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International Business Plan – Case Study 2

Albin Geo Sebastian - 040996692

Jiahao Luo - 040906758

Juliana A. Cunha - 041005619

Mahesh Nela - 041043286

School of Business, Algonquin College of Applied Arts & Technology

International Marketing Entry Strategies

Professor Norman Hotchkiss

November 10, 2021


Table of Contents

Executive Summary – Mahesh Nela................................................................................3

Situation Analysis – Juliana Cunha..................................................................................5

Assumptions – Juliana Cunha..........................................................................................8

Core Problem – Jiahao Luo............................................................................................10

Evaluative Criteria – Jiahao Luo.....................................................................................11

Alternatives & Analysis of Alternatives – Albin...............................................................12

Decision and Justification – Albin...................................................................................13

Implementation – Mahesh Nela......................................................................................14

Business Case Questions..............................................................................................15

Transportation costs...............................................................................................16

Documentation fees (licenses and permits)............................................................16

Exporting costs.......................................................................................................17

Advertising and marketing costs.............................................................................17

Taxes and international charges.............................................................................17

Labor costs............................................................................................................. 17

Cargo insurance.....................................................................................................18

Bibliography................................................................................................................... 21

Executive Summary – Mahesh Nela

After a thorough situational analysis using tools like SWOT, conclusions were drawn about our

company's current situation. Breezy Auto Parts, the leading supplier of engine parts to the North

American automotive market, has a manufacturing facility in Michigan, as well as a distribution

center in Canada. Divisions of the big 3 (including Ford, GM, and Chrysler). The most notable

conclusion was that despite being the main supplier, it had no significant impact on market

patterns. (Study Case 2,nd).

The company's core problem now was determining how to improve profits in an already

saturated industry. We started by evaluating the manufacturing cost criteria as well as our just-

in-time manufacturing method. Second, the USMCA (United States, Mexico, and Canada) free

trade agreement was taken into consideration. Finally, quality and long-term viability were

assessed before considering any alternatives. (Study Case 2,nd).

Our company had three possible substitutes; one was to improve their view for the future by

undertaking market research to determine the impact of technology on their business over the

next few years. This will assist them in planning for the future. The second alternative was that

the company will be able to flourish more swiftly if it expands internationally while keeping a

strong local presence. It is feasible to form beneficial collaborations, such as joint ventures, with

a foreign firm operating in the same industry sector. The last alternative was to experiment with

new product development on a regular basis in response to changing markets. Breezy may

focus on developing new products not just for the native market, but for the global market as

well. (Study Case 2,nd).

In order to tackle the situation, the best approach would be to expand the company abroad.

Breezy will need to form a joint venture with Tata Motors, the market leader in both countries.

As a result, they will be able to share risks and duties, and Breezy will be able to benefit from

Tata's resources. It would be ideal for Breezy to obtain sufficient global market exposure in

order to expand their brand. Businesses should perform extensive research to avoid any

potential issues because they are new to the overseas market and lack of experience and

preparedness is a concern. (Study Case 2,nd).

To help us generate new revenue sources, few implementations were drawn. Since Breezy

already has trade relationships with the Big Three (Ford, GM, and Chrysler), Breezy can take

use of this opportunity and other foreign manufacturers are already producing engines for the

new horizon to which Breezy aims to serve. Secondly, we decided to offshore our existing

product line of fuel injectors and air filters for cars to one of the leading OEMs Fuel systems in

India. An inventory storage building would be established in Michigan to abide by our

comparative advantage of just-in- time manufacturing and inventory. This would make sure that

we can withstand any logistics and supply chain disturbances. Finally, the third solution will

involve reinvesting profits and forming a new company called Breezy Green Energy Ltd that will

completely focus on producing electric/hybrid technology goods and parts. (Study Case 2,nd).

Situation Analysis – Juliana Cunha

Figure 1

SWOT analysis

PESTE Analysis
Political Factor: One of the things on which no one can rely is political factors. They are

a critical component of the off-role-playing committee for emerging markets, helping to maintain

a balance between the system and free markets. The governments of North America are

concentrating their efforts on transforming the automobile sector by reducing their reliance on

gasoline-powered vehicles and increasing their use of electric vehicles (Study Case 2).

Additionally, the government offers tax incentives and financial assistance to people who

purchase electric automobiles. On the other side, developing countries such as India, Russia,

and Brazil have not yet reached the point of 100% EV use. Political rules continue to compel the

public to switch to hybrid automobiles, and hybrid vehicles continue to rely heavily on

carburettors as the primary component of the car engine. (Study Case 2,nd).

Economic factors: Companies like Breezy appear to have little economic difficulty

extending their business by forming alliances with underdeveloped countries in order to

maintain their profit margins. Countries such as India have numerous opportunities to integrate

their businesses with those of other countries in order to increase their GDP. Automobile sales

and per capita income have increased dramatically over the previous five years as rural areas

have been urbanised. These countries have just recently obtained the stability to operate a

private automobile, yet they remain uncertain about purchasing an electric vehicle(Study Case


Social Factor: Because the corporation has determined that profit margins are being

squeezed in their home territory, they must venture outside the market's social zone. This may

improve their Fortune. The demand for automobiles is increasing daily in developing countries

as a result of rising per capita income, greater distance between home and work region,

increased number of working individuals in the household, improved road facilities, and public

transportation turmoil. (Study Case 2,nd).

Technological Factor: Breezy has the option of expanding their business by selling

new vehicle components in North America, which will involve partnership with other firms to

establish a supply chain or manufacturing chain. Perhaps Asian emerging nations have already

been acquainted with gas alternatives such as CNG, LPG, and so on. These options do not

eliminate the need for an air filter and carburettors to power the autos. CNG used vehicles are

seeing a surge in sales, and as a fan of hybrid vehicles, the possibilities of carburetor sales

increasing are great (Study Case 2,nd).

Environmental Factor: CO2 is a gas created by a variety of technologies that causes

irreversible damage to our environment. A automobile is a necessary component of modern life,

as it cannot operate without leaving a carbon imprint. No electrified country, such as America or

Canada, has taken a stand against the carbon footprints left by automobiles. Perhaps

underdeveloped nations are still financially unable to employ electronic cars; instead, they are

attempting to reduce their use on gasoline or utilising a hybrid system that still requires Breezy

components (Study Case 2,nd)..

Assumptions – Juliana Cunha

According to FITT (2017) establishing a partnership may allow the organization to

address its own gaps, and may also help the organization determine the type of partner it

requires. When foreign car manufacturers entered North America to set up manufacturing

operations, Breezy developed relationships with newcomers (Study Case 2, n.d). By doing that,

we can assume that Breezy assessed its organization readiness and where the new company

would be complementary to them. It is assumed that the company considered their commitment

to change in the organization’s readiness assessment when they redesigned some of its

products to fit foreign models. By partnering with the newcomer car manufacturer, Breezy

increased its competitive advantage by tightening its relations rather than other companies. This

is a strategic move that leads to a win-win for both companies, Breezy, who is well established

in the market and wants to increase its strengths, and for the newcomer manufacturer, who will

benefit from a well-established company.

Usage of tools to keep attractiveness

The company introduced electronic data interchange (EDI) to support just-in-time

deliveries to all its customers (Study Case 2, n.d). According to Hopkins Distribution Company

(2016), EDI is a transfer of data between companies. It offers a high level of coordination and

control over product delivery and shipment and also helps reduce costs associated with

ordering products and paying invoices (Hopkins Distribution Company, 2016).

With these benefits, we have the assumption that Breezy has adressesed logistic

analysis to implement best practices and tools to improve their methods to keep its


Implementing these tools led to a good integration with its customers and reinforced the

assumption that Breeze defined its vision in their business plan as being the leading supplier on

fuel injectors and air filters in North America. Not just defined but steered its actions to achieve

it, showing that they might had revisited their vision plenty of times.

 Risk Management

The automobile market has undergone a substantial change through the years, and with

that, companies like Breezy need to assess its risks management considering the

environmental risks in the industry they are in. The Paris Agreement, as an example, an

international treaty on climate change created in 2015, has 191 countries committed to limit

global warming according to United Nations Climate Change (n.d). North America countries

such as Canada are on the road to eliminate green gases by 2050 (Service Canada, 2021) and

with that companies whose profits comes from hydrocarbons need to quick reinvent and adapt

to alternative fuels or other market share to not be left behind. When the CEO announced a

workshop to conduct a PESTE analysis, we have the assumption that they demanded a careful

risk analysis to mitigate all potential risks and develop a new strategy that the company would

follow to maintain itself in business. Monitoring risk analysis in alignment with company goals is

a decisive action that dictates the future of the company. Identifying trends and planning moves

in advance can save the company money, efforts, reputation, and most of all, its longevity in the


Maintaining the market

Breezy company has set two teams to investigate expansion possibilities right after

reviewing the company’s financial performance. It brings the assumption that the company shall

dedicate an amount of money and time for feasibility research on both options raised in Study

Case 2, n.d, considering the research brief, screening potential markets, collecting and

organizing data, to present conclusions and apply the research. These are basic steps to

conduct a strong Feasibility research according to FITT (2017).

To spend money and time assessing feasibility, Breezy should have assessed how the

initiative will be financed. Whether by its own resources considering it is a strong-based

company in the past years, or by bank financing considering the company reputations or even

by government incentives to renewable technology in North America, such as Net Zero

Accelerator Initiative in Canada (Canada, n.d.).

Core Problem – Jiahao Luo

Breezy Auto Parts need to expand its market to sustain a respectable and steady profit


The first reason is the North American market is saturated for fuel injectors and air filters,

because Breezy has already is the leader in selling fuel injectors and air filters, it is hard to have

a significant increase. If they want to sell a new product, it still needs spend an amount of time

redesigning and retooling to invent their new products. Also, they rely on the relationships with

customers and must take advantage of their just-in-time manufacturing and just-in-time

inventory. Due to the high market share and stable profits, they only have the North American

market and did not conduct the research about other markets in the world, when these profits

are decreasing, they must reconsider about other market. Second reason is the profits margins

are volatile and getting lower. Sales are weak and the company's fixed costs are eroding profits,

and the profits is no longer stable when the share of gasoline cars is decreasing. Besides, more

and more people tend to drive hybrid and electric vehicles. Because crude oil price has

increased, it also lends to increase the cost of driving gas-run cars. Tesla and other electric

vehicles have changed the industry and changed the traditional auto manufactures. These

traditional manufactures must improve their products or partner with the electric vehicle’s


Evaluative Criteria – Jiahao Luo

Evaluative Criteria Weight Rationale

Investigate the latest Conduct international market research to recognize

trends and potential 15% the latest trends or opportunities and confirm the
customers potential market they want to expand.
Analyze the cost and Analyze the cost if they enter the potential market
benefits 20% and define the marketing objective, risk analysis, and
competitive analysis.
Develop relationships with Research the new partner or manufactures and
new partner 25% develop the close relationship with optimum
Preparing the Business Explore the business strategy to decide the direct or
plan for market entry 25% indirect investment for market entry and define the
monitor progress for successes.
Investing in the new Investing the capital to develop the new products in
market 15% the new market and develop the technology to cater
the sustainable industry.

Alternatives & Analysis of Alternatives – Albin

1. Breezy should improve their view for the future by undertaking market research to

determine the impact of technology on their business over the next few years. This will assist

them in planning for the future. (Study Case 2, nd).

2. Expanding abroad while maintaining a strong local presence will enable the

organization to develop more quickly. Creating profitable collaborations, such as joint ventures,

with a foreign firm operating in the same sector of industry is possible (Study Case 2, nd).

3. Experimenting with new product development on a periodic basis in response to

altering markets is a smart idea. Breezy could concentrate on developing new items not just for

the domestic market, but also for the worldwide market. Although the North American market is

expanding swiftly, few third world countries are still stuck in the past and transitioning to new

technologies will take time. (Study Case 2, nd).


Decision and Justification – Albin

The greatest solution would be to develop the firm internationally, since they have

already determined that India and Brazil are the finest areas for expansion. Breezy must create

a joint venture with Tata Motors, which is the market leader in both nations. Thus, they may

share risks and responsibilities and Breezy can profit from Tata's resources. It would be the

optimal scenario for Breezy to gain adequate worldwide market exposure in order to grow their

brand. As they are new to the foreign market and lack of expertise and preparation would be a

concern, businesses should conduct considerable study and avoid any potential complications.

They have a variety of funding alternatives available to them, including revenues from the

enterprise, expanded operating lines of credit or term loans for capital expenditures, private

investors, and EDC.Thus, raising finance would not be an issue, and with adequate training and

information on conducting company globally, Breezy would be well prepared to go with this

option (Study Case 2, nd)..


Implementation – Mahesh Nela

As Breezy already has trade relationships with the Big Three (Ford, GM, and Chrysler),

they can take advantage of this opportunity because these three businesses, as well as other

foreign manufacturers, are already producing engines for the new horizon to which Breezy plans

to cater. As a result, 30% of our current product line will be redesigned to meet the needs of this

new consumer base. (Study Case 2, nd).

Expansion of the sales team to establish relationships with this new customer base and gain a

better understanding of their needs, which will allow us to reconfigure our product to meet their

needs. (Study Case 2, nd).

Expanding into a new horizon of IC engines, catering to engine manufacturers of Tractors,

Trucks, Buses, Locomotive Engines, and Heavy Construction Equipment's requirements.

Breezy can set up a portion of its production line to ODMs in India, where labor costs are lower.

Initially, India will be able to manufacture 30% of the existing production capacity. By doing so it

will lower its production costs and require no additional investment for expansion.

Because some products will be imported, a storage facility in Michigan will need to be built to

keep buffer stock in the event of a logistics chain failure. (Study Case 2, nd).

We'll have to subcontract at least 65 % of our manufacturing to India, which will be done in three

stages. In such a way that it will have no impact on the operation of our current manufacturing

facility in Michigan. There is no risk of financial investment because it is a subcontract. As a

result, our expansion plans in other segments will be unaffected. (Study Case 2, nd).

Through reinvesting profits, more emphasis will be placed on Research & Development for our

future market. EVs and hybrid vehicles are gaining popularity around the world; so, by adding a

new product line to its inventory, it will help us stay in the trend by Creating a company called

"Breezy Green Ltd.". For the next five years, a revenue generation objective must be set. (Study

Case 2, nd).

Business Case Questions

1. How should Breezy prepare for negotiating with offshore car manufacturers?

Include market entry and cultural factors. Jiahao

First, they need to clarify their objectives for Business meetings, which help them to do

the research relative information. And then they will pre-research the market and know the cost

of materials price and competitor’s information, this information will help to negotiate a best offer

and know the minimum cost during business meetings. Prepare the business plan and confirm

the marketing entry strategy are important, they must choose the indirect investment or direct

investment for their target market. And assemble the negotiating team and understand the

culturally sensitive, avoiding make the mistake to conflict with the offshore car manufacturers. In

order to reduce the risk, they need to contact the EDC to know the credit of offshore car

manufacturers and trade agreement. Prepare required documentation and translate the

information to avoid the communication issue and language barriers. Besides, define the

political environment and laws issues, they need to make sure the business activities are ethics

and comply with the local laws. (Mod 2 Unit 3 Slides, International Market Entry Strategy)

2.What type of offshore organization do you recommend for Breezy? Include a full

discussion of advantages, disadvantage and conditions for the option you’ve chosen.(Albin)

Ans2: We would like to choose Joint venture

In a joint venture, each of the partners is jointly and severally liable for the profits, losses,

and expenditures associated with the venture. The venture, on the other hand, is a separate

legal entity from the other commercial interests of the participants. (FITT,2017)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Joint Ventures


Joint ventures enable firms to achieve far better sales volumes, market penetration, and

profit potential than any other entrance method. The investment is split between two or more

organizations, lowering the amount each partner must give and also limiting liability, which

makes a risky venture more possible. Because the joint venture is likely to incorporate local

partners, it can help alleviate customer and government hostility against international firms.

Partnerships can also benefit from government incentives for market-oriented companies.


There are numerous drawbacks to establishing a joint venture. Each partner must cede

some control of the operation, and management decisions must be made collaboratively. When

partners have divergent ideas on how to proceed, major complications might occur. If one

partner wishes to leave the partnership or is forced to do so, it can be extremely difficult to

recoup any of the monies spent in the enterprise. (FITT,2017)

Similar issues might arise when earnings are shared and one of the partners believes

their investment is worth more than the portion of profits agreed upon in the initial contract.

Before coming into business, the partners must carefully write contracts and define the shared

corporate objectives they desire to achieve. (FITT,2017)

2. What costs (Cost categories not actual figures) are likely to be incurred? All team

(Nela Mahesh)

Transportation costs 

In order for a company to successfully enter a new market, it is necessary to have a

comprehensive market entrance plan. The development of a market entry strategy can assist

organisations in identifying potential barriers to market access and in developing solid route-to-

market strategies. As a result, corporations are teaming with firms such as Infiniti Research in

order to benefit from their expertise in providing market entry strategies. 

Documentation fees (licenses and permits)

It is also possible to enter a foreign market through licencing, which has a lower level of

risk. Contrary to contract manufacturing, it is typically for a longer period of time and entails

additional responsibility for the local manufacturer. In many ways, licences and franchising are

the same thing; but, in the case of franchising, the franchising organisation is more directly

involved in the formulation and control of the marketing programme. 

Exporting costs 

When it comes to doing business in international markets, exporting is the most

traditional and well-established method. All will be OK if the company achieves first success in

its exporting endeavours rapidly, but the chances of failure are significant in the early phases.

When it comes to exporting, the "learning effect" is typically fairly swift. The goal is to learn how

to reduce the risks associated with market entry and commitment throughout the early phases

of development. 

Advertising and marketing costs 

Advertising helps to differentiate products and can encourage generic market entry,

which would otherwise be discouraged due to intense Bertrand rivalry if there was no

differentiation. Over-investment in advertising, on the other hand, can inhibit generic market

entry under specific conditions and diminish welfare when compared to accommodating market

entry, according to the literature.

Taxes and international charges

Taxes and other assessments are collected at the moment of customs clearance in the

foreign port, together with the tariff. Tariffs and taxes increase the cost of your product to a

foreign buyer and may have a negative impact on your ability to compete on the international

market. Knowing the final cost to your buyer can help you determine how much to charge for

your product in that market.

Labor costs 

Many people believe that these charges are the most significant costs a firm will incur,

and that they are a critical aspect in almost any corporation. This is owing to the fact that staff

turnover is one of the most significant factors contributing to a company's failure. It is in the best

interest of any business owner to keep unit labour expenses and inflation to a bare minimum so

that profits can be maximised.

Cargo insurance 

According to the policy, freight insurance, also known as cargo insurance, can assist

protect against this type of damage by covering a variety of modes of transportation, ranging

from ocean freight to trucking to air freight, depending on the policy. You should consider

purchasing freight insurance if you are sending products that are of significant value. This will

ensure that your goods are protected during the shipment process.

3. How could this initiative be financed?

 Breezy resources: Dedicating some portion considering the company have been

leading its sector in North America for the past 50 years.

 Bank loan: Considering the reputation Breezy has established locally through the

years in North America.

 EDC (in case Breezy is in Canada): By requesting a Direct Lending, that is a loan

directly from EDC to sell goods or expand business outside Canada, or even

have a financial flexibility (EDC, n.d.).


 Government incentives: such as Net Zero Accelerator Initiative in Canada, which

supports industrial emitters through investments in the adoption of clean

technology (Canada, n.d.).

 Bi-lateral agreements: once there is no FTA in force with India or Brazil.

4. What risks does the offshore venture face and what risk management strategies

would you use?

Commercial Risk / Financial Risk –

 By doing a joint venture with Tata, Breeze may need to loan some money from the bank

once Tata’s company makes a considerable investment in renewable energy.

Another risk could be Breeze's actual financial situation, which is not good considering

its profit in the past (Case Study 2, n.d.). This could be a problem in finance research and

development. To mitigate that risk one option would be through EDC Portfolio Credit Insurance,

to protect company’s profit and get covered for 90% of insured losses if the customer doesn’t

pay (Export Development Canada, n.d.).

Social Risk

With this offshore venture, cultural aspects regarding employee’s wellness, fair wages,

and environment impacts can directly affect the initiative for the good and for the bad, for both

companies. A dedicated cultural research increase awareness of self and others (FITT, 2017).

People are not generally aware of the impact their culture has on their perceptions and

behaviors until they start comparing theirs to those of people from other countries or regions

(FITT, 2017). One strategy would be to assess Tata’s mission, vision and values to verify if they

are in alignment with Breeze standards.

Political risk

In a comprehensive review of political risks in international markets, the most significant

political risks are government instability, policy uncertainty, racism and xenophobic events,

negative attitudes toward foreign firms, a hostile legal system, local regulations and policies,

and restrictions on international firms' repatriation of funds to their home country. Similar studies

identified political risks such as political instability, an uneven political structure, restrictions on

fund repatriation or profit transfer, bureaucracy, regional traditions and business practices,

administrative delays, requirements for local content, and government participation and control.

Currency risk

Foreign exchange rate risk exists whenever a contract is written or denominated in a

foreign currency. Exchange rate swings enhance the investment’s risk and result in cash losses.

The financial management must consider not just the rate of return on temporary investments,

but also the fluctuating exchange rates of the currencies invested. The risk can be mitigated by

purchasing materials and supplies on credit in the country where the foreign subsidiary

operates, allowing the ultimate payment date to be extended as long as feasible. (Accounting,

Financial, Tax ,2010, August 15).

Trade and Economics risk

Risk regarding theft or damage to goods where they move across sea and lands to

international borders is an important trade risk to consider (AIG Insurance Company of Canada,

n.d.). To mitigate that risk, an insurance company should be hired, such as AIG company. AIG

provides cargo insurance programs tailored to each client needs (AIG Insurance Company of

Canada, n.d.). Operation risks regarding logistics must also be evaluated. Charging and

discharging products, transportation and specific Incoterm shall be taken in consideration to

clarify each part of responsibility (FITT, 2017).



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