College Essay

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Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose track of

time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn

Turtles All The Way Down by best selling author John Green made me realize my
love for understanding mental health. As you are taken through the life of Aza Holmes
you get to see how she struggles with a severe case of obsessive compulsive disorder.
When I started reading this book at nine o'clock at night after I received it as a gift, I did
not know I would finish it within the next three hours. I was so utterly invested in the fact
that someone could explain thoughts I had in a way that made sense to other people.
After finishing this book and sitting in awe, I got my brain together and dove into the
world of mental health.
The world of mental health is a fascinating but dangerous place. The more
invested you get the more you can start to question your own sense of self perception. To
many this could be terrifying, but to me it was a normal part of life before knowing what
it all could mean. I have always loved to get a deeper sense of who I am as a person by
knowing exactly how my brain works, so when I found out there was an entire online
world that could help me do just that I could not keep my excitement contained. I
researched and researched for hours upon end to find anything even remotely related to
mental health. I found tv shows such as Criminal Minds and The Good Doctor, and books
like How To Make Friends With The Dark by Kathleen Galsgow and Will Grayson Will
Grayson by John Green and David Leviathan. All of these things gave me not only a
deeper look but a drive to learn more about psychology. I began researching further to try
to feed the hunger this topic has provided me.
As I continue to search and look at the different disorders and conditions, I begin
to also look at the different outlooks and treatment options. One of those options was to
see a psychiatrist. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor who studies, diagnoses, and treats
mental disorders. I personally have never been to a psychiatrist, but I have family
members and friends who have. All I have talked to have said they were given what they
needed to feel better. They have told me about their experiences and how the doctor
treated them by making them explain more of how their mind works. I can get lost in the
study of psychiatry due to the many different ways it can be done. Depending on the
person, place, and doctor there are so many different ways to treat mental disorders. Due
to this minor obsession with the study of mental disorders and how to treat them I have
decided for the time being that I would like to become a psychiatrist. Becoming a
psychiatrist will be a lot of work, but it will help me to deepen my search of this topic,
learn more, and maybe make a discovery of my own one day.

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