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Appendix: Manual for a Concept

for a TV series

The concept paper, sometimes referred to as ‘The TV Dummy Paper’, from the
TV term at The National Film School of Denmark. Courtesy of Lars Detlefsen and
The National Film School of Denmark.

On the Cover of the Concept

Give the names of the people involved. And their functions: Producer, writer,
designer and so on.

Table of Contents
Table of contents of the concept.

Introduction to your TV series. What is it about and why do you want to make it.

Idea and Genre

1. Describe your idea. You can refer to other TV series, movies, books, plays etc.
2. Genre, style and mood.
3. What is new and unique about your series?
4. What is the ‘identification’ and the ‘fascination’ of your TV series?

Theme and Premise

Premise, theme and subject of the series. How does it show in the series?

The Main Characters

Describe the main characters, the protagonists.
Give their goals, secrets, passions and ideals and so on.
Describe their looks, homes, clothes, things, pets, cars, and so on.
And describe their important relationships.

Appendix: Manual for a Concept for a TV series 205

Supporting Characters
Describe the supporting characters and their relationships.

Describe the main antagonist of the series.

5 Questions
It is interesting to hear your characters speak. Ask them the same five questions,
so we can hear how different their views are. The questions should be about the
subject, dilemma and theme of your TV series.

Arenas, Locations and Time

Describe the main locations of the TV series: The city, the homes, the
workplaces, the bars, etc.
Give the time of year where the TV series takes place. And how you will use it
in the series.
Give the time span of the series. And how time is used as a dramatic factor in
the series.

Style and Mood

Give the colors, the style and the mood of the series. How should it be filmed
and edited and so on.

Title Sequence
Describe the title sequence of the TV series.

Sound and Music

Describe the sound and music of the series.
Describe the title song (if any). What is it about?

The Arc of the First Season

Write a synopsis for the whole first season. Describe the main conflict, how it
develops and how it ends.
Give the motivation for the characters.
Give the structure of the episodes. And give the storytelling elements of the
series, like flashback, voiceover, suspense and so on.
Give how many episodes there are in the first season.
206 Appendix: Manual for a Concept for a TV series

Story Lines
Write pitches for all the episodes of the first season.

Write the script for the first episode of the season.

The Second Season

Make up a cliffhanger for the end of the first season. And write a short synopsis
for the second season.

Cast & Crew

Make a list of the actors.
Make a list of the crew.

Describe how the TV series could be made: Budget, finance, plans, strategies,
studios, filming schedule and so on.

The TV Slot and the Audience

Give when and where the TV series should air. And who your target audience is.

PR and Merchandise Ideas

How will you make people aware of this new TV series?

Give the names and contact info of all the people who have been involved in
creating the TV series concept.

1. A brief note on terminology. This book uses the term ‘script’ and not ‘screen-
play’ for the text written as an episode for a series; script is also widely used in
this sense in ‘how-to books’ on television writing (e.g. Goldberg and Rabkin
2003; Douglas 2007; Sandler 2007; Del Valle 2008; Smethurst 2009).
2. A list of interviews is in the references. In the following chapters these are
referred to by the last name of the respondent and the year of the interview.
The interviews have been supplemented with e-mail correspondences, which
are referred to as notes in the text.

1 Television Writing and the Screen Idea System

1. In spite of this, as for example, Newcomb has argued, these kinds of pub-
lications can sometimes be valuable sources for scholars with an interest in
production analysis if dealt with in a careful manner (1991, 99).
2. CPS can be regarded as part of the pragmatic paradigm in creativity research,
since the primary focus is to facilitate creative processes, for instance by devel-
oping concrete techniques like brainstorming (Sternberg and Lubart 1999,
5). Central to CPS is, thus, the teaching of creativity, but the nuanced break-
down of the different stages also offer a productive understanding of complex
production processes if one wants to explore the primary focus, principal par-
ticipants or main challenges during the making of new products. The CPS
models are not the first to attempt to break down these kinds of processes.
In How We Think from 1910, John Dewey described five stages of reflection
in a problem solving process, which are still inspiring to scholars today (e.g.
Darsø 2001; Puccio et al. 2005). Graham Wallas described the four steps of
preparation, incubation, illumination and verification in The Art of Thought
(1926). The basic ideas behind CPS were developed by Alex Osborn as part of
his attempt to describe how to enhance creativity in groups as well as in indi-
viduals (1953). As summarized by Puccio et al. in a historical account of the
development of CPS, the thoughts of Osborn are still the basic components
in what is now a range of different models (2005).
3. In Changing the World (1994), Csikszentmihalyi, Feldman and Gardner present
the model as the DIFI Framework (‘Domain Individual Field Interaction’). I use
the original term from 1988, which Csikszentmihalyi has also used in later
studies (e.g. Csikszentmihalyi 1996, 1999; Abuhamdeh and Csikszentmihalyi
2004). As noted by other scholars who have found inspiration in the work of
Csikszentmihalyi, the systems model shares similarities with Pierre Bourdieu’s
theories about the field of cultural production (e.g. Kupferberg 2006; McIntyre
2006, 2008).

208 Notes

4. For more on premises, see Chapter 3.

5. Richard Corliss’ attempt to get screenwriting out of the shadows of the auteur
theory is still alive in books like David Kipen’s The Schreiber Theory: A Radical
Rewrite of American Film History (2006).

2 Danish Television Drama: A Crash Course

Accessed 2 April 2013.
2. In 2012, three Danish feature films sold more than 500,000 tickets in Dan-
ish cinemas: Hvidsten Gruppen/This Life (764,516 tickets) by Anne-Grethe
Bjarup Riis, Den skaldede frisør/Love is All You Need (628,477) by Susanne Bier
and the Oscar-nominated En kongelig affære/A Royal Affair (528,425 tickets)
by Nikolaj Arcel.
Billetsalg-for-danske-film-2012.aspx. Accessed 2 April 2013.
html. Accessed 9 November 2012.
4. In February 2013, dk4 premiered its first originally produced TV series, the
two-episode mini-series Bødlen/‘The Executioner’ (dk4 2013), pointing to
the possibility of more broadcasters moving into the production of original
scripted series in the years to come.
5. See, for instance, Levine 2008 for a discussion of different discourses on dis-
tinguishing features of the television medium and of the changing meanings
of television liveness.
6. This latter development is dealt with in more detail in Chapter 3 on
formulating dogmas for television drama.
7. For more on the life and work of Leif Panduro, consult the biography by
John Christian Jørgensen (1987). For a brief introduction to his television
drama work, see Bondebjerg 1991, 155–8.
8. For titles in what Bondebjerg has called the ‘Danish line of royalty’ in
serialized literary classics for television, see Bondebjerg 1991, 158.
9. Satirical DR2 series like Drengene fra Angora (2004), Rytteriet (2010) or Nor-
malerweize (2004–) have found appreciative audiences and created national
hit songs, but the viewing figures are in no way similar to the DR drama
series. For more on the production of satire in Danish television, see
Bruun 2012.
10. According to
sete-danske-tvprogrammer.html. Accessed 8 November 2012. Other histori-
cal series have been the more adventurous attempts to make history come
alive as action-filled stories on screen, like Gøngehøvdingen/ ‘The Gønge Chief-
tain’ (1992) based on the novel by Carit Etlar (from 1853) about a hero of
the Danish-Swedish wars in the 1600s. Another example is the atmospheric
and stylized gangster mini-series Edderkoppen/‘The Spider’ (2000), which was
inspired by the so-called ‘spider case’ 1948–1952 dealing with the unravel-
ling of a major criminal web in the post-war underworld of Copenhagen.
While the real people and events were used as the basis for creating a more
general story of crime and romance, the series seemed more interested in
creating cinematic imagery and has been compared to both the spaghetti
Notes 209

westerns of Sergio Leone and classic gangster films like The Godfather (1972)
(Piil 2008, 651).
11. Klovn has been compared to a Danish take on Larry David’s Curb Your Enthusi-
asm (2000–present) with comedians Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam as
fictionalized versions of themselves. The series was made by Zentropa for the
stand up comedy-influenced sister channel TV 2 Zulu and evolved into the
feature film Klovn – The Movie/Clown (2010), which sold more than 850,000
tickets at the national box office.
12. When the scheme was founded in 2008, it only supported the development
and production of scripted drama and documentaries for television. Follow-
ing discussions of the scheme, the Media Political Agreement for 2011–2014
included programmes for children and young people in all genres as well
as radio programmes. The budget for 2011–2014 is DKK 37.5m (EUR 5m)
13. Nordvision is a television and media collaboration between the five Nordic
public service broadcasters Danmarks Radio (DR), Norsk Rikskringkastning
(NRK), Sveriges Television (SVT), Yleisradio (YLE) and Ríkisútvarpið (RUV)
with Sveriges Utbildningsradio (UR), Greenland’s Kalaallit Nunata Radioa
(KNR) and Kringvarp Føroya (KVP) from the Faroe Islands as associated
14. In 2009, The Nordvision Fund allocated DKK 49m (EUR 6.5m) to
co-productions between the partners of NV and around DKK 1.8m (EUR
240,000) to research and development ( As described by
Rowold, collaborations on expensive drama productions have been an
important part of the Nordic collaborations since the days of the TV
Theatre (2009, 42). In 2008, collaborations on drama represented 43
per cent of the co-productions financed by the NV Fund and was the
area receiving the most support, but the Nordic drama productions also
received the highest numbers of viewers in the neighbouring countries
(2009, 42).

3 Dogmas for Television Drama: Changing

a Production Culture
1. See Peacock 2009 for a comparison of the original version of The Kingdom
and the US remake.
2. National series moving from one broadcaster to another is a rare phe-
nomenon in the Danish television landscape with Lulu & Leon (2009–2010)
premiering on TV 3 and then being bought by DR as one of the only other
3. This will be discussed in more detail in the case study of Borgen in Chapter 6.
4. The research project ‘Spaces of Television: Production, site and style’ is an
example of investigating the use of how using, for example, TV studios or
locations has conditioned the form and visual style of UK television fiction.
For more, see
Accessed 3 April 2013.
5. Sven Clausen has given a number of lectures in the industry about the
strengths of the Danish set-up over the past five years, for instance at Nordisk
210 Notes

Film & TV Fond’s Nordic TV Drama Masterclass ‘There is Something Going

on’ in November 2009 and at the European TV Drama Series Lab in 2012
(Redvall 2012a).
6. The media researchers at DR do traditional audience analysis, but they also
conduct qualitative focus group tests once episodes for forthcoming series
are finished. Since no pilots are produced, these tests are not to examine
whether series should be broadcast or not, but rather to learn more about the
audience response to certain aspects, like content and characters, which can
then feed back into the further writing and production. Media researchers
Lene Heiselberg and Jacob Lyng Wieland kindly allowed me to observe their
work and found time for interviews (Heiselberg 2011; Wieland 2011) as did
Head of DR Media Research Lars Thunø (Thunø 2012). Their work is the
topic of further writings on the DR mode of production, but not described
in detail in this book.
7. There are slight differences between the Danish version of the dogmas,
which I have received from Ingolf Gabold as an in-house power point pre-
sentation, and the English version of the Dogmas, which has recently been
published (Hartmann 2012, 55). I have translated the in-house version from
8. The term has been translated in different ways to for instance ‘double
dimension narration’ (in Pham 2012).
9. The word ‘præmis’ (premise) is widely used in the DR framework even
though it does not appear in the dogmas. The term grows out of theo-
ries of dramaturgy with Lajos Egri’s thoughts on premises in The Art of
Dramatic Writing (1946, 1960) and The Art of Creative Writing (1965) as
one source of inspiration. Egri has defined a premise as a universal truth
for the project at hand containing both character, conflict and resolution
(1960, 29), and he has argued that ‘a good premise represents the author’
(1960, 17).
10. As in other media industries, it is hard to get information on specific salaries,
but the writers interviewed for this book have not complained about their
pay. According to legal advisor Birna Mohr from the Danish Writers Guild,
there is no official agreement on fees between the Guild and DR (similar
to the one that exists with the feature film industry), and negotiations on
salaries as well as royalties are done on an individual – and confidential –
basis (personal communication with Mohr, 3 April 2013). The suggested
minimum fees for feature film writing can be accessed from the website of
the Writers Guild for an impression of the minimum level of pay in the
Danish film industry. The fees are the following as of 1 January 2013: A syn-
opsis: DKK 39,826 (app. EUR 5,300); a treatment: DKK 71,689 (app. EUR
9,560); First draft of script: DKK 127,445 (app. EUR 17,000); Final draft of
script: DKK 414,203 (app. EUR 55,230). Accessed 3 April 2013. http://www. It should be noted that
all script development fees are paid as percentages (or installments) of the
final script fee.
11. Ole Christian Madsen directed episodes 9 and 10 of Taxa in 1997, before
making his first feature film Pizza King (1999). Since then, he has directed
the mini-series Edderkoppen/The Spider (2000) and four episodes of Unit One
Notes 211

(episodes 25 + 26 and the two final more high-profile episodes, 31 and 32).
His feature films are the dogma film En kærlighedshistorie/Kira’s Reason: A Love
Story (2001), Nordkraft (2005), Prag/Prague (2006), Flammen & Citronen/Flame
and Citron (2008) and SuperClásico (2011).
12. Niels Arden Oplev directed several episodes of Taxa and was then the concep-
tualizing director of Unit One. He has been moving back and forth between
film and television, directing feature films like Drømmen/We Shall Overcome
(2006) and Män som hatar kvinnor/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2009)
and episodes of Forsvar/‘Defense’ for TV 2 in 2003 and The Eagle in 2005
and 2006. The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo was also made in a television
mini-series version (2010).
13. Ole Christian Madsen and Niels Arden Oplev are among the Danish directors
who have gone on to direct episodes for major US series. Madsen as episode
director of Banshee (2013) and Oplev of Unforgettable (CBS, 2011).
14. The main information in this section is based on the interview with Head of
DR Fiction Nadia Kløvedal Reich (2012).
15. For an introduction to the history of the advent calendar series, see for
instance Monggaard 2012.

4 Training Talent for Television: DR and the ‘TV Term’

1. Some scholars have previously analysed the advent of academic film stud-
ies as well as courses in practical filmmaking (e.g. Polan 2007; Grieve-
son and Wasson 2008), while other publications have given the word to
tutors and former students at different schools in order to provide insights
into the differences in the American and European educational structures
(e.g. Boorman et al. 2002). However, Mette Hjort’s anthology is the first
comprehensive study on the education of filmmakers on a worldwide
2. The historical material in the chapter builds on my article ‘Teaching Screen-
writing in a Time of Storytelling Blindness: The Meeting of the Auteur and
the Screenwriting Tradition in Danish Film-Making’. Journal of Screenwriting
1: 57–79.
3. Anders Thomas Jensen is a self-taught screenwriter. He won an Oscar for
his short film Valgaften/Election Night (1999) and also gained an interna-
tional reputation through writing the Dogma films Mifunes sidste sang/Mifune
(1999) and The King is Alive (2000). Since writing Elsker dig for evigt/Open
Hearts (2002) for Susanne Bier, they have had a steady collaboration, lead-
ing to an Oscar for best foreign film for Hævnen/In a Better World (2010).
Jensen has also directed his own feature film screenplays in Blinkende
Lygter/Flickering Lights (2000), De grønne slagtere/The Green Butchers (2003) and
Adams æbler/Adam’s Apples (2005).
4. Rukov’s importance for Danish cinema has been acknowledged by an hon-
orary Bodil award in 2003 and he has also become known abroad. When
the script tutor Dick Ross in 2002 counted NFSD among the leading film
schools in the world he credited Rukov for a lot of the School’s success
(2002, 47).
212 Notes

5. TV-Sum refers to ‘TV som udtryksmiddel’ meaning television as a means of

6. Screenwriter Nikolaj Scherfig (graduated 1990) has described the general
impression of classical dramaturgy among the students at this time as ‘a
bourgeois Hollywood thing that impeded the free, artistic will’ (2006, 156).
7. Dogma 95 and Vinterberg and Rukov’s collaborative writing of Festen/The Cel-
ebration (1998) are among the events that, in the late 1990s, started to make
people outside the NFSD aware that something interesting was happening in
the Screenwriting Department.
8. Personal email communication with Clausen, 15 September 2012.
9. The budget for the series was to be DKK 45,000 a minute (EUR 6,000) and the
suggested time slot was week nights at 8.30 or 9 pm. Nikolaj and Julie (2002–
2003) and Rita (TV 2, 2012–) were mentioned as examples of similar series.
The description of the assignment highlighted that the time slot allowed for
material with ‘an edge’ in terms of both content and visuals, but emphasized
that students should keep in mind that DR is a public service broadcaster
with a broad appeal and an obligation to produce programmes based on
stories, ‘which tell them something about themselves and make them reflect,
on their own and together, on the life they are living’ (from the assignment
paper of 2012).
10. According to Jakob Ion Wille, the role of the production designers has, how-
ever, been a source of some discussions, since the designers have only had
ownership of their designs in the contracts made by producers during the
term and not any ownership of the concept for the series as such. This
changed during the term of 2012, making the designers co-owners of the
overall concept. Wille finds that this is an acknowledgement of how pro-
duction design ‘is not only something, which is applied to a text, but that
the dramatic and visual universes of a series are connected and developed
through collaborations’ (Personal email communication with Wille, 23 May
11. The concept of ‘the paramount meeting’ is regarded as imported from the
US television industry in the 1990s (Gabold 2013; Wille 2013). Paramount
meetings are also part of the work processes at DR, where Gabold describes
the meeting between the executives of DR Fiction and the creative team as
crucial to being on the same page regarding the overall concept for a series.
This is not only related to the script, the casting or the arena, but also to
issues of the sound and visuals. The often three-hour meeting is normally
held two and a half to two months before the first day of production (Gabold
12. Personal email communication with Clausen, 15 September 2012.
13. NFSD. Accessed 12 February 2013.

5 Writers, Showrunners and Television Auteurs: Ideas

of One Vision
1. Stig Thorsboe and Hanna Lundblad have proposed a new series for TV 2.
Peter Thorsboe and Mai Brostrøm have developed a German crime series
with Peter Nadermann from ZDF as executive producer.
Notes 213

2. DR made the disclosure into an event by filming the moment of the reading
where the actor is revealed as the murderer and posting it on the website of
The Killing after the airing of the last episode.

6 The Workings of a Writers’ Room: Borgen

1. Producer Sven Clausen has described how DR considered moving into these
genres in the 1990s, but found that there is no large audience for soaps
in Denmark. In his view, a main reason for this is that most women
are part of the full-time work force, leaving a limited audience for day-
time programming (2010), and DR has not tried to develop material in
this genre.
2. Access to observing the work in the room in December was granted by the
writers based on an inquiry to the producer in September. Following the
observation period, interviews about the process and conceptions of best
practice were conducted with writers Adam Price, Jeppe Gjervig Gram and
Maja Jul Larsen, producer Camilla Hammerich, line producer Pernille Skov
Sutherland, researcher Rikke Tørholm Kofoed and Head of DR Fiction Nadia
Kløvedal Reich in November and December 2012. Previous interviews related
to Borgen had been conducted with Price, Hammerich, Gram and former
Head of Drama Ingolf Gabold. The case study also draws on documents sur-
rounding the production such as the three ‘bibles’ for the seasons, written
notes and the different drafts of the script. As stated in the acknowledge-
ments, I am thankful to all the Borgen practitioners who have allowed me to
follow their work and found time for interviews. Special thanks go to Kofoed
for her continuous help in numerous ways. When nothing else is noted,
statements refer to material from the interviews.
3. A beat can mean (a) a scene or step in the story or (b) a pause in dialogue or
action (Douglas 2007, 251). Here it refers to a scene or step in the story.
4. Among the initiatives were scholarly lectures on topics in Borgen as part of
Danskernes Akademi (‘The Academy of the Danes’), which was launched in
January 2010 as a collaboration between DR, several Danish universities and
other educational institutions with the purpose of offering quality lectures,
debates and documentaries as both television programming and web content
with and BBC Open University as sources of inspiration. Borgen also
had an extensive website with teaching material, including two scripts.
5. For more on the politician complaining to DR about episode 25, see
e.g. Munksgaard 2013. Several newspapers had articles about the relation
between fiction and reality in Borgen (e.g. Petersen 2013).
6. Gram and Lindholm also got a special storyline credit with the names of
all three writers figuring on the storylining of the first 20 episodes and an
agreement that they would write all episodes besides the opening episode
by Price. Gram believes the special deal about ownership and responsibility
on Borgen to be an important reason why the product as well as the process
turned out to be successful (2012).
7. An arc refers to the ‘progression of a character from one condition to a dif-
ferent dramatic state’ (Douglas 2007, 250) as when Nyborg starts as a regular
politician in the first season and ends as prime minister.
214 Notes

8. The episode writers are invited to take part in early screenings during the
editing. Not only to comment in general but also to discuss the balance of
the political and the relational plot. In Larsen’s experience directors are often
more interested in the closed political case than the episodic personal stories,
which might slow down the A-plot and make it less ‘clean’. In her opinion,
the writers therefore have an important part to play in making sure that the
character plotlines get the attention needed and are told in the right way
from episode to episode.
9. Birgitte Nyborg discovers that her boyfriend (Alastair Mackenzie) has tried
buying sex, much to her dislike; Katrine Fønsmark (Birgitte Hjort Sørensen)
finds out that her ex-boyfriend, the spin doctor Kasper Juul (Pilou Asbæk),
has affairs with different women, and she ends up sleeping with the new
boss at TV1 (Christian Tafdrup). Moreover, to her surprise, Fønsmark learns
that her mother had an affair while Fønsmark was a child. In the newsroom,
a relationship develops between the Head of News Torben Friis (Søren Span-
ning) and one of the producers (Lisbeth Wulff). The many doubts about the
right way to legislate about prostitution are explicitly brought up in some of
the storylines.
10. Written notes on the third draft (dated 10 May) in email correspondence
from Kofoed on 22 May 2012.
11. Written notes on the third draft (dated 15 May) in email correspondence
from Kofoed on 21 May 2012.
12. The Cultural Director of DR Morten Hesseldahl ended up responding to
the larger criticism of DR’s public service obligations, insisting that Borgen
is fiction and that there is no hidden political agenda behind its content
(2013a, 2013b). Price was also present in the press, when one politician sud-
denly proposed similar legislation about prostitution as the one suggested
by Nyborg in episode 25. This happened three days before the official air-
ing of the episode, following a preview on the DR website. The politician
denied being inspired by the fictional proposal on legislation, but acknowl-
edged using the focus on the topic as a way to get attention (Sæhl 2013).
Price commented that he sincerely hoped that no one would rush proposals
through based on a fictional story, but that it is ‘of course interesting, when
a drama series about fictional politics in a fictional Denmark can be part of
pushing certain debates’ (in Sæhl 2013).

7 Prime-time Public Service Crime:

Forbrydelsen/The Killing
1. In ‘Duchess of Cornwall meets The Killing’s Sofie Grabol’,
27 March 2013. Accessed 2 April 2013.
2. The Killing premiered on AMC in April 2011. The series was cancelled in 2012
after what The Hollywood Reporter called two ‘critically adored seasons’ (Rose
2013), referring to the 26 episodes (presented as two seasons) about who
killed Rosie Larsen. In 2013, the series was somewhat surprisingly revived for
a third season based on new material rather than material from the original
series, but the third season turned out to be the last.
Notes 215

3. The chapter primarily builds on research interviews with creator Søren

Sveistrup (2012), episode writer Michael W. Horsten (2013), former Head
of Drama Ingolf Gabold (2010, 2011) and current Head of DR Fiction Nadia
Kløvedal Reich (2012) as well as material on the process from Rushprint (Berg
and Diesen 2012) and 16:9 (2012) and at industry events such as TV Drama
Vision 2012 at the Göteborg International Film Festival. When there are no
references following summaries, these refer to the interviews by the author.
4. The series was co-produced with German broadcaster ZDF, and until the
recent positive response to Borgen (2010–2013) abroad, the crime genre has
been regarded as the only genre with the potential to attract audiences out-
side of the Nordic countries. The co-production with Germany has provided
money for more production value. According to co-producer Peter Nader-
mann this was what the Danish series of the 2000s needed to be able to travel
(in Redvall 2013, 58), and former DR producer Sven Clausen has described
how the German financing for The Eagle helped to pay for more location
shooting and a more cinematic look, which was important to gain an interest
for the series outside of Denmark (Bondebjerg and Redvall 2011, 102).
5. See Nestingen 2012 for an overview of recent Scandinavian crime fiction
6. The Millennium Trilogy books by Stieg Larsson (published in Sweden in
2005–2007) were adapted as a combination of feature films and series. Origi-
nally, only the adaptation of the first book was intended for a cinema release,
but following its enormous success the adaptations of the following books
also premiered in cinemas. The material was later shown on television as a
six-part mini series. In 2011, David Fincher did a US remake of The Girl with
the Dragon Tattoo starring Daniel Craig as the investigative journalist Mikael
7. Accessed 25 March 2013.
8. Per Daumiller was part of the initial development talks and also wrote four
episodes for the first season, but since then the steady writing team has been
Hoppe and Horsten.
9. The descriptions of the actual time frame for the process vary quite a bit
with, for instance, Bernth presenting that the production starts with four or
five weeks of storylining and then two or three weeks to write the first draft
at the TV Drama Vision 2012 (2012b), while Sveistrup says that there would
normally be two weeks for storylining an episode and then two weeks for
a first draft, which quickly turned into ten days because of delays (2012).
In an interview on the making of The Killing, Bernth presents the beginning
of the process as having three weeks for storylining the first draft, a week for
the second draft, a week for the third draft and then ‘some days’ for a final
draft (in Berg and Diesen 2012). According to Sveistrup, the storylining of an
episode normally begins around one and a half months before shooting the
episode (2012).
10. In the UK reception of The Killing, there have been several comments on
how the series has a different speed than other productions with the words
‘slow-moving’ appearing repeatedly (e.g. Frost 2011a). This partly refers to
the long-running nature of the whodunnit-mystery, partly to the feeling of
individual scenes.
216 Notes

11. Other developments in the domain during the making of the seasons led to
experts suddenly seeing it in a new light. After its premiere, Borgen also used
a three-plot structure – about the political scene and the journalists covering
it as well as about the private lives of characters. This led to suggestions of
the third season of The Killing being too much like Borgen, and the third
season was also discussed in relation to Bron/The Bridge (2011–) in its use of
a masked killer and kidnapper (Agger 2012).
12. A regular shooting day is 9 hours, including 45 minutes for lunch, but there
is a possibility of working 10 hours when on location. In spite of the many
scenes taking place at night, there have only been 2 night shoots per episode.
Sometimes the dark days of the Scandinavian winter with the light disap-
pearing in the afternoon have been an advantage, since you can then start
shooting at 2 pm (according to Bernth in Berg and Diesen 2012).

8 Conclusions and Cliffhangers

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232 Bibliography

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List of films
Adams æbler/Adam’s Apples. 2005. Wr: Anders Thomas Jensen, Dir: Anders
Thomas Jensen, Denmark, 97 mins.
Blinkende Lygter/Flickering Lights. 2000. Wr: Anders Thomas Jensen, Dir: Anders
Thomas Jensen, Denmark, 109 mins.
Citizen Kane. 1941. Wr: Herman J. Makiewicz and Orson Welles, Dir: Orson
Welles, USA, 119 mins.
Dagbog fra midten/‘Diary from the Middle’. 2009. Documentary, Dir: Christoffer
Guldbrandsen; Denmark, DR, 74 mins.
De fem benspænd/The Five Obstructions. 2003. Wr: Jørgen Leth, Lars von Trier and
Asger Leth, Dir: Lars von Trier, Denmark, 92 mins.
De grønne slagtere/The Green Butchers. 2003. Wr: Anders Thomas Jensen, Dir:
Anders Thomas Jensen, Denmark, 99 mins.
De Unge År/The Early Years – Erik Nietzsche Part 1. 2007. Wr: Lars von Trier, Dir:
Jacob Thuesen, Denmark, 92 mins.
Den skaldede frisør/Love is All You Need. 2012. Wr: Anders Thomas Jensen. Dir:
Susanne Bier, Denmark, 112 mins.
Drømmen/We Shall Overcome. 2006. Wr: Steen Bille and Niels Arden Oplev, Dir:
Niels Arden Oplev, Denmark, 105 mins.
Bibliography 233

Elsker dig for evigt/Open Hearts. 2002. Wr: Anders Thomas Jensen, Dir: Susanne
Bier, Denmark, 114 mins.
En kærlighedshistorie/Kira’s Reason: A Love Story. 2001. Wr: Ole Christian Madsen
and Mogens Rukov, Dir: Ole Christian Madsen, Denmark, 93 mins.
En kongelig affære/A Royal Affair. 2012. Wr: Nikolaj Arcel and Rasmus Heisterberg,
Dir: Nikolaj Arcel, Denmark, 128 mins.
Epidemic. 1987. Wr: Niels Vørsel and Lars von Trier, Dir: Lars von Trier, Denmark,
106 mins.
Europa. 1991. Wr: Lars von Trier and Niels Vørsel, Dir: Lars von Trier, Denmark,
113 mins.
Festen/The Celebration. 1998. Wr: Thomas Vinterberg and Mogens Rukov, Dir:
Thomas Vinterberg, Denmark, 106 mins.
Flammen & Citronen/Flame and Citron. 2008. Wr: Ole Christian Madsen and Lars
K. Andersen, Dir: Ole Christian Madsen, Denmark, 130 mins.
Forbrydelsens element/The Element of Crime. 1984. Wr: Niels Vørsel and Lars von
Trier, Dir: Lars von Trier, Denmark, 103 mins.
Hævnen/In a Better World. 2010. Wr: Anders Thomas Jensen, Dir: Susanne Bier,
Denmark, 119 mins.
Heaven’s Gate. 1980. Wr: Michael Cimino, Dir: Michael Cimino, USA,
219 mins.
Hvidsten Gruppen/This Life. 2012. Wr: Ib Kastrup, Jørgen Kastrup and Reg-
ner Grasten (as Thorvald Lervad), Dir: Anne-Grethe Bjarup Riis, Denmark,
110 mins.
Idioterne/The Idiots. 1998. Wr: Lars von Trier, Dir: Lars von Trier, Denmark,
117 mins.
Klovn – The Movie/Clown. 2010. Wr: Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam, Dir:
Mikkel Nørgaard, Denmark, 94 mins.
Män som hatar kvinnor/The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. 2009. Wr: Nikolaj Arcel and
Rasmus Heisterberg based on novel by Stieg Larsson, Dir: Niels Arden Oplev,
Sweden/Denmark/Germany/Norway, 152 mins.
Mifunes sidste sang/Mifune. 1999. Wr: Anders Thomas Jensen and Søren Kragh-
Jacobsen, Dir: Søren Kragh-Jacobsen, Denmark, 102 mins.
Nattevagten/Nightwatch. 1994. Wr: Ole Bornedal, Dir: Ole Bornedal, Denmark,
107 mins.
Nightwatch. 1997. Wr: Ole Bornedal and Steven Soderbergh, Dir: Ole Bornedal,
USA, 101 mins.
Nordkraft/Angels in Fast Motion. 2005. Wr: Ole Christian Madsen, Dir: Ole
Christian Madsen, Denmark, 120 mins.
Pizza King. 1999. Wr: Ole Christian Madsen, Janus Nabil Bakrawi and Lars
K. Andersen, Dir: Ole Christian Madsen, Denmark, 103 mins.
Prag/Prague. 2006 Wr: Ole Christian Madsen and Kim Fupz Aakeson, Dir: Ole
Christian Madsen, Denmark, 96 mins.
SuperClásico. 2011. Wr: Ole Christian Madsen and Anders Frithiof August, Dir:
Ole Christian Madsen, Denmark, 99 mins.
The Godfather. 1972. Wr: Mario Puzo and Francis Ford Coppola, Dir: Francis Ford
Coppola, USA, 175 mins.
The King is Alive. 2000. Wr: Kristian Levring and Anders Thomas Jensen, Dir:
Kristian Levring, Denmark/USA, 110 mins.
234 Bibliography

Valgaften/Election Night. 1999. Wr: Anders Thomas Jensen, Dir: Anders Thomas
Jensen, Denmark, 12 mins.

List of TV series
1864. forthcoming 2014. Cr: Ole Bornedal; Denmark, Miso Film for DR,
8 eps.
2 Broke Girls. 2011–. Cr: Michael Patrick King and Whitney Cummings; USA, CBS,
22 mins eps.
24. 2001–2010. Cr: Joel Surnow and Robert Cochran; USA, Fox, 42 mins ×
192 eps.
2900 Happiness. 2007–2009. Wr: Thomas Glud and Iben Gylling; Denmark, TV3,
30 mins × 142 eps.
Absalons hemmelighed/‘Absalon’s Secret’. 2006. Cr: Maya Ilsøe; Denmark, DR,
30 mins × 24 eps.
Absolutely Fabulous. 1992–2012. Cr: Jennifer Saunders and Dawn French; UK, BBC
One, 30–60 mins × 39 eps.
Album. 2008. Wr: Bo Hr. Hansen, Dir: Hella Joof; Denmark, Fine & Mellow for
DR, 58 mins × 5 eps.
Anna Pihl. 2006–2008. Wr: Adam Price and others; Denmark, TV 2, 50 mins ×
30 eps.
Anthonsen. 1984–1985. Wr: Peter Thorsboe and Stig Thorsboe, Dir: Erik Balling;
Denmark, Nordisk Film for DR, 54 mins × 5 eps.
Arvingerne/The Legacy. forthcoming 2014. Cr: Maya Ilsøe; Denmark, DR,
58 mins eps.
Banshee. 2013–. Cr: David Schickler and Jonathan Tropper; USA, Cinemax,
50 mins eps.
Blekingegade/The Left Wing Gang. 2009–2010. Wr: Lars Kjeldgaard, Dir: Jacob
Thuesen; Denmark, TV2, 45 mins × 5 eps.
Boardwalk Empire. 2010–. Cr: Terence Winter; USA, HBO, 60 mins eps.
Bødlen/‘The Executioner’. 2013. Wr: Nikolaj Scherfig, Dir: Frode Højer Pedersen;
Denmark, dk4, 60 mins × 2 eps.
Bored to Death. 2009–2011. Cr: Jonathan Ames; USA, HBO, 30 mins × 24 eps.
Borgen. 2010–2013. Cr: Adam Price; Denmark, DR, 58 mins × 30 eps.
Borgia. 2011–. Cr: Tom Fontana; USA, Canal+, 52 mins eps.
Boss. 2011–2012. Cr: Farhad Safinia; USA, Starz, 54–60 mins × 18 eps.
Breaking Bad. 2008–2013. Cr: Vince Gilligan; USA, AMC, 47 mins × 62 eps.
Bron/The Bridge. 2011–. Cr: Hans Rosenfeldt; Sweden/Denmark, Filmlance and
Nimbus Film for SVT and DR, 60 mins eps.
Bryggeren/‘The Brewer’. 1996–1997, Cr: Kaspar Rostrup; Denmark, DR, 55 mins ×
12 eps.
Californication. 2007–. Cr: Tom Kapinos; USA, Showtime, 28 mins eps.
Charlot & Charlotte. 1996. Cr: Ole Bornedal; Denmark, DR, 52 mins × 4 eps.
Coronation Street. 1960–. Cr: Tony Warren; UK, ITV, 22 mins eps.
Criminal Minds. 2005–. Cr: Jeff Davis; USA, CBS, 42 mins eps.
Crusoe. 2008–2009. Cr: Justin Bodle, Stephen Gallagher; USA, NBC, 60 mins ×
12 eps.
Curb Your Enthusiasm. 2000–. Cr: Larry David; USA, HBO, 30 mins eps.
Dallas. 1978–1991. Cr: David Jacobs; USA, CBS, 50 mins × 357 eps.
Bibliography 235

Den som dræber/Those Who Kill. 2011. Wr: Elsebeth Egholm and Stefan Jaworski;
Denmark, TV2, 55 mins × 10 eps.
De udvalgte/‘The Chosen Ones’. 2001. Cr: Jens Dahl and Nicolas Winding Refn.
Denmark, DR1, 40 mins × 13 eps. Later shown on DR2 in a re-edited version
as 12 eps.
Dexter. 2006–2013. Cr: James Manos, Jr; USA, Showtime, 45–60 mins × 96 eps.
Dicte. 2013–. Wr: Elsebeth Egholm, Dorthe Warnøe Høgh and Ida Maria Rydén;
Denmark, TV2, 45 mins eps.
Doctor Who. 2005–. Cr: Russell T. Davies; UK, BBC One, 45 mins eps.
Drengene fra Angora/‘The Boys from Angora’. 2004. Cr: Simon Kvamm, Esben
Pretzmann and Rune Tolsgaard; Denmark, DR2, 30 mins × 24 eps.
Dynasty. 1981–1989. Cr: Esther Shapiro and Richard Alan Shapiro; USA, ABC,
46 mins × 220 eps.
Edderkoppen/‘The Spider’. 2000. Wr: Lars Kjeldgaard and others, Dir: Ole Christian
Madsen; Denmark, DR, 58 mins × 6 eps.
Een gang strømer . . ./ ‘Once a Cop . . .’. 1987. Wr: Anders Refn and Flemming Quist
Møller, Dir: Anders Refn; Denmark, Nordisk Film for DR, 60 mins × 6 eps.
Eleventh Hour. 2006. Cr: Stephen Gallagher; UK, ITV, 90 mins × 4 eps.
Eleventh Hour. 2008–2009. Cr: Stephen Gallagher; USA, CBS, 44 mins × 18 eps.
En by i provinsen/‘A Town in the Provinces’. 1977–1980. Wr: Leif Panduro; Dir:
Bent Christensen; Denmark, DR, 17 eps.
Engrenages/Spiral. 2005–. Cr: Alexandra Clert and Guy-Patrick Sainderichin;
France, Canal+, 52 mins eps.
Fabian of the Yard. 1954–56. Wr: Robert Fabian et al.; UK, BBC, 30 mins × 36 eps.
Follow the Money. Forthcoming 2015. Cr: Jeppe Gjervig Gram; Denmark, DR.
Forbrydelsen/The Killing. 2007–2012. Wr: Søren Sveistrup; Denmark, DR,
55 mins × 40 eps.
Forestillinger/‘Performances’. 2007. Wr: Lars Kjeldgaard, Per Fly and Kim Leona,
Dir: Per Fly; Denmark, Zentropa for DR, 58 mins × 6 eps.
Forsvar/‘Defense’. 2003–2004. Wr: Lars Kjeldgaard and others; Denmark, TV2,
44 mins × 29 eps.
Game of Thrones. 2011–. Cr: David Benioff and D. B. Weiss; USA, HBO,
60 mins eps.
Gøngehøvdingen/‘The Gønge Chieftain’. 1992. Wr: Bjarne O. Henriksen and Gert
Henriksen, Dir: Peter Eszterhás; Denmark, DR, 30 mins × 13 eps.
Heroes. 2006–2010. Cr: Tim Kring; USA, NBC, 42 mins × 77 eps.
Hill Street Blues. 1981–1987. Cr: Steven Bochco and Michael Kozoll; USA, NBC,
49 mins × 146 eps.
Homicide: Life on the Street. 1993–1999. Cr: Paul Attanasio; USA, NBC, 49 mins ×
122 eps.
Hotellet/At the Faber. 2000–2002. Wr: Morten Arnfred, Peter Nyrén, Søren
Sveistrup and others; Denmark, TV2, 60 eps.
House. 2004–2012. Cr: David Shore; USA, Fox, 42 mins × 177 eps.
House of Cards. 1990. Wr: Andrew Davies and Michael Dobbs; UK, BBC, 55 mins ×
4 eps.
House of Cards. 2013–. Wr: Beau Willimon and others; USA, Netflix, 55 mins eps.
Hunted. 2012. Cr: Frank Spotnitz; UK, BBC, 60 mins × 8 eps.
Huset på Christianshavn/‘The House in Christianshavn’. 1970–1977. Wr: Henning
Bahs, Paul Hammerich, Leif Panduro and others, Dir: Erik Balling, Tom
Hedegaard and Ebbe Langberg; Denmark, DR, 25 mins × 84 eps.
236 Bibliography

Hvide løgne/White Lies. 1998–2001. Wr: Winnie Haarløv and others; Denmark,
TV3, 25 mins × 447 eps.
In Treatment. 2008–. Cr: Rodrigo Garcia; USA, HBO, 30 mins eps.
Julestjerner/‘Christmas Stars’. 2012. Wr: Michael Wikke, Steen Rasmussen;
Denmark, DR, 25 mins × 25 eps.
Ka’ de li Østers?/Do you like Oysters? 1967. Wr: Leif Panduro and Bent Christensen,
Dir: Ebbe Langberg; Denmark, DR, 28–40 mins × 6 eps.
Kingdom Hospital. 2004. Cr: Stephen King based on the series by Lars von Trier;
USA, ABC, 40 mins × 13 eps.
Klovn/Clown. 2005–2009. Cr: Casper Christensen and Frank Hvam; Denmark, TV
2 Zulu, 25 mins × 60 eps.
Krøniken/Better Times. 2004–2007. Wr: Hanna Lundblad and Stig Thorsboe;
Denmark, DR, 58 mins × 22 eps.
Lærkevej/Park Road. 2009–2010. Wr: Mette Heeno and others; Denmark, TV2,
43 mins × 22 eps.
Landsbyen/‘The Village’. 1991–96. Cr: Stig Thorsboe and Peter Thorsboe;
Denmark, Nordisk Film for DR, 25 mins × 44 eps.
Langt fra Las Vegas/‘Far from Las Vegas’. 2001–2003. Cr: Casper Christensen,
Frank Hvam; Denmark, TV2 Zulu, 30 mins × 53 eps.
Lilyhammer. 2012–. Cr: Anne Bjørnstad and Eilif Skodvin; Norway, NRK/Netflix,
46 mins eps.
Limbo. 2012. Cr: Karina Dam and Poul Berg; Denmark, DR, 28 mins × 10 eps.
Livvagterne/The Protectors. 2008–2010. Cr: Mai Brostrøm and Peter Thorsboe;
Denmark, DR, 58 mins × 20 eps.
Lost. 2004–2010. Cr: J. J. Abrams, Damon Lindelof and Jeffrey Lieber; USA, ABC,
42 mins × 121 eps.
Lulu & Leon. 2009–2010. Cr: Jens Dahl and Lolita Belstar; Denmark, TV3,
43 mins × 24 eps.
Lykke/Happy Life. 2011–2012. Cr: Hanna Lundblad and Stig Thorsboe; Denmark,
DR, 58 mins × 18 eps.
Mad Men 2007–. Cr: Matthew Weiner; USA, AMC, 47 mins eps.
Matador. 1978–81. Cr: Lise Nørgaard and Erik Balling; Denmark, DR, 50 mins ×
24 eps.
McCloud. 1970–1977. Cr: Herman Miller; USA, NBC, various lengths, 46 eps.
Medea. 1988. TV film, Wr: Preben Thomsen and Lars von Trier, Dir: Lars von Trier,
Denmark, DR, 76 mins.
Mille. 2009. Cr: Karina Dam and Poul Berg; Denmark, DR, 28 mins × 10 eps.
Morten Korch – Ved Stillebækken. 1999–2000. Wr: Ole Meldgaard, John Stefan
Olsen, Peter Thorsboe and Lone Scherfig; Denmark, TV 2, 30 mins × 26 eps.
Murder One. 1995–1997. Cr: Steven Bochco, Charles H. Eglee and Channing
Gibson; USA, ABC, 60 mins × 41 eps.
Nikolaj og Julie/Nikolaj and Julie. 2002–2003. Wr: Søren Sveistrup; Denmark, DR,
43 mins × 22 eps.
Normalerweize. 2004–. Cr: Lærke Winther Andersen and Anna Neye Poulsen;
Denmark, DR2, 28 mins eps.
Nynne. 2006. Wr: Iben Gylling, Camilla Hübbe; Denmark, TV3, 45 mins × 13 eps.
NYPD Blue. 1993–2005. Cr: Steven Bochco, David Milch; USA, ABC, 44 mins ×
261 eps.
Bibliography 237

Ørnen/The Eagle. 2004–2006. Cr: Mai Brostrøm and Peter Thorsboe; Denmark, DR,
58 mins × 24 eps.
Pagten/‘The Pact’. 2009. Cr: Maya Ilsøe; Denmark, DR, 25 mins × 24 eps.
Regnvejr og ingen penge/‘Rainy Weather and no Money’. 1965. Wr: Henning Ipsen,
Dir: Gabriel Axel; Denmark, DR, 50 mins × 4 eps.
Rejseholdet/Unit One. 2000–2004. Cr: Peter Thorsboe; Denmark, DR, 60 mins × 30
eps, 90 mins × 2 eps.
Riget/The Kingdom. 1994 and 1997. Cr: Lars von Trier; Denmark, DR, 72 mins
8 eps.
Rita. 2012–. Cr: Christian Torpe; Denmark, TV2, 40 mins eps.
Rytteriet/‘The Cavalry’. 2010. Cr: Martin Buch and Rasmus Botofte; Denmark,
DR2, 25 mins × 10 eps.
Sommer/Summer. 2008. Cr: Jesper W. Nielsen, Karina Dam; Denmark, DR,
60 mins × 20 eps.
Station 13/ ‘Precinct 13’. 1988–89. Wr: Peter Thorsboe and Stig Thorsboe, Dir:
Edward Fleming; Denmark, Nordisk Film for DR, 30 mins × 8 eps.
Store drømme/Big Dreams. 2009. Wr: Iben Gylling, Christian Torpe and Kari Vidø;
Denmark, TV2, 30 mins × 10 eps.
Strisser på Samsø/Island Cop. 1997–1998, Wr: Eddie Thomas Petersen and others,
Dir: Eddie Thomas Petersen; Denmark, TV 2, 58 mins × 12 eps.
Taxa/Taxi 1997–1999. Wr: Stig Thorsboe and others; Denmark, DR, 45 mins ×
56 eps.
The Dick van Dyke Show. 1961–1966. Cr: Carl Reiner; USA, NBC, 24 mins ×
159 eps.
The Killing. 2011–2013. Cr: Veena Sud based on Søren Sveistrup’s Forbrydelsen/The
Killing; USA, AMC, 45 mins × 38 eps.
The Sopranos. 1999–2007. Cr: David Chase; USA, HBO, 58 mins × 86 eps.
The Spiral. 2012. Cr: Hans Herbots; Belgium/Netherlands and others, Caviar for
several European broadcasters, 60 mins × 5 eps.
The West Wing. 1999–2006. Cr: Aaron Sorkin; USA, NBC, 42 mins × 156 eps.
The Wire 2002–2008. Cr: David Simon; USA, HBO, 60 mins × 60 eps.
True Blood. 2008–. Cr: Alan Ball; USA, HBO, 50 mins × 60 eps.
Twin Peaks. 1990–1991. Cr: David Lynch and Mark Frost; USA, ABC, 47 mins ×
30 eps.
Ugeavisen/‘The Weekly Newspaper’. 1990–1991. Wr: Various; Denmark, DR,
47 mins × 52 eps.
Unforgettable. 2011–. Cr: John Bellucci and Ed Redlich; USA, CBS, 45 mins eps.
Unge Andersen/Young Andersen. 2005. Wr: Rumle Hammerich and Ulf Stark, Dir:
Rumle Hammerich; Denmark, Nordisk Film for DR, 55 mins × 2 eps.
Wallander. 2005–2006 and 2009–2010. Wr: Henning Mankell and others; Sweden,
TV4, 89 mins × 26 eps.
Wallander. 2008–. Wr: Henning Mankell and others; UK/Sweden, BBC,
89 mins eps.
Z Cars. 1962–1978. Wr: Troy Kennedy Martin and Allan Prior; UK, BBC,
25/45 mins × 799 eps.

1864, 48–49, 198, 200 Anand, N., 21

2 Broke Girls, 92 Andersen, Hans Christian, 48
24, 165, 175 Andersen, Katrine Jo, 75
2900 Happiness, 52, 99 Anna Pihl, 52, 113, 135, 138
Anthonsen, 162
above the line, 9, 133, 134 appointment viewing, 37, 200
Abrahamsen, Svend, 56 Arcel, Nikolaj, 178, 208
Absalons hemmelighed/ ‘The Secret of arcs, 139, 142, 205, 213
Absalon’, 116 arenas, 50, 58, 60, 92, 94, 96, 98, 116,
Absolutely Fabulous, 201 124, 125, 135, 139, 141, 157, 165,
Abuhamdeh, Sami, 26, 207 167–68, 175, 180, 185, 187,
access, viii, 10, 12–13, 14, 26, 133, 205, 212
139, 155, 188, 193, 194, 213 arm’s length principle, the, 49
actors as screenwriting collaborators, art worlds, 21
1, 17, 73, 88, 104, 108, 109, 113, Arte, 141
114, 115, 119–24, 143, 151, 169, artistic freedom, 112, 114, 191
175–76, 183, 190, 196 Arvas, Paula, 163
Adams æbler/Adam’s Apples, 211 Arvingerne/The Legacy, 10, 17, 63, 70,
adaptations 72, 79, 104, 116–17, 121, 122,
of bestsellers, 49, 52, 162, 180, 126, 127, 155, 156, 197, 202
187, 215 Asbæk, Pilou, 123, 214
in general, 84 At the Faber, see Hotellet
of literary classics, 45, 47, 48 August, Pernilla, viii, 121, 122
advent calendar series, 77, 116, 211 auteur theory, 32, 107, 129, 208
adventure drama, 47 auteur, ideas of the, 8, 32–34, 48, 84,
aesthetics, television, 9, 22, 42, 57–58 85, 102–103, 129
(on Riget/The Kingdom), 73, 163 author-auteurs, 32
(Nordic noir), 177–79 (The Killing) authorial signature/designation, see
age, screenwriting and, 133 authorship
agency authorship, 8, 10–12, 15, 32–34, 48,
circumscribed agency, 29 66, 74, 105–109, 118, 132, 152,
individual vs. collective agency, 3, 153, 189, 191
10–12, 23, 33, 106, 108 see also collective, institutional,
Agger, Gunhild, x, 41, 42, 43, 44, 47, joint, multiple and singular
51, 161, 162, 163, 164, 172, 216 authorship
Aitken, Ian, 33 automatic writing, 56
Akass, Kim, 8
Albinus, Jens, 113, 120 Bach, Steven, 23
Album, 48 BAFTA, 1, 159, 171, 172
Allen, Johannes, 42 Bahs, Henning, 110
Alley, Richard S., 8, 106, 109 Bak, Frans, 179
AMC, 2, 159, 214 Baker, Sarah, 9, 21

Index 239

Ball, Alan, 104 Bodil award, 178, 211

Balling, Erik, 44, 46, 110 Bødlen/‘The Executioner’, 208
Banks, Miranda, x, 9 Bodnia, Kim, 198, 199
Banshee, 104, 211 Bondebjerg, Ib, x, 4, 40, 42, 43, 45, 46,
Baron, Stefan, 128 53, 54, 58, 63, 84, 86, 128, 160,
Baxley, Craig R., 58 208, 215
BBC, 8, 12–13, 19, 107, 113, 131, 164, Boorman, John, 211
199, 213 Bordwell, David, 5, 22, 23–24, 25,
see also BBC4 and BBC-model, the 64, 85
BBC4, 2, 18, 161, 163 Bored to Death, 92
see also BBC Borgen, viii, 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 13, 14,
BBC-model, the, 198 16, 17–18, 40, 53, 54, 56, 63,
BBC Open University, 213 64–65, 70, 72, 76, 78, 81, 82, 94,
beats, 135, 142, 147, 148, 154, 99, 104, 113, 115, 116, 117, 118,
185, 213 119, 121, 122, 123, 129, 130,
Becker, Howard, 21 chapter 6 (131–58), 160, 169, 171,
below the line, 9, 133, 134 181, 183, 185, 187, 188, 189, 191,
Belstar, Lolita, viii 193, 194, 196, 202, 213, 214,
Berg, Ståle Stein, 168, 169, 170, 171, 215, 216
175, 178, 215, 216 Borgia, 107
Bergman, Ingmar, 108 Born, Georgina, 8, 12–13, 107
Bernth, Piv, ix, 17, 40, 54, 75, 79, 82, Bornedal, Ole, 49, 58, 59, 60, 200
92, 97, 100, 113, 115, 126, 127, Boss, 92
129, 151, 152, chapter 7 Bourdieu, Pierre, 7, 21, 207
(159–182), 185, 186, 203, brainstorming, 133, 142, 207,
215, 216 Branagh, Kenneth, 162
best practice, ideas of, 7, 13, 14, 16, branding, 16, 37, 51, 60, 184, 192
27, 28, 30, 74, 75, 81, 83, 134, brands, series and writers as, 33, 104,
144, 155, 165, 181, 185, 190, 193, 129, 161, 163, 184, 198
194, 195, 213 Brandstrup, Pil G., 54
bestseller adaptations, see adaptations Bravo, 52
Better Times, see Krøniken Breaking Bad, 10, 186
bibles for TV series, 112, 213 Bridge, The, see Bron
see also concept paper Bro, Arne, 85
Bier, Susanne, 208, 211 Brolin, Catarina, 25
biographical series, 47 Bron/The Bridge, 88, 198, 199, 216
Bjørnkjær, Kristen, 179 Brostrøm, Mai, ix, 17, 78, 88, 89, 104,
Blair, Helen, 6, 21 111, 112, 115, 120, 122, 125, 129,
Blekingegade/The Left Wing Gang, 51 162, 193, 195, 212
Blinkende lygter/Flickering Lights, 211 Bruun, Hanne, 54, 71, 208
Blixen, Karen, 166 Bryggeren/The Brewer, 47
blockbuster-style television, 10, 106 budgets, 31, 44, 48, 49, 77, 92, 97,
blockbusters, 40, 163 106, 114, 128, 189, 200, 212
blocks, shooting episodes as, 4, of DR Fiction, 31, 49, 60, 69, 76,
62, 66 77, 197
see also relay production Buk-Swienty, Tom, 48
blueprint, scripts as, 120, 124, 190 BUM-modellen/‘The BUM
Boardwalk Empire, 1, 159 model’, 76
Bochco, Steven, 65 Buñuel, Luis, 87
240 Index

Buonanno, Milly, 9, 40 between the film and television

Burns, Gary, 8 industry, 72–74; see also
Caldwell, John T., x, 9, 12–13, 23, 36, between writers, directors and
66, 103, 129, 132–33, 134, 149, producers, 88, 92, 95, 104,
152, 154, 183, 190 117–19, 129, 189, 191 and
Californication, 186 chapters 6 and 7
Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, 159 on Borgen, 17–18 and chapter 6
Campbell, James, 24 models and theories of creative
Campbell, Joseph, 87 collaboration, 15, chapter 1
Camre, Henning, x, 85, 86 spaces of, 94, 194–96; see also
cancelled series, 193, 214 production hotels; sites of
Cantor, Muriel, 8, 22, 106 synergy and writers’ rooms
Caroll, Noël, 23 teaching of, 95–97
Carringer, Robert L., 22, 33, 108 collective action, 8, 21
Cassavetes, John, 87 collective authorship, 15, 32, 33, 106
casting, 18, 66, 92, 132, 133, 138–40, see also authorship
154, 178, 212 Collins, Lauren, 74
Caughie, John, 32, 43 Collins, Richard, 41
Celebration, The, see Festen comedy, 10, 44, 45, 46, 52, 92, 93, 97,
Charlot and Charlotte, 58 165, 209
chemistry, writers’ room, 117, 134, see also sitcom
139, 150, 156, 158, 178, 189 comedy-drama, 50, 92
children, television drama for, 69, commissioners, 27, 79, 92, 136, 184
76, 209 commissioning, 48, 49, 71, 76, 79, 98,
Christensen, Casper, 209 116, 136, 141, 167, 168, 198–99
Christensen, Jesper, viii communication, the importance of,
cinematographers, 64, 88, 91, 100, 178 16, 63–64, 67, 69, 78, 118, 121,
Cinemax, 104 145–46, 195
circumscribed agency, see agency Compesi, Ronald J., 8
Citizen Kane, 22 competition
Clarke, M. J., 60 between writers, directors and
Clausen, Sven, ix, 4, 53, 59, 65, 66, 70, projects, 66, 148, 188, 193
78, 89, 90, 94, 100, 109, 111, 118, competing domestic channels and
127, 128, 129, 136, 166, 209, 212, genres, 49–53, 76, 99, 198–99
213, 215 international competition, 19,
cliffhangers, 141, 171 76, 200
co-financing, 53–54, 77, 198, 215 complementary collaboration, 35
co-production, 19, 54, 77, 164, 179, see also collaboration
197, 198, 201, 209, 215 composers, 179, 183
coaching, 67, 69, 95–96 concept paper, 112, 204
collaboration see also bibles
collaboration analysis, 33, 108 conception, the stages of, 6, 64, 65,
between DR and 78, 123, 190
Nordic/international partners, conceptualizing director, see directors
15, 19, 53–54, 209 Conor, Bridget, 6, 140
between DR and the National Film Conspiracy for Good, 201, 216
School of Denmark, see chapter constraints, 7, 10, 22, 24, 25, 34, 83,
4 on NFSD 176, 180, 182, 183, 190, 197
Index 241

continuity editing, 43 Dam, Karina, 94

continuity scripts, 5 Danish Broadcasting Corporation,
convergence, 4, 19 see DR
Copenhagen Business School, Danish cinema, 16, 43, 65, 73, 83, 85,
The, 138 87, 208, 211
Coppola, Francis Ford, 82 Danish Producers Association/
Corliss, Richard, 32, 208 Producentforeningen, 198
Cornea, Christine, 60, 103, Danish Writers Guild, The, 197, 210
106–107, 189 Danske Dramatikere, see Danish
Coronation Street, 44 Writers Guild
corporate scripts, 12 Danskernes Akademi/‘The Academy of
corporate storytelling, 11, 12, 74, 104, the Danes’, 213
174, 192–93 Darsø, Lotte, 207
CPS, see Creative Problem Solving Daumiller, Per, viii, 215
craft, screenwriting as, 8, 84, 85 David, Larry, 209
Craig, Daniel, 215 Davies, Máire Messenger, 139
creative industries, 9, 72, 83 Davies, Russell T., 107
Creative Problem Solving (CPS), Dawson, Andrew, 9
24–25, 124, 150, 154, 166–67, De fem benspænd/The Five
170, 207 Obstructions, 83
creative processes, stages of, see CPS
De grønne slagtere/The Green
creative producers, 71
Butchers, 211
creativity, research on, chapter 1
De udvalgte/ ‘The Chosen Ones’, 44
crime series
deadlines, 119, 125, 144, 145,
Danish crime series, 45–46, 51, 52,
156, 171
53, 111, 161–62, 166, 185, 187,
deep texts, 9
208, 212
Defense, see Forsvar
financing of, 77, 215
Del Valle, Robert, 10, 105–106, 207
in general, 2, 15, 39, 49, 58, 135,
Den skaldede frisør/Love is All You
162, 163, 168, 181
Need, 208
see also chapter 7 (on The Killing);
Scandi-Crime and Nordic Noir Den som dræber/Those Who Kill, 51
Criminal Minds, 148 Denzin, Norman K., 12
crossover, 5, 16, 18, 55, 68, 69, 71, Det Danske Filmstudie/‘The Danish
72–74, 89, 160, 177–79, 181 Film Studio’, 62
Crusoe, 148 Detlefsen, Lars, ix, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93,
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly, 7, 15, 24, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 100, 204
26–28, 29, 207 Deuze, Mark, 9, 21, 72
cultural diversity, ideas of, 41 development stories
cultural industries, 9, 21, 22, Borgen, chapter 6
72, 83 Forbrydelsen/The Killing, 124–25 and
cultural policy, 83 chapter 7
cultural unity, ideas of, 40 Krøniken/Better Times and
Curb Your Enthusiasm, 209 Lykke/Happy Life, 124
Taxa/Taxi, 60–61
Dagbog fra midten/ ‘Diary from the Dewey, John, 24, 207
Middle’, 141 Dexter, 133
Dahlberg, Ingrid, 63 Dick van Dyke Show, The, 133
Dallas, 45 Dicte, 52, 198
242 Index

Diesen, Trygve A., 168, 169, 170, 171, DR/Danish Broadcasting Corporation,
175, 178, 215, 216 40–41
differentiated roles, 34, 154 see also DR Fiction
DIFI Framework, 207 drafts, 18, 70, 110, 118, 119, 120, 124,
see also systems model 127, 143, 147, 148, 150, 151,
DiMaggio, Paul, 21 169–70, 210, 213, 215
director of photography, see drama documentary, 47
cinematographers Dramatiska Instituttet (DI), 100
directors dramaturges, 71, 72, 87, 121
as collaborators, 117–19, 170, 192 dramaturgy, 85, 86, 89, 151, 210, 212
conceptualizing director, the role of, Drengene fra Angora/‘The Boys from
74, 118–19, 122, 178 Angora’, 208
episode directors, the role of, 59, Dreyer, Carl Th., 57
74, 118 Drømmen/We Shall Overcome, 211
distributed collaboration, 35, 188
dummy paper, ix, 82, 92, 94, 204
see also collaboration
Dunleavy, Trisha, 9, 39
distribution, 7, 13, 19, 53, 54,
Dynasty, 45
160, 164
Dyrholm, Trine, 61, 122
division of labour, 17, 35, 64,
104, 195
Dk4, 208 Eagle, The, see Ørnen
Dobbs, Michael, 19, 113 Edderkoppen/‘The Spider’, 208, 210
Doctor Who, 106–107 education of filmmakers, 83, 211
Dogma 95, 68, 83, 212 Een gang strømer/ ‘Once a Cop . . . ’,
dogmas for television drama 46, 162
production, 14, 16, 17, 18, 31, Egholm, Elisabeth, 52
chapter 3 (55–81), 89, 103, 112, egoless, the need for writers to be,
156, 160, 161, 176, 181, 191–92, 148, 149
196, 210 Egri, Lajos, 210
see also crossover; double Ekvall, Göran, 125
storytelling; one vision;
Elefante, Phoebe, 9, 72
producer’s choice
Element of Crime, The, 57
domain, (in the systems model),
Eleventh Hour, 148
Elliott, Philip, 8, 22
double dimension narration, see
Ellis, John, 43
double storytelling
double storytelling, 5, 16, 17, 18, 46, Elsker dig for evigt/Open Hearts, 211
55, 67–70, 74, 79, 80, 82, 97, 136, Emmy award, 1, 2, 16, 48, 55, 66, 113,
137, 156, 160, 166, 171–77, 181, 162, 165, 193
191–92 En by i provinsen/ ‘A Town in the
Douglas, Pamela, 102, 105, 207, 213 Provinces’, 161
DR1, 40, 52, 76 En kærlighedshistorie/Kira’s Reason: A
DR2, 46, 77, 208 Love Story, 211
DR Byen/‘The DR Town’, 63–64, 144 En kongelig affære/A Royal Affair,
DR Fiction 178, 208
current structure and output of, Engrenages/Spiral, 164
75–79 enlightenment vs. entertainment, 41
dogmas for production, 69 Epidemic, 57
DR Medier, 71, 76 episode directors, see directors
Index 243

episode writers, the role of, 59, 75, 90, flexible work groups, 6
96, 99, 107, 110, 112, 114, 157, Fly, Per, 48, 50
188, 214 focus group tests, 126, 193, 198, 210
Etlar, Carit, 208 Follow the Money, 17, 79, 104, 116, 202
Europa, 57 Fontana, Tom, 107
Europa Trilogy, The, 57 Forbrydelsen/The Killing, ix, 1, 2, 3, 15,
European industry debates, 2, 34, 71, 16, 17, 18, 39, 48, 54, 56, 63, 72,
85, 100, 157, 190 75, 78, 81, 88, 89, 92, 100, 104,
European TV Drama Series Lab, The, 113, 115, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121,
ix, 4, 14, 53, 99, 131, 134, 136, 124, 125, 126, 129, 132, 155, 156,
210, 216 158, chapter 7 (159–82), 183, 186,
execution, the stages of, 6, 64, 65, 78, 187, 193, 203, 213, 214,
123, 190 215, 216
external production companies, 48, Forestillinger/Performances, 48,
71, 75, 77, 198, 199 49, 50
Eyeworks, 198 Forshaw, Barry, 162, 163, 180
Forsvar/Defense, 50, 211
Fabian of the Yard, 45 four P’s of creativity, the, 7, 14,
failure studies, 14, 193–94 20, 196
Faisst, Heidi Maria, viii Fox Studios, 65
family collaboration, 16, 35–36, freelance contracts, 71, 112, 140
74–75, 117, 155, 156, 158, 188 French New Wave, the, 84
see also collaboration Friedberg, Louise, 151
family series, Danish, 2, 47, 58, 76, 91, Frost, Vicky, 163, 164, 201, 215
110, 116, 185, 187
Feldman, David H., 207 Gabold, Ingolf, viii, 4, 67, 70, 71, 74,
Festen/The Celebration, 68, 212 77, 78, 86, 90, 91, 93, 126, 136,
Field, Syd, 87 137, 138, 166, 178, 210, 212,
field, (in the systems model), 27 213, 215
field of cultural production, the, Gallagher, Stephen, 148, 154
21, 207 Game of Thrones, 4
fieldwork, 12–14 Gardner, Howard, 207
film school generation, the, 82 gatekeepers, 7, 21, 27, 103, 125,
film schools 136, 157
in Norway and Sweden, 100 Gaut, Berys, 33, 107–108
research on, 83 Gemzøe, Lynge Agger, 166
see also National Film School of gender
Denmark and screenwriting, 133, 134, 140
Filmbyen/‘The Film Town’, 65 stories and characters, 2, 137,
final cut, 66, 78 159, 164
financing, 7, 30, 53, 72, 77, 193, 198, generational change, 13, 19, 75,
201, 215, 216 78–79, 112, 116, 187, 197
Fincher, David, 215 German market, the, 53, 77, 123, 163,
Fine & Mellow, 48 212, 215
Finney, Angus, 8, 107 Getzels, Jacob W., 24
flagships, TV series as, 16, 55, 58, 60, Gilbert, Gerard, 1, 74, 114, 202
184, 197 Gilligan, Vince, 10
Flammen & Citronen/Flame and Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, The, see
Citron, 211 Män som hatar kvinnor
244 Index

Gitlin, Todd, 22 Heaven’s Gate, 23

Godfather, The, 209 Hedegaard, Tom, 58
Goldberg, Lee, 92, 102–103, 207 Heiselberg, Lene, 210
Gombrich, Ernst H., 182 Heisterberg, Rasmus, 110
Gøngehøvdingen/ ‘The Gønge Helin, Sofia, 198, 199
Chieftain’, 59, 208 Henderson, Felicia D., 103, 132, 133,
Göteborg International Film Festival, 134, 190
x, 14, 215 Henriksson, Krister, 162
Gråbøl, Sofie, 3, 115, 120, 165, 168, Heroes, 201
169, 172, 173, 176, 179, 201 Herrens veje/ ‘The Ways of the
Grainge, Paul, 129 Lord’, 202
Gram, Jeppe Gjervig, viii, 5, 11, 17–18, Hesmondhalgh, David, x, 9, 21
79, 91, 101, 104, 114, 116–17, Hesseldahl, Morten, 49, 202, 214
chapter 6 (131–58) on Borgen, High concept filmmaking, 70
181, 187, 188, 202, 213 high-end TV drama, 8
Gray, Jonathan, 33 Higson, Andrew, 46
Greek mythology, 56, 167 Hill Street Blues, 162
Grieveson, Lee, 211 Hills, Matt, 14, 194
group theory, 34, 156
Hilmes, Michelle, 9, 33
growing up within a production
Hirsch, Paul M., 21
system, 75, 117, 155
historical drama series, 43, 46, 47–48,
Gubbins, Michael, 4, 14
49, 105, 178, 198, 200
Guilford, J. P., 25
Hjarvard, Stig, 40
Guldbrandsen, Christoffer, 141
Hjort, Mette, x, 16, 58, 65, 73,
Gunn, Anna, 52
83, 195
Hollywood, 10, 22, 43, 59, 85, 87, 109,
Hævnen/In a Better World, 211
133, 212
Hammerich, Camilla, viii, 63, 64, 99,
Holmes, Sean P., 9
114, 115, 129, chapter 6 (131–58)
on Borgen, 196, 213 Holst, Hanne-Vibeke, 60
Hammerich, Rumle, ix, 34, 60–65, 66, Holt, Jennifer, x, 9, 33
68, 73, 86, 89 Homicide, 58
Hammond, Michael, 8 Hoppe, Torleif, 169, 215
Hansen, Per Helmer, 77 Horsten, Michael W., ix, 89, 169, 171,
Happy Life, see Lykke 173, 174, 181, 215
Harlekins tryllestav/ ‘The Wand of Hotellet/At the Faber, 50, 99, 113,
Harlequin’, 42 114, 164
Hartley, John, 9 House of Cards
Hartmann, Henrik, 74, 192, 210 UK version (1990), 19, 88, 113
Havens, Timothy, 9, 29, 33 US version (2013), 4, 193
HBO, 19, 37, 54, 77, 113, 197 House, 104
HBO Nordic, 4, 54, 200 how-to books, 8, 87, 102–103,
head writer, the role of, 66, 69, 105–106, 207
72, 78, 91, 96, 110–12, 117, 119, Hunted, 107, 131
149, 153, 154, 158, Huset på Christianshavn/ ‘The House in
187–88, 192 Christianshavn’, 44, 46
head writer/episode writer structure, Hvam, Frank, 209
59, 62, 66, 81, 103–104, 110–12, Hvide Løgne/ ‘White Lies’, 52, 99
117, 129, 131, 148, 187 Hvidsten Gruppen/This Life, 208
Index 245

Idioterne/The Idiots, 68 joint authorship, 33, 108

Ilsøe, Maya, viii, 17, 68, 79, 91, 92, 93, see also authorship
99, 101, 104, 116–17, 121, 122, Jørgensen, John Chr., 208
123, 125, 127, 187, 189, 202 Julestjerner/ ‘Christmas Stars’, 77
improvisation, 114, 118, 121–22
In a Better World, see Hævnen Ka’ de li Østers/ ‘Do you like
in charge of (vs. in control of), 67, 69 Oysters?’, 45
In Treatment, 76, 92 Kackman, Michael, 19
individual agency, see agency Käehne, Maren Louise, 139
individuals, (in the systems model), 27 Kåset, Margrete, 34
Industrialization of Culture Killing, The, (US remake), 2, 159, 171,
Framework, The, 29 176, 179, 214
industry lingo, 95 Killing, The, see Forbrydelsen
industry training, 84 King is Alive, The, 211
institutional authorship, 3, 8, 10–12 King, Donna, 163
see also authorship King, Stephen, 58
institutional trust, see trust Kingdom Hospital, 58, 209
integrated norms, 34, 154 Kingdom, The, see Riget
integrative collaboration, 35–36, 188 Kingsley, Patrick, 160
see also collaboration Kipen, David, 208
intentionality, 33, 108 Kjærulff-Schmidt, Palle, 84
interactive storytelling, 201 Kjeldgaard, Lars, 87
intermediaries, showrunners as, Klovn – The Movie/Clown, 209
11, 106 Klovn/Clown, 50, 209
international success of Danish series, knowledge sharing, 81, 146, 188
viii, 1, 12, 14, 18, 79, 115–116, Knudsen, Sidse Babett, 6, 123, 135,
159, 160, 161, 171, 187, 194, 202 143, 153
internationalization, 46 Kofoed, Rikke Tørholm, viii, 63, 142,
Isaksen, Scott G., 24, 124, 150, 145, 213, 214
167, 170 Kragh-Jacobsen, Søren, 118
Island Cop, see Strisser på Samsø Kraszewski, Jon, 33
Italian TV drama, 40 Kring, Tim, 201, 216
Iversen, Andreas, 34, 74 Krøniken/Better Times, 17, 47, 48, 72,
104, 105, 110, 119, 124, 185
Jancovich, Mark, 8 Kupferberg, Feiwel, 207
Järegård, Ernst-Hugo, 57, 59
Jarowskij, 114 Lærkevej/Park Road, 50, 51
Jensen, Anders Thomas, 85, 211 Landsbyen/ ‘The Village’, 58, 90, 110
Jensen, Dunja Gry, 90 Langkjær, Birger, 43
Jensen, Klaus Bruhn, 23 Langt fra Las Vegas/Far from Las
Jensen, Lasse, 186 Vegas, 50
Jessen, Catarina Nedertoft, 138 Larsen, Birger, 172, 177
John, Ole, 88, 90 Larsen, Maja Jul, viii, 91, 92, 93, 99,
John-Steiner, Vera, 15, 35–36, 75, chapter 6 (131–58) on Borgen,
108–109, 117, 155, 156, 188 213, 214
Johnson, Catherine, 16 Larsson, Stieg, 163, 164, 215
Johnson, David W., 34, 156 Lassgård, Rolf, 162
Johnson, Derek, 33 law series, 50
Johnson, Frank P., 34, 156 learning by doing, 99–100
246 Index

Legacy, The, see Arvingerne in general, 7, 15, 16, 19, 21, 29, 30,
Leone, Sergio, 209 31, 196–97
Leth, Jørgen, 83 public service mandate, 15, 17, 31,
Levine, Elana, 8, 22, 208 36, 39, 68, 82, 99, 181
licence fees, 40, 76 Mankell, Henning, 162
Lillehammer University College, 100 Mankiewicz, Herman J., 22
Lilyhammer, 19, 201 Mann, Denise, 10, 103, 106, 129
Limbo, 76 Manos Jr., James, 133, 136, 146, 154
Lincoln, Yvonne S., 12 manuals for screenwriting, see how-to
Lindholm, Tobias, 91, 114, 136, 138, books
139, 140, 141, 148, 152, 154, 213 Maras, Steven, x, 5, 6, 7, 32, 64,
literary adaptions, see adaptations 190, 196
live transmissions, 42 Martin, Troy Kennedy, 86
Livingston, Paisley, 33, 107–108 Matador, 37, 38, 46, 47
Livvagterne/The Protectors, 17, 72, 88, Mayer, Richard E., 25
104, 112, 118, 162, 185, 193, 195 Mayer, Vicki, 9
location shooting, 168, 175, 215 Mazdon, Lucy, 8
longitudinal collaboration, 35, McCabe, Janet, 8, 164
156, 188 McCloud, 161
see also collaboration McIntyre, Philip, 207
Lost, 10, 106 McRobbie, Angela, 140
Lotz, Amanda, x, 8, 9, 19, 22, 29, 33 meaning in action, 23
Lubart, Todd I., 25, 26, 207 Medea, 57
Lucas, George, 82 Media Agreement for 2011–2014,
Ludvigsen, Jacob, 51, The, 41
Lulu & Leon/ Lulu and Leon, 52, 209 media industry studies, 8–10, 23
Lund, Anker Brink, 54 media research, 68, 94, 210
Lundblad, Hanna, ix, 17, 68, 75, 78, mediated nations, 39
89, 94, 104, 112, 119, 120, 124, melodrama, 45, 48, 50, 172
127, 212 mentoring, 100, 155
Lykke/Happy Life, 17, 44, 45, 72, 104, Meyers, Lawrence, 134
124, 127 Midgley, Neil, 163
Mifunes sidste sang/Mifune, 68, 211
Macdonald, Ian, x, xi, 6–7, 15, 30, Mikkelsen, Mads, 67
35, 71 Mikkelsen, Thea, 95, 96
Mackenzie, Alastair, 214 Mille, 76,
MacKenzie, Scott, 83 Millennium Trilogy, The, 163, 215
Mad Men, 1, 10, 92, 159, 186 Miller, Laura, 163
Madelung, Knirke, 94 mini-series, 42, 48–49, 51, 56–58 (on
Madsen, Ole Christian, 73, 210–11 Riget/The Kingdom), 162, 166, 208,
Män som hatar kvinnor/The Girl with the 210, 211
Dragon Tattoo, 211, 215 minimum fees, 210
management, 196–97 Mirren, Simon, 148
see also Screen Idea System and Miso Film, 48, 198, 200
dogmas Mogensen, Morten, 52
mandates Mohr, Birna, 210
commercial mandate, 197 Molloy, Tim, 103
DR’s public service mandate, 39, 41, money, see budgets; financing; pay
79, 192 and Screen Idea System
Index 247

Monggaard, Christian, xi, 77, 211 Nissen, Christian S., 62

Mooney, Ross L., 20 Nordic industry debates, 34, 71, 74
Morley, David, 39 Nordic Noir, 18, 161–64, 174, 180
Morten Korch, 50 Nordic TV Drama Days, x, 14, 210
Morten Korch, 50 Nordisk Film & TV Fond/The Nordic
Mosholt, Jannik Tai, 11, 99, 139 Film & TV Fund, 53, 77, 209,
Movie Brat directors, 82 Nordisk Film, 46, 47, 58, 110
multiple authorship, 33 Nordkraft/Angels in Fast Motion, 211
see also authorship Nordstrøm, Pernille, 59, 60, 66, 114
Munksgaard, Pia Glud, 213 Nordvision, 53, 74, 77, 209
Murder One, 165 Nørgaard, Lise, 47
Murphy, J. J., x, 5 Normalerweize, 208
music, 44, 45, 51, 174, 178–79, 205 notes, note giving and note meetings,
musketeer oath, a screenwriting, 139, 78, 121, 122, 131, 133, 142, 143,
141, 149, 157, 188 151–52, 169, 191, 195
must-see television, 60 nouvelle vague, la, see French New
Mygind, Peter, 165 Wave
Myles, Lynda, 82 NRK, 63, 72, 209
Nynne, 52
Nadermann, Peter, 53–54, 172, NYPD Blue, 58, 65
179–80, 212, 215
nation-building, television drama as, Ødegårdstuen, Jan Strade, 34
39–40 Olsson, Ola, 86
National Film School of Denmark, The Omann, Charlotte, 90
(NFSD), ix, 14, 16–17, 29, 31, on the job training, 75
chapter 4 (81–101), 109, 116, 138, one vision, 5, 11, 16, 17, 18, 32–34,
164, 184, 185, 211, 212 55, 61, 66, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77, 79,
Nattevagten, 59 80, 82, 93, 95–97, chapter 5
Negus, Keith, 21 (102–30), 135, 149–52, 155, 156,
Nelmes, Jill, 5 160, 165, 168–71, 180, 181, 184,
Nelson, Robbie, 8 187, 189, 190–91, 192, 203
Nestingen, Andrew, 163, 215 Oplev, Niels Arden, 73, 74, 211
Netflix, 4, 19, 54, 200, 201 organizational climates, 125
networks, the importance of personal, organizational studies, 21
116, 140 original material, 49, 52, 60, 96, 107,
New Zealand television drama, 39 113, 124, 162, 165, 171, 180, 187,
Newcomb, Horace, x, 8, 22, 23, 106, 197, 203
109, 207 Ørnen/The Eagle, 17, 72, 74, 88, 104,
NFSD, see National Film School of 113, 118, 120, 162, 166, 185, 211,
Denmark 215
Nielsen, Jakob Isak, 40, 166, 168, 175, Osborn, Alex, 207
176, 177, 179, 181, 186, 187 Osselame, Julia, 10, 103, 132, 133,
Nielsen, Jesper W., viii 134, 139, 154, 155, 157, 190
Nielsen, Ulla Pors, 52, 53 outsourcing, 75
Nightwatch, 59
Nijstad, Bernhard A., 34 Pagten/ ‘The Pact’, 116
Nikolaj og Julie/Nikolaj and Julie, 17, 75, Panduro, Leif, 43, 45, 161, 208
104, 112, 113, 114, 115, 165, 168, paramount meeting, 95, 212
170, 175, 185, 212 Park Road, see Lærkevej
248 Index

Parker, Philip, 30 precarity of creative work, 9, 72

Paulus, Paul B., 34 precinct, 175
pay, 71, 72, 108, 124, 149, 210 see also arenas
Peacock, Steven, 163, 209 premise, 30, 68, 70, 92, 96, 112, 124,
peer-to-peer training, 16, 74–75, 188 125, 136, 141, 208, 210
performance anxiety, 171 presentational skills, 97
Perkins, Victor F., 107 see also pitching
Perren, Alisa, x, 9, 11, 33, 103, 106 price per minute, 77
Petersen, Trine Munk, 213 Price, Adam, viii, 11, 17, 18, 19, 72,
Peterson, Richard A., 21 82, 104, 109, 110, 112–16, 117,
Petrie, Duncan, 83 119, 123, 125–26, 127, 129,
Phalen, Patricia, x, 10, 103, 132, 133, chapter 6 (131–58) on Borgen,
134, 139, 154, 155, 157, 190 165, 169, 186, 187, 188, 189, 202,
Pham, Annika, 17, 74, 75, 76, 77, 79, 213, 214
82, 100, 128, 185, 203, 210 Price, Steven, 5
Philipsen, Heidi, x, 83, 88 problem finding, 14, 21, 23–25, 124,
philosophical layer, the, 68 150, 151, 166, 190
see also double storytelling problem solving, 14, 21, 23–25, 207
philosophy of art, 33 see also Creative Problem Solving
Pickering, Mike, 21 (CPS)
Piil, Morten, 48, 209
producer’s choice, 5, 16, 55, 68, 70,
pilots, 4, 52, 105, 131, 210
71–72, 74, 75, 77, 177, 178,
pink pages, 169
179, 191
pitching, 76, 91, 95, 97–99, 131, 136,
producer’s choice model, the, 71
140, 142
producers, the role of, 8, 91, 106, 109,
Pizza King, 210
planning phase, 64
as creative producers, 71
see also conception
as showrunners, 10, 105–109,
platforms, new, 4, 10, 19, 37, 54, 106,
126–29; see also showrunners
television as the producer’s
see also Netflix; HBO Nordic
medium, 8, 109
plotlines, 96, 174, 214
Polan, Dana, 211 within DR, 72
police series, Danish, 46, 52, 67, 135, product simulation vs. product
161, 162 differentiation, 46
see also crime series production analysis/research/studies,
political economy, 9, 22 9, 12, 22–23
political series, 136, 166, 185, 186, 193 production designers, 17, 64, 82, 86,
see also Borgen; House of Cards; The 90, 92, 93–94, 144, 145, 177, 183,
West Wing 196, 212
politique des auteurs, la, see auteur production hotels, 16, 55, 62, 63–65,
theory 78, 94, 145–46, 194, 195, 196
polyauthorial nature of television, production of culture-perspective, 21
the, 8 professionalism, 54
portfolio careers, 140 professionalization, 73
Potter, Dennis, 88 Protectors, The, see Livvagterne
Powdermaker, Hortense, 21 public service broadcasting
Prag/Prague, 211 in general, 39–42
pre-sales, 117 the four main purposes of DR, 76
Index 249

Public Service Contract for remakes

2011–2014, The, 76 of Danish films and series, 2, 52, 58,
public service layer, the, 68 59, 159, 171, 176, 179, 209
see also double storytelling in general, 2, 37, 215
Public Service Scheme, The, 51, 198 reruns, 37
Puccio, Gerard J., 207 research, 125, 141, 146, 147, 166–67
Pye, Michael, 82 responsibility, 67, 69, 74, 112, 114,
125–26, 152, 202, 231
rewriting, 110, 143, 147, 150, 188
quality ratings, 40, 48
Rhodes, Mel, 7, 20
quality television, 8, 16, 31, 60, 66, Riget/The Kingdom, 15, 39, 44, 55–58,
81, 94, 139, 184, 186, 189 59, 60, 203, 209
quality within genre, 16, 55, 60 Riis, Anne-Grethe Bjarup, 208
risk-taking, 35, 123, 125, 126, 156,
Rabkin, William, 92, 102–103, 207 160, 188
race, screenwriting and, 133, 134 Rita, 52, 212
radio drama, 69, 77, 209 roles, professional, 103, 152–55, 185
Rank, Christian, viii, 68, 91, 94, see also episode directors; episode
122, 127 writers, head writer; producers
Rasmussen, Anita Brask, 59 Rollinson, David, 44
Rasmussen, Steen, 77 Romano, Andrew, 138
readers, 71 Rose, Lacey, 214
readings, 10, 18, 120, 121, 132, 143, Rosenlund, Peter, 71, 72
146, 151, 169, 173, 175, 195, 213 Ross, Dick, 211
realism, 43–44, 46, 159, 162 Rossiné, Hans, 63
recipes, for screenwriting and Rosten, Leo, 21
production, 4–5, 12, 16, 75, 79, Rowold, Finn, 53, 209
92, 120, 124, 157, 160, 176, royalties, 210
181, 192 Rukov, Mogens, 85, 87, 211, 212
Redvall, Eva N., 4, 25, 42, 46, 53, 54, Runco, Mark, 24
63, 72, 77, 79, 83, 85, 88, 91, 93, Ryhammar, Lars, 25
95, 99, 100, 107, 110, 125, 128, Rytteriet, 208
131, 132, 133, 124, 136, 137, 138,
143, 146, 148, 154, 160, 163, 172, sabbaticals, paid, 72, 113, 125
175, 180, 190, 192, 201, 210, Sæhl, Marie, 214
215, 216 salaries, see pay
Refn, Anders, 65 Sandeen, Cathy A., 8
Regnvejr og ingen penge/ ‘Rainy weather Sandler, Ellen, 105, 207
and no money’, 45 Sarris, Andrew, 32
Reich, Nadia Kløvedal, ix, 53, 68, 70, satire, 46, 77, 208
71, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 92, 93, 96, Saunders, Jennifer, 201
97, 98, 167, 174, 186–87, 198–99, Sawyer, Keith, 34
202, 211, 213, 215 Scandi-Crime, 18, 161–64, 180
Rejseholdet/Unit One, 16, 17, 66, 67, 70, Scandinavian Think Tank
72, 74, 88, 104, 111, 113, 162, Symposium, 14
166, 185, 193, 210, 211 scene-weaving, 142, 174
relay production, 4, 62, 65–67, 115, Schatz, Thomas, 33, 107, 109
119, 189 scheduling, 161, 163, 164, 167
250 Index

Schepelern, Peter, 33, 43, 44, 48, sitcom, 45, 50, 60, 133
56–58, 84 sites of scripting, 196
Scherfig, Nikolaj, 88, 197, 198, sites of synergy, 16, 63–65, 194–96
212, 216 Sjöwall, Maj, 162
Schickler, David, 104 Smethurst, William, 207
School of Design, The, ix, 82, 90, Smith, Carrie Lee, 163
93, 98 Smith, Neville, 86
Scorsese, Martin, 82 soap operas, 45, 52, 99, 114, 131, 213
Screen Idea, 15, 30, 194, 196 social benefit storytelling, 201, 216
Screen Idea System, The, 5–8, 15, social interdependence, 34
29–32, 56, 103, 116, 126, 157, sociological approaches to
161, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 189, production, 21
192, 196, 202 sociology of art, 21
as a figure, 31 Sommer/Summer, 91, 116, 138, 140,
Screen Idea Work Groups, 6–7, 30, 35, 185, 194
56, 71–72, 195 Sopranos, The, 9
Screenwriter’s Theory, 32 Sveistrup, Søren, ix, 17, 18, 54, 63, 72,
screenwriters, see episode writers and 88, 90, 104, 109, 110, 112–16,
head writers 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 124, 125,
Screenwriting Department, The, ix, 126, 127, 129, 155, chapter 7
16, chapter 4 (81–101), 140, 212 (159–82), 186, 187, 191–92,
Screenwriting Research Network, The, 203, 215
xi, 5 Sørensen, Birgitte Hjort, 123, 213
screenwriting research, 5–8, 195–96 Spaces of Television, 209
script editors, 71, 72, 107 spaghetti westerns, 177
script fees, 210 Spanning, Søren, 214
scripting, 6, 190, 194–96 spec scripts, 85
see also sites of scripting speed of production, 73, 119–20, 124,
scriptwriters, see episode writers and 125, 143, 157
head writers Spielberg, Steven, 70, 82
Sejer, Niels, 177, 178 Spiral, The, 201, 216
self-taught screenwriters Spotnitz, Frank, 107, 131, 134,
Adam Price, 82, 112 148, 154
Anders Thomas Jensen, 85 stafet, see relay production
serialized content, 15, 45–46 Staiger, Janet, 5, 22, 64, 120, 190
Serup, Mikkel, 179 Stake, Robert E., 23
sets, 44, 144, 175 Stanley, Alessandra, 3, 129, 138
Sevigny, Chloë, 52 Station 13, 162
SF Film, 198 Statsradiofonien, 40
shared language for production, 16, Steffensen, Mads D., 53
79, 85, 176, 191–92 Stempel, Tom, 39, 134
show, don’t tell, 87 Sternberg, Robert J., 25, 207
showrunners Store drømme/Big Dreams, 51
research on, 10–11, 102–109 Story of a Crime, The, 162
the role of, 10, 17, 100, chapter 5 storyline room, the, see writers’ rooms
(102–109, 126–30), 131, 132, storylining, 141, 142, 146, 147–48,
135, 153, 157, 189 150, 169, 215
singular authorship, see individual storytelling strategies, 88, 89, 92, 142,
authorship 165, 173, 201
Index 251

Strisser på Samsø/Island Cop, 49, 162 Thompson, Kristin, 5, 22, 103

Strøm, Palle, 51 Thompson, Robert J., 8
studio system, Danish, 84 Thorsboe, Peter, ix, 17, 58–59, 72, 78,
studio system, the US, 5, 64, 84, 108 86–87, 89, 104, 109–12, 118, 120,
studios, building of, 62–63, 194 123, 125, 127, 129, 162, 187, 193,
subtitled content, 1, 4, 53, 159, 195, 212
164, 201 Thorsboe, Stig, ix, 17, 58–61, 65, 68,
sufficient control, 33, 105–109, 72, 78, 86–87, 104, 109–12, 118,
130, 191 119, 124, 127, 187, 193, 212
Summer, see Sommer Thorsen, Lotte, 54, 79, 113
Super 16, 82 Those Who Kill, see Den som dræber
SuperClásico, 211 thought communities, 15, 18, 21,
suspense, 171 35–36, 108–109, 132, 155–58, 188
Sutherland, Pernille Skov, viii, Thunø, Lars, 210
145, 213 time for development, 124–26, 187–87
SVT, 63, 100, 128, 198, 209 track record, the importance of, 18
Swedish television series, 49, see also Screen Idea System
162–63, 187 training, see industry, on the job and
syndication, 180 peer-to-peer training and chapter
synthetic media industry research, 23 4 on NFSD
systems model, the, 7, 15, 26–28, transmedia drama, 201
30, 207 transmedia franchises, 10
systems view of creativity, the, see Treffinger, Donald J., 24, 124, 150,
systems model 167, 170
Trier, Lars von, 44, 55–58, 65, 83, 89
Tafdrup, Christian, 214 Tropper, Jonathan, 104
tagline, 70 True Blood, 104
talent scouting/development, 17, 82, trust, 34, 124–26, 160, 165, 168, 170,
91, 101, 202 181, 184, 186–87, 202
Tardini, Ib, ix, 93 institutional trust, 125, 126,
Taxa/Taxi, 16, 17, 55, 58–61, 65, 66, 130, 197
72, 73, 90, 104, 110, 111, 113, TV 2, 14, 15, 37, 41, 43, 49–53, 58, 98,
114, 119, 125, 164, 185, 210, 211 110, 113, 114, 127, 135, 128, 164,
Taylor, Thom, 84 197, 198, 212
teaching television writing, see TV 3, 41, 51–52, 186, 209
chapter 4 TV Byen/‘The TV Town’, 62–64
team writing, 36, 107, 169, 188, 190 TV term, the, ix, 14, 17 and chapter 4
Teaterafdelingen/‘The Theatre (particularly 90–99), 185, 204
Department’, 41 TV theatre, 15, 42, 209
technological changes, 39, 41, 42, 183 TV-SUM courses, 86, 212, 213 Twin Peaks, 165
telenovelas, 131 twin vision, 109, 126–28, 190
television drama, historical Tybjerg, Casper, 33
approaches and genres in Danish,
42–49 Ugeavisen/ ‘The Weekly Newspaper’, 58
tent-pole events, 60 Underholdningsafdelingen/The
thesis, 30 Entertainment Department, 41
Think Tank on Film and Film Policy, Unforgettable, 211
The, 14 Unge Andersen/Young Andersen, 47
252 Index

Unit One, see Rejseholdet Wille, Jakob Ion, ix, 93, 98, 212
Upstairs, Downstairs, 47 Wire, The, 9, 116, 186
Wivel, Anne, 85
Valgaften/Election Night, 211 work days, the length of, 65, 133,
Variety, 106 143–44, 145, 216
Vesth, Louise, 94, 97 work groups, 6
Viasat Corporation, 41 see also flexible work groups and
Vinterberg, Thomas, 88, 212 Screen Idea Work Groups
Vogelsang, Katrine, 51–53, 99, Writers Guild, The, 22
127, 197 writers, see episode writers and head
Vogler, Christopher, 86 writers
Vørsel, Niels, 56 writers’ rooms, 10, 17–18, 56, 64, 70,
Vygotsky, Lev, 34 106, 113, 117, 127, chapter 6 on
Borgen (131–58), 178, 187, 188,
Waade, Anne Marit, 162, 163 189–90, 194, 195
Wahlöö, Per, 162 research on, 132–35
Wallander, 162, 163 writing by committee, 36, 132
Wallas, Graham, 207 writing during production, 119,
Wasko, Janet, 84 121, 170
Wasson, Haidee, 211 writing teams, see team writing and
Weiner, Matthew, 10 writers’ rooms
Weisberg, Robert W., 25
Wulff, Lisbeth, 214
Weissmann, Elke, 9, 163, 164,
Wyatt, Justin, 70
189, 201
Welles, Orson, 22
West Wing, The, 135, 166 Yaitanes, Greg, 104
western series, 45
Wiedemann, Vinca, viii Z Cars, 86
Wieland, Jacob L., 210 ZDF, 53, 77, 163, 212, 215
Wikke, Michael, 77 Zentropa, 56, 65, 209

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