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Debate preparation template

First speaker guide

Topic Are social networking sites useful or harmful to people?

Speakers’ names Diana Marcela Pinzón Romero
Rosa Daniela Rodríguez Rueda

Speaker’s position (Affirmative/Negative)

Greeting and Introduction
Good morning colleagues, opposition and audience.

e r as
Social networks have had a great impact on innovation and changes in communication

and interpersonal relationships between people today, and with it, the transformation of

eH w
everyday life and the transmission of information.

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That is why the management of social networks that are now part of daily life is very
ou urc
important and with this, we must bear in mind that social networks are of great benefit to
improve communication and the flow of information.
aC s

We are Diana Marcela Pinzón Romero and Rosa Daniela Rodríguez Rueda
v i y re

The topic for today's debate is that …

Social networks are useful or harmful to people
ed d

Outline your team's case:

ar stu

a) Your points: Social Networking (Affirmative)

I will be speaking about...
sh is

• Instant interpersonal communication in social networks

• Information flow in social networks
• Development of digital content on social networks

b) Second speaker's points: Social Networking (Negative)

Our second speaker will be talking about....

● Social networking can danger relationships

• The loss of time of the people behind the screens
● Cyberbullying behind a screen

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Your First Point
State your argument:
My first point is...
● Social networks allow instant and borderless communication where you can
thousands of people in real time and have fluid and unlimited communication

What's the information that supports your argument?

Social networks are an indispensable tool in communication today and communication is

a fundamental need in the life of the human being. That is why, social networks are an
instrument that favours socialization and the creation of new interpersonal relationships
without the limitations of time or space, since through social networks you can connect or
meet new people in any part of the world without the need to go from one place to
another, which favours the development of communication as a biological function of the
human being to such an extent that social networks manage to establish new digital

e r as
cultures that mix with the natural social life of people with what increases the exchange of

ideas and cultures.

eH w
Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:
rs e
ou urc
An example of the importance of communication is the newspaper article in the country
where the importance of communication in the human being is discussed, the positive

and negative effects of the new digital cultures produced by social networks, where it is
aC s

established that the Communication, being a biological function of humans, can have
v i y re

negative effects when social communication is impaired or there is a difficulty in creating

new interpersonal relationships, such as meeting new friends, and that is when social
networks are a tool that helps to solve these problems
ed d
ar stu

source of information

Enrique Echeburúa (2018). Communication in social networks: so close and so far. Editions
sh is

the country. Recovered from:

Your Second Point

State your argument:
My second point is...
● Through social networks, the flow of information becomes faster and more
effective, achieving access to information in a very short time with information
sources that make news and advertising of interest faster to users.

What's the information that supports your argument?

The transmission of information on social networks is very important since it is the fastest
This studyand
sourcemost instantaneous
was downloaded means
by 100000827256663 fromof mass communication toGMT
on 11-10-2021 06:45:35 share information. Through
social networks information is obtained from different sources of information in a single
moment, and with this it is said that information travels very fast through social networks,
however, studies reveal that social networks are a key point to have information and
advertising or marketing, however, the information travels unexpectedly fast depending
on the type of information that is of interest to users and the events of communication
campaigns that are carried out on these social networks to support and share the

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

A study reveals the keys to information dissemination in social networks where

information is instantly shared by people who indirectly create networks of information
flow that travels through social networks according to the interests of users.

source of information

e r as
José Luís Iribarren and Esteban Moro (2009). Impact of human activity patterns on the

dynamics of information diffusion. Magazine: Physical Review Letters 103 (3): Art. No.

eH w
038702 July 17 2009. Recovered from::

rs e
Your Third Point
ou urc
State your argument:
My third point is...

Thanks to social networks, the development of digital content that provides information
aC s

of interest on different topics at a universal level increases, as well as advertising and

v i y re

entrepreneurship that is more visible to potential stakeholders or business services.

What's the information that supports your argument?

ed d
ar stu

The good use of each of digital content helps to achieve the objectives with content
marketing strategies. The development of content for social networks is the most
important piece of a social strategy. The creation of digital content is the source of the
sh is

functioning of social networks that are becoming increasingly important due to their

scope and coverage to connect companies with their customers. On the other hand, in
any environment of daily life, the development of digital content is important to
strengthen the transmission of information and the development of both personal and
business projects.

Give examples, facts, figures, etc.:

The success of the business market in social networks depends on the development of
digital content, since content production generates digital marketing strategies where
advertising brings many benefits for companies or projects that want to be recognized to
reach new customers.

This study source was downloaded by 100000827256663 from on 11-10-2021 06:45:35 GMT -06:00
source of information
Wearecontentadmin (2019). Do you know how to achieve success with content
development? Recovered from:
Closing statement
Partners, opposition and members of the audience, in conclusion, social networks are part
of our daily lives, through which we strengthen long-distance personal or friendship
relationships, maintaining feelings of pleasure and affection for other people who are far
away, They also provide multiple benefits that can be used by any user on the network,
because most people spend a lot of their time being on the internet (whether they are
social networks, web pages, video pages, etc.), which generates a certain dependence on
being on the internet, which generates the creation of new cultures and new strategies or
means of communication

Second speaker guide

e r as
Speaker’s position Negative networking

eH w
Expressing disagreement with first speaker’s arguments

Communication is instantaneous and without borders is positive but in reality we need more
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progress in terms of networks since the signal reaches some places at times and there are still many
ou urc
places due to this connectivity.

Briefly State the Points You Will Make

aC s

Today I will be talking to you about:

v i y re

● Social networking can also ruin relationships as people may get jealous.
ed d

● It can also be a waste of time as people can visit a lot of site behind the screen and as a
ar stu

result not doing anything useful with their lives.

● Cyberbullying can be a problem as people can take advantage of the fact person are alone
sh is

behind a screen.

Your First Point

State your argument:

● My first point is... I disagree on Social networking can also ruin relationships as people
may get jealous.

Because when we have a true and honest relationship, social networks don’t represent any
problem, also, the danger of networks doesn’t depend on them but on the use made of them

Why do you disagree with first speaker’s points?

When there is trust and love, there should be no such feeling, and the best thing is the dialogue to
This studyreach
source was downloaded by
agreements 100000827256663
and from
provide solutions on 11-10-2021
to this type 06:45:35 GMT -06:00
of problem.
What's is the information that supports your argument?

My example,
An example of my position is when there is no type of mistrust in sharing your information with
your partner so that trust is absolute.

Your Second Point

State your argument:
● My second point is... It can also be a waste of time as people can visit a lot of site behind
the screen and as a result not doing anything useful with their lives.

What's the information that supports your argument?

It is true that technology is here to stay and make life easier for us, but when we misuse it, it can
become a health problem, generating anxiety and even the desire to die.

e r as
My examples,

eH w
Many students spend 2 to 5 hours a day visiting social networks, which generates envy in their
visits, and other feelings that generate depression and the desire to die.

rs e
ou urc

Your Third Point

aC s
v i y re

State your argument:

My third point is the cyberbullying can be a problem as people can take advantage of the fact
person are alone behind a screen.
ed d

What's the information that supports your argument?

ar stu

It is the bad use of technology to harass a person or a group of people by attacking or disclosing
confidential or false information.
sh is

My examples,

Send instant messages or chat to hurt a person, post embarrassing photos or videos on social media
and create rumors online.

Closing statement
Colleagues, opposition and members of the audience, in conclusion...
Technology is very useful these days, it saves time and money, but we must know how to use it
because it can also get us into serious problems and harm our lives.

Putting it to good use and alternating it with other activities such as sports is very helpful.
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