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Blended Learning Lesson Plan

Lesson Title: Letters of the Alphabet

Objectives: Students will be able to recognize that spoken words are represented in written language by
specific sequences of letters.
Students will be able to write letter(s) for familiar consonant and vowel sounds.
Students will be able to print upper-and lower-case letters.

State Standards: RL.1.4 Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

Context: This lesson is a kindergarten English lesson about learning and recognizing the letters of the
alphabet. I am teaching this lesson because it is crucial to student development and is the core for many
key skills. Students should be familiar with the alphabet, but this lesson should help differentiate between
capital and lowercase letters. After this lesson, students should be able to recognize that spoken words can
be written by letters, be familiar with consonants and vowels, and should be able to copy and print upper-
and-lower-case letters. In turn, this will help students with all other English assignments, as letters are the
base of all words. Overall, this lesson will be important in helping students understand the basis of the
Data: The students will be divided into three groups, based off of their understanding of the previous
lesson. There will be a low, middle, and group. Students will be placed into one of those three groups
based off of their exit ticket data and how well they understood the last lesson. This also helped me direct
my lesson on exactly what the students need more help with overall. At the end of today’s lesson I will do
the same procedure to collect data. Students will be asked various questions relating to the alphabet and
their question data will be used for the next lesson/assignment.
Introduction: Students will use the computer/Smart Board to watch a video on the alphabet. Students
will need their English notebook and pencil as well.
Teacher Directed: Students will use their computer/Smart Board to watch video on Upper vs Lowercase
letters. Students will need their English notebook and pencil as well.

Collaborative Station: Students will use ABCMouse on their iPads to work on their letters.

Independent Digital: “Writing Alphabet letters for Children | Uppercase and Lowercase Letters” on their
iPads. and guided worksheet.
Closure: Students will be given their exit ticket which will be number 1-5 on their understanding of the
alphabet, directed and lead by me.
Detailed paragraphs from here on down.
Introduction (20 minutes): This will be the first lesson of the day. Students will be able to come in, put
their belongings away, and have a seat at their desks. When students are settled, I will begin the lesson by
having students recite the alphabet. I will then go in to explaining that there are two sets of letters, upper
and lowercase. I will give examples of when we use these letters, such as for writing out name, the date,
and important events. I will ask students to come to the front of the room and to sit in front of the Smart
Board with their English notebooks and a pencil. I will then play the YouTube video I will then break the students off into their assigned groups, and we
will begin rotations.

Teacher Directed (15 minutes): At the Teacher Directed group, I will first start off by playing the
YouTube video on Uppercase and Lowercase letters Students
will need their English notebooks as well. After the video is done, I will ask students to write specific
letters in their notebooks. Then when students have finished, I myself will write the letter, either
uppercase or lowercase, and will have students make any corrections to their own letters. This will occur
multiple times with various letters until students have a good idea on the topic. When the time for the
Teacher Directed group is up, students will quietly move onto the next group.

Collaborative (15 minutes): For the collaborative group, students will be working together to
complete a lesson on (link above). This lesson will have students working to write and
decipher upper and lowercase letters. Students will need to work on this website for the entire duration of
the assigned group time, and will take turns answering the questions on their iPads.

Independent Digital (15 minutes): For the independent digital portion, students will first watch a
video on their personal iPads on “Writing Alphabet letters for Children | Uppercase and Lowercase
Letters” while sitting at their own desks quietly. Once students
are done with the video, they will be asked to grab a worksheet from the front of the classroom, and will
complete the worksheet alone. If students need help, they may ask each other. Once students have
completed the worksheet The purpose of this lesson is to have students complete and understand the
letters of the alphabet and their corresponding upper and lowercase letters.

Closure (20 minutes): At this time I will have students regroup and clean up at the station they
were last at. I will have students leave out their notebooks once they return to their seats, and will then
proceed to go around the room to see what the students have written, to ultimately see what the students
understood/did not understand about the assignment. I will then ask for closing questions to go over
anything that the students did not understand. After I have reviewed what we did during the lesson, I will
pass out the exit ticket. Since the students cannot read well at this point, I will have students write down
on a scale of 1-5 their understanding of the questions I ask aloud. Once students have answered all
questions with their responses, I will then collect the exit tickets. The data from the exit tickets will help
me figure out who is well off with upper and lower case letters, and who is still struggling, This way I can
help the struggling students during the next teacher directed group time. We will then move onto the next
part of the school day.

Rationale: You must have at least two paragraphs (one for each mandatory piece of multimedia)
Youtube Video: Alphabet with Uppercase and Lowercase Letters
I chose this multimedia piece because it does such a good job of helping students understand what upper
and lowercase letters are. It also helps keep students engaged with its fun and colorful video and text. It
even gives examples of why we use uppercase and lowercase letters. It shows the motions in writing these
letters, which is helpful for students when learning how to write. I chose to play this video before students
actually had to complete the worksheet on their own to help students fully grasp the concept. I also think
it is important for other educators to explain concepts to students as their way may make it easier for
students to understand,

I chose to use this multimedia website because ABCMouse has been proven to accelerate learning and
helps children make significant gains in early literacy skills. ABCMouse is geared directly for
kindergarten students, and has built lessons and games to keep students fully engaged to learn. I think it is
important for students to pay educational games as it can making learning fun and can help them
memorize the topics by having them play the games for perfect scores. This website adds a fun approach
to the alphabet, and I believe its benefits allow students to fully process what the are learning. Having
students play a game also allows for them to have a break from the basic lessons.

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