from their importantly, the mechanically exfoliated 1T′-MoS2 nano­
amorphous phase (for example, in the case of Bi nano­ sheet exhibited better performance than 2H-MoS2 for
particles71), providing another efficient way to uncover the electrocatalytic HER, with an onset overpotential of
the nucleation and growth mechanisms of nanomaterials. 65 mV and a current density of 607 mA cm−2 at 400 mV
(versus reference hydrogen electrode)76.
Phase engineering of TMD nanomaterials Liu et al. used K2MoS4 as a reactant and proposed
Crystal phase is one of the most important parame­ that K+ can aid the growth of stable 1T′-MoS2 mono­
ters of layered TMDs to determine their fascinating layers using CVD78. By controlling the reaction gas
electronic, optical and chemical properties17,72,73. For atmosphere to tune the K+ concentration during growth,
instance, 2H-MoS2 is semiconducting and has been monolayer 1T′-MoS 2 can be obtained 78 (Fig.  4c,d) .
intensively studied as one of the channel materials A proper choice of the substrate is also important for
for next-generation field-effect transistors74, whereas the successful growth of 1T′-MoS2. The use of mica as
1T-MoS2 and 1T′-MoS2, which are metallic and semi­ substrate leads to the growth of well-defined and uni­
metallic, respectively, are promising non-precious metal form single-layer 1T′-MoS2 nanosheets, with better
catalysts for the electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution results than those attained using substrates like SiO2
reaction (HER)75,76. The variety of phases in TMDs may and Si, highly ordered pyrolytic graphite, sapphire, NaCl
be ascribed to the different electronic structures of their crystals, quartz and Au foils78. This may be attributed
transition metal atoms, which depend on the different to the ability of mica to trap K+ ions from the interme­
filling states of the d orbitals17. However, rational syn­ diate, owing to its unique structure and composition87.
thetic strategies to realize the phase-selective growth Moreover, by using the CVD-grown single-layer TMD
of TMDs remain limited. Although most of the highly as a substrate, heterostructured TMDs such as the
stable 2H-TMDs (such as 2H-MoS2 and 2H-WS2) and 1T′-2H MoS2 bilayers can be fabricated78.
some 1T′-TMDs (such as 1T′-MoTe2 and 1T′-WTe2) Direct solution-based synthesis, especially the com­
can be prepared using chemical vapour transport (CVT) monly used colloidal synthesis, is another approach to
and chemical vapour deposition (CVD) methods, most obtain TMDs with unconventional phases. The proper
of the metallic and semimetallic TMDs, including combination of reacting species often plays the key
1T′-MoS2 and 1T′-WS2, remain difficult to be synthe­ role in determining the phase of the final product.
sized because of their metastable nature76–79. Therefore, For example, colloidal synthesis of 1T-WS2 is obtained
much effort has been devoted to the synthesis of meta­ by heating the mixture of WCl6, CS2, oleic acid and
stable 1T- or 1T′-TMDs with high phase purity. Current oleylamine at 320 °C, while 2H-WS2 can be prepared
synthetic strategies to engineer unconventional phases by the addition of hexamethyldisilazane77. The strong
of TMDs can be categorized into two main types: direct coordinating interaction of the oleic acid — or other
phase-controlled synthesis and phase transformation strong coordinating ligand, such as dodecanethiol —
of presynthesized, thermodynamically stable TMDs. and tungsten is found to be critical in the formation of
Phase transformation can be achieved using various the metastable 1T phase77. In another report, the growth
techniques, such as alkali metal ion intercalation80–82, of branched few-layered 1T′-WSe2 nanosheets is real­
laser irradiation76,83, plasmonic treatment84 and electric ized by the reaction of tungsten carbonyl (W(CO)6),
field-induced phase transition85. oleic acid and Se in trioctylphosphine at 300 °C (ref.79).
The prepared 1T′-WSe2 nanosheets exhibit metallic
Direct synthesis of TMDs with unconventional phases properties and show higher electrocatalytic activity
The key to achieving the direct synthesis of metastable- towards HER as compared with the annealed 2H coun­
phase TMDs, such as 1T and 1T′ phases, is to control terpart. The crystal phase of MoS2 synthesized using
the experimental conditions to facilitate the formation of the hydrothermal method has also been found to be
metastable phases, rather than conventional stable phases. temperature-dependent88. The reaction of MoO3, thio­
A proper choice of reactants, especially those contain­ acetamide and urea at 200 °C leads to the formation of
ing alkali metal ions, in gas–solid synthesis could be an metallic MoS2, whereas the same reaction performed
effective way to obtain TMDs with unconventional at 240 °C leads to semiconducting MoS2. The pressur­
phases76,86. For example, the direct synthesis of meta­ ized hydrothermal environment with suitable reductant
stable 1T-MoS2 has been realized by removing the potas­ and temperature could be the key to the formation and
sium ions from KMoS2 that was previously obtained by stabilization of the intermediate for preparation of the
the reaction of K2MoO4 with H2S, followed by 72-hours metastable metallic MoS 2, which may be used for
treatment with a mixture of H2 and N2 gas86. Metastable the synthesis of other metastable TMDs.
1T′-MoS2 and 1T′-MoSe2 with high phase purity have
also been produced using gas–solid reaction76. Typically, Phase transformation in TMDs
an inter­mediate was prepared by reaction of K2MoO4 with Metastable phases of TMDs can also be produced by
S or Se powder at 450 °C for 1.5 h, followed by heating at the transformation of thermodynamically stable phases.
850 °C for 10 h, all under H2 and Ar gas flow. This inter­ Depending on the phase transition technique used,
mediate was washed with deionized water and then I2 the metastable phases can appear either in localized
acetonitrile solution to produce 1T′-MoS2 or 1T′-MoSe2. domains or in more extended areas of the final product.

Nature Reviews | Chemistry


a b c d
pure 2H
1Tʹ/2H bilayer

Temperature (°C)
750 1Tʹ and 2H
100 µm 2 nm 1 nm
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
H2 concentration (%)

Intercalation Exfoliation

Li+, Na+ or K+ Transition metal Chalcogen

f MoTe2 Ionic liquid (DEME-TFSI) h

Top gate


g SiO2
Vtop gate
Si substrate
Ionic liquid Top gate 2H Mo Te
e– e e– e e–
– –

SiO2 1Tʹ Mo Te
Ground + DEME+ – TFSI–

Fig. 4 | Direct synthesis and phase transformation of transition metal dichalcogenides. a | Scanning electron
microscopy image of 1T′-MoS2 crystals obtained by gas–solid reaction. b | Scanning transmission electron microscope
(STEM) image of a single-layer 1T′-MoS2 nanosheet exfoliated from the 1T′-MoS2 crystal, showing the characteristic zigzag
atomic arrangement. c | Phase diagram for the chemical vapour deposition (CVD) growth of MoS2 by using K2MoS4 as
a reactant as function of growth temperature and H2 concentration. d | Atomically resolved filtered STEM image of a
monolayer of 1T′-MoS2 grown on a mica substrate, showing the characteristic zigzag atomic arrangement. e | Schematic
illustration of alkali metal ion-assisted exfoliation, which could simultaneously induce the phase transformation of transition
metal dichalcogenides. f | Schematic illustration of a monolayer MoTe2 top-gate field-effect transistor in the ionic liquid
(N,N-diethyl-N-(2-methoxyethyl)-N-methylammonium bis(trifluoromethylsulphonyl)imide) (DEME-TFSI). g | Measurement
configuration of the single-layer MoTe2 field-effect transistor with DEME+ layer on the cathode (MoTe2) and TFSI− layer
on the anode. Ionic gating strongly manipulated the electron population in the single-layer MoTe2, resulting in a phase
transformation from 2H to 1T′. h | Schematic illustration of the laser-induced phase transformation of multilayer MoTe2 from
2H to 1T′. A thinning effect was observed and the phase transformation only occurred at the top layer of the multilayer
MoTe2. Parts a and b are adapted from ref.76, Springer Nature Limited. Parts c and d are adapted from ref.78, Springer Nature
Limited. Parts f and g are adapted from ref.85, Springer Nature Limited. Part h is adapted with permission from ref.83, AAAS.

Understanding the phase transformation behaviour of two categories: direct electron injection and thermal
TMDs is of fundamental importance for their applica­ activation. The former mainly involves the charge trans­
tions in electronics and catalysis17,72,73,89. Phase transfor­ fer process from external sources to the transition metal
mation strategies for TMDs from thermodynamically atoms; the latter results from the absorption of external
stable phases to metastable phases can be divided into energy, such as high-energy phonons and electrons.

Direct electron injection. Direct electron injection can phase transition of monolayer MoTe2 occurs at an ionic
be achieved through chemical and electrochemical gating voltage of ~3.0 V, corresponding to the doping
intercalation and electrostatic doping. concentration of ~0.85 × 1014 when the kinetic barrier
Chemical intercalation of alkali metal ions is one is excluded85, which is in agreement with the theoretical
of the most commonly used methods to induce phase prediction100.
transition in TMDs and obtain their metastable phases
(Fig. 4e). This approach dates back to the 1980s, when Thermal activation. Thermal activation covers strategies
MoS2 was exfoliated into monolayers using Li intercala­ such as thermal annealing and laser irradiation.
tion90. The n-butyllithium intercalation is most studied, Thermal annealing is an efficient way to restore the
in which the coordination of Mo changed from trigonal thermodynamically stable phase from the metastable
to octahedral as a result of the charge injection from the phase, such as the phase transformation from 1T or 1T′
alkyl lithium to the d orbitals of the Mo atoms91–93. Two to 2H in MoS2 and MoSe2 under elevated temperature76.
octahedral metastable phases were typically observed in By contrast, 1T′-MoTe2 can be obtained by annealing
the transition process: 1T and 1T′ phases. However, by the 2H phase at an elevated temperature (above 500 °C),
performing the n-butyllithium treatment on microsized as evident in the in situ XRD and Raman characteriza­
TMD crystals, only 1T phase was observed in ultras­ tions101. The 1T′ phase changes back to the 2H one upon
mall TMD nanodots, indicating that the size of TMDs slow cooling, indicating a reversible phase transition
could also affect their crystal phase80. These metastable between 1T′-MoTe2 and 2H-MoTe2.
phases can easily be identified using Raman, photolu­ Laser irradiation induces phase transition between
minescence, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) stable and metastable phases through a local heating
and XRD, but the detailed structures of the metallic effect. Low-power laser irradiation often restores a sta­
1T and semimetallic 1T′ phases can only be distinguished ble phase from a metastable one76, while high-power
using scanning TEM (STEM). Quantitative information laser can induce the formation of metastable phases
on the mixed phases is usually estimated based on the in some TMDs83,102. In MoTe2, the local phase trans­
deconvolution of high-resolution XPS peaks. formation from 2H to 1T′ is believed to be triggered
Compared with chemical intercalation, the electro­ by the formation of Te vacancy at an elevated temper­
chemical approach82,94 offers higher efficiency, the possi­ ature under strong laser irradiation83. Although very
bility to use diverse intercalants and a better control over convenient, laser irradiation is often accompanied by a
the intercalation kinetics. This method uses the electro­ thinning effect76,83 that removes the layers of the TMD
chemical potential in an electrochemical cell to drive the crystals (Fig. 4h) and only the phase of the top layer of
intercalants, such as metal ions and alkylammonium the MoTe2 crystal can be effectively changed from 2H
cations82,95, into TMDs, partially inducing their phase to 1T′ (ref.83).
transformation from 2H to 1T or 1T′. This electrochem­ Besides the aforementioned techniques, phase transi­
ical platform is compatible with various in situ character­ tion of TMDs can be achieved with a variety of external
ization techniques to resolve the evolution of structural, treatments, such as those using mechanical force103,104,
electrical, optical and optoelectronic properties during plasma105, supercritical CO2 (ref.106) and covalent func­
the intercalation process96,97. tionalization with organic molecules107. For example,
Hot-electron injection from plasmonic nanoparti­ tensile strain applied by an atomic force microscope tip
cles84, interfacial charge diffusion from 2D electride98 can significantly lower the phase transition temperature
and direct electron-beam irradiation99 are other charge in MoTe2 (ref.103). A small tensile strain of 0.2% at room
transfer processes that can induce phase transition in temperature can successfully induce the local phase tran­
TMDs. Unlike chemical and electrochemical inter­ sition in MoTe2 from 2H to 1T′ that can be identified
calation, which can produce metastable phases over by the increase of conductivity measured by conduc­
extended areas, these methods induce localized phase tive atomic force microscope103. Alternatively, transi­
transition within the direct-contact regions. tion from semiconducting to metallic phases occurs in
Field-induced phase transition in TMDs was pro­ MoS2 in a diamond anvil cell when the pressure reaches
posed in a theoretical study of TMD monolayers ~19 GPa, which likely arises from the sulfur–sulfur inter­
exposed to a high-magnitude electrical field using thin actions between the layers when the inter-layer distance
dielectric100. This approach was later realized using of MoS2 decreases at high pressures104. In another exam­
exceptionally strong electrostatic doping in ionic gating ple, high-energy Ar plasma induces the local phase tran­
(Fig. 4f), owing to the electrical double layer capacitor sition from 2H to 1T on a MoS2 monolayer and creates
formed at the TMD–electrolyte interface85 (Fig. 4g). In mosaic structures containing 1T domains with sizes of
electrostatic doping, electrons are injected into the con­ a few nanometres105.
duction band of the 2H phase, which has significantly
lower energy than that of the 1T′ phase. When the Applications of phase transition in TMDs
doping concentration is high enough to make the total As one of the most important characteristics, phase
energy of 2H phase higher than that of the 1T′ phase, transition in TMDs enables the conversion of their
the structure of TMD changes and the phase transforms electronic structures from semiconducting to semi­
from 2H to 1T′. Gating in ionic liquid can produce an metallic or metallic. Phase engineering of TMD cata­
ultrastrong field in the range of 10 MV m−1 with a doping lysts can significantly improve their electrocatalytic
concentration exceeding 1014 cm−2, making such phase performance, due to a combination of much improved
transition feasible. Experimentally, the fully reversible charge transport property and the higher intrinsic

Nature Reviews | Chemistry


a b

2 nm

d Anode Li foil
c 2 nm
2.72 Å Li+ ions
2 –
S Mo S Mo S

[Mo3 S13 ]2
1 nm
Cu foil

Fig. 5 | Amorphous and amorphous–crystalline heterophase nanomaterials. a | Schematic illustrations of an ideal

crystal (left panel), amorphous structure with distorted lattice (centre panel) and amorphous structure with distorted
lattice and dangling bonds (dotted lines) (right panel). b | Scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) image of
an amorphous–crystalline heterophase Pd nanosheet (left panel) and the fast Fourier transform patterns of crystalline
and amorphous regions (right panels), where the bright spots (red square) and the diffuse ring (green square) are used
to identify the crystalline and amorphous domains, respectively. The crystalline regions are marked as dashed yellow
curves (left panel). c | The atomic structure (left panel) and TEM image (right panel) of amorphous MoSx, showing the
arrangement of [Mo3] cluster units in a 1D unfolding chain marked in red. d | Schematic illustration of the preparation of
amorphous, ultrasmall, Li-incorporated palladium phosphosulfide nanodots from layered bulk Pd3P2S8 crystals using the
electrochemical lithiation method (left panel) and the high-resolution TEM image of the as-obtained amorphous nanodots
(right panel). The lithiation-induced amorphization of the Pd3P2S8 crystal was carried out by galvanostatic discharge in
a columnar Li-ion battery cell with fragments of Pd3P2S8 flakes as the cathode and Li foil as the anode. Part a is adapted
from ref.159, Springer Nature Limited. Part b is adapted with permission from ref.129, Wiley-VCH. Part c is adapted from ref.146,
Springer Nature Limited. Part d is adapted from ref.152, Springer Nature Limited.

electro­catalytic activity of the metallic phase compared have emerged as a new category of functional nano­
with the semiconducting one76. Moreover, by using a materials with fascinating applications in catalysis111,112,
phase-patterning technique based on chemical interca­ electronic devices113 and lithium-ion batteries114,115.
lation81 or laser irradiation83, the obtained metallic or However, because of the high entropy resulted from the
semimetallic TMDs can possess the ohmic contact with disordered atomic arrangement and unsaturated bonds,
the connected metal electodes in field-effect transistors, amorphous materials are generally metastable and eas­
which is generally difficult to be achieved, owing to the ily converted into their crystalline state under external
strong Fermi-level pinning effect of semiconducting heat or pressure116,117. To date, synthesis of amorphous
TMDs with the common metal contacts. nanostructures has only been achieved in limited types
of nanomaterials118,119, such as metal or metal–metalloid
Amorphous and amorphous–crystalline alloys120–122, metal oxides and hydroxides123–125. Here, we
heterophase nanomaterials discuss some proposed strategies to prepare nanomate­
Controlled synthesis of inorganic nanomaterials with rials with amorphous phase or amorphous–crystalline
low degree of crystallinity — as in the case of amor­ heterophase.
phous phase or amorphous–crystalline heterophase — is
of fundamental importance to engineer phases beyond Amorphous metal nanomaterials
ordered atomic arrangements. Amorphous materials Amorphous metal nanomaterials are often obtained by
exhibit random atomic arrangement or short-range capturing and maintaining the liquid-like intermediate
order over just a few atoms that result in distorted lattices state during the crystallization process of ultrasmall or
and/or dangling bonds (Fig. 5a). Conventional amor­ ultrathin metal nanocrystals. Such ‘frozen’ amorphous
phous bulk materials, such as metallic glass and metal phase can be maintained by anchoring the materials on
oxides, have attracted considerable interest because of a confining substrate126,127, doping120 and by using weak
their promising mechanical, catalytic and magnetic reducing agent128 or lowering reaction temperature129
applications108–110. Recently, amorphous nanomaterials during the colloidal synthesis.

For instance, the presence of CeOx on a CeO x– the initially active amorphous MoSx is found to gradu­
reduced graphite oxide bi-substrate is found to induce ally crystallize, resulting in its deactivation but higher
the amorphization of small Au nanoparticles 127. turnover frequency and better stability in HER147.
Compared with the use of a bi-substrate, doping metals Films of amorphous MoS x can be obtained by
with small atoms like B and P, through the addition of electrodeposition148,149. Usually, the Mo-to-S ratio for
reducing agent to the colloidal synthesis120 or electroless these MoSx films is lower than 1:2, which results in a
deposition130, is a more general strategy to prepare vari­ large number of unsaturated S bonds and active sites
ous amorphous metal alloys that involves the formation for hydrogen production. Tran et al. prepared amor­
of amorphous metal boride or metal phosphide, such phous MoSx by electrochemical deposition of [MoS4]
as the Pt-based and Pd-based amorphous alloys130–132. (NH 4) 2 onto fluorine-doped tin oxide substrate in
The crystallinity and electrical properties of these alloys phosphate buffer146. This amorphous MoSx shows a
can be tuned by changing the metal–metalloid compo­ molecular-based coordination polymer structure con­
sition121. Although in-depth studies on the structural sisting of [Mo3S13]2− building blocks146 (Fig. 5c). In another
characteristics of amorphous metal–metalloid alloy work, Ting et al. prepared amorphous MoSx on glassy
nanomaterials are still lacking, they have been demon­ carbon electrode by anodic or cathodic deposition in an
strated to be excellent catalysts for a wide range of cata­ aqueous electrolyte consisting of (NH4)2[MoS4] in 0.1 M
lytic reactions, owing to their high density of unsaturated KCl149. The bridging S22− rather than apical S2− in the
catalytic sites133,134. amorphous MoSx shows high electron binding energies
Although it is generally difficult to obtain a com­ and serves as the active site for HER149.
pletely amorphous phase without the addition of
dopants or a substrate, the amorphous–crystalline Amorphization from crystalline materials
heterophase can be easily formed, as observed in the Amorphous structures can also be obtained through the
colloidal synthesis of amorphous–crystalline Pd nano­ conversion of crystalline materials using external forces,
sheets with tunable crystallinity129 (Fig. 5b). The amount such as electricity150, pressure151 and lithiation152. This
of crystalline domains in the Pd nanosheet increases approach also enables one to effectively control the degree
with elevated reaction temperature. Interestingly, it is of crystallinity of a material. The electricity-induced
found that a higher percentage of amorphous phase amorphization process has been widely observed in
in the Pd nanosheets leads to a better chemoselectivity for phase-change materials that can reversibly switch
the catalysis of 4-nitrostyrene hydrogenation, whereas a between crystalline and amorphous states, exhibiting
higher percentage of crystalline phase results in a higher different electronic and optical behaviours150. These
catalytic activity129. This temperature-dependent crys­ kinds of materials, such as Sb2Te3, Ge1Sb4Te7 and GeTe,
tallinity in the Pd heterophase nanosheets can also be have been widely investigated and applied as excellent
realized in the amorphous–crystalline PdCu heterophase non-volatile storage devices150,153,154. Compared with the
nanosheets by using a similar synthetic method135. electricity-induced amorphization, pressure-induced
amorphization is more general and powerful approach
Amorphous semiconductor nanomaterials to induce atomic disorder in a wide range of nano­
Besides metal-based amorphous nanomaterials, materials151,155,156. Unlike the conventional amorphization
recently, various types of semiconductor-based amor­ process for bulk materials, the pressure-induced amor­
phous nanomaterials have also attracted considerable phization of nanomaterials is determined not only by
interest136,137. Likewise, because the amorphous semi­ the external pressure but also by the characteristics of the
conducting nanostructures are prone to crystallization, nanomaterials, such as size, shape and surface ligand59.
they require the addition of chemical stabilizers dur­ Lithium treatment has emerged as another promising
ing the synthetic process. Early solution-phase prepa­ top-down approach to tune the structural characteris­
rations of amorphous TMDs were usually performed tics of materials, especially for layered materials82,157, as
using low-temperature (less than 400 °C) metathetical shown in the structural transformation of layered pal­
reaction, for example, TX4 + 2A2Y → TY2 + 4AX, where T ladium phosphosulfide (Pd3P2S8) crystals to amorphous
is the transition metal, X is salt anion, A is the alkali-like lithium-incorporated palladium phosphosulfide nano­
cation and Y is the chalcogenide anion138. More recently, dots (Fig. 5d). During the lithiation-induced amorphiza­
wet-chemical methods have been further developed for tion process, several structural changes simultaneously
the preparation of amorphous metal sulfides, especially occur, including decrease of dimension, size and crys­
for amorphous MoS x nanostructures 139,140. Diverse tallinity, vacancy formation and lithium incorporation152.
kinds of amorphous MoSx, such as doped amorphous Impressively, the amorphization of layered Pd3P2S8 crys­
molybdenum sulfide141, and MoSx clusters, including tals activates this inert material to become an efficient
[Mo3S4]4+ (ref.142), [Mo3S7]-thiolate143, [Mo3S13]2− (ref.144) electrocatalytic catalyst for HER152.
and [Mo2S12]2− (ref.145), have also been successfully pre­
pared. The unique structures and scalable methods for Perspectives
the preparation of these amorphous materials make Although considerable progress has been made in PEN,
them promising and active catalysts for HER146. The out­ various challenges still need to be faced. Although dif­
standing catalytic performance of amorphous MoSx for ferent unconventional phases of nanomaterials have
HER appears to be related to its dynamic surface, that is, been reported, studies on their phase-dependent pro­
its continuous structural and chemical transformations perties and applications are urgently desired. An unne­
during the electrochemical HER process139. Nonetheless, glectable question that comes with the discovery of

Nature Reviews | Chemistry


an unconventional phase in nanomaterials concerns The development of PEN greatly relies on the adva­
their stability. This can be evaluated under different ncement in characterization techniques for new phases
circumstances, such as elevated temperature and/or in nanomaterials, especially the amorphous phase. Cry­
pressure, applied electric or magnetic fields, or certain stallographic information, including lattice parameters
atmospheres, during their synthesis, storage, as well as and degree of crystallinity, of nanomaterials can be
under various conditions relevant to their applications. characterized using advanced techniques, such as spher­
Although the metastable nature of unconventional ical aberration-corrected STEM, selected-area electron
phases may lead to unique physicochemical properties, diffraction and XRD. The local atomic environment,
countermeasures to stabilize the as-prepared uncon­ such as bond length, coordination number and binding
ventional phases are required to enable further appli­ energy, can be revealed by XPS and X-ray absorption
cations. It is worth mentioning that the synthetic and spectroscopy, which are especially important in deter­
phase transformation strategies discussed in this Review mining the amorphous phase in nanostructures. It can
may readily serve as guidelines for the stabilization of be foreseen that the future development of characteriza­
nano­materials with unconventional phases. Meanwhile, tion approaches that include various in situ observation
it remains challenging to simultaneously control the techniques will enable a deeper understanding on the
phase and morphology of nanomaterials. For exam­ formation and transformation mechanisms of different
ple, it is still difficult to synthesize nanostructures with phases in nanomaterials.
the same or even similar morphologies but different Exploration and development of theoretical prin­ciples
phases for the study of their phase-dependent properties to guide the synthesis, stabilization and transformation
and applications, in which the effect of other structural of unconventional phases in nanomaterials are criti­
characteristics could be negligible. cally important for the establishment of theory-guided
Despite the aforementioned challenges, there are PEN. A current challenge lies in the lack of theoretical
many intriguing directions to be explored in PEN. For insights on the formation and transformation mecha­
example, strategies involving electrochemistry or the nisms of the unconventional phases in nanomaterials.
use of electric field, magnetic field and optical radiation One of the main reasons could be the difficulty in mod­
could also be explored to induce the phase transfor­ elling atomic arrangements in unconventional phases,
mation of nanomaterials. It is highly desired to realize especially for the amorphous phase. The complicated
well-controlled phase transformation that is reversible and disordered atomic arrangement in amorphous
or can be realized under mild conditions. nanomaterials makes it exceedingly difficult to build
Defect engineering is another aspect of PEN that up convincing models and simulate their behaviours.
has attracted increasing interest for its great poten­ Screening and prediction of new phases, which have
tials to enhance the performances of nanomaterials not been experimentally observed, could become
in various applications. However, the synthesis and possible with the aid of advanced high-performance
stabili­zation of nanomaterials with long-range ordered computing systems or even the burgeoning artificial
defects — which could be considered as a type of new intelligence.
phase — remains challenging. From the application Last but not the least, the concept of PEN can also
point of view, nanomaterials with particular structural be applied to many other intensively explored materi­
characteristics and compositions are often desired to als with unique physicochemical properties and prom­
meet specific practical requirements, which calls for ising applications, such as metal–organic frameworks,
the rational design and preparation of heterophase covalent organic frameworks and perovskites. Down to
nanostructures and their related hybrids, in which syn­ the even smaller scale, strategies in PEN can be used
ergistic effects between different phases and/or different to guide the synthesis and stabilization of single atoms,
components could lead to enhanced performances in atom pairs or other forms of atomic arrangements, such
specific applications. Particularly, it would be intriguing as clusters. From a macroscopic point of view, phase
to realize the well-defined ordering of different phases engineering can also be employed to produce materials
in crystal phase heterostructures158 and heterophase from building blocks beyond atoms and ions, includ­
nanomaterials. ing superlattice materials assembled from nanoclusters,
The concepts and methodologies of PEN can be nanoparticles or microparticles. Extending the concept
further developed in many other aspects. For example, of phase engineering to other kinds of materials opens
phase engineering can be combined with other structure up an avenue to discover novel functional materials for
engineering strategies, such as composition, architecture various promising applications.
or dimensionality engineering, to enable a higher level of
control over various functional nanomaterials. Published online xx xx xxxx

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